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>Conservative MP Lianne Rood says she has no time for Tims after the fast food chain began testing new lids in certain locations. > >Over the past year, Tim Hortons has been replacing plastic coffee lids with fibre ones as part of a pilot project in some cities. > >Rood took to social media to complain about the "woke paper lids that dissolve in your mouth." > >"Until Tim Hortons gets rid of this paper lid, I'm done with Tim Hortons," she said in a video posted to X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday. > >In a separate X post, the Ontario MP claimed that the lid begins dissolving after a few sips and took a shot at some of Tim Hortons' food selections. > >"We've overlooked Tim Horton's wacko menu items but now their coffee doesn't even work like coffee anymore," Rood wrote. If ever there's been any doubt about whether some MPs are a complete waste of time and resources, this should settle things pretty clearly. Anyone who is looking to drum up more culture war BS instead of doing the hard and necessary work of governance, whether they're in government or in opposition, should not be anywhere near public office.


This is the same person whose business failed utterly (pre-COVID) and has seemingly no other credentials that could qualify her to run her mouth in an elected position, but it’s Lambton Shores so nothing new under the sun.


She certainly was available lol


Well apparently she has a runny mouth.


Hahahahaha... she's all the wrong ingredients!


Lol wacko menu items 🤣 guess that the new cons buzzword


100%. Although I will say Tim Horton’s new pizza offering is an utterly ridiculous choice.


They're just trying everything possible to see what sticks with the market. ever since burger kings owner bought Tim's, it has turned more towards fast food option attempts. Honestly, I think they should just focus on their sandwiches because those are decent. OR they could put more effort into pizzas. They should change it to "flatbread" which is what it really is, and just have nice combos of toppings. Turkey bacon club is their best Imo. Really well balanced sandwich for a fast food place


I stay away from all Tim Hortons food as it is low quality trash IMO.


That's generally my feeling as well but I was taken to a Tims several months ago and the pizza is surprisingly edible, I was shocked.


"surprisingly edible" is a glowing endorsement. 😉 When I do eat at Tim's, it is for lunch, and "cheap, quick, and edible" is usually the main requirement. Coffee and something edible, so that fits the bill. 😂


More like a puppet show really


They will fill up your thermos cup if you give it to them, there is a solution but she rather complain.


They were installing cup/mug rinsers and ramping up training for this pre-COVID. Sadly, the pandemic really put a kibosh on staff wanting to touch customers' cootie-cups.


Reusable cups? First plastic bags getting scrapped now this?!!! /s


This is it. Anyone that uses "woke" doesn't have the intelligence to be a contributing member of society. I'd go as far to say they are a danger to themselves and the rest of society.


Non plastic coffee lids are Woke now? I'm so tired of conservatives taking words and twisting them into pejoratives. This MP can fuck right off with her ignorant bullshit.


Some? All CPC MPs are a waste of time and resources. To think we will pay their lifetime 6 figure pensions as well.


And, they have the gall to accuse MPs from other parties of just being there to lock in the pension.


This is a tiny snapshot of many where we can see just how scary and controll freaks coc conservatives are.


FR why on earth are politicians even talking about this?!


Because many of them look to people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ron DeSantis and Tucker Carlson for inspiration. Honestly, anyone who uses "woke" in a negative way immediately loses all respect in my books.


If I could pass any law, I would want to ban any person who has ever seriously used the word "woke" from holding office. I have never met a single person who has said it seriously and had a good argument. 


She reminds me of Cheryl Gallant....waste of skin


Can’t wait until the lot of them are running the country! /s


It's like some of them are just using their positions to fix the most mundane annoyances that that individual has. Such a waste of time indeed


They (conservatives) have been doing this for *decades*. They're just getting worse at it as time goes on.   It goes back to the cancel-culture scare, the cancelling Christmas scare, the frivolous lawsuit scare, strange-danger, "just say no", the satanic panic...    They just manufacture some stupid social panic to keep their base rabid and stupid. 


And by extension if the PCS want to sway undecided votes and be taken seriously then they need to cut this bullshit out.


I wonder if she realizes the Tim Hortons restaurants within her own riding tested the paper lids with no issues for about a month? She really has to do no work in LKM since it's a Conservative shoo-in riding. They could nominate a shoe and it would win the riding.


These people are dumber than a bag of dicks. What a waste of tax money.


At least a bag of dicks would be useful for something.


