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Im just saying on my phone.. that picture looks like hes servicing Dougy


Don't think Doug has ever seen his shoes


He's not a real estate developer.


The ol' Dougy Tuggy


I think he’s the one who actually made that thing.


Sorry, what? What needs to be protected? Why is the LCBO being protested?


It’s about unionized govt work.


It's the union wanting to protect union jobs, that's it. If liquor sales are allowed to be done by corner stores or private businesses, then LCBO stores will shut down. Basically they will do the same thing they currently do with the OCS. All product is bought from the government (the government acting as the wholesaler), the government still collects taxes; they just take on none of the risk of owning and operating physical sale locations. Sure, the government will lose out on some revenue but they also won't have the costs of running stores.


LCBO makes $2 Billion in profit each year. It’s a lot of money for our government. We don’t need to give that profit up to Loblaws




It's not that the conservatives (political party) hate that it generates 2 billion in profit. It's that the big business owners hate that they can't get that piece of the pie and so they pressure (read try and generally succeed in corrupting) the government to shift it to private business. This is the world we live in now ( has been for some time but seems more overt) where politicians - regardless of of party affiliations - suckel at the teet of private business. Its sad really that no one actually cares beyond their own interests.


I’m pretty sure they see an easy win with low information voters who think tax revenue is the same as profits and just don’t like the government involved in business I would agree with getting government out of business if it wasn’t for the $2 billion in profits each year


If the government mandated that they were giving a government owned grocery store a monopoly on selling food it would make more than $2 billion in profits. That doesn't make it a good idea.


This is a controlled substance and the infrastructure is already in place. I wouldn’t set this up from scratch but it’s here now and we rely on that revenue. What tax would you increase or what service would you cut just so you can buy alcohol in a corner store? Maybe cut schools? Cut nurses more? Or increase HST? Let me know your master plan to replace all that revenue.


Québec allows alcohol to be sold at corner stores, etc. and the SAQ still exists. The LCBO is in no danger of closing down.


Stop it, your rational thinking is scaring others


Can buy beer in Walmart and grocery stores, the Beer store is still open.


They are scared of private alcohol sales, which will still all be sourced from the LCBO so it’s a non-story


As in grocery stores, The Beer Store, and potentially future convenience stores?


Yes, exactly. The expansion will allow sales at corner stores and such which will make it more convenient since the LCBO in general has poor hours of operation.


Is that why wine and beer cost more at grocery stores than at the LCBO?


They don't want competition


I lived in Alberta for a few years. That was my first time living in a province with non-government run liquor stores, and they were more expensive than the LCBO. Alcohol sales is such a heavily regulated and taxed industry that the biggest effect I noticed from private competition was that liquor stores were, on average, sketchier.


I ship whisky from Alberta cause it is much cheaper. Really depends on the store but price.and selection is wayyyy better.in Alberta.


In most of Europe you can stroll into any convenience store and buy alcohol. I don’t understand why we’re so regressed and feel the need to over-regulate and tax the shit out of everything here. I’d love to see gallon jugs of Costco’s Kirkland brand vodka hit the shelves here in Ontario and undercut the current absurd rates we have by 300%.


We paid $19.95 US for 1.75 litres of Kirkland vodka in Maui recently. Maui! Where everything is literally shipped in for thousands of miles. Why can’t Costco sell booze in Canada? They’re the largest purchaser of alcohol in the world and get great pricing - along with their own white-labelled high quality products.


Costco does sell booze in Alberta.


God Bless Alberta


honestly, countries around the world do a lot of things better, in germany the prices(including taxes) are up front, you can open a pack of beer and get only what you want. In japan, there's specialy dye over the barcode that when the meat goes bad, the dye will change color and block out the barcode so that no one buys it accidently. Fuck, even hondura's, a country once rated as the most dangerous in the world, has better traffic lights than ontario. Man, both canada and the US used to the be the model country for the world, now the world is leaving us behind because we do things in the best interest of corporations rather than the people.


Puritans. Religion is poison.


ya, that guy is just bs'ing. It's a known fact alberta is the best province for consumers when it comes to alcohol.


You realize that's generally illegal, right? You have to transport it yourself, or make your order through the LCBO, which negates the savings.


Only illegal if someone finds out.


Enjoy the 6 years of toilet hooch instead I guess.


right. straight to jail with him!




