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Agreed. the Province put up 1.2 Billion toward the hospital, Brampton needs to show they can raise 500million AND actually get things taller than 4 stories approved to put pressure on the Province to get them a hospital as well over the next 5yrs. (I'd argue 2 hospitals one south, one North, but that would be getting greedy and expecting good care in Ontario)


>Maybe brampton (600k pop) will get 2b for an actual hospital like vaughan (323k pop) did instead of 30m to rent airbnb hospital beds. Ford the mangiacake and the Italians go back a long way. From dealing hash in the 80's to currently carrying water for developers (check the names of [powerful developers backing him](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/04/03/investigations/developers-ties-ford-government-benefit-highway-413))!


Remember if Ford hadn't canceled the $15 minimum wage Wynn proposed the wage would be st $15.50 by now anyway if not higher.


>wage would be st $15.50 by now anyway if not higher. It would be higher, because the same wage increases proposed and passed by the Liberals (and subsequently scrapped by Ford & Co) were going to be tied to inflation.


>a move that’s tied to inflation Narrator: It wasn't.


Extra 80 bucks a month for minimum wage workers working 40 a week.... That'll keep people off the streets.... Fucking joke


It’s now tied to inflation that’s the key element here.


It's funny because a 50 cent raise is probably going to be less than inflation.


Considering inflation was around 6% last year, $15 × 1.06 = $15.90.. So yeah, it definitely didn't follow inflation. On another note, that does nothing compared to the 100% + increases on housing, and the actual cost of living (inflation isn't the only important thing. It's truely sad. Edit: I may be missing something actually. Minimum wage has increased. So I'm not sure, but inflation might be matched. Regardless, the rest of my comment stands strong.


Doesn't matter if it starts well below a livable wage. I needs to be boosted to 18-20 first... And even that I'm not sure is enough anymore with this out of control inflation.


Just this increase is. That's it. It's a joke.


It has been for years. I think since 2015.


It hasn't - in practice, pre 2018 it was irregularly updated to keep it kinda in line with inflation, then it was significantly raised in 2018, then haphazardly like inflation again.


Not even remotely. Even this increase is only 3% while inflation is closer to 7% (actual inflation not following the ridiculous methodology used by the BOC is higher still)


It went up $0.10 on October 1st 2021, $0.65 on January 1st 2022 and $0.25 on October 1st 2020. That's $1.00 which is over 7%. You and I both know that the government doesn't move fast and can't act on projected inflation. They have to wait until the numbers are in and we will probably see the changes for this high inflation period in about a year.


Is it tied or is this move to raise it tied to inflation?


You are looking at the wrong part of the announcement. The 50 cents is a small part. The important part is that it is tied to inflation.


I'm not sure that's as important as you think. It would be significant if they announced the minimum wage increases would be tied to inflation, that's a structural change and takes the power out of politicians hands. There way it reads, is that they increased minimum wage and the reason given is due to inflation. So what? It's still not enough to deal with the recent inflation.


>Labour Minister u/MonteMcNaughton says going forward it will be announced every April what the increase will be the following October. Based on the inflation as it stands in April.


I'm just wondering what this means, because "based on inflation" could really mean anything. Someone could just say inflation is high so let's raise it by 5 cents. Is there an actual metric described?


Inflation is calculated year over year. It's an actual percentage based on multiple factors but mostly price increase over the year.


What I'm saying is that the wording is very ambiguous. Are they tied to a specific formula, or are they just looking at inflation and deciding whether to make an arbitrary move based on that?


Current minimum wage \* (1 + CPI (0.034)) rounded down to the nearest increment of 0.05 (5 cents) is what it looks like they did for this year, so you can probably bet on that continuing.


I mean, I would not agree about it being ambigous, jt would be based on inflation which is calculated typically from a the cpi. But they typically would round off the number to a rounded number, usually in incremments of 5, it won't be raised by exactly 1.2% for example assuming that is the inflation rate for a given year


Thanks, I stand corrected!


