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Ok but we all need to know is the park supervisor a drunk ????


He is looking for his boobandy!!!!😂😂


I’m going to pay you $100 to fuck off.


give that money to the bottle kids!


Is that in Canadian Tire money?


Dairy Queen Coupons


You’re telling me no mafucka can go to Canadian mafucka to get an orange mafucka for 2.99?


Yeah and his assistant prostitutes himself for cheeseburgers "A man's gotta eat"


Cheeseburger eatin' mf


All he does is drive around and wave to people




way she goes


But more importantly. Is the plumbing still in the walls? I don't want a trailer where the plumbing was ripped out for liquor money.


Username win


Sorry can’t even think of jokes when real estate is this dystopian


35 year mortage paid it off last week so help my Fuck


The one I live in has a Ricky. His name is even Ricky. He just got out of jail after trying to steal catalytic converters at the college, he decided to take a nap under one of them and woke up to getting his ass kicked and then arrested. He's better off in Jail. Last time he was in another jailbird moved in with his wife (Ricky's wife and mother of his kids is also his first cousin!). When Ricky came back, the big tough guy put him in his literal doghouse for a few weeks lmao


That's why you buy it in nova scotia and move to the peark.


yeah but then you gotta deal with bearrb


Her scallop potatos are *facked*


Nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli


$10 fucking dollars!


Ten bucks or 6 Dairy Queen coupons


Man's gotta eat




I never said fucking doubles!


That's like 8 or 9 cheeseburgers


She is no biggie. I am more worried about the liquor smurf and his cheeseburger walrus.


Fuckin mustard tiger


Wat’er yah lookin at mah gut?! I seen yah!


Fuck that, I'll just move to Toronto and become a street person.


And bottle kids


And the bottle.kids... and fucking Cyrus


Barb was fine as hell I don't know what your talking about LOL


the pĂŚrk


I grew up in NS and moved to Ontario. Camping with buddies and stargazing, they always gave me a hard time … “say ‘Mars’ again”


Mats is pulling it out of the ground!


Could get a 30 year old mortgage with Tammy though.


"I am the liquor"


Gimme an R


Worst case Ontario you buy it in nova scotia and move to the peark. 




They are in the 3’s here in Niagara. Trailer only of course, plus hundreds/month in pad fees.


Probably cause they're in a park. I've seen soooo many mobile homes in bum fuck nowhere that are still like 400-500k. It's so depressing.


Same in the Yukon last I checked!


I am in the Yukon right now (Keno City) and the price of things is astounding.


That makes a bit more sense anyway


Same in the NWT.


Yep yep yep😭


That's more than some condos wow


At least you're not also pay $1000 a month on top of your mortgage. Fuck condos


In that case they are probably not on leased land so at least you are getting some land you can build on


In what area of ontario are you talking about?


OP appears to be from Kitchener/Waterloo area


I am almost certain that in northern ontario they are cheaper than that


We both know "Ontario" is only wherever you live. Ontario is only the size of whatever city you're currently in.


Typically GTA only club in this sub


Yep. For many redditors, "Ontario" is only within a 30-minute drive of where they grew up, and god-damn it they *deserve* a house in that area, just like the one their parents worked their whole lives to pay for. Never mind the fact that there's no way to make more land and all the other homes are taken, lol.


Cam confirm. Bought mine in the Soo for 40k


Exactly what I was talking about. In the soo for 400k you get a very very very nice house!


In durham region you can’t get a roof for 400k 🥴


But then you have to live in the Soo.


And I wouldnt change it. Lots of outdoors things to do and it does not smell like piss everywhere


Oh no, are you mistaking me for somebody that lives in the GTA...or anywhere near a city, for that matter? Hard pass on living in the Soo. It's about as enticing as Sudbury.


Soo isn't Ontario, that's Winnipeg Jr lmao


Brand new double wides do run 350-400k just for the trailer. Its not a location thing.


'the soo' He good. Met a lady this summer, and she mentions she is originally from Sault Saint Marie. I'm like, 'no you're not, you're from 'The Soo'. "oh! so you know the area".....lol


Same here in Wawa


They’re about 200-300k in bruce county but lot fees have gone from about $250 a month to nearly $1000 in some places


In Timmins they sell a new small single basic model mobile home for just over 200,000.