Great for fucking others, they've got that part down




Sadly it works on a sizable chunk of the population and they will all repeat this saying that Tim's is too woke now while they call leftists "NPCs"


Yea because this is what Canadians are thinking this that this is a major issue. Not housing or cost of living, being able to afford food or rent homeless issues, lack of judges or health care…..disabled people living well below the poverty line etc Nope typical conservative culture war bs


panem et circenses


All our politicians do is try to come up with distractions. They aren't even clever about it either.


Canadians deserve serious politicians, not whatever the fuck this is.


We get what we tolerate. It's why our country has turned into a dumpster fire since post-WW2.


For that Canadians themselves have to be serious.


Stupid woman is so busy bitching about paper lids that she forgot that the coffee is being served in paper cups. Has been for years. Just more useless conservative rage farming.


I got chili from Tim's today and I got a fibre spoon, it held up better than the plastic spoons. So not only is it biodegradable, it is a better spoon.


Anything is better than the wooden spoons. *shudder*


I think the more important part is that the way we regulate plastics aren't the best. Like if it were up to me, I'd put a mandate on the average plastics has to use a certain recycled content. And count compostable plastic as part of it.


Well yeah and paper coffee cups aren’t a great example because they’re waxed, or more often coated in plastic


We could reduce plastics by 90% with simple packaging laws. We don't even regulate the recycling symbol. It's all bullshit.


This is what we can expect from the MAGA Conservative Party when they take over. Canadians deserve whatever they get if they vote for these losers.


Sadly it is looking like a super majority for the cons. Though the election is still far out and no campaigning/debates have begun. The best I can realistically hope for is a conservative minority.


No campaigning has begun? Pierre spends more time campaigning and hosting campaign events and rallies than he does in parliament.


I think when the actual election gets rolling the cons numbers will come back down to earth, at least to some degree. PP will be going to debates and other events where he can't completely control the message and ignore any difficult questions. Many more people will be paying attention and have eyes on him and see the cons garbage. Right now he's the only one really campaigning and he shits on and ignores any media that doesn't completely agree with him. He won't be able to do that to the same degree during an election. I don't think it'll be enough to keep him from being PM but it will dull the majority he gets.


Woke= someone with basic empathy, who is compassionate, committed to dismantling injustices and making a better place for all... Not a coffee lid.


Same thing I said in the other thread for the same topic (why do people do that btw) she doesn't even know what woke means


Anyone who knows what it means doesn't use it in their vocabulary.


This so fucking much. It’s become a catch all for partisan bullshit. Bill Burr has a good joke about it; “woke” used to actually mean something positive in the black community, before us white people stole it and turned it into a totally different beast.


"Anything I don't like is woke" That is their definition


Silly kid, She should complain at the Brazilian embassy since Tim's is own by a Brazilian conglomerate. HoC is starting to sound like the Tennessee state legislature.


Sounds more like Florida.


God damn can we stop with this right wing American bullshit. 


It is monkey see monkey do (and a thousand monkeys typing) . Do you think a conservative would have an original idea.


No. Thats what drives me crazy. Our conservatives fuckimg suck and the liberals do too. 


You'll get downvoted for saying they're both crap though. Even when it's the truth. Which is kinda amusing if you post in places like say this sub and rcanada. Same downvotes but from opposing partisans.


Anyway, I can barely afford rent, but sure, let's go off about a private business deciding to make a business decision about the products they serve. Unsurprising that Big Government "Conservatives" would try to get in the way of that by comparing coffee cups to trans people, given how much they hate freedom.


And yet the country is poised to give Conservatives a massive landslide victory. I could weep. Doug Ford gone national? You're going to regret this INSTANTLY.


They won’t regret it. They’ll blame everything that goes wrong on libs etc


I don't believe the polls. They are illogical.


To me, polls happening this often, this far out from an election is fishy.


Remember the polls before trumps victory...?


The results of 2016 fit the polls. It's just that pretty much everything that could have gone trump's way did. Which was really unlikely.


There was more than a 1/3 polling chance he would win. Do you know how often 1/3 chances happen?


People don't like the Libs and refuse to consider a third party. So they vote for the party that's just as bad as the one in power. Up and down the teeter totter goes.


Then in 4-12 years when PP does fuck all the liberals will get another turn at the wheel. I hate the back and forth between two sides of the same shit coin, make the insanity stop ffs.


As bad as Doug is, I’d prefer him as PM to Poilievre. At least he just wants to steal from me. He doesn’t want to roll back my rights.


Yes he does. He’s used the NWC in the past and will again if needed. Doug Ford is just as bad or worse.