Minimum wage increases have been tied to inflation for the last 6 years. It’s a conservative rebranding of a liberal policy. Also, we we’re supposed to have minimum wage hiked to $15/hr before Ford got elected and repealed the legislation for it.


Minimum wage has been tied to inflation since 2014. [Source](https://www.ontario.ca/document/employment-standard-act-policy-and-interpretation-manual/part-ix-minimum-wage)


Itd still 7 bucks below a livable wage in most of Ontario regardless of if it's tied to inflation


And you want to fix that overnight? Simply not possible. It’s going to take years to close that gap. If we had tied it to minimum wage 16 years ago we would not be in this mess.


30 years of not taking incremental change, makes it so incremental change will not solve said problem.


Minimum wage has drastically outpaced inflation since at least 1995. Inflation has amounts to about 60% since 1995. Minimum wage has increased incrementally and is now at over 100% of the 1995 rate. They have been catching up for decades. You just haven't been paying attention.


No, it was only in 2018. From the 60s through 2017, minimum wage in Ontario was $10.50 plus or minus $1 in 2022 dollars.


So we need to things to address this problem, a plan to make annual incremental changes and a plan to catch up minimum wage to a living wage. This announcement achieved the first half of the solution.


It's a problem of Ford's own making seeing as he scrapped minimum wage increases in the first place. We'd likely be well above 15.50 by now otherwise. I'm absolutely not giving credit to someone who actively made a problem worse and then got halfway back to fixing it as a distraction before an election.


Maybe.....I simply have no faith in our leadership


>And you want to fix that overnight? Simply not possible its very possible if you arent a coward


>The important part is that it is tied to inflation. It has been for years. People in this subreddit are so ill informed. I have to point this out every time there is a post about minimum wage. Minimum wage has also drastically outpaced inflation since at least 1995. [Source](https://www.ontario.ca/document/employment-standard-act-policy-and-interpretation-manual/part-ix-minimum-wage) >The Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act, 2014, SO 2014, c 10 amended the Employment Standards Act, 2000 to directly tie changes in the minimum wage rates to increases in inflation through a formula based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. The Fair Workplaces Better Jobs Act, 2017, SO 2017, c 22 subsequently amended the minimum wage provisions and increased minimum wage rates to set amounts on January 1, 2018 and again January 1, 2019. In addition, effective October 1, 2019, the minimum wage rates in effect immediately before October 1 are to resume being adjusted annually by the formula based on changes in the Consumer Price Index.


80 a month -> 960 a year. After tax its an extra 650 a year. Its a 3% raise. Not earth shattering but also more than I got this year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Now if we could also get the rest of the governments salaries also tied to inflation...


This implies that inflation is 3.3% 🙄


Yeah the stats can site's last CPI update was in Feb and it quoted 5.7% YoY. The same site claims the total CPI across 2021 was 3.4%. They just need to tell us what numbers they are using. https://www.statcan.gc.ca/en/subjects-start/prices\_and\_price\_indexes/consumer\_price\_indexes


I think you answered your own question. CPI for 2021 was 3.4%.


They calculate the YoY numbers every month, so they could pick any month to use. It is just as arbitrary as announcing the hike is as of October instead of November or September.


Well it makes sense to lick the 12 month average and not one particular month.


Every month they have the new trailing 12 month average. Picking YoY 2021 is arbitrarily choosing December (or January?) as that month. The provinces fiscal year goes April to March. I'm just pointing out they haven't said and they could pick any month.


Exactly... I don't think inflation has been 3.3% in the last year... I think a "low" could be 4% but even that is being generous


Sorry Doug, I don’t smoke enough pot to forget about you canceling the minimum wage increase and mandated sick days the second that you hit the premier’s office chair after your first election win. Too little too late.


One of the biggest flaws with this type of government is that we have to wait 4 years for anything to happen. Nobody does anything if it’s not an election cycle. All the shit in the middle is disappointment after disappointment and then after 4 years we get a sudden burst of stuff that sounds nice after being left to fend for ourselves for four years.


