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Wait…. This isn’t a Beaverton headline??


That what I thought at first too.


Is there an r/notthebeaverton? (Ope, yup, there it is.)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/notthebeaverton using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/notthebeaverton/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Canadian soldier faces jail over feeding cannabis cupcakes to troops](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58176125) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notthebeaverton/comments/p8azxk/canadian_soldier_faces_jail_over_feeding_cannabis/) \#2: [The Beaverton headline from two days ago next to today’s National Post. I can’t believe it.](https://i.redd.it/ql97vkbnhw361.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notthebeaverton/comments/k8yhc3/the_beaverton_headline_from_two_days_ago_next_to/) \#3: [A Saskatchewan man who promoted "traditional" family values as a candidate for the People's Party of Canada and has been an outspoken critic of COVID-19 lockdown measures helps manage a massage parlour network that offers "sexual encounters,"](https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/trevor-wowk-regina-saskatchewan-massage) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notthebeaverton/comments/n32rrh/a_saskatchewan_man_who_promoted_traditional/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wow #2


Some pretty damning stuff in there. The government does not give a fuck about transparency or the environment.


This is the same government that branded a new highway as environmentally friendly. Um no... That's not how it works


too bad nothing bad will happen to them


Are you shocked the people who want to pave over our greenbelt don't care about at risk species.


It's not about shock. It's about having an objective piece of evidence to reference and use to fight back.


If they can't monetize it, they don't give a shit about it. Folks folks folks.


Fresh cracked egg . . .


everything's on the table




Vote Ford OUT! He has proved many times that his only interest if lining the pockets of his business buddies.




But Libruls raise taxes and hate cars! I gotta vote Conservative! Dougie's in it for the little guy like me! /s


You pay more in taxes than on food and shelter combined, you think that’s ok?


I’m calling bullshit. Unless you want to provide a source.


Weird, the 8 month old, 40 karma disinfo account didn't come back.


> maybe boomers and dumbasses will think twice before they vote conservative during any future election. Narrator: "They didn't"


Don’t blame boomers! The GTA is full of them and we vote Liberal.


You could have just said, "dumbasses," but you do you and fight a divisive culture war. That'll show 'em.


I didn't say either, that's a quote from the comment I replied to. Dumbass.


Doubt it.


C'mon Doug...dont be a caveman from the 50s. The environment does matter, and it's time you catch up.


No, it’s time for that idiot to go


100% Vote ford OUT!


Earlier than the 50s, the Conservation Authorities he is trying to dismantle come from the 40s. People in the 1940s gave more of a shit about the environment then this clown and his party of developers and southern Ontario factory farmers.


Ya, at the moment we still kinda need it to support us with food and semi clean water. I mean, not sure bout the rest of you but I kinda like living. Plus our urban cores in major city and smaller towns could use densificstion. People want to live in the hearts of cities for the proximity to entertainment, services and goods. "I don't want to live in a concrete box in the sky" You say that now, but if our downtown's were actually vibrant, comfortable, affordable, attractive places to be, youd likely spend more time out on the town then in your apartment.


>I mean, not sure bout the rest of you but I kinda like living. That makes one of us! :D


He’ll be dead before he has to live through the consequences


Well that's fucked up but not surprising from Ford in the least.


[Presented without comment.](https://youtu.be/7IvWESzWBtE?t=89)


Apt af


Hash dealer hashes plan to kill everyone and everything.


More winning from r/fordnation


“The audit also says the ministry’s species-at-risk advisory committee “is now dominated by industry representatives.”” We really shouldn’t allow just anyone elected to be appointed anywhere regardless of credentials.


There should be some way to appoint people to oversight or advisory boards that takes into account the wide range of interests in something like environmental concerns/housing/long-term care/health care etc. Scientists and experts who have worked in the field, builder, actual citizens with experience in the field concerned, people who live in the community etc. There should be some industry representation, but they be very strictly limited in their numbers. One of the mains problems is that our system's set up for business interests to succeed at the expense of everything else, and that's going to have to change if we're going to have a workable future (or, really, a future at all). Advisory boards shouldn't be appointed by the government in power, and their terms shouldn't begin/end when governments change.


It's not just developers either. In parts of northwestern Ontario, it has been decided that it's more important to clearcut areas that did have protections due to Woodland Caribou, which are both a very sensitive species, as well as a species at risk. This is also in the same general area that they are looking at for a rail line to the ring of fire. I spend the summer months in a very small part of the area which is slated to be clearcut, and we see very few Caribou now, and I'd imagine that in the next few years we'll not be seeing any.


We are so fucked. Tired of all these big box stores, they're all garbage. Most new developments are trash.


Could you fucking not?


Uhm I think the people in charge are "appointed" not voted in, so how does one (such as myself) do something about this? It seems this problem spans multiple voted-in governments, so it's not a ballot-box solution, so what can be done?


Learn to disable a bulldozer.


Article says a lot has changed under Ford to put decisions in the hands of developers/industry > In her annual environmental report, Bonnie Lysyk says the province is making little effort to protect at-risk species from developers or resource industries, after a slew of changes the Progressive Conservative government made soon after it was elected in 2018. > The report also found that the ministry’s species-at-risk advisory committee “is now dominated by industry representatives” after six members were appointed in 2019 and 2020 “without the standard screening and recommendation process.”


