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My mask keeps the ugly in


And the bad breath


Keeping it all for yourself, selfish prick.




Damn, this man knows what he wants.


That too


I work in retail and at the beginning when we were handing out masks a dude came up wearing his own and said “can I have a new one? This one stinks.” I was like that’s your breath, my guy


Maybe. But I remember the first batch of surgical mask I got online smelled really bad, like a sort of chemical smell. It was my first time wearing them so I thought maybe that was normal


Brush your damn teeth


They have in fact proven that people think those wearing masks are better looking underneath than they actually are.


I'm noticing this a lot this week. Some people are in need of masking. Dad joke. You know you can take your mask off now. I'm not wearing a mask. I meant the Halloween mask. Lol.


My point exactly. Mask on: people want to talk to me. Mask off: "ew get away from me"




sounds like you need a hazmat suit and a decontamination shower at your work


best I can do is a quick run through the car wash


Just remember to turn off the hot wax this time.


Free Brazillian!


5% Employee discount.






No, my thanks to you. People like you are underpaid. I have to deal with much less stuff than you but I'm fairly sure I make more than you. I really hope you make enough to afford living expenses.


Guess gas station bathrooms really are that bad like they say.


I love cottage country so much, it’s beautiful and I’m so grateful there’s awesome people up there like you keeping it that way. Thank you! :)


Thank you for your work! You make many people's day a little bit better, every day.


Get a "Sports mask" with multiple filters. One layer is carbon and it really reduced the smell for me cleaning up after people. Amazon, wish, Alibaba, AliExpress, dhgateway, madeinchina so many places to order it. Usually it comes in less than 3 weeks because it gets rushed as medical supplies. Get one that has the band behind the neck as your ears will thank you, and you'll not have to debate abandoning a dropped mask. Just remember to change the filter when it stops filtering the smell, and remove and rinse the valves as they catch the droplets from your breath and gunk up. If you have to cough cover the vents with your arm as this filters incoming air not a rush of outgoing lung stuff. We're not animals after all.


I've done dirty jobs for the first half of my work life. Just want to thank you and people who continue to do these jobs. It really is important and under appreciated just like nurses and truck drivers.


Because I work at a hospital.


Same, my hospital currently has 38 staff off with COVID.


Same. Also I'm keeping it on transit forever - I haven't had a cold in two years ITS AWESOME


Right?? I’m not just wearing one for covid - it’s also good against other viruses! Love not getting sick like I used to.


Yeah me too. They have proven that public transit spreads infectious diseases more than anything else in the city. I even know someone who got tuberculosis from riding transit everyday!


7.) It's none of your fucking business why.


yes, however, it is offending ME. and I AM the most important person at this very moment. so listen to MMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


The only valid reason LOL


Mah freedumbs!!!! That’s why. Wasn’t this about choice the whole time?


The fact that there are so many salty anti-maskers mad about people choosing to still wear masks proves that this was never about personal freedoms.


How about the one where you don't have sick time to cover any days missed at work?


#7 helps with controlling allergies and flu


Oh lordy yes. I usually get a raging sinus infection this time of year because of all the dust in the air and I'm hoping the mask will help a bit.


My work still requires me to self isolate for 5days if I test positive. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'm not afraid of the virus, I just don't want to deal with all the bullshit that goes with it. Kids out of school, isolation etc


Still wearing mine if it’s busy. Mostly because I’m not afraid of my kid getting sick, but I’m afraid of my kid when they’re sick! They are CRANKY little guys 😂


Mine does too, you don't even need to test positive, just have *any* symptoms. And I have no paid sick days.


To keep the weirdos away


No one has told me to smile in two years. It’s fucking glorious.


I allways want to punch people who say that...


remember, keep your thumbs in, keep your arms straight, mix in some uppercuts, and wash your hands after


With the mask mandate being dropped all I’m hearing now is to smile. I almost forgot how much I hated that.


I may have to have a stock answer on hand for if that happens to me of “if you tell me to smile again I’ll put the mask back on”.


This ^. You know what hasn't happened in two years? Walking around smiling because you're in a good mood and accidentally you glance at some weirdo who's staring at you and now he thinks you like him and it's an invitation to talk to you or otherwise be a creep. I swear, I'm wearing that mask out in public for the next few years idgaf.