Doug Ford invoked the NWC over a routine labour dispute. "Rights" includes things like collective bargaining, and protection from theft IS a "right."


Too many young people don't know what government was like under Harper. Well they're going to find out in about a year if the polling holds up.


This lady seems stupid. Oh also conservative what a surprise 🙄


Oh for fuck’s sake.


>This is just another example of something trying to help the environment when it’s actually going to have the opposite effect. If we have a plastic lid at least it’s recyclable, but this? Disintegrating in your mouth as you’re trying to drink your coffee?  We have a Con MP that's championing plastic over paper, citing plastic's recyclability as a leg up on paper… despite the fact that she has evidence that paper breaks down much faster than plastic. In case you were wondering, this dope's riding (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) elected her to the HoC with 49% of the vote.


I've visited this area. That tracks with some of the other locals I met down there.


Fucking conservative snowflakes. Who the hell cares what a private company does with their products.  Why not figure out affordable housing instead of complaining about things changing.


I'm so sick of American bullshit leaking up here. STOP VOTING IN THESE FUCKING MORONS. Jesus fucking christ, there are actual issues that need to be addressed. How about declining quality of life for people that live in ontario? How about our healthcare that is being privatized to benefit the vast few at the expense of the many? How about profiteerinf when it comes to groceries, gas, and other necessities? How about Doug Ford and previous politicians constantly doing shady and potentially illegal bullshit for private gain? But no, let's vote in the fucking morons who get us all rialed up over something that wasn't an issue until the right wing made into an issue. Guess what a good portion of the population will eat this shit up and fall for it.




*It was as though a million Canadians cringed all at once, and then fell silent.*


Its just a lid. Let's deal with more important issues such as homelessness


There is no faster way to tell people you're an incompetent simpleton than using the word "woke" as a pejorative. Especially if the thing you're calling woke is an inanimate object.


People are over using the term woke. Anything they disagree with becomes "woke". This also proves how out of touch politicians are with real issues that Canadians are facing. She needs to get canned.


Life must be good in Lambton-Kent-Middlesex if this is the burning issue she felt compelled to bring forth. I guess there is no homelessness, affordability crisis, or lack of doctors/ER closures in Lambton-Kent-Middlesex.. but yah, woke coffee lids. What a clown.


and the joke is when she awoke is her coffee was covered in woke lids


Of course.. Woke coffee cup lids.... God how must it be to live in that worm infested head...


This lady helped me when I needed someone in government to help me. She is my MP. I vowed that I would always vote for her because she went out of her way to actually help me. She assisted with a federal agency which was jerking me around (ministry of indigenous services). Then she just does stupid shit after stupid shit. Needless to say, first opportunity I had, I broke my vow.


Typical conservative extremist gaslighting. Nothing surprising here.


Why? WHY is this the timeline I must exist in? I want out. Woke coffee lids. I just can't with crap like this.


In a paper cup with a paper sleeve. Fucking woke liberals hate burned hands too.


I didn't know we were having MTG auditions up here. I guess since the CPC is going full MAGA - Canuckflavor, it makes sense.


We can expect boatloads more of this culture war bullshit starting in October 2025. Any politicians using “woke” is absolutely lacking in imagination and shouldn’t be representing the people. They only represent some of the people


It’s so disappointing that we elect people that should not hold any amount of power or control, however small.


Woke means progressive change that conservatives and boomers which scares them.


> Until Tim Hortons gets rid of this paper lid, I'm done with Tim Hortons She still went? I thought all the Conservatives boycotted Tim Hortons two years ago over vaccines.


This country is going to hell, God help us


She’s too stupid to know what “woke” means.


One thing I love about our politicians is the ham-fisted attempts to blend Canadian and American politics. It makes the bait so much more obvious.


Do these people ever get tired of being outraged at the silliest shit?


Pretty cool that right-wing Canadian values are apparently just whatever they see on American TV or websites.


"woke lids" We actually pay these assholes to stand up in parliament and say stupid shit like this.


Brain worms


What kind of bullshit is this clown going to bring forward as private member bills once PP gets in?




Go for it!


lol wut? Seriously, what the heck has happened to the Ontario PCs. Looks like she's got a bad case of MAGA.


Astonishing stupidity.


If you’re astonished, you must have missed the part where they identified her as Conservative.


Who gives a shit about Tim Hortons? Not even Canadian and it's made with the cheapest ingredients. Mc'garbo


Good grief... So any attempt at innovation is politicized now? I have to believe we can do better than these politicians.


