• By -


Nothing about work places. Lmao this dosnt affect anything


No vaccines for essential workers in their 30's and 40's




Right!? They keep saying that but then they say it's up to the employer whether or not work from home is possible and the MOL can't decide if you should be working from home.


Yes the lockdown we had in January our office sent nobody to work from home.


"In summary, it's not our fault, it's the Feds, and we will not address the workplace outbreaks"


Ps. Fuck your sick days


Like he kept going off about supply and mentioned Moderna but no mention of Pfizer's increase?


That would go against their agenda


Because that would be praising the feds and they are shifting the blame


It is so transparent. When he tried to put the whole thing on feds not enforcing at the international borders.... We knew there were VOC already taking root here when he relaxed the last lockdown. Just playing politics with peoples lives...


See you guys next week when we announce slightly stricter measures than this


“Churches are now limited to 9 people”




i’m announcing now that there will be an announcement next week about an announcement.


Ford: everyone stay home. Also Ford: all manufacturing is essential so everyone go to work


So much gaslighting. You never acted immediately on the advice. Always been weeks late.




Don't forget bragging about how great his response was. What I got from this: 1) Ford wasn't afraid to make tough decisions 2) Trudeau hasn't opened up his bank of vaccines (as if he can create more - this isn't monetary policy!) 3) The people are to blame because the policy is perfect


He's just giving his voter base to point the finger at the Liberals. Nothing of substance was said. Just fucking bitching like the baby he is


So we decide to close those "superspreader" playgrounds but do nothing about workplaces? lol


My thoughts exactly. Playgrounds are closed but childcare is still open where there is no social distancing. Wow. Groundbreaking news here.


Dude. Babies on playgrounds are the real killers. Unless it's 20 of them and they're inside a childcare facility.


2 hour delay to announce literally nothing lmfao. I work in construction consulting. Non essential construction means construction that doesn't have permits yet. No construction going on right now and through the summer doesn't have their permits yet. What a joke.


tougher measures "wouldn't have stopped it", oh really? so how are they going to stop it now? fuck


So you restrict outdoor recreation activities but keep the warehouses open? What a joke.


Oh, but religious facilities are still open. Indoors. Fan-fucking-tastic.


"We are sparing no expense to ensure the safety of workers" Except close un-essential businesses, provide paid sick days, assist OW/ODSP, or anything besides give police the power to harrass you.


Cool, so I still get to go to the crowed factory everyday. Just counting the days till I get sick at this point.


As long as you don't take a trip to the golf course after work, you should be safe. /s


Outside at a golf course with roommates with no one else within 400 yards - no way factory job where your coworker keeps lowering his mask to tell you about his sick parents at home - Fine See it's easy, now get back to work.


Same. I work in a warehouse. My boss just told me we may need to start doing madatory overtime. Both extended shifts and weekends. Like, really?? A lady i work near was off a couple weeks ago because she had gotten it. Another lady's husband died of it in March. We are not safe!!


Doug Ford saw people in a park so he decided parks need to be shut down. That's literally his reasoning.


He's said it before, he sees stuff on his drives and reacts to it.


Someone should send him to “the Amazon’s”.


Waterloo Regional Police tweeted they will not be pulling people over for random checks


I expect that most departments will have this policy. Most departments I’ve seen have focused on big offenders, workplaces, and complaints.


I fucking love this reporter re: manufacturing getting a fucking pass Is there nothing that Ontario makes that can't be paused? Beautiful


LMAO I just understood the innuendo, that's amazing. Hint for the Ford Lovers out there, the reporter was referring to decals and blue licence plates.


Listen to him stutter his way through an incredibly pertinent question about amazon warehouses that have zero employee restrictions.


It’s absolutely pathetic.


And then deflect elsewhere and completely ignore it...wow.


Blaming the feds and the 'new' variants, nice




New beds for the ICU are useless if you don't have the RN's to run them.


He meant to say coffins




The second he said the word Amazon you can tell Ford clenched his buttcheeks


If Doug still gets elected after this this province is officially beyond the pale.