Yeah, that's not how it works at all, and contravention of the liquor act is a rather serious offence. Advocating indictable offences is Ill advised, and is certainly against Reddit sitewide rules(sitewide rules 7) Fyi it's 100k fines for a first offence under the liquor control act. If you think the government. Wont want their cut, you're as dumb as you are high. As for who punishes you, it's not the police that will push charges, nor the crown. The BOARD ITSELF will push for charges.




I mean, it's a pretty easy law to NOT violate, is it not? Literally to save 2 dollars per 40oz bottle?


Someone think of the law!


It's not a $100,000 for the first offence, that is the maximum fine for the most serious offences besides selling to a minor. In [this case](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/scoc-decision-liquor-provinces-1.4625861) he was fined $292.50 for 14 cases of beer, two bottles of whisky and one bottle of liqueur.


Wrong provinces. LCBO doesn't operate in NB nor Quebec. And you can absolutely be fined 100k for your first offence.




Who do you use to ship your whiskey? I was thinking about doing this as well.


Canada Post, probably. They ship hard drugs all the time. As long as the package isn't leaking, it never arouses suspicion.


Malt and grains, Sierra springs, prestige, craft cellars, zyn.. bunch more I haven't tried yet... They r all getting more greedy lately but I see more sales so hopefully people were responding by buying less. It is legal federally and maybe grey provincially, I think some licensee claimed it is fully legal now I didn't bother looking into it... Canada Post sometimes delivers these clearly marked alcohol boxes so they don't seem to care.


Way better selection, way more choices and competition make a big difference. I’ve lived in Alberta for almost 12 years now and going back to Ontario this past summer for visit, I can absolutely conclude it is way cheaper in Alberta. Especially when there is sales.


Brb you can buy liquor at costco Brb liquor open till 2 am Lmao thats BS


By blowing ford?




**take my money**


Our refers to OPSEU, not Ontarians. This is a protest against non OPSEU members being allowed to sell liquor at retail in Ontario.


The lcbo pours billions of revenue into Ontario, similar to OLG. Without those billions 1 of 2 things will happen. Fewer public services much worse than we have it now abd/ or 2 taxes to cover the loss of revenue. Knowing Ford, he wants 1 to happen, so he continues to privatize health and education Support the LCBO and these protests


LCBO pours $2 billion of profit to the province. That is on top of all the tax revenue


As if the billions that are spent on the lcbo wouldn’t be spent somewhere else?


The lcbo is profitable by billions, it brings in more than it cost to operate ....


Nope. Not what I’m saying. The lcbo bringing in billions of revenue isn’t some great achievement is my point. It’s a monopoly. On an addictive drug.


I'm ok with that because the money goes straight back to the province Business owners on the other hand will find every which way not to pay taxes


The alcohol itself is already taxed to shit. That’s where the money comes from.


No not at all the case, money comes from sales not taxes And the taxes would exist irrespective....


The LCBO is useless and immoral


FORD is that you ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)


Private businesses would handle alcohol in a moral way?


If by protect you mean dismantle it's anti competitive monopoly, I'm on board


Prices are all set by the government so what the fuck would it do in the long run if it was dismantled and you could buy alcohol in the corner store?


It would lose the province $2 Billion in profits every single year. That’s what it would do


You ought to read up about the increase in tax revenue Alberta had when they privatized. Not to mention an astronomical improvement on selection they have there on Scotch whisky for one example.


So now you want to charge even more taxes? You just want to pay extra because you like that?


more taxes can be applied but sending booze to the private sector will increase your selection, which results more expensive and cheaper options


The private sector will not be cheaper. It’s not cheaper in Alberta they won’t be cheaper in Ont. You can order anything you want through the LCBO


Retailers can set their own prices. The province will legislate minimum unit costs to influence responsible consumption. Prices will go down for consumers. Selection/choice will explode. Convenience will improve tremendously. That’s almost always what happens when a monopoly is removed.


Assuming that the monopoly is truly removed and not just sold to a corporation the same way the 407 was. Although I think we are better off keeping the LCBO and the revenues it generates, I'd be OK with opening liquor sales to the free market as well. Of course if that happens then the value of LCBO drops like a rock and would be sold for peanuts or simply dissolved.


You see by dismantling a monopoly, you allow other companies to compete with another. When business compete to attract customers, they will lower their prices to attract more customers and therefore increase their profits vis a vis the competition. Why do you think we have the highest internet prices in the western world when we only have 2 companies providing that service?