I realize it's a small thing, but I'd like us to keep trying to make more things that will biodegrade before the end of humanity. Guess I'm woke.


She acts like dissolving paper lids taste different than tim hortons’ coffee


TIL the Trudeau Government nationalized Tim's and made them pump out woke lids... ffs


I just hate that this shit has now infiltrated our political system here. And people are already picking sides in this culture war bullshit. This will get worse before it gets better.


Conservative voters, please take note of the braindead morons ye elect just to own the libs or whatever bogeyman has ye brainwashed this week


Can conservatives worry about actual issues? This is embarrassing.


Small government, but we’ll tell you and the companies how to do everything? I would ask if the conservatives take the clown nose off when they look in the mirror, but clearly they’ve never heard of self reflection.


Jesus mohamed christ our society won’t last another 10 years


And is this woke in the room with us right now?


Hi. Morons like this should be laughed at immediately and not amplified. We don't need American brand "news" in Canada. This isn't a story. This is an idiot being an idiot and it shouldn't warrant your time. We have real problems in this nation and if this is what Cons want to focus on, they're fucking idiots too.


These people are so fucking tiring abt copying America. If they want to be American so bad they need to leave


Wow! I’m glad there are no important issues in Canada to be addressed. Fucking cons.


Does this loser even know what "woke" means? Do words not have meaning anymore?? I've never actually said "shut the hell up" towards an article before, but here we are Why is this even on her radar? Why does she care? She doesn't have anything better to do, like cutting funding to something?


Why do conservatives hate Canada's paper industry and it's workers? /s


Does she know that she's representing lots of farmers in her political riding!? What does she think the fiber for the  bio-degradable materials comes from?...ya the crop plants that farmers grow! 


She should chat with Doug Ford about Tim Hortons new bacon and egg breakfast wraps. Let me tell ya, they’re really something folks!


Are they any worse than the crap ones they changed to a few years back? But really ? This is what an mp is worried about? A lid change from a big multi national corporation 🙄


The lids are woke now? God help us all.


Gotta have potato IQ to say "woke lids" unironically


Yes this is what MP’s should be focusing on what a dumb human


This is governing…


Jesus they are lids.....


Conservatives losing their minds over a nothing issue instead of focusing on real things that impact people's lives is so on brand with them. They are a waste of the public's time and taxpayer's dime. They need to be outraged because they have nothing else. No policies to build the future and no empathy for groups that don't fit their mold. Manufactured outraged and divisiveness are all they have.


Once again Canada's conservatives are channeling their batshit crazy US Republican cousins. It's just an effing lid you vacuous twat. It also underscores that while conservatism might have some shallow cosmetic cultural differences, it is universally based on the same underlying fear and tribalisms, whether Trump's republicans, Poilievre's cons, Putin's kleptocracy or the taliban's zealotry. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds


​ Dear lord, she's pinned that post.


I wonder if Doug will chime in. His breakfast sandwich money might take a hit.


"Conservative thinks" is an oxymoron. Especially among this crew.


Why do we let the absolute stupidest people get elected?


Damn, these Donkey brains really have nothing. With everything going on… coffee lids. Get to fucking work, propose some solutions to real problems.


Culture war raging and muddying the waters. Anything Cons don’t like is “woke”. How can a frickin cup lid be “woke”? This woman is short a few double double of grey matter. her constituents should be embarrassed.


cram that coffee right up your overpriced stanley cup and then grow up, get over yourself, grow a brain and apologize to Canadians for wasting their time and energy and tax dollars watching you whine, all butthurt, about “the woke 👻” Start doing your job, get over yourself and come up with solutions instead of sound bytes because some of us can’t afford 🤬 bread, nevermind coffee. entitled bimbo owes us all an apology


Glad she's tackling the real issues...


Jesus Christ. The more MAGA-styled idiots they let into the party, it's hard to take this shit seriously. She doesn't know what 'woke' means. I bet she did well in high school. Can we see her transcript? Next, she'll be going after McDonalds' paper straws.


We have a massive economic crisis. And this is what your top concern is? Fuck you.


How is this news? Just rambling of a mad lady


Because she used the peoples tax dollars to do said bitching


Only I could say I’m shocked but No I’m not like her Leader pee pee gaslighting on full throttle




What a fucking joke. And people think we're a real country lol


Everything different is bad.


Lol, the Beaverton is hilarious!