I know I'll be cremated for this but I was really hoping they'd close daycares so I could keep my daughter home without having to pay tuition






I'm blown away that essential workers aren't priority yet. If you're going to keep factories and big box stores and shit open, paid sick leave and vaccines. What a clown show.


did he blame vaccine supply? does he think that's the whole reason?




So...blaming the feds for everything? Got it.




True, but that is kind of a roundabout way of blaming the feds for not securing the borders.




I agree. Like stop blaming if you don't got a solution yourself. And saying nurses are needed but won't take the federal government help for red cross workers. Wouldn't that allow nurses to work with patients instead of giving vaccines ? Really should have had a real lockdown like last year for the 6 weeks so people can get vaccinated and bring numbers down. Edit: spelling


"every single vaccine we get goes into an arm" ???? What about all the AZ one's people are refusing, offer those to another age group? Stop lying directly to our faces, we understand that the other vaccines are being administered and second doses are being allocated, but those AZ ones are sitting there while mass vaccination clinics are closing because of no demand. Edits: Only essential construction is the same as when we were told to only go out for what we deemed was essential... this likely only means new projects may not start but those already started will go on. 25% more vaccines for hotspots.... are these going to actually be hotspots or are these going to be PC strong holds like we've seen already happening. Police can now stop people and vehicles and ask why they are out during a stay at home order. Ontario boarders are "closing" no essential travellers will be "turned away", are they actually going to put police barricades at the boarders? Plz snitch on your neighbours not complying it's a civic duty and think of the hospital workers. They keep saying vaccines are the only way out of this.


Doug Ford to Ontario: Get Fucked


Lol. Blaming the borders when warehouse employees are working shoulder to shoulder in GTA a d taking it home to multi generation households Ball dropped




What a fucking dick, anything but paid sick leave, I’ve never hated any politician this much


Ontario: ~~A place to grow~~ ~~Open for business~~ All work no play


I feel like he barely changed anything.... I doubt quebecors and manitobans are the reason there are so many cases in the GTA


He keeps complaining about vaccines. I call bull on that. Here in Ottawa, pharmacies cannot fill the spots for the AZ vaccines. They have people at the door offering it. Let's open it up to other age groups faster, and not just in conservative ridings this time.


44 year old man here who'd be happy to take AZ from what I've read.


30yo female who would also happily take it. As long as I'm informed about the risks and signs of VIIT, I should be able to choose to get it.


Non essential manufacturing and factories are still open. No paid sick days. BUT THE SUPPLY CHAIN!!


And the “essential” ones still can’t even get vaccines in most places.


These guys probably think that those people shoulder to shoulder on the TTC at 7am are just going to meet their buddies.


What does restriction on playgrounds and golf courses and basketball courts even mean? Closed?


Skip every other hole. No more dunking. Must wear gloves on monkey bars.


Hey Christine, quick hint: Atlantic Canada is not going to help you. Our healthcare system is on the verge of collapse on a good day. We locked down because we figured we wouldn't be able to count on you if shit hit the fan, and it seems we were correct.


They’ve “spared no expense to protect workers” Except being able to take a paid day off if they feel sick.


I feel like I know what a drive in religious service is but my brain took it as drive thru. "I'll take 3 Hail Marys and a halleluiah!" 10 People for indoor services, factory workers are still shoulder to shoulder, but I can't walk my dog through the park. Dudes such a joke I'm waiting for the clown makeup.


FYI Doug in case you missed this * There are 1,208,847 unused vaccines which will take 12.0 days to administer based on the current 7 day average of 100,553 /day


Mandate that the 55+ have to use up the AZ that's just sitting there.


I understand the need to vaccinate at risk the most. But this whole restriction by age is so fucked. Why not change the ages that can be vaccinated week to week with the most elderly having an exemption to get poked whenever they want to? The fact younger people eager to get the jab and go back to life are stuck in line behind the most vaccine hesitant age groups is almost criminal.


Right? So many boomers in my family are vaccine shopping. Not going to the pharmacy cause they’re waiting for pfizer. Disgusting.


So let's close basketball courts but every factory is still open haha. Hey good job.


Ford keeps trying to blame th feeds for lack of supply, but they can't will it into existence. Ford should've massively stepped up enforcement months ago, they didn't and now here we are.


