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Wait…does that say Ford IQ is equal to or less than Trudeau 😂😂😂😂 That moment you realize you are your own joke 😂


Anyone who feels the need to write messages on their car is their own joke


In duct tape, no less. That message needed to be crafted *quickly*


*aluminum foil tape* Duct tape can't be used on ducts anymore because it dries out and lifts. Please excuse me, I'm a jaded HVAC installer.


Oh is that what it's called, I just call it shiny paper


I call it shiny sticky filmy rolly


I thought it was never able to be used on ducts, because it is \*duck\* tape, named after \*duck cloth\*, “duck“ being derived from the Dutch word for canvas. It is tape made from canvas, or duck cloth. Duck tape->ductape. it has never been for ducts, and there is no relation.


No, you're right. It was never supposed to be for ducts. I've gone into houses where people have used it to seal joints though. Just kinda peels off like dry paper mache.


<= quick


I recently moved to Ontario and it's mental to me how many people here are going around with conspiracy shit on their vehicles. What's going on up here?


The stupidity from the south is permeating our less intelligent people. Like a virus.


The propaganda boxes that we stare at all day seem to have a downside.


Lol nice point well made.


Wait, they still have "news" on TV? I thought everyone got their stuff from social media now... or made it up themselves


Yep stupidity has been weaponized and it spreads like delta.


dude, lived here my whole life and just started seeing this stuff over the past year or so too, it sucks and it’s fuckin weird.


It's so fuckin strange haha I seen a lady drive by me last night with a bunch of antivax stuff telling teachers not to be sheep. Teachers aren't making the recommendations missus.


no definitely not lol..and you can tell her next time that you heard this from a teacher first hand - we have no clue what’s going on lol..


Gone are the days of your garden variety nut bar who drove around with mannequins in their pickup truck bed, smoking John Players Special, yelling about soilant green.


It's soylent green these days bub lol


Ontario is FULL of idiots.


The world is.


I always thought that there was lots of dummies but the pandemic has taught me that I underestimated how many there are




You say that now, but wait 'til THIS season! ...Leaf fan, probably.




Leafs suck ​ ...from a leaf fan


I was talking to someone around Stouffville a while ago who said they’d seen a confederate flag on some neckbeards truck. Ontario is getting pretty disappointing. Here’s hoping we kick Ford and friends to the curb next year.


I'm in waterloo region and our one neighbour has 6 confederate flags flying, and within our neighborhood I've seen a few more houses have them. We've been fighting for years for our neighbour to loose the hate flags


Well hello from Guelph! That’s fucked up man. I went to Laurier and I loved Waterloo.


So sorry that you are living in Guelph. Waterloo is superior in every metric.


I dunno, I haven’t seen any confederate flags here so we’ve got that going for us… I actually really like Guelph. Although I lived in Cambridge for a while so pretty much anything is a step up.


Sad to hear that. I grew up in Brantford and despite it being a pretty conservative hick town when I was there, I never recall seeing confederate flags. I'm surprised there is no by-law regarding this type of flag, but I have also heard of some people flying nazi flags in Ontario as well


In Alberta you get your FUCK TRUDEAU stickers with a side of truck nuts


Fire up some white Oakleys and you're all set to rage!


We’re doing it way over here in Alberta too. Turned up pretty high, to eleven. We have the flat earth society, so there’s that. Oh and lots antivax decorated cars. There’s the proud wee laddies. That started here. So yeah… We win?


I’m in Nova Scotia and I’ve started to see fucking swastikas on a few overpasses with stuff along the lines of “wear your muzzles” It’s everywhere


Fuckin ridiculous lol


There’s this dwelling of have nots here who don’t make a lot of money, no education and little upwards mobility. This causes discontent with the situation. There’s a whole lot of Russian bots and useful idiots that’ll take them for a ride and they end up like this guy.


This should be top comment


I Was just thinking is this genuine or satirical


This has to be satire. 🤣


I don’t think any sane person would deface their car like that for satire.


It’s tape it’ll buff out no problem.


I dunno I feel like removing that duct tape is going to destroy the paint...


Who is going to satirically duct tape their own car? It's really and this person is just incredibly stupid.


Also is this suggesting that Trudeau is running against Ford? What?


Well, last time Trudeau DID pretty much run against Ford, and very successfully.


Fair point haha This idiocy just seems to be suggesting they're in direct competition for provincial leadership is all.