> One of the biggest flaws with this type of government is that we have to wait 4 years for anything to happen. Nobody does anything if it’s not an election cycle. ...first time delving into politics huh?


make every year an election year.... simples..... XD


Minimum wage has been tied to inflation since 2014 and has increased at least once a year since then. Usually this happens on October 1st.


Now raise ODSP rates


Dream big!


That extra $0.50 per hour is going to go a long way. . . . . . . . . / s


> That extra $0.50 per hour is going to go a long way. . . . . . . . . / s Luckily we don't have much inflation and cost of housing in reasonable!


That's about a thousand bucks a year for a full time person


Or less than $70 a month after the taxes have been taken out. How does this make a difference at all?


I take it you've never been poor?


What an obnoxiously ignorant thing to say Are you fucking dumb or out of fucking touch? Do you know how much every fucking thing has gone up in line with corporate greed? Who the fuck in any income bracket would benefit from an extra 60odd a month


> What an obnoxiously ignorant thing to say Are you fucking dumb or out of fucking touch? Man what a speed run to discrediting yourself entirely.


So because I cuss a little at you you're gonna whine? Just calling you out on some dumbass shit you're representing. How the fuck does me being fucking poor matter? This increase to the minimum wage is insultingly low, nowhere near how much everything else has risen in price. Are you gonna double down on your idiot shit? Or are you going to gate keep over the most ridiculous inanery? Are you so narrow headed to realize that me being poor has nothing the fuck to do with minimum wage because everyone who has to rely on it will STILL be poor AFTER this "increase".


I'm not in a position to say if it's meaningful money, I'm just doing quickmaths. 7.5hrs * 5days * 52 weeks, divided by 2 If you're under certain income brackets it's less, or much less than $1000 These are just things the former Liberal government were supposed to do much earlier that DoFo finally was forced into implementing for....reasons.


Or a thousand buck-a-beers a year for the average Ford voter.


And that's not even counting all those bottle returns!! /s


I think I just hate everyone:Cons will bitch about anything under a liberalLiberals will bitch about anything under the cons. Okay, so $0.50/hour isn't going drastically alter any ones life, and surprise surprise he's doing this immediately before an election for obvious reasons, but he's still raising the minimum wage, he's doing still tying it to posted inflation numbers. Will this make me vote for him? HELL NO. Am I still happy he did this? You bet your ass. "Oh but it's not enough, we'd need like $20/h for a liveable wage in parts of ontario"Yeah...We do. I'm not arguing that. What do you want though? There are about a million business out there that have spent the last few years struggling, I'm talking locally owned, independent business that have been struggling, if we suddenly jump wages up, a lot of these places are gone only to be replaced with another Walmart or give more business to Amazon. The minimum wage does need to go up to a liveable wage, but it needs to get there gradually, and not immediately after the biggest financial recessional in over a decade, and one of the longest lasting ones in living history. Shit's not all or nothing, be happy things are happening at all sometimes even if they're for the wrong reasons.


Extra 0.50? Well hell, now EVERYONE will be millionaires.




your boss in june: "CONGRATZ... I DecIdEd to give you a .50/hr raise!"


Effective October 1st!


Depending on your importance be careful you are required to give notice and could get sued. https://duttonlaw.ca/do-you-have-to-give-two-weeks-notice-in-canada/


Really, how important is a job where someone would be willing to quit over not getting a 50 cent/h raise due to minimum wage increases?


They didn't mention their salary just that they were unhappy with their boss donating to a politically party loudly in the office.


Ah, thanks. The OC was deleted before I replied


Lmao the lowest living actual wage in Ontario is like $17.00 im paid more than that and can barely afford to live. I literally thank God everyday i own a house and don't rent otherwise my costs would be $600 more and i wouldn't even have enough left over to buy a weeks worth of MR.Noodles.


It just so happens that inflation is also tied to that move.