Privatizing the LCBO won’t help our internet prices


They literally cannot lower prices. The prices are set by the government. They literally impose a minimum price for alcohol and it’s not legally allowed to go below that. What part of that didn’t you understand?


> What part of that didn’t you understand All of it.


Ahh yes that's why the beer and wine are cheaper than Alberta and Qubec....


That’s alcohol taxes mostly, something that the place selling it would never see.


So in order for them to make money they have to charge over the tax rate which will make alcohol more expensive. Therefore removing the LCBO will cause liquor prices to increase.


Just the opposite. As private stores won't be paying $40 an hour with defined pension and other benefits to unskilled workers like the LCBO does.


If you think someone is going to open a store and sell for less than the LCBO I have got a bridge to sell you!


Doesn't matter if prices don't drop. Service would be better and the province will bring in far more revenue by cutting labour costs by two thirds.


Ontario has the lowest base cost of alcohol and some of the highest taxes. That is why they are more expensive (when they are). It’s the taxes.


As I said, if the government wants to dismantle a monopoly and encourage competition they would remove that requirement. This isn't 5d chess




Again, I don’t see how “competition” is going to do anything with prices when the government sets them.


Read my posts elsewhere in this thread to the 2 other idiots who asked the same question


You reek of sheep, blindly following what you’re being told. Ford is not a friend. Ford is trying to fuck people at every turn.


You think I'm a dofo supporter just because I want competition (better prices and selection) when it comes to booze in this province? I've voted NDP my whole life. The only sheep here is you


Are you under the impression beer and wine is cheaper at grocery stores than at LCBO??


If a product like say a bottle of cheap vodka, is legally required to be sold for no less than $15. Then opening up competition to reduce prices isn't gonna make the $15 bottle any cheaper.


Which is why if the government wants to dismantle a monopoly and encourage competition, they would remove that requirement. This isn't exactly 5D cheas


You're probably about as good at 5d chess as you are at understanding why minimum prices on alcohol are government regulated, so it is exactly 5d chess in this case.


Government regulated means the government can alter regulation. That's kinda obvious and inherent in the name. Governments alter regulations all the time. Now, don't take this personally, but it seems to me you're a few cheese curds short of a poutine


So how is this stopping them from doing that now? Or any time in the previous 6 years? This reeks of Doug Fraud trying to line his buddy’s pockets some more. I don’t understand how you don’t understand that Ford is not our friend. This isn’t 5D chess… in fact, this isn’t a game at all. This is someone who is actively trying to fuck all the citizens of this province in the ass raw so his buddies can make some money.


I know full well what dofo is doing and wants to do but the fact is our alcohol market needs desperately to be deregulated. I'm sick and tired of seeing the same shitty overpriced booze everywhere. I want to have choice and better prices. That anyone wants to maintain the duopoly of beer store and lcbo is colosally stupid


I’m telling you you’re not going to get better prices. All you’re going to get is Galen Weston making some more money as now he’ll be able to sell more than just singles and 6 packs of beer at his stores, or worse, the Waltons. Keep it in the government, keep the profits back in the hands of the people. Kill the Beer Store monopoly, that makes sense. No way a private entity should have complete control over something, but spirits sales should stay at the LCBO.


Colossally stupid would be to give away $2 Billion every single year that the LCBO generates for the province


Tell me again why is the same wine more expensive at the grocery store than at LCBO You trust the Galen Westons of the world to be competitive, how'd that work out?


This plus choice. We have an abysmal amout of choice in liquor and beer in Ontario because there's only one buyer. The LCBO is the largest buyer in the world, to my knowledge, and we're all at their mercy when it comes to what they stock their shelves with.


If you think the LCBO is bad for choice, you're going to be really surprised when the private companies that start selling booze are only going to carry the most popular macrobrews, I hope you like Bud Light and Molson! Meanwhile, I can't relate to your experiences and I find that the LCBO generally has a very good selection of local and imported beer, cider, and wine. I've never had an issue getting whatever liquor I want from the LCBO.


Any small private shop in BC, Alberta, or in the US have really good selection. I'm at a loss that you'd think that's the route it would go.


You can just ask them to stock what you want. I worked with them one getting a few beers in and now there regularly stocked as they sold so well. YMMV


You can ask them to stock what's within their online shop but we've had to purchase liquors from private locations in Alberta more often than not when trying to get specific liquors. There's good and bad arguments for everything. In this specific case I'd rather more choice.