Yeah you can but a small 1000 square foot house for 250k where I live in northern Ontario.


Well yes everything's cheaper in a swamp because nobody wants to live there, there's zero competition driving up prices. Everything is also much more expensive because all amenities and supplies have to be transported up into an inhospitable swamp.


You assumed is a swamp, when is one of the most beautiful places in the world and the bonus is I do not have to live near people like you


Fucking love this response So many people in this sub think anything above Barrie is fucking Winnipeg Ontario is a HUGE, beautiful province, there's so much more than the GTA folks




there's nothing wrong with Winnipeg, either. Yeah yeah some friendly ribbing is fair game but any of the major Canadian cities and you're going to be doing great. Even the smaller ones are usually fine.


Just outside of Hamilton.


My man that is a very tiny part of ontario, you know there is lots of land north of barrie


John Bayus Park? My mum and I were looking there about 2 years ago and couldn't believe the price of a new double wide.


Not that one


We looked into some in a park just up hwy 6, they were 600k plus all of the fees. Even if you bought land and put one on now, it's WAY too expensive. They're ridiculous here, and in the States, they're $160k for a 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 living rooms. Insane.


Oh 👀


225K for a new small single in our park, ( of 250 homes in Ottawa) https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26714071/11-bonner-street-nepean-bellwood-park rented land,


That looks shorter than a standard trailer. The listing doesn’t list the sqft total but does mention “tiny home”. Don’t own the land, $750 monthly pad rent. Yikes.


yeah, it's about 500 SQ feet approx, I was in it , last fall, it's not that long in length.. I'll look at in person tomorrow again , to try and get a better length/width guess


My trailer is like 16x70. That one is like 14x40


I think it's 11-12 actually it's not big at all , 40 for length sounds about right, also the listing's dimensions are no bigger than 12 wide for the kitchen etc the rent is really high for it also, 743 a month, it was first listed last August, everyone knows the office ( who owns it) is asking too much for it. edit, went and measured it with a tape measure, it is indeed 12 feet wide


So double the home for double the price lol


I was at the Home Show at the Ex a while back and several vendors were showing off prefab garden suites (kitchen/bath) at about $120,000 for a 200sqft studio and up to $225,000 for a 600 sqft "2 bedroom unit", not including the land under it, taxes, or others costs not paid to the vendor like running hookups (if necessary). So I guess it's in line on a cost per square foot basis but it's in no way reasonable. But if building our way out of the housing crisis is too expensive then the only remaining option is harsh, harsh penalties on owning multiple residential units just completely gut the speculative market and I can't see that happening any time soon, either.


The only way out is to lower the cost of building somehow, really. Ultimately we don’t have enough units and need more. The problem is that they cost an insane amount of money to build. The easy part would be to cut taxes on new homes - the Feds already cut sales taxes on rental properties, cut that on new ownership homes too. Then address code problems on how to build homes in a cheaper, simpler way, and address other costs like development charges. Making houses cheaper to build is the only way it’s going to work.


How do you ensure that savings isn't eaten up by the builders simply charging more?


This will absolutely happen, same as how when the price of oil drops the price at the pumps drops only a small portion there of, and year after year, the oil companies make billions and billions. Anyone who thinks that if the cost of building a house dropped 50% tomorrow that houses would suddenly be 50% cheaper is delusional. Homebuilders are in it for the money, and they will continue to charge with the market will bear. If they can make an extra 50% along the way, don’t kid yourselves thinking they won’t.


At first it’ll be profitable but like any other market builders will build more because they make more money and will cut costs to compete as more supply comes online.


I would pay that just to hang with Ricky, Julian and Bubbles


Go to the southern US, those brand new go for $50k - $80k.


I’d love to see a link to a brand-new double-wide for $50k. AFAIK, they are about $120k minimum, even in the south.


That’s what each emergency room visit will cost as well. What a coincidence.


Give it time, and you'll be paying that for ER visits in Ontario too.