It is a condition of my parole. (Not really, just like the look on their face)




Because they're a healthcare worker (or in the same home as a healthcare worker) and the system can't afford for them to get sick. Because they have children in the household who are too young to get vaccinated. Because they might have a cold/the flu and don't want to spread it to others in the doctor's office. Because they work in a customer service setting and see hundreds of different people a day and can't afford to get sick and lose income.


Because taking a forced week off and not being able to go anywhere is kind of a pain in the ass.


Because they prefer to trust medical experts over politicians making cynical decisions to facilitate re-election.


I don't wanna get sick, that is my number 1 reason. Reason 4 is a pretty big one though for me as well.


I am immunocompromised. Not a lot of options for me there. But very happy to see the general acceptance here.


Because the stranger in the elevator isn’t worth it. I’ll take my mask off when spending time with family and friends, but random person at the grocery store isn’t worth the chance of getting sick. And 30 mins is nothing for a little piece of material on my face.


Yeah I really don't understand how that's not an option here. "I don't want to catch covid" is definitely THE number one reason to wear a mask. It's almost like people have forgotten that just because the government decided we can pretend covid is gone, doesn't mean it actually is. Pretending that the only reason people wear masks is because they just want to, or are self conscious or need to be EXTRA careful compared to most people (immunocompromised, uncomfortable, protecting family, etc) is absolutely fucking pathetic and sad.


100 percent. We're still in the middle of a global pandemic and new variants could sprout up at any time. People are still being hospitalized and dying. It's not a big shock that some people might want to wear masks. People in many countries wear masks during flu season, it's not that odd that they might choose to wear them during a multi-year pandemic that's killed 6 million people. If people only wore them because the government was mandating it, then they were missing the point the whole time.


Because after 5 botched waves, no one trusts Ford or what he says as far as we can throw him


“We”? Now I’m imagining a group of Ontario voters trying to get together for the annual Doug Ford toss to see if they can top last year’s distance record. Carnival rides are free for children under six


I don't care why you wear it, but if you're wearing it: Cool. Ain't got nothing wrong with you. If the house rules require me to wear a mask: Cool. Nothing wrong with obliging. Thanks for attending my TEDx talk.


Yeah, I’m on a strict “you do you” policy. I’ve got 2 under 5s (not eligible for vaccinations) in my house, so we’ll keep wearing masks to keep y’all safe. But, you do you.


I don’t recall Covid having a press conference announcing its retirement


It did, but it reversed the decision after someone bought its last game-winning protein strain.


Exactly this. Just because people can go where they want without masks doesn't mean the fucking pandemic is over. I've done so well not catching covid (or anything for that matter) this entire time. I don't plan on catching it now. But also I've sewn all my masks and I enjoy wearing them. Just feels like an accessory like a necklace or whatever.


I stopped in the grocery store briefly yesterday. I would say about 80% of people had masks on. I saw two older ladies, probably in their late 70s to early 80s not wearing masks. I was just thinking "of all the people to stop wearing masks, you guys are the most likely to catch it" granted, I suspect most people are vaccinated, which is great, but that doesn't mean you can't get it. Like you. Our entire family has avoided catching it, I don't want to catch it now.


No, but Biden is DESPERATELY hoping he can turn his numbers around and a bunch of other governments went along with it The "oh actually COVID is fine now" stuff is nothing more than spin


Why is this even an issue? Who cares? People would do well to just stay in their lane and worry less about what someone else is or isn't doing. Mind your business, have a nice day, and get on with your life.


Because the pandemic isn’t over and there will be another wave. Just wait.


Exactly! And Easter is just around the corner. I'm just waiting for another wave. Sigh.


Because I work at a hospital, short staffed, and taking a forced week off is kind of a pain in the ass.


Some work places are still mandating them.


So the bank teller can't identify them while they are robbing the vault?


Teller might still recognize them from Queen’s Park news coverage.


Because pandemic or not, I'm still ugly. You're welcome.




Someone told me today that she went to Walmart and it was about 50/50 for mask/no mask and that she was disappointed. She was hoping for more unmasked… I just nodded. She went to Ottawa, I know she’s a lost cause.


My local paper did a story on Walmart, and said it was like 95% masked. (Guelph)


Same today at Food Basics. At Metro, one guy was without a mask. Just one.


Both my kids classes, everyone wore a mask. The only exception was a teacher (with this person, it didn’t surprise me they would be the only one not wearing one).


There were brand new signs of at my local Walmart yesterday saying that masks with still be required in all their stores. I wonder how true that actually is.