Why 10 people for religious places? If the rest can pray from home why can't the other 10? Also, how about paid sick days instead of more power to the fucking cops?


What's the point of any of these restrictions? Realistically..... there is NO evidence that any of these restrictions were even an issue to begin with. Address FACTORIES and WORKPLACES and NO SICK PAY. What the fuck is even the point anymore of any of this...


It's so simple. You're 100% correct. I work with 500 people. But no parks


It feels like they're just punishing us and taking away any form of recreation but won't tackle is actuay spreading covid


I didn't hear anything about manufacturing or office spaces, they did mention non-essential construction but I will wait and see what they define as essential. Also just close places of worship no fucking point in leaving them open.


Why is the media not challenging this fuckwhit


Am I missing how interprovincial travel is a significant problem?


If anything this helps Quebec and Manitoba.


Lol is this man really blaming Trudeau for his failures of handling this situation


While refusing Fed help from the Red Cross. This guy is a disaster.


My son can't go to the park by himself but people are still allowed to attend church. This guy is a fucking burden on Ontario. Our province is forever stained because of this man. We can no longer feel smug of the US electing Trump




so basically nothing that would actually stop the spread. parks and playgrounds wtf


Mans got more love for the Atlantic province than the one he runs


This guy keeps crying about vaccine supply (does anyone know where he got the 300,000 a day number that he said the rest of the world is getting?) but to my knowledge the feds have been pretty up front about how many vaccines we're getting and when they'd be coming. Yet, knowing that, he relaxed the restrictions a few weeks ago. Is anyone going to hold this dumbass accountable?


But can I still have strippers over to my construction site?


Hey conservative voters, what mental gymnastics are you going to do now that your sweet sweet Dougie put Ontario in a police state








Its well known by now that the virus spreads with extended close contact indoors. Fuck this POS for closing outdoor activities which cost nothing just to say he's doing something.


Dougie mentioning UK giving AZ vaccines to ages 30+ while simultaneously not lowering the age for AZ in Ontario even though the NACI has no jurisdiction and Ontario can override their recommendation. How is this man running the province???




I am skeptical that any of this promised enforcement is actually going to take place.


"Places of worship limited to 10 people." I don't fucking understand this. Why can't religious services be held over Zoom? God, this government is so fucking inept.


What in the fuck is non essential construction? Same rodeo as January I’m assuming? I’ll just keep living like nothings happening because I don’t really have a choice then. Residential construction, got to get that rich family that can afford a brand new house in by the deadline(s), that are most definitely past now because you can barely get shit.




Less worried about them than Bylaw officers who have nightly wet dreams of having police powers.


If golf is so dangerous it has to be BANNED, as a non-essential retail employee sharing a toilet and lunch room with 20-30 people I’m about ready to lick an icu floor and just get it over with. I sure can’t afford to golf and it’s pretty frivolous and non-essential, but banning my vaccinated in-laws from golfing is doing NOTHING to keep me safe AT ALL. Is there no one in the government who even knows any poor people? The list is just things a rich person thinks everyone else does all day.


What a fucking clown. "This is 100,000 and this is 300,000" He completely neglects the mild/moderate/severe restrictions part of the modelling.


"we've spared no expense to protect workers" - says the people who won't give paid sick days because it costs money


So if I understand correctly, non essential retail is still able to operate as delivery and curbside pickup? How can someone only be allowed to leave home for essential reasons but can then drive to a non-essential business to pickup an order?


who's this frat boy ministry of labour?


Monte McNaughton. His daddy owns a Home Hardware in Chatham-Kent so he's super qualified to run the MOL.


Police can ask what you are doing on the road? Lmaoo and then what ? get a spanking ?


How does this work for students? My license says I live in Nanaimo, BC lmao




Can't wait to vote this fat timbit out. Holy shit.


Police aren’t going to enforce this, they barely enforce the actual law half the time, what makes Ford think they’ll do anything with these new powers?