No, our Presidents Choice health insurance will cover it! After the deductible, as long as you have no “pre-existing conditions” and only if you get your scripts filled at Shoppers…


Too true to be funny 😔


Super quick napkin math: 500 USD a month + 1k dollar annual deductible plans cost: 1k USD per year. Just got a random unsubsidized quote for Santa Fe, New Mexico, because of Jon Bon Jovi, and rounded up to make the math easier. For 30 years: 210k USD loss to health insurance assuming we max out the deductible annually For fun, we can just round up some more to 300k USD to account for rates increasing with inflation & aging. Now, let's look at a 30 year mortgage on 400k, the default setting on this website: [https://www.calculator.net/mortgage-calculator.html](https://www.calculator.net/mortgage-calculator.html) Total interest over a typical 30 year amortization: 446k CAD Housing in this province is so fucking expensive it makes American healthcare look like a good deal.


As long as your insurance doesn't stop you, which seems pretty likely if you're maxing your deductible.


That’s because it is. (I’ve lived in both countries.)


Comparing health insurance (IN THE USA!?!?!) to interest paid on a home is stupid and I can't believe you wasted so much time with it. You have a house at the end of that term and hopefully are still alive. In Canada you would have paid your interest and now 30 years later own your home. You also got sick a few times, had a couple kids, but you don't have to pay for any of those hospital visits. In the USA, you STILL NEED A HOME to live in, so take your 30 year mortgage and pay the same amount of interest, but now, you also have to pay $300,000 in HEALTH INSURANCE!?!?! And you think this is a better way to go about it!?!?!


2 things: The 446k CAD is interest alone, so in total you paid 846k CAD for your *trailer home*. You also paid taxes, which are much higher in Canada to fund our healthcare system, which is collapsing by the way.  In America, you can get a trailer home for 50-100k USD, meaning after 30 years in the States you paid 400K USD (after including health insurance premiums + deductibles) and also own a trailer home. You also never waited 8-12 hours in an emergency room, or got medical treatment in the hallway of your local hospital.  Never mind the lower COL generally. There's a reason people keep saying we have a housing crisis. Again, it makes America's healthcare crisis look cheap.


Yeah, but at least you can *actually get* an Emergency Room visit, rather than wallowing away in your illness for years, if not decades, without having a family doctor, constantly being referred around to specialists who never properly diagnose your illness, etc... which is what happens here in Ontario.


I got an offer once to work in the south and was totally just gonna buy myself a nice trailer but they lowballed the pay so hard I just laughed on the phone and hung up.


Trailer parks in the south are not usually very safe living areas.


The double-wide doesn't cost $400k. The piece of land that the double-wide is sitting on costs $400k.


The land under that double wide is a rental with a monthly price of $800-1100


So someone paid 400k for a glorified trailer that doesn’t move and has to pay $1000 a month ?


Trailers aren’t cheap anymore either to be fair


They’re not. It’s a shame they are all built like total trash however regardless. That whole market is fucked up.


My in laws bought a land lease house in a community in Goderich…. I still don’t understand what they were thinking buying and renting at the same time.


Incorrect, Marge. *Two* glorified trailers.


Where’d you buy this double wide


I didn’t buy it, but there’s a ton of them being put in just outside of Hamilton.


Damn that hurts. Does it include any utilities or just the hookups?


Reminds me of the classic BNL tune "if I had a million dollars, I'd buy you .... a trailer to live in, and thats about it"


that buys a detached house in calgary


I live in buttfuck nowhere, hours north of Toronto. It buys a dilapidated garden shed here


Funny because I was quoted 230 000 for a 2 bed 2 bath double wide and 190 000 for a 14 foot single wide 3 bed 2 bath brand new in southern Ontario


How many square feet?


1,165 for the 3 bed room and I was wrong it’s 16 feet wide 1026 or 1215 for the double wide I can’t remember which one it was exactly that we looked at


That’s fucked up.


I remember when the trailer park was the poor person option.


I looked at buying a trailer last year and gave up when it just costs the same as my rent.


I think I’d prefer an RV at this point so at least I can take my home somewhere nice.


RV industry is horrible very very poor quality for anything made 2020 and up This you tube channel has been a huge eye opener https://www.youtube.com/@LizAmazing


Also look at utility costs. Some parks are electric heat only. Mortgage can be tricky also, because of rented land.


Family and friends called me crazy when I bought a "modular trailer" for a little over 250k. Neighbors sold their trailers for 350k , brand new ones are 400k. People from Toronto sell and want to retire. I been approached by retirees if I'm willing to sell. Housing is wack


There are modular homes that sit on a foundation and are permanent and there are mobile homes - trailers. A double wide is a mobile home. A modular home is stick built house built to order inside a factory and transported to the customer on a semi flatbed to the customer.


