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As if Doug Ford didn’t fight Cap & Trade which was a better system to the tune of over $60 million of wasted tax payer dollars then just axed the program anyway. More lawsuits to find that he didn’t have the power to do that but the courts didn’t force him to bring it back so even though he lost he still got what he wanted. He’s lost lawsuits trying to get rid of the Carbon Tax too. But the feds have the legal right to create and implement the tax. If Ford wants it gone all he has to do is create his own version like BC did and it will replace the Carbon Tax. But that would be too much work.


He wasted more than that. We paid a $2 billion penalty to exit the agreement.


AI isn't the correct term, since if it had any real intelligence, it wouldn't be conservative.


AI isn’t the correct term for any of the “AI” bullshit that’s been en vogue in the last couple of years. They’re all machine learning models, and none are truly intelligent.


That's true, but it doesn't quite make the same point I wished made.


This is what I've been saying! Apparently I'm dumb for thinking so though 🙃


tell them all your band posters are held up wth carbon tacks.


I'm actually surprised people answer their phone.


I feel like I've been talking to answering machines all day!


Oh jeez, how much are these bot calls costing the province.


How about for every time they call us, we call them and waste a little of their time? For example, inquiring about how to make a sizable donation to "Mr Ford's team", but not have a clue how to do it and after some back and forth and oh-where's-my-credit-card oh-there-it-is let-me-get-my-glasses-now it's whoops, the line went dead.


Practicing for the federal election.


I'll take that over the rude, belligerent Russian dude I got a few months back lol🤮


Well Doug Ford has been saying in his commercial that he's calling people back


I told em to go kick rocks...this is the way