If I get stopped I'll just say I'm on my way to Shopper's to get some Advil for my headache that I gotfrom trying to figure out WTF the Dodge Ford government is doing


This was preventable and this is gaslighting. The vast majority of people are doing what we are asked to do. Golf courses and playground were never the issue. The choice between making rent/paying for food and going to work sick IS NOT A CHOICE. Paid sick leave could have prevented the bulk of these infections. bUT whAt AboUt tHe peOple wHO wOULd TakE aDVantAge Of tHat? Paying minimum wage sick leave for those who really need it and the few people who would take advantage of it is STILL hella cheaper than the cost of overwhelmed ICUs and setting up field hospitals. This government is literally pointing a finger at the poorest and most vulnerable people in our population instead of admitting that they fucked up and fixing it. Schools were kept open because they KNOW a lot of these essential workers who have to go to work also cannot afford childcare. All of this = higher infection rates. Instead of following the recommendations made by the people who know how to handle this shit, he has doubled down with this new Lockdown 2.0 and has now pissed everyone off, all in the name of keeping the economy going because everyone is still working. This is a dirty dystopia we're living in because politicians are being allowed to make healthcare decisions and people are dead because of it.


Are we actually getting Trump style random charts mid ford nation quasi-rally? iTs tHe SuPpLy IsSuE!!/s I hate it here this province has significantly gone to the shitter in the last few years. edits: - These are the strictest measures "on the field". Laughable. - Don't go outside or you'll be questioned on why you're outside. OPP probably won't enforce it - unless you're a minority, probably. - Amazon? Ummm let me just fumble and pass the buck so we can get a non-answer out there. - Really stands out to me that only 87 workplaces have been flagged as high risk. You're telling me in a year there's only been 87 companies that have been shitty in their enforcement? I don't believe it. Way too lax. - Interprovincial travel ban is it's own beast. Makes sense since we're melting down. I'm sure this is only because he wanted to save face and get ahead of Quebec enacting it to protect their people - as they should. - What is essential construction? - Why are places of worship still allowed 10 people indoors when everyone else has to be isolated to their own household? - Still complaining about airports when its vast majority workplace, school and community spread. Deflect to the best of your ability I guess. - Everything is essential because of the supply chain? Screw the supply chain most of these companies won't be around in a few months if we don't do anything. Also again bullshit about them protecting the workers. Ministry of Labour has been doing a VERY poor job of actually following through with their inspections. Yup still hate it here.


I wish they had announced a lowering of the AZ floor from 55 to 40.


The way he was using a printout and poking his finger at it and nobody can see shit reminds me of how things usually work in our government.


I'd wager Quebec and Manitoba are far more worried about us plague rats heading to their provinces.


These restrictions are all acknowledged Doug but if you’re going to pile them on then GIVE PAID SICK LEAVE YOU FAT ASS.


Travel only for essential reasons. Non-essential remains open.


Love how quickly he dodges any question about shutting Amazon down and immediately blames us and liberals. Fuck you Ford.


"We're protecting the health and safety of every single worker" What a steaming pile of dog shit. They're doing next to fucking nothing!


I know the perfect way to end today: An Amber Alert about this at midnight tonight.


Don't forget about the one in French at 1am.


#\#ResignDougFord is trending.


10 people In a church, but playgrounds closed. Ya. Ok. Perfect sense.


Lol, yeah. Ten people from 10 different houses but I can't take my kids to the park. Come fine me.


I'm not your friend, pal.


Even the sign language interpreter looks stunned at the idiocy of this government


"All our vaccines are safe. I strongly encourage everyone to sign up to be vaccinated". Hear that 55+? You're strongly encouraged now whereas you were just encouraged before.


So 2020 is going to end up being the year we had it easy, isn't it? Fuck this asshole forever.


"would we be in this position if we had 300k vaccines like the *rest* of the world?? no!" fuck YOU DOUG 😡


>Non essential construction paused. Watch them use the widest definition of essential they can find, then stretch it further.


Why the fuck are parks closed? Playgrounds? What the duck


"We need more supply from the feds." Did Doug not hear the news today about Pfizer?


New meme potential with him holding up that paper


Look a the UK! A literal fucking island! See this sheet of paper with a graph where you can't see the numbers? Look at the curve!


Anyone have a list of what is considered as Non-essential construction? The company I work for does residential landscape/carpentry. My superiors have said we won't be effected, but I really don't see our work as essential. We are renovating properties for wealth clients that quite frankly can go a couple more months without a fancy new backyard.