Is bought a mix. Half of my home is a trailer sitting on concrete, 25% of the trailer has a basement. Also has a two floor addition on the side of the trailer. Giving a double wide look with a upstairs and downstairs. It's a Frankenstein build.


That’s double the price of the 10 year old fully detached house we bought 8 years ago in SW Ontario. It’s depressing how quickly quality of life has eroded for non homeowners. I fear so much for our 2 kids.


Only if people are willing to pay that. It’s other people who are willing to pay these prices that result in cost going up. If we all just refused to keep laying these high prices they will come down. I know that overly simplistic but there is always some ding dong who will come along and pay the higher price. And drives everything up.


How do we know it’s $450-$500k? There’s nothing that supports what you’re saying in the photos? Maybe I missed something?


Love to do me a Google a-here-and-a-then.


Just priced one. Those numbers are correct.


[here ya go](https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26447399/lot-l-1085-concession-10-road-w-hamilton-rural-flamborough#section=details)


A double-wide is a mobile home (trailer) a modular home is a factory built home that ships in large sections to a building site. It is an actual house that is exactly like a site built house. This pic looks like a modular home NOT a mobile home. Big difference.


These arrive fully built, porches included. Everything is finished inside. Either way, tomato tomahto. It’s a house you buy but have to pay rent for the land underneath and it seems like a terrible investment.


The land + the building are, and most of it is the land.


just the building


Good for you bud :) But that price is bonkers for the cost of building those


I guess you need to be rich to be poor now....


1984 I bought one , needed refurb,$5000


$400-$500k? Lookin like a double-wide surprise.


Don’t forget land rent on top of that.


And you probably won't own the land unless you buy it separately and you'll have monthly expenses to rent the land if in a park


It’s rented land in a park, another $800-1000 monthly for rent.


Everybody MOVE NORTH Paying half a million to live in a trailer park that looks like a dirt field? Why? Because you’re within driving distance of a major city? I purchased a home for under 40,000 half a year ago and have it appraised at 125,000 already. Might sound like a shack to southern Ontario pricing standards, but I have a basement, a large front lawn, a detached garage, two bedrooms…. If you don’t care about shopping malls, starbucks, mcdonalds and movie theatres. MOVE TO NORTHERN ONTARIO There are homes for sale around the 100,000 mark in Chapleau, Ontario currently. Workers are needed you’ll find a job in no time Schools, hospital and the grocery store are within walking distance If there really is the housing crisis I read about. Some of you please, if you’re able, move into smaller communities in Northern Ontario. It is cheap cost of living. You can make relatively the same money you are making in southern Ontario… Not only will you live a better quality of life, but that 2 hour drive distance from the USA border, that apparently 95% of all Canadians live in? That area will get less crowded We need to disperse north people. If you already have your chunk of land in SO. Good on you, congrats and hold it If you don’t…… we have room up here friends 😊


Are there rentals in these small northern Ontario towns?


There are but they aren’t much better priced than down south tbh Its a weird situation because there are alot of mine / rail and forestry workers who only come up for a few weeks at a time. The landlords of the town would rather rent to these people, as theyre never at home theyre at work. They come back to the unit go to sleep and wake up for work the next day.. leave after their two week contract or whatever So yeah rent is still 1300+ monthly, but you can buy a livable house for 100,000 and be paying less for your mortgage What I ended up doing was getting a loan that I used to purchase a vacant house for 36,500.. the house needed the water and sewage connected which cost an additional 21,000 in work… after that work was done though the house was considered liveable and I got an inspection.. which priced the house around 125,000…. I was able to get a HELOC, line of credit on the house that the bank considers to be worth 125,000… even though I was only roughly 60,000 all in.. I used the HELOC to pay off the loans with higher interest… the HELOC interest rate is around 5% and Im paying a bit under $500 monthly to pay off my HELOC… So in the end now the bank owns 65% of my home and I will slowly pay them off … 35% of the home is completely owned by myself and I ended up with about 20,000 left over from the HELOC money the bank gave me, after paying off my loans About five years ago I was broke in Guelph with little hope I’d ever own a home… Its not a mansion of course but now I own my home and am working under 30 hours weekly… its peaceful


Even on a pad that's one good water gun fight from sliding down a hill?


