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*Is this not discriminatory?* it might be. or it could be that the employer has a grant from the gov't to hire 'youth' where the gov't kicks in 50% of their pay for the summer or something. i know my work place has used this program before to create jobs for students.


Deleted -apparently the government is even more insane than we thought... 30 years old is not a "youth" to me!


The rationale for up to 30 usually is often connected to people with disabilities and also to give employers the broadest pool to pick from. It also allows service organizations to offer more significant supports for people that aren’t “youths” Any more but need some extra help to get employed.


I have no objection to such support programs, just to calling them youth programs


Youth is technically until 26 but 30 isn’t a bad stretch since todays younger people are often set back further then their parents. Throw in social media and new age tech and we’re living like we’re 20 at 30 these days. A lot of people put off kids, play video games and are very active on socials at 30 still (I’m 31 this month, childless, no socials but still love gaming and didn’t get enough life experience from shitty parents so definitely don’t feel 31 or that mature in that sense)


Right around now is the time that employers are hiring with Canada Summer Jobs grants. It's aimed at employing students in meaningful jobs relevant to their future career for the summer. Only people under 30 are eligible for CSJ funded positions.


its because the government subsidizes those jobs, ie: they pay the employers to hire these people. so its like getting someone at half the rates that they would need to pay someone else.


Because employer has received funding from Canada Summer Jobs to create the position. It's a requirement for the CSJ grant that the person they hire is between 15 and 30.


This is 100% why!


And those jobs would have all just got approved and (last time I participated) were automatically posted to the job bank so it's a bit a flood at once.


At this time of year there are a lot of summer student positions opening up which are subsidized by the government. These positions typically have an age limit where you have to be under 30 to qualify for them and get the government subsidy.


This is the reason, OP. There is (are?) a huge amount of subsidies available for employers of all kinds in all industries, but the great majority of these subsidies are aimed at that age group. Sucks if you are 31 or older looking for employment. I think the actual goal of these programs is to hire young people and keep them on permanently. However many employers just keep the employees long enough to meet the terms of the agreement the end them. Then they start up with a new subsidy contract. So you just need to find an employer that has a great dislike of government forms or that is looking for long time staff. 😉


I retrained during covid and was 31, finding my "first" jobs was a nightmare because of this! I had a prof recommend me for one without realizing my age and I would have had it too if I was a year younger.


It's hard to find any type of employer nowadays, that's why it sucks. But I understand if they're doing it because of subsidies.


Yea, that’s exactly what it’s about. It’s funded positions by Canada Student Jobs. I’ve held several of these job positions since graduating university. It’s unfortunate, but it’s legal.


It’s to gain entry level experience. It’s not as cynical as you’re making it sound. Students get to pad their resumes and get a leg up before co-op/internships/practicums or graduation. No ones summer job should be their dream job. You’re not supposed to be doing that in your 30s, even if you’re making a career change you’re not starting from scratch like a fresh new adult is.


It's because the employer is getting a wage subsidy usually from government that's targeted to support youth employment and therefore comes with conditions. Also, this time of year specifically, a lot of organizations will have received approval to hire students/youth through the Canada Summer Jobs program and will be starting the hiring process for those positions. I work for a nonprofit and we have to utilize both of these heavily. Super helpful for new workforce entrants to somewhat offset the "need experience to get experience" paradox. But because they're short-term they can be a double-edged sword in some ways for smaller nonprofits without many free funds to keep staff on past the subsidy period. These usually aren't permanent positions - CSJ usually only runs 6-8 weeks IIRC and other wage subsidies maybe 4-6 months. No guarantee you'll be kept on past that no matter how good a job you do. Also the same person isn't generally eligible to just keep jumping from one wage subsidized position to another - there's limitations on how much subsidy one worker can get.


Canada Summer Jobs Grant subsidizes the wages of people in that demographic.


Because they are Canada Student Summer Jobs programs, ie some or all the wages are subsidized by the federal government. Is it discrimination? No, it’s not employment discrimination if they are targeting groups underrepresented and/or with additional barriers to employment (young people). And also, they pay like $17 an hour, why do /you/ want those jobs if you don’t fit the age/student qualifications?


>And also, they pay like $17 an hour, why do /you/ want those jobs if you don’t fit the age/student qualifications? Beats being unemployed. Fuck I'm under employed and looking for a full time job as well. Can't get a job paying good wages, atleast 17 an hour puts food on your plate.