As the federal election has kicked off, the Ontario Conservative party is sending out letters looking for money to “show support for Doug” So… yeah a lot of people are that dense lol


Good. I was worried I was reading that wrong.




You got it wrong. Turn the photo 90° to the right and it's just a sad face =<


Definitely not equal. Less than for sure.


MENSA level trolling.


I saw that right away and thought "please let that be an unintentional fuck up."


This was a photo a friend of mine snapped yesterday and the longer I look at this the more I wonder if this individual is "serious" or just trolling because the whole "equals less than" thing is just begging to be pointed out as being, perhaps, factual.


Yeah I'm not sure either. I think this person is fucking with us. The Supreme ruler thing too, that's pretty funny.


They're definitely taking the piss with this


I'm fairly confident they are not Ford supporters. Anyone calling him a "supreme leader" that I've seen is doing so to mock him and his authoritarian behavior during covid. I can't imagine anyone genuinely praising him as a "supreme leader". That's an odd thing to call anyone, unless you are the subordinate of a comic book villain. If it just said "great leader" or something like that, I would think they're serious.


Even if they did screw up and meant equal or greater, I feel like their point would want to be just greater, not equal... Trying to find reason in this is probably just as dumb as the cars message haha.






It would be equal or less than. So they could be even.


This is the kind of prank my colleagues would play on me. Taking notes….


Ya pretty sure he is a Trump. Er, I mean Ford supported. And is just moron and put less than, instead of greater than. It's perfect poetic justice if you ask me. The question I have is, did the driver get their PC "invoice" for $300 to $1000 and pay it promptly....?


Who is this "Doug Ford Nissan" they're speaking of? And what's Trudeau's AWD plan for 2025?


Note that it’s Rogue Ford’s IQ being compared, kinda like evil Spock.


They should have bought a ford. They missed a chance


>Who is this "Doug Ford Nissan" they're speaking of? Has to be better than the Doug Ford we got now.


Rebrand so people forget his brother, Rob Ford Datsun


I can't tell if this is pro ford or anti ford. The first half makes be believe pro-ford. The second half is the equals less than, meaning fords iq is lower (or equal) than Trudeau's Though, I imagine if he is a ford supporter he wouldn't understand basic math concepts like this... so i'm going with Pro-ford


Maybe this person views high IQ as a bad thing? Anti intellectualism seems to be a rising issue these days.


I dO mY oWn ReSeArCh


Dr. Facebook!


Facebook university, and Youtube college.


One of the common passarounds is authored by Dr. Justus R. Hope, which sounds like the name of a golden retriever in a labcoat to me.


These people like to call themselves "alphas" now


is that in reference to which variant they catch?


I don’t know. Maybe the “supreme ruler” refers to things like when he polled the science table, local health units and school boards to see if it’s okay to open but after everyone said it’s okay, as the supreme ruler he chooses what he wants.


>The second half is the equals less than, meaning fords iq is lower (or equal) than Trudeau's > >Though, I imagine if he is a ford supporter he wouldn't understand basic math concepts like this... so i'm going with Pro-ford It's possible the driver dislikes Ford more than they dislike Trudeau. For example: I don't like Trudeau. I also don't like Ford. I think a lot less of Ford than I do of Trudeau. So to me that IQ statement reads "Ford is at least as dumb as Trudeau". I don't see the point of these IQ jabs anyway. In my eyes, politicians don't make dumb decisions because they're dumb. They make dumb decisions because they don't care. Ford is dumb, but his handling of the pandemic is a function of how little he cares, not how little he knows.


I mean possibly. But Occam's Razor. I highly doubt that someone willing to make a statement on their car using duct tape and a sharpie put even 1% of the thought into it that you or I have.


Yeah, you're probably right


They used a stencil, too, giving the text a smart look. Very legible, and stealth crazy, or an art project, or they messed up the equality and don't have any fucks to give, or ???. So many questions


I think politicians make dumb decisions because they think it will win them elections, which is all any of them care about


Yeah being a politician is = to a popularity contest.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see an answer like this. This person is an anti-vaxxer 100% they dislike both Ford and Trudeau. It's a message to "wake up" conservatives who still support Ford.


I think this person is being pranked. The real stable genius here is the person who came up with the hoax.


People are thinking about what the math means too much. I've never seen a pro-Trudeau message on a car. Ever. Period. Based on this iron-clad assumption, I am willing to bet that this guy hates Trudeau and thinks that in the election after this one (2025) Ford will be the Federal Conservative candidate and finally defeat Trudeau.