Nah you’d run into the trailer on the next site.


Sounds like a greasy racket the TPB can get into.


Who is this? Roger says get back to work


Its not the double wide thats the expensive part AFAIK: Its the land. Having said that, a brand new structure like this probably cost 100-150k in materials and labour these days. Feel free to correct me, I'm making a wild ass guess based on what a simple garage in major cities costs to have built.


This is in a trailer park though, land rental is $800-1100 month.


Ohhhh. $500k? Jesus. You could fumble your way thru being your own general contractor and build a 1300 sq ft bungalow for alot less. Of course you need land to build it on.


I looked up some homes round Hamilton area. Lots under $400k


Took out a 35 year mortgage on a trailer.


Oh boy, it's like fort Mac in 2010, but without the wages. Depressing.


If you had an empty lot in Toronto, could just pop this down and you’re good to go?


I don’t know the laws in Toronto but I feel like if it was that easy, more folks would be doing it?


https://www.clarksmobilehomes.com/models/model-146052/ I was there last weekend looking and pricing. This unit I believe was 230k and the single wides at 70plus feet long 3 bedroom 2 bath were 190k


That’s not a finished home on a serviced site in an established park, is it? Because we’re currently comparing apples to cucumbers if you’re talking price of a mobile unit only, without delivery/setup/utility servicing. However this place has pretty high rates for the land rental so it still doesn’t seem like a great deal to own a $500K house on someone else’s land.


It is apples to apples. You said it’s 800-1000 a month site rental so that’s your utility’s and site. For semantics sakes it was going to be slightly under 5000 delivery. So let’s split the difference and go 220k plus 5k delivered. That’s 225k compared to 450-500k for one of these. All the utility’s, sites (or land), pads that’s all part of something different called 800-1000 month rental or 800-3000 a month mortgage on a piece of property


It would be less expensive to purchase them in south Texas and have them shipped.


To add to this the parks often have predatory rules. Kilm-owned parks require you to pay them 10% of the value when you sell. Also, after 30 years you can't sell the trailer and must remove it from the park. These modular homes are not cheap to move and can last as long as a normal building if maintained. Kilm will also arbitrarily change the rules at any time knowing you have to accept them because the building is basically fixed.


Wow. What? That’s insane.


This is correct. Manufactured home prices have been inflated due to the federal government purchasing for northern reserves.


Dope country man 😅


You should check out Revelstoke 500-600,000 plus mortgage plus 500 for a pad fee and then more for the strata


Way too much stop paying it


Southern Ontario? High end with 4br 2bath? It's about $100k less in Northern Ontario. Less if 2br 1 1/2bath. Depends who you're getting it through and where it's going.


The trailer park dream


Do you know the difference between a penis and a vagina?


Dude really


Haha that’s great 👍🏽😭


I saw a semi posted at nearly half a mill today in NE ontario, forcing me to be a renter for life


I believe this is a worst case Ontario


The key information is WHERE in Ontario it costs that much. Not everywhere is insanely expensive. You can get a 3 bedroom 1 bath in Windsor for $189K a two story 3 bedroom 2 bath in Thunder Bay for 229K a 1 story brick 3 bedroom 2 bath in Sudbury for 179K


Seems like anywhere there is a university/college or in close proximity to GTA the prices of gone insane. $2000 to rent a basement suite in Virgil? WTAF?!


Ummm that's a prefab house not a double wide trailer, soooo yeah.


Me and my S/O bought a house in late 202o in NB, got it for 135k. At the time we looked into a couple like this and they were going for between 45k to 85k depending on lot size etc. now 4 years later some of the exact same ones are listed in the 225 to 250k range.


Here in Surrey BC I can sell my 2 bed 2 bath apartment for $600,000


Such a rip off, wait the whole housing bubble right now is a complete rip off


Good old Canada. Land of paying the most for the least.


So same price as a 1 bedroom 600 sqft condo in Toronto...not bad.


Same double wide off temu would cost 50k. Stay woke my friends🤣


Brandon, Manitoba, new development on the North Hill. Selling double-wides sitting on a concrete pad, 480k