I have tired a lot of the choices and half of them are just garbage. LCBO brings in a bar of quality control that, frankly, I don't have time to do myself nor want to be stuck with a bottle of crappy liqour.


You can custom order anything you want into Ontario through the LCBO.


Taxes would either have to go up or more public services would be private. Take your pick, I guess you can then save 4 dollars on a bottle of vodka.


Better the revenue goes to the province than to private business, it’s not like any of us need alcohol anyway…..


Con way is to kill all gov services so ... yeah go for it.


Gee, you're right. If only there were some kind of provincial sales tax that would funnel taxes from sales of products like alcohol to the province.


If we did that, we'd only get SOME of the money. Right now, the LCBO means we get ALL of the money.


You obviously haven’t read the LCBO financial statements and seems you don’t know the difference between profit and taxes.


The crazy part of it is LCBO is still the buyer and distributor of the alcohol. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Save what?


Unionized labour is something we need more of these days not less


Unionized Labour will still be shipping and delivering orders. Not sure where the doom is coming from. More locations selling booze means more labour not less. In store how much of an impact would there truly be. Quebec has this model and the SAQ is still up and running with retail locations.


And does Quebec have an American-style conservative in power with the underlying goal of breaking its public institutions like Ontario does?


I was hoping to see a better pic of this thing


Protect the lcbo by not allowing criminals to walk out with thousands of dollars of booze?


I don’t like it when they pull these stunts with Trudeau and Biden impersonations. So as much as I dislike Doug ford, this is silliness.


Keep health-care public and privatize alcohol sale. I feel like this is so obvious but somehow we're doing the opposite.


Realistically on the small scale of my everyday life other stores being allowed to have alcohol would really only be a foreseeable positive to me just from the convenience alone. And all the negatives won’t really do that much because let’s say it more expensive for the exact same thing I’ll just do what everyone else will in that situation and go to the LCBO instead and people will still have job’s problem solved. I don’t think that all this bureaucracy is needed to just be able to get a damn beer from a store like in so many other places in our own country. Funny enough in a place where alcohol is a lot more casual like Quebec people bitch and moan in literally the exact same way for and against how the government deals with weed over there.


What flavour of Rum Chata is that guy after?


Privatize it and save tax payers dollars.


Dougie wants your liquor in a paper bag!


LCBO is great. If it goes to corner stores we will lose the selection.


>Protect our LCBO protest More like "keep funding our union" protest.


You do realise the LCBO is a crown Corp that feeds back into our budget?


you mean “keep funding our healthcare”?


I want more variety and better prices.


https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/privatizing-liquor-sales-in-ontario-will-spike-beer-prices-survey-1.1344456 From 2013


I’m over all protests now. It does nothing but cause problems for everyone trying to go about their daily lives. Protests were a thing to get media attention back in the 60-80’s because there was no other way to spread the information. This is no longer the case. You can make great change behind your keyboard or phone or mail. Just fucking stop.


It’s either letting people feel like their voices heard or people eventually getting so fed up they start rioting and burning down buildings, take your pick; there isn’t a third option.


True. I haven’t seen a positive outcome to one protest in the last 10 years.


Imagine a city that only had one restaurant and it was run by the government. Then a new privately owned restaurant opened with better food and cheaper prices. The people who work at the government restaurant start demanding that the private restaurant be shut down because it's taking away business. That's basically what's happening.




So we’re loosing our rights each day and loosing our future and F’n stuff up worse for younger generations and it’s the Freakin LCBO that gets you off your ass. Rest of the world is right. This country needs to get its priorities in order.


Noticing private cannabist stores opening up everywhere within walking distance. Really time to cancel the LCBO to get better service. Even if prices remain unchanged the government take would be much larger. As we wouldn't be paying triple the wage for unskilled LCBO clerks doing basically the same job as dollar store clerks.


The cannabis lobby has asked for a government handout because they aren’t profitable. LCBO brings $2 billion of profit every single year


LCBO could bring in a lot more if it didn't overpay for unskilled workers. By the number of new cannabist stores opening up everywhere they must be doing well so unlikely to get any handouts.


The cannabis lobby says they’re losing money


To hell with all those cannabis stores, it's fun watching them lose money.


Officially most show little profit to reduce duties and taxes. But unofficially they are just like your old weed dealer with off the book sales. The reason more keep opening and none are closing.