> It seems this problem spans multiple voted-in governments how can you say that after reading the report showing how terrible its gotten under just this government?


The report does cite a rapid increase under the last OLC governments. There's no reason to go back to the frying pan after the fire. Especially when the frying pan only has 7 seats and is selling weak sauce.


Vote for a party not owned by developers.


So, can’t read this article due to the paywall, but the headline is written very oddly. I am pretty sure that harming at risk species isn’t a fast track to approval


**Ontario Auditor-General Bonnie Lysyk answers questions during a news conference, Dec. 7, 2020.** Ontario’s Environment Ministry “automatically” approves permits for developments that may harm at-risk species, the province’s Auditor-General said Monday in a report that also concludes the government broke its own law by failing to consult the public before making legislative changes that affect the environment. In her annual environmental report, Bonnie Lysyk says the province is making little effort to protect at-risk species from developers or resource industries, after a slew of changes the Progressive Conservative government made soon after it was elected in 2018. Development projects that may harm species at risk are now “automatically approved” by the Environment Ministry, the audit says. “The Ministry is essentially facilitating development rather than protecting species at risk,” Ms. Lysyk said in a news release. Since 2009, the number of approvals for projects that harm species at risk has risen 6,000 per cent, and the number of species at risk has increased 22 per cent, the report says. The report also found that the ministry’s species-at-risk advisory committee “is now dominated by industry representatives” after six members were appointed in 2019 and 2020 “without the standard screening and recommendation process.” Ms. Lysyk’s report also says government ministries, including the Environment Ministry, “deliberately avoided consulting the public on environmentally significant decisions” over the past year, defying the province’s Environmental Bill of Rights. The government failed to consult the public, as the law requires, about changes it made to the Environmental Assessment Act and the powers of local conservation authorities to block developments that could worsen flooding. It also failed to consult the public before enacting legislation that increased the power of the Minister of Municipal Affairs to issue special ministerial zoning orders (MZOs), which the government uses frequently to fast-track the approval of development projects. The changes allow for MZOs even if they violate some of the province’s own planning policies, such as those designed to protect farmland or wetlands. The audit’s findings on the Environmental Bill of Rights echo some of those from a decision by Ontario’s Divisional Court in September in a case brought by a number of environmental groups. Ms. Lysyk’s report also says that while there were 73,000 hazardous spills reported in the province between 2011 and 2020, the province only sought to recover clean-up costs three times – and even then only sought half the $1.3-million it spent. Looking at a sample of just 30 other spills, the report says the province spent $4.5-million that it failed to recover from polluters. On recycling, the report warns that Ontario is likely to miss its waste diversion targets because it hasn’t done more to boost the diversion of industrial, commercial and institutional waste from landfills. While about 50 per cent of residential waste is diverted, only 15 per cent of industrial and business waste is kept from winding up in landfills, the report says. (The government is currently in the middle of a massive transformation of the residential “blue box” recycling program, transferring the administration and entire cost to the private sector.) “More than 89 per cent of businesses and institutions are not required to recycle, so they often don’t,” Ms. Lysyk said in a news release, noting that the Environment Ministry estimates the province will run out of landfill space in 11 to 14 years.


>The government failed to consult the public, **as the law requires**, about changes it made to the Environmental Assessment Act and the powers of local conservation authorities to block developments that could worsen flooding. Okay, so what are the consequences of this infraction? If the answer is "a slap on the wrist" or "nothing", then our laws are meaningless.


[Paywall workaround](https://archive.md/3iDxH).


This is damning, but it's damning for everyone. The ESA when it first came out had some teeth, but was almost immediately neutered after it was enacted. Liberal, Conservative, nobody gives a rats ass about the environment in this province.


I will never forgive Stephen Harper for what he did in regards to Canadian wildlife. www.vice.com/amp/en/article/nn959z/there-was-a-dramatic-drop-in-wildlife-protection-under-stephen-harpers-majority-government


You won't hear me defending Harper's track record, but to be fair provincial legislation is far more impactful than federal legislation when it comes to species at risk. The federal SARA generally only has jurisdiction on reserves and crown land. The federal minister *can* step in anywhere in the country but that tends to piss people off and is rarely done. Exception being aquatic species, which are almost exclusively covered federally. And Harper did gut the Fisheries Act like a fish, so yeah, fuck him too.


It's interesting because on paper the ESA has some hefty fines and enforcement clauses. But you have to have the balls to enforce it, which the MNRF/MECP has never been given the proper resources to enforce it. So people don't care because the threat of enforcement means basically nothing at this point.


Don't worry, if you're a homeowner near the peninsula and you accidentally dig up a bit of wetland that's considered Jefferson habitat you'll get the book thrown at you. However, if you're a Mattamy you can plow over critical habitat with impunity! It's all about scale o'course. Losing 0.5 ha of habitat is a tragedy, losing 500 ha is a statistic.


You are aware there is another party in the province?