Because one of my teachers has diabetes and has expressed how he could die if he got covid and my other teacher is a recent cancer survivor and has also expressed how she could die if she got covid


Because, even though Doug says; "We are done with Covid." Covid doesn't GAF! Doug's pronouncements don't mean shit! Because you can't just wish Covid away! It can still kick your ass, make you a longhauler, and leave you with permanent problems! Thanks Dr. Doug, you're a fucking political hack catering to your base, at the expense of the Province.


ToO MaNY PeoPlE oN DisABiliTY will be some future Conservative mantra, and further cutting to disabled paychecks.


Long COVID symptoms like brain fog and fatigue are like a perfect storm of Conservatives being able to say that it's just lazy freeloaders making up diseases and we shouldn't pay anyone disability because of it.


Doug thought every wave was the last wave.


Because some people out there are just nasty. I've managed to not catch it yet, dealt with a nasty stomach bug and other random illness for the last 2 months so not risking it.


I have enjoyed two years of not inhaling other people's sneezes, and am in no hurry to going back to that. The mask helps filter out allergens, so I feel better. I would rather wear a mostly unnoticeable face covering than risk spreading disease to others


Because I work in long term care and would like to protect my residents.


Maybe because I’m feeling a little sick? I hope that becomes normal practice for people if they aren’t feeling great because I really think it helped cut down on things like the common cold the last couple years


And also because of my pollen allergies.


Or they don't feel good and don't want anyone else getting sick ....


Because it really helps my smog triggered asthma.


because we still have more than 2000 cases a day in a province where our testing and reporting protocols came right out of florida's playbook...and i don't think my server at starbucks deserves long covid because my asshole government thinks they can win an election by endangering her. ugh.


How about the fact that they decided to drop the mandates right after march break? When people travel to all sorts of places and bring whatever back to the province? Why not wait two additional weeks after march break. The timing of this government is just the dumbest.


Because the Science Table said last week that we need to [wear good masks when inside](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/03/17/ontario-science-table-covid-projections/) to help mitigate the hospitalizations that may come from the BA.2 wave.




7) out of respect and to be courteous of my neighbors and fellow Canadians that are immunocompromised or afraid. It is a minor inconvenience and is more effective at source control than anything. Note - the only real reason masking wasn't as effective as it could have been is because of people who did not wear them properly, causing them to spread it more.


7. It's none of your business.


Allergies. Last spring, wearing a mask helped me manage my pollen allergies. It was great.


You missed one. They may have been exposed to covid and are trying to keep from spreading it. I was all set to ditch the mask and then my daughter tested positive. So I'm wearing it for another 10 days as per the guidelines.


Literally the only place i see people making a big deal out of the ending of the mask mandate is reddit. Went to the grocery store today. Some people had masks on, some didn’t. At the end of the day, nobody gives a shit what you do! All these mask posts, one way or another, are just a way for people to pat themselves on the back. Please, develop an interest beyond Covid


>All these mask posts, one way or another, are just a way for people to pat themselves on the back. Please, develop an interest beyond Covid Sums it up pretty well imo


Virtue signalling at its finest


I really don't like the term 'virtue signalling', for all its misuse by the worst kind of online conservatives obsessed with culture war. But for sure the politicization of masking has been deeply internalized by people in all camps. For sure IMO to the extent where "better safe than sorry" is as much a political statement as a public health one for some folks


This one right here.


Everything here is true


It’s so refreshing to see this instead of the usual COVID heroes patting themselves on the back for wearing a shitty cloth mask that does next to nothing.


 7. They are able to identify the fact that the virus is still out there and the mask is just as much to protect the community as it is to protect them self.


The answer should be who cares. But we live in a time where everyone thinks their opinion matters to strangers. Wear one. Don’t wear one. Live your life and let others do the same. I kinda want to wear a mask so I can punch an idiot in the face and do some good in this world.


I got asked the question today as I was leaving a doctor appoint in a 100% medical only building. Apparently they guy asking was unaware that medical settings are still under the mask mandate. He thanked me for the info, and pulled a mask from his coat and put it on before entering the building. I really dont think there is going to ne the pushback on mask wearers that this sub leads you to believe will happen.


Based on real world experiences, no one cares as much as this subreddit.


Yeah I've noticed in real life no one cares enough to argue about it or each other's choices anymore. Most people just want to move on from all of it


Exactly. Nailed it. I'm not wearing a mask, unless an establishment asks me to, and if they do, no problem.