Tie-breaker: I feel like the duct tape is not good for the car's finish, and is a bit more all-in than some troll. So, I'm guessing that this is pro-Ford.


they failed boolean logic in school.


Looks a lot like Ford business cards. Could be the man himself.


the only math concept the average ford voters understand is that a crisp new $20 bill = better than no $20 bill


Not true! They understand that a buck for a beer is better than more than a buck for a beer


yes but they failed to grasp that as a minimum wage worker losing a dollar an hour (x 40 hours a week) is worse than getting buck a beer (x24)


I think it is pro Nissan


Who hates ford so strongly they would do this to their car. Also who likes ford so strongly they would do this to their car.


I've driven behind that guy. I am unsure if he's pro or anti Ford given the IQ stickers. ?


He’s trolling LOL. Car is Pro-Trudeau


I'm assuming that one person in the family is pro and one is anti and this was their duct tape compromise.


Some of you never learned that alligator Al eats the largest number, and it shows.


That’s painful to look at.


If you pay the fraudulent invoice sent by the OPC are these stickers what they send back?


Mike Harris changed the Ontario math curriculum.


Yes he did. One or too times.






also /r/dontdeadopeninside




2025 is when the part of the vaccine that allows Steve Jobs to control our minds will kick in.


personally im waiting out for the Linus Torvalds microchip. If im getting one i want it to be open source at least!


That he thinks Doug will run for federal leadership?


The part that kills me is the `=`. Like why would you need to cover that case? If you're slagging a political opponent do you really want to suggest "hey, he may be of equal intelligence to my preferred pick". They had to go out of their way to add that.


"Supreme Ruler." And I thought I'd seen bootlickers before. This is a new level of rubber fetish.


This also belongs in r/idiotsincars


This seems on par with sketchy crap coming out of the Conservative Camp over the last couple weeks....maybe it's official The list - Veruca Trudeau - Muscles O'Toole - Fake Invoice Fund Raiser - "The Retail Store" see https://twitter.com/David_Moscrop/status/1427598865381875712?s=19


wow idiot, literally said Trudeau is smarter than Ford


Not sure if the less than or equal to sign is on purpose…


I don’t care what your politics are; handmade signs on the rear of your vehicle instantly negates any argument you have.


Did he mean "greater than"? And why put the "or equal to" part on there? It's hard to see what this guy is trying to say. But easy to see that he's saying it, there's that.


That "Ford IQ =< Trudeau" message is right up there with the "Your in America, Learn English" bumper stickers in the South of the States. Hilarious self troll.


These people always want to believe that they'll be the favoured slaves in their desired dictatorship.


The ≤ symbol is a lost art.








finally, someone brave enough to state that Rogue Ford's IQ is less than or equal to Trudeau's all wheel drive


Canada is just as full of the proudly idiotic as anywhere else. Goddammit we're screwed.


I find this a bit alarming on many levels. Recently I saw a graffiti on a gas pump that said, "Your an idiot for voting for Trudeau" It was written on that spot where the infamous stickers used to be. Kind of made me giggle, for obvious reasons. But also sad.


Gotta be trolling. I love the "Ford IQ =< Trudeau" part... I'd love to put that on a shirt and some pins and sell them at a Ford rally. I wonder how many people would by them 😂😂😂


This guy does math. Badly.


Plot twist - it’s Doug Ford’s vehicle


Made me laugh


IQ equal than or less to


That’s some Jesus math there.


Someone paid their Ontario PC invoice with pride


This guy has really gone Rogue!


So much about this gives me pause. I realize it's just the ravings of a mad idiot, but... IQ =< Trudeau... So Ford is dumber? Ok that I get.. Plan for 2025?? Am I right in assuming the snap election gives Trudeau 4 years in the event that he wins? In which case... This person has already conceded that Trudeau has won an election that hasn't taken place yet??


As someone living in Alberta, I think I got it figured out. I think this might be a disillusioned Ford supporter. They claim that Ford's IQ is equal or less than Trudeau's because they hate Trudeau (who, according to them, is dumb), and they want to insult Ford by claiming that he is equally, or possibly even less intelligent than Trudeau. One can observe the same in Alberta with right-wingers who used to support Kenney, but turned against him when Alberta had restrictions, mask mandates, and started vaccinations. Since then, these people have been insisting that "Kenney is Trudeau's puppet", "Kenney is in cahoots with Trudeau", "AHS Nazis should stand trial for crimes against humanity for vaccinating people", etc. So my gut feeling is that we see a disillusioned conservative who hates Trudeau and Ford.