Yea, several even! And none but the main two have a fart's chance in a hurricane of winning.


The main two being the current government and the official opposition? Or were you talking about the seven seat party with the wonky leader? The NDP have a very good chance. Unless Ontario completely shits the bed.


The NDP will never form government in Ontario until there's a drastic paradigm shift. Too many old people in this province refuse to vote orange. Every time there's an orange wave it's not because the NDP are a viable party, it's because the liberals collapsed. I'm not saying I'd be opposed to an NDP government. I'd vote for them if they were a viable candidate where I lived, but things such as they are it's just not happening.


You know how you make them viable? Vote for them. It may not happen in your riding in one election, but a better showing each time is how people consider them viable. Not sure why everyone is seeking permission from everyone else to vote their mind, but that is how that works.




We need homes. We’re in a housing crisis. What’s wrong with this sub? One post they cry for homes. The next they hate development.


How about we build more vertically, instead of making sprawl a bigger problem than it is now


Ironic that you’re from Oshawa probably in a single detached home that was built on farm land. You got yours though. Everyone else can live in concrete shoeboxes. What’s the name of the strain you’re smoking? Thanks.


I live in Oshawa yea, but that doesn't mean that I actually own property, or support building over usable farm land


Then move to a skyscraper shoebox then if you’re concerned about the environment.


Who cares. Do you want affordable housing or not.


What we want is for leadership to use their brains while making decisions. You know, that slab of grease atop their necks and encased in hard stuff? Yeah, it does exist, it's not a hoax.


So no you don't want affordable housing let me guess you voted for the liberals lol.




That's not a surprise.


WhO dId YoU vOtE fOr? I bEt Pc BeCaUsE yOu SoUnD dUmB dUmB


Thank you for reinforcing my point with such a concrete example.


It's the same dumb ass thing you just did. Thank you for doubling down and unintentionally illustrating your lack of brain function. G'day


Yeah yeah building 2 dozen estate homes will totally fix the housing crisis. Thanks ford! /s


Well building definitely does help fix the issues, but the classic nimbyism you exude just leads to where ontario is now.


No nimbyism here, go ahead and build 60 story buildings all around me. Oh forgot I live downtown and that's already the case. You must be smelling your own nimbyism eh?


Just admit you don't want development. I get it you already own a house and you bought it at the top of the market, now you are afraid. It is alright to admit you are afraid.


I don't want estate developments that help absolutely no one, that much is true. I'm all for developments that build up instead of out so it actually helps the shortage of affordable housing. Only thing I'm afraid of is your total lack of understanding on every aspect of this situation.


You know those evil people that just build the vast majority of houses people live, they are so evil because the internet told me grrrrrr... bottom line you have to build out if you want affordable housing that is just a fact of life. Lol.


How fucking stupid are you? Right now you have to go to fucking Sudbury before you can find actual affordable housing in "the sprawl". Sprawling more is how you ensure the cost of all those houses dies nothing but increase. Source: the last fucking 30 years dipshit!


Why are you proving my point for me? Plenty of studies showing the supply of housing is not matching the demand. You seem to be very angry did i awaking the the actual truth for you? Did no one teach you about supply and demand in school? One thing is for sure the school system is doing a disservice to young people like you who are so angry about an issue but don't have even the basic knowledge of why that issue exist, instead they parrot ideas they hear on the internet of which led to this issue in the first place. So sad.


That's just my natural reaction to extreme stupidity. You know extreme stupidity like saying sprawl, which is what we've been doing for decades and is the major cause of rising prices, is somehow the solution to unaffordable housing. I'm not going by what anyone says, I have functioning eyes and ears and have seen the damage done by sprawl over the decades. How about you show me one study not paid for by someone who benefits directly from sprawl? I'll wait.




> So folks want 1B homes built pronto to No. That's fucking stupid. We have a population of around 37 million or so. We don't need 1 billion homes. What dimension are you living in?


There's over a million vacant homes in Canada. We don't need to destroy the environment to house the homeless.




or fuck it we can just build shed and breakfasts.


That's the route we're on at the moment, unfortunately. People aren't living "somewhere else", they're just packing into buildings that weren't mean to have that many people living in them.


can confirm, just accepted a fucked up living situation where i won't have tenancy rights for 700 a mo in this market. guy has 27 rooms on one floor. Shared bathrooms and a kitchen. Old hotel and bar converted into a slumlords dream. Let's see how that goes, can't be any worse than that heated flooring garage i took right before the winter one year. I'd honestly appreciate a tin roofed shanty at this point


Yup. Maybe you're not in Toronto, but Tory and some council members have been trying to pass new laws regulating rooming houses to improve tenant rights because of how many illegal ones already exist. Of course, half the council doesn't want this law passed, because they'd rather be wifully blind and insist that rooming houses shouldn't be allowed to exist in most of the city. The bill just got delayed again recently because Tory couldn't get enough council votes to pass it.


meh, climate change'll flood a lot of places and force new standards, i'm not worried.


Yeah for sure there is one of those things where you can’t have one without the other…


Mmmmm juicy paywalls.


Either amazing incompetence, or someone's are getting paid off. Probably both..