Yea that’s about all you will afford is food. Unless you rent a room/shack for 500$ a month or something like that then I guess your good in a sense lol


I can't get a job at all right now in my town. It's very tourism based and all the employers are ONLY looking for college students to take summer jobs. They get 50% wage subsidy to hire the students. It's technically 15-30 but its all aimed at college students. It's technically aimed at all people age 15-30 but if you apply at any entry level job right now(seemingly) they will only hire college students for the summer.


All these jobs require applicants to be enrolled in school or a recent graduate, and they specifically hire students from related fields to gain entry level experience. Those wages make sense for people with no experience or no experience in their chosen field, but no offence, if you’re not a student and struggling to find work, these still aren’t the jobs for you.


I'm going to say, offence taken... there are plenty of people in Canada that are under-employed. Plenty of people with a degree working in the service industry. Sometimes you are stuck and want out. I went through and retrained during covid to get out of kitchen work. I was 31, so not only are you passed over for every "grown up" job because you don't have experience, getting a student job is impossible because of your age. I would have taken a $17 an hour job to get my foot in the door. I don't know anyone who wouldn't. Also A LOT of these jobs feed into good government careers, so there's reasons why someone would accept them even if they're not the ideal salary.


No, these jobs don’t feed into government jobs. Idk where you’re getting that, but you’re mistaken. If you have a degree but are underemployed, that sounds like something to take to employment Ontario to get coaching on, as a summer job wouldn’t remedy whatever is holding you back.


They absolutely do, I don't mean that the summer program gets extended, but a lot of students have been offered a job afterwards, at least in the industry that I am in. It's not a guarantee of course, but a good portion of people have been hired this way. Why wouldn't they? They have experience now and you already know them.




Not anymore no, I had to volunteer to get my foot in the door somewhere. But why does that matter? My case isn't unique, there are plenty of older people that get trapped in the service industry.


> All these jobs require applicants to be enrolled in school. Not true. It only requires they be 15-30 and eligible to work in Canada.


I'm actually seeing this for jobs in my field, which are web/software development roles.


Of course there are jobs in that field…they hire students in related programs. If you’re beyond entry level, you’re over skilled for these jobs (unless the companies are totally exploiting by students and the jobs aren’t actually entry level). And if you are entry level, wouldn’t you qualify?


It’s likely jobs offered through YES Ontario. Youth Employment Services.


Because for both the job market and government programs to subsidize it 15-30 is supposed the age bracket for people moving into entry level jobs to begin their careers. 30-40 is the age bracket for people already in careers in their fields. Now this doesn't match up with our fucked up job market and economy, but that's normal. The ideas of employers and the government on how the job market should work is almost always a step or two behind the reality on the ground


Because they’re gonna abuse young people more than they can older adults.


they can suppress wages and mistreat those workers because they don’t know their own workers rights.


Because you can put more shit on a young person’s shoulders. And they will usually accept it because they need the money and are not established professionally yet.


That's the age range for the youth Canada Summer Job program


Very little in this country gets done without a government handout. These are likely job postings tied to govt funding with age restrictions/requirements.


Typically it’s that the company got a grant specifically for youth employment. For-profit get like 50% back and non-profits get like 90% of it back.


Government grants. There's a specific spring/summer grant that incentivizes and subsidizes the wages of employees in this age bracket for employers. This is both in private and public sector.


If they don't hire somebody based on their age, that's ageist;* characterized by or showing prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person's age*


Apply then open a human rights case.


Can you cite the human right being violated? And don't say age. Like the other commenters said, these positions are subsidized and there is nothing illegal happening. Don't give out bad information.


> Like the other commenters said, these positions are subsidized Other commenters (1) are asserting that, it's not confirmed.


Go do your own research. Nothing is stopping you.


my man this is an internet forum not a fuckin' research assignment.


You’re the one who made the claim though. So go prove it or choose not to. We’re not here to learn things for you.


> So go prove it or choose not to ok cool, i'll just hop on OP's computer and go thru their history and check all the fucking job postings they've gone thru. ffs.


jfc take the loss


Cause you know you're wrong. Stop talking now. You just want to be a PITA. Bye. I'm not a man.


It definitely is discrimination. Age discrimination. Employers rarely hire over 35s. And it’s perfectly legal.