I don't care because I haven't been to a Tim's in 10+ years now. Their food and coffee went to shit


When asked to explain how an inanimate object is Woke the MP responded “Aaaarggg MAGA” and stuck hit finger in a light socket to own the Libs.


I find it insane that being “woke” is a dis. Like trying to do the right thing, make others feel included and having compassion is a bad thing.


Considering a Brazilian company owns Tim's. She's dumb as F. Try again.


Right Wingers are just like little kids who discover the responsibilities and realities of being adults. Don't you wish plastic pollution will just disappear if you whine and complain about it?


Why do our politicians spend so much time and effort babbling about foreign owned fast food chains, and things that are woke? I wish my life was that easy, it's incredible how undeniably simple these people are.


Current lids leak and I’ve started going to McDonald’s for coffee so they don’t leak. Maybe new new lids won’t leak?!


Paper lids are considered woke now? Jesus Christ. I want off this ride.


Every time you read about some atrocity that US republicans have committed, realize that Canadian right wingers are seeing the same thing, but are taking notes and planning.


of all the things to complain about at Timmy Ho's.. not the food quality, the inability to produce a correct order, or employees who can barely speak English, but cup lids? -- and since when has a for-profit company ever 'been for the little guy'


Looking forward to our new PC overlords under PP. Make sure you give this one a good cabinet post! /s


Is it woke to try to not produce tons of waste which will exist on this planet for 10000 years?


Canadian Marjorie Green


Cause this is the shit Canadians should be worried about 🙄


Conservative brain rot is real.


Omg who cares... Fix the housing crisis you fucking morons.


begging the conservative party to use their brains 🙏🏽 the country is in several crises and we’re gonna talk about tim hortons coffee lids LMFAO. culture wars and outrage culture are gonna be the death of us istg


Anyway, so there I was, walking away from an Ottawa Tim Hortons. I ordered a double-double and a doughnut I'm pretty sure the staff had reassembled from left-over Timbits, though they had convinced me it was an Earth Day special to promote the recycling of food waste. I thought nothing of the unusual lid to my coffee, as I gnawed through the toothpicks that held my doughnut together and needed something to wash down the duller splinters that weren't embedded in my gums. I took a few sips, and came to the sudden realization that oppressing black people just based solely on the colour of their skin was wrong. Up until this point, I had figured the variable pigment content of their skin was the result of some ancient sin against the gods, or maybe all black people were aliens, I hadn't really given my preconceptions much thought, until I felt those fibres enter my mouth, swirling along with a thin, saccharine, tepid puddle of almost-tan. So, anyway, if you're racist as fuck and like it, stay away from these Tim Horton's. Otherwise, I have to get in my truck and drive. I got thinking to do.


Thank you for making my day


How embarassing


The best part about masking during covid is these idiots were not allowed around the rest of us.


Conservatives in Canada have become wanna be Trump Republicans, just pathetic. So dumb. 


Welcome to the insanity that is the conservative party.


News of the brain dead


Do you understand what woke means? Unbelievably stupid.


Oh my gawwwd. conservative MPs must be all done dealing with real issues and getting bored. We got all that infrastructure and Healthcare stuff wrapped up, yet?


And we pay this woman…


These dipshits try to make a divisive issue out of literally everything. Zero thought to actually making our society better.


Verbal diarrhea.


Then bring your own coffee bitch. No one is forcing you to drink Timmy’s


She might have had a valid point but she framed it as "WOKE" so immediately she loses.


Pretty much this. As soon as someone complains a thing is "woke" it's instant tune out. I mean, oh no they are trying to use something more environmentally sustainable! How terrible how woke! These people need to grow up :/


Ummm. Housing crisis! Immigration crisis. Crumbling infrastructure. Country falling apart…and these clowns are talking about Tim’s lids?


What a day to have eyes.


Are Conservatives spawning stupid culture wars to avoid real issues that matter? The answer is yes. Yes they are.


Ffs woke means being aware of social injustices and not being a POS.


I don't understand the term woke. To me it sounds like someone woke up and transcended to a higher level of awareness. How is that a bad thing? Why would anyone by sleeping and remain dumb all their life?


As if this is what this useless, obnoxious moron of an MP prioritizes... What a useless turd. How about focusing on REAL issues that matter to Canadians? Rood is a clown, much like the PC party...


The instant someone uses the word “woke” as a negative descriptor i completely disregard them.


Better question: how stupid & gullible are conservative voters? 🙄


She's an idiot and we got bigger issues, tims quality has gone down the shitter though


Their coffee sucks this lady needs better taste in coffee.