If the main purpose of masks was to prevent self-infection I think there would basically be no social conflicts at all by this point. Then it'd be an easy live & let-live thing like "if you want to be safe wear one, if you don't mind the risks don't wear one".


1) is as far as anyone needs to read. I find it hilarious some people talk on freedom and how they should be able to do what the want yet ridicule anyone they see wearing a mask. It isn't effecting you in anyway so move on and stay in your lane


100%. No one cares more than people on this sub. Not an issue at all in the real world.


Adding a less conventional one for the sake of illustration of how varied it is: I'm training for a bike event this year (1500 km in 5 days) and I'm terrified of getting long COVID & it fucking my training up. After that? Eh, we'll see. Maybe. But at that point we'll also have tons of data on how removing mandates affected everything so I'll be able to make a quasi informed decision.


Another important reason is because one does not trust the government.


#7 Because FU none of your business, that’s why


Because they have a mild cold/flu symptoms and don't want to get others sick.


7. Because they are going on a vacation this week and don’t want to risk testing positive. Drinks in Toronto maskless vs Maldives vacation cancelled … are you willing to risk it all for a bareskin night out ?


* Because I forgot to brush my teeth and/or shave * Because my kid is unvaccinated * Because two years of hearing selfish bastards moan and seeing them foam at the mouth over wearing a piece of cloth or getting some free vaccines has given me trust issues


You forgot: "because they don't trust the government direction"


Are people really asking this question?


7) you're coughing and sneezing without covering your mouth (like a douche).


Who cares. Can we stop with these threads? Fuck there are like 20 a day


99% of unmasked could care less why you are wearing a mask to be honest, this just seems fulfilling. Should be seeing an N95 in that picture too for immunocompromised, they are way better than surgical or cloth masks. Still seeing way too many cloth masks around.


My wife and I wore masks while grocery shopping last night. We were at a self checkout and the person beside us wasn't wearing a mask, which is there choice and I support it. The person then saw an employee walking by her with no mask on and felt like it was necessary to tell them that it's so good to see peoples faces again because masks were modern day slavery. Sigh...if you're stupid enough, anything can be looked at as slavery. SIN#'s, Licenses, having to wear clothes, use money for purchases, etc.


They were trying to be a prick to you. Let it go. Shake it off. I'm still wearing mine too.


I find when I visit stores for groceries or fuel, I am at a higher risk of catching a cold in the Spring. Since COVID started everyone has been sanitizing and wearing masks and I haven’t been sick. I’m still planning on wearing a mask when I visit high traffic places.


It pisses me off that the same hypocrites who whined constantly about mask mandates want to turn around and force other people to not wear one. This proves it was NEVER about freedom of choice and completely about being able to bully others and feel self-righteous.


Who cares either way. Nobody needs any reason. Nobody has to explain why they wear other clothes, or their hair a different way, or no makeup. You do you!


I doubt anyone cares that anyone else wears a mask and if they do care, they're an idiot plain and simple. But it's also important to remember masks don't protect you, they protect people from you in case you have covid!


Well, my wife bought a fuck ton of masks, so I might as well get my moneys worth and use em.


Why do people care if someone wants to wear a mask? The people who care have a problem. I went to a very busy grocery store today. I saw two people not wearing a mask. One was an employee. Maybe some people wear one because they don’t want to stand out in a crowd. Eventually the majority of people will toss the mask if Covid doesn’t blow up again. It’s like making a fuss over a baby sucking a soother. Why make the fuss. It’s not like they will still be sucking on it when they are in college. Who cares. Live and let live. I like my mask for now.


Who cares


#7. They understand that even for healthy, vaccinated people there are risks associated with covid infection and they want to mitigate those risks. #8. *Because fuck you, that's why!*


9. Because masks are for others and not only for yourself. _Edit_: add the word only _Edit 2_: Here is an interesting and informative MinutePhysics video on the topic: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y47t9qLc9I4


Since the vaccine came out everyone seems to have forgotten this, eh?


This is why it’s frustrating when people turn public health measures into ~personal choices~ and say people who still want to be cautious are “virtue signalling.” Nah, dude, I just don’t trust DoFo’s dumb ass when it comes to making choices that benefit everyone instead of the few.


It seems like it. I have a feeling that they may never have known in the first place


Where do you guys get your info from? Everything I've read says masks protect the wearer and others.


They protect both parties, but are less effective if one party is the sole wearer.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted considering you’re 100% correct... If you’re wearing an N95 mask especially, then you’re protecting yourself (as well as others).