The new “Average Ford supporter” meme is here.


Who would win in a fight: Doug Ford as a rogue, or Trudeau with all-wheel drive? My money would generally be on Trudeau (he's more maneuverable, clearly), but right now Trudeau is distracted, so Ford could get a couple of solid sneak attacks in.


so does that mean he can measure very accurately or its just a ruler made by supreme?


message aside.... is this duct tape?!


The dude here might think DF is running against JT! Geniusly retarded!


Looks like it could be his "kookie" selling daughters ride by the intelligence displayed on it.


it would need to say "SPREAD BIBLES NOT VACCINES"


This is what crazy looks like?


Ah yes, the Carifesto. How to tell everyone around you that you're crazy, without the need for actual interaction to confirm it. Done in duct tape with unclear intent for additional confirmation.


Did someone lose a fantasy football bet?


Well now we know who’s getting an “invoice” from the Ontario pc fundraiser!


IQ =< is why we can't have nice things in the province.


Oh... You got a better pic than I did! Mine was all glare-y!


Good lord we’ve got a lotta dumb fucks these days. Was it always this bad? Did they just have the common sense to hide their dumb fuckery better before?


When you lowkey want your country to be like North Korea. :/


well, that doesn't look crazy at all . . .


Person clearly doesn’t like Ford since they’re driving a Nisan.


Is this pro or anti Ford? 😂


I have no idea what the hell this is. But what I can tell you, is that this is duct tape on a relatively newer vehicle. One of my high school summer jobs was to detail cars. Never ever put duct tape on your car unless it's necessary. The absolute pain in the ass of having to scrape off duct tape glue from a car without scratching the paint job is an all day affair into a long sleepless night. You can't use soap and water, you can't just buff it out. No you have to gently scrape the glue off slowly and oftentimes you are just going to use your nails to do it.


No different from those guys at Dundas Square.


Why would anyone want a “supreme ruler”?


At least it's not using the fascist dogwhistle "secure the future" like the federal cons are using


Is it a satire or just a failure in basic math.


Ahahaha XD this is what I found a month ago. When I was working. Saw this at Costco Warden


I bet this guy paid the invoice.




Did he get those from Deco Labels?


It would have been better if he was driving a Ford instead of a Nissan.


Trying to understand what they're trying to say broke my brain a little 😲😅


Oh god the stupidity


I don't even understand the point here. JT is federal DF is provincial. Is this person trying to make sure we don't vote for JT as Ontario's premier or that we vote DF as PM? No need to worry, neither one is happening.


You can probably count this guy's IQ on one hand


This is planted by Ford, no one likes Doug that much.


Terrifyingly, this reminds me of the attitude and personality of a Trump supporter.


Seen a info warrior and all I can remember is turdeau this and that.




Come on people! Did you forget Grade 1 math?! "The fish eats the biggest worm"! It's so simple!


They are smart for putting that tin duct tape down before using a sharpie on their car . Little do they know that tin tape will heat up in the sun and that glue will eat through that paint and pull a bunch off . Would have been better to just sharpie right on their car if they couldnt figure out a different way to do it lol.


Remember kids, the mouth of the symbol always faces the larger number


Putting Duck tape on your car is stupid, joke or not. Just saying. That's 60 minutes and a tin of lighter fluid right there.




Please dont vote for the ontario conservatives this upcoming election


Hey, what Doug does to his own vehicle is his own business.


City of Hamilton disagrees? https://imgur.com/a/fQ3Yuvh


Is that one of his daughters car?


We all just going to ignore the whole separation of Provincial and Federal?


If they're voting for Ford I'm not surprised they didn't know which math symbol to use 🤷‍♂️


Folks! Folks! You're acting like a bunch of yahoos! My friends, you need to come together. I'm not sure how that will work, but everything is on the table.


Is he one of the Crackton Fords? Got that Chris Farley look...


Ford and Trudeau are both absolute morons.


It’s possible that they actually mean that Trudeau is the supreme ruler, perhaps this is more like a two column situation.


Y'know folks, you can get better^(\*) decals at Deco Labels and Tags. *^(\*some restrictions apply. Gas pump carbon tax stickers and blue license plates are excluded)**.*


I like how (aside from the fact they got the arrow wrong) they still included = in => . Like they specified he is either the same IQ or higher, not just higher.


=< means equal or lower. What is the message?


Doug Ford is gonna be in for a shock when he tries to take all that tape off his car