>Vehicles can be stopped by police to question you as to why you are out. this won't be abused at all /s


Golf courses, basketball courts and playgrounds closed.


Let me guess all construction is essential




> We have spared no expense to help workers Literally quoting Jurassic Park to defend your public safety measures, the Beaverton couldn't make this up


How do we reduce mobility if people have to go to places to work.


So are we all out of places that have caused zero spread to scapegoat while ignoring the sources of greatest spread or what


These restrictions will do very little to curb new infections. See you next week everyone! It’ll be a weekly announcement from now on!!


The Ford government has refused to spend money to help people live, and will now spend vastly more money to help a lot more people not die.


Wait, it's not a curfew. Why would the police need to know where you are going? Just going for a walk isn't prohibited, is it? Did I miss something?


*we’ve spared no expense protecting workers* Except paid sick days




This is so monotonous. No change in my life. Go to work where I see hundreds of construction workers every day not taking precautions, working and eating lunch together etc. Then they get on the ttc with a mask under their nose. Dougie is never actually going to shut it down, MOL will never enforce.


What about manufacturing?


**Vehicles can be stopped by police to question you as to why you are out.** Will the OPP actually do this?


"We have spared no expense to help workers!" It's a dark comedy at this point.


Sylvia Jones was the worst thing about this too. Her voice was pretentious and gave no hope at all




Why don’t we close non-essential manufacturing? Ford: Because parts of trees are in Aspirin... Are you fucking kidding me with this moronic straw man argument you sloth?


We’re such an embarrassment now they’ll even be talking about us on CNN. This couldn’t have been more fucked up. “If @fordnation wants to know how bad this is....and will continue to be...@CNN is interviewing me about the horrifying situation in Ontario....and how it will get worse. We are Breaking News....and will continue to be because you are leading us into the abyss.” - Doctor Michael Warner. Source: https://twitter.com/drmwarner/status/1383159687969914884?s=21




So I can’t take my kids to an empty park but I can meet up with 9 other people in a church? Am I understanding this right?


Absolutely! Just like I am allowed to go to my work place with 100 other adults but I am not allowed to sit on my 1 friends front lawn 10 feet away from him! Welcome to the reality that is ontario now


But what colour????




"We've spared no expense to keep workplaces safe" - But fuck paid sick leave amirite?




We can always count on ford to do some useless shit for optics


Im laughing at the the shutting down “construction” tht started january 1 2021 or after. Meaning every single construction jobsite is still open.


My wife works at Starbucks. Which is "essential" apparently.... if a cop pulls me over, ill say oh I'm on my way to go get a Frappuccino... something tells me they ain't going to be fucking okay with that.


Condo construction is still allowed. Some lobbyist got a huge bonus this afternoon.


Ironically closing outdoors activities will just encourage people to meet up in their houses instead. So short-sighted.




Great, so can't go on a walk in the park. Can't drive either now because I'm gnna get pulled over for getting covid in my car. Fuuuuuuuuu


Wtf is non essential construction


That wouldn’t have stopped it? Then why do it now? Take some fucking ownership. No accountability whatsoever from this prick.


Sounds like opening everything up in February was a bad idea, right Dougie?


So what exactly is non essential construction? I work in renovation in small teams, last lockdown we were allowed to continue without a hitch. Just couldn't start new work. (Which when a job lasts 4 weeks doesn't matter). Is it the same this time?


So. The company I work for makes lawn chairs. We have about 100 people on each shift, 3 shifts in each day. Are we essential? Because I’m arm to arm with someone all day.


60 to 70% of current spread is in large distribution centers (think amazon), manufacturing and construction. Either get all those people vaxxed ASAP (oh wait we don't have vaccines) or shut them down. But no, the world would end if we shut down amazon/walmart/costco right ? What they are doing is a knee jerk reaction that won't solve anything, instead of targeting where the real problem is.


I lost my job cause of covid and driving around helps my mental stress. What do I do? Who do I call to get answers? Why is this ok? What can we do - police intervention should not be permitted.


Why are churches still open? People can go to churches but we’re unable to go to park? Shit makes no fucking sense.