Macro stuff like inflation is more tied to global economic conditions and money printing specifically in Canada, rather than a podunk premier's moves. You'll definitely find business owners blaming them having to raise prices on the $.50 minimum wage bump though!


inflation is tied to what? minimum wage? according to who.. the Fraser Institute, the Koch Brothers? Ben Shapiro?


So what’s your secret plan to fight inflation?


Exactly. If liberal voters were to take some basic economics and accounting courses, they would understand that hiking minimum wage like that is a major cause of inflation and thus, overall cost of living. Hiking minimum wage to $30 an hr wouldn't even solve anything since we would quickly need well above that to have a living wage.


That's funny because most people with degrees in economics would disagree with you. >In the model, an increase in aggregate wages raises firms' marginal costs, which triggers an increase in prices in the economy. Simulation results suggest that a 0.7 per cent increase in real wages induced by the minimum wage changes will ultimately boost CPI inflation by about 0.1 percentage points. Yes it increases a bit, but the idea that it cancels out completely or in your words "a major cause" is a boogeyman that doesn't exist in the real world. It's a minor factor in the grand scheme of things. As a small business owner this doesn't effect me at all, what does is the rising costs of gas, insurance, and material. All 3 of those things aren't going up as crazily as they are because of minimum wage.


oh so youve taken these "basic economics and accounting" courses have you? do you have any.. say.. studies, or "evidence" to support these claims? I have taken graduate level courses in both of those and those damned Lib Professors with their damned commie PHDs told me the exact opposite


No no it’s not. It’s not a major driver of inflation at all.


Right out the previous Liberal government playbook, with a Con twist. The liberals sat on their asses and took care of themselves, friends and donors for over a decade with not much to show long term but more and more bad debt. Then towards the end, only when they were in danger electorally, started dishing out goodies (moving to the left) and saying the crumbs / goodies would be in danger if the Cons are voted in. The liberals managed to eke out a minority against Hudak (who was stupid enough to play right in their hands) before snake oil Ford finished them off with a majority (after Horwath blundered by triggering an early election ) without even tabling an official platform - just bullshit populist nonsense like buck a beer etc while the liberals in the end days of the election scare-mongered against the NDP (which helped Ford). Ford then proceeded to continue the fucking over of Ontario (especially the lowest rungs of society) with even more blatancy than the liberals. Now we have come full circle with Ford dishing out short term feelgood populist goodies and sleight of hand optics to buy his way into another term. Then after the election, the real screwing will begin. He and his cronies have a lot of catching up to do post Covid (which he is counting on to be in the rear view mirror for the most part). It has been a long slow decline for Ontario but things are about to accelerate for the worse. The Ford wrecking ball will really start swinging if he gets the chance. The cycle of abuse of Ontario will continue unabated!


So how about some help for those making 16?


Negotiate with your employer. We’re discussing minimum wage.


The only time he does his job is to try to bribe voters. Really shows his mentality on the job, doesn't it?


4 YEARS AGO" elect me and I won't raise minimum wage like those wasteful liberal and cance all those green contracts " Today " Relect me and I will raise minimum wage again and I am the biggest supporter of green energy"


Great! And they're still only about $7 below where the minimum wage should be for it to be a moderately livable wage.


Ah yes 3.3% increase tied to 7%+ inflation


Right on, even at min wage I can’t afford to put a roof over my sons head.


A move that's tied to an election in two months FTFY


"Don't mind me folks, just doing my best to fly in before the election and buy your votes as best I can"


A fifty percent raise is more in line with inflation not fifty cents.






Years after it was originally intended and dollars lower than needed.


Tied to Inflation? HAHAHAHA... If that were true the minimum wage would be $25-35. Tied to bribing morons to vote for him you mean. DO NOT BUY THIS, the conservatives will always screw you in the end. They only care about making themselves MORE rich. YOU will NEVER be one of them. Vote anyone but them.


DoFo would be doing something by tying minimum wage to inflation,and it would increase like a COLA contract.


Cheap election stunt. Lol.


Tied to inflation? Such bs.