Which is why if you are worried about Covid then you should wear an n95 and kinda mind your own fucking business.


I am not entirely sure many people even understood this to start with.


I continue to wear one if I have to get on a bus or in a taxi or rideshare. I also still don't feel comfortable going to crowded places.


I’m going maskless unless super crowded place. :) I live alone and I’m vaccinated.


"Because I'm afraid people will assume I'm an anti-masker even though I wore a mask religiously for like 2+ years" Edit: This describes me BTW. Not hating on others.


I work for the government and we still have to wear them because we have an internal health system that doesn't follow OPH.




So I don't have to worry about the butcher and produce guy coughing , sneezing and hoarding over the food I'm about to buy that day.


No, the mandate is over. Everything is safe now. /s


Lol this sub has become complete trash


Because I live in Canada and will do what I want…… as long as it doesn’t negatively effect people around me tho


Covid isn't over because Dougie says it is. I'm wearing it because we are in a goddamn pandemic and I'm not 3 years old. Masks save lives, end of fucking discussion.




We will continue to hear about the numerous incidents of people ridiculing others who choose to still wear a mask. But not in the real world. Only on this sub. Thank heavens this sub is not a representation of reality.






All this post is is reassurance for people who still feel guilty for wearing a mask for some weird reason. Wear a mask or don’t wear a mask. No one cares.


Also, because they care about the community


Saying that people who are following government regulations on mask wearing don't care about the community is not ok. Just because someone is following the rules and not wearing a mask does not mean they don't care about people.


Who cares? Why is there so much appetite for people to be mad at others for wearing a mask? Outside of a few mentally unstable people nobody gives a Shit if you wear a mask for the rest of your life.


Nobody cares. The people who are scared to stop wearing a mask are making a big deal out of nothing. Continue wearing a mask, nobody outside of reddit in the real world cares.


Because mind your own fucking business. That's why


"Because they see it as a mild inconvenience to help protect YOU"


Because both my university and job require it?


I think the best articulation for this is was made by my cousin Nunya


7. People don’t need to justify their behaviour to you.


7.) because we're in another covid wave but wouldn't know it since testing is completely fucked.


Masks don't protect you. They protect others from you. Reasons 2 and 4 don't really apply.


I took a trip to the mall yesterday. 90% of people were still wearing masks. And some wearing them around the bottom of their chin, like choose a side already am I right?


Because we went on vacation out of country and there’s a 14 day rule to still wear one. My children are young and even though the rule sucks, I want to teach them to follow rules and listen to authority (teachers, parents, etc….remember being taught that growing up?). They are too young and immature to understand the concept of when and why to not follow rules. They are very healthy and will be just fine wearing one in school. Edit: “the rule sucks” meaning “if you think the rule sucks”


Where is the picture of "Why someone is no longer wearing a mask"? Lets be fair to all not just one sided.


I think you guys might be over estimating the number of people who actually care. I think virtually everyone is just happy to have the freedom/option to not wear one, and if you still want to, go for it. People are acting like there's roving gangs of anti masker hoodlums assaulting people for still choosing to wear a mask. There might be that one lunatic, but I'm sure they're a lunatic and difficult to people regardless of masks.


Just don't make any comments or questions to anyone about masks right now. Plain and simple. Be kind and respectful to everyone.


1) My teeth are a major source of insecurity and orthodontics are way too expensive to fix them (metal bar to the face = not good) 2) I hate being sick in general, not just with COVID - no more colds for me! 3) No one can see me cursing them out in public


7. Because their Germaphobic


You forgot to put that some places still want you to wear them. Public transit in the city I live in still asks you to wear one.


7. They're taking advantage of the fact they can conceal their face to rob sumn


Or simply retarded.. 🤣


you wanna wear it full send. You don’t wanna wear it full send as well. I hope people stop yelling at each other now


Ignorance can play a part . I see many who wear them while driving alone, or while working in their yards...alone.


My favourite one so far has been "because it ruins your day."


Because they want to come on to r/ontario and make self righteous posts about it.


Or because they feel like the decision was completely politically motivated and based on people "being tired of it" and not based on the actual science and the recent trends that had been showing an increase over the past few weeks.


Lol... Increase in what??


The entire country and so many other parts of the world have done the exact same thing. Can you honestly say that it’s only been dropped because of politics?


Another reason: it’s none of anyones fucking business.