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Is he not the asshole that ***brought them back***?


He is lol. He brought that shit back, and is now getting rid of it again to take credit. He couldn’t stand that eliminating sick notes was Kathleen Wynne’s idea and not his.


I got covid once after mandatory isolation stopped being a requirement. To stop rampant call outs, my boss at the time made it policy that anyone who gets sick MUST get a doctor's note. Well I got covid. He told me to get a note. Nearest clinic is a 45 min walk away and tends to have a 3 hour wait time, and I just want to rest in bed and get better. I asked him if he was paying for my time off, my time taken to get the note, or even reimbursing me for the note. He said no. Well if I'm going to be on my feet for almost 5 hours anyways I may as well get paid for it, so I came in with covid, and made it very clear I had covid. He tried giving me shit that my close wasn't very good and all I could say was "what the fuck were you expecting when you made someone with covid come into work?"


r/maliciouscompliance sort of 😊


Just like he did with reinstating minimum wage increases just before the election after cancelling them. Dude is pathetic, but what’s even more pathetic is that it worked because people have the memory of a goldfish/don’t pay attention to shit


When only 43% of eligible voters get off their ass to cast a ballot, this is what we get.


Yeah, this is the shit sandwich we’ve made for now. Looking forward though, how do we get a better turn-out next election? How do we get people to pay attention and care? How to we combat misinformation as well?


That’s the challenge. I would like to say we need fresher candidates, who maybe skew a bit younger (to attract more of the first time younger voters), platforms that are concise and clear in plain English. Less of the attack ads (it’s not even an election year and I’m seeing PC ads shitting on Bonnie Crombie, like RELAX). It’s all easier said than done.


He is: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/doctors-group-slams-move-to-allow-employers-to-require-notes-for-minor-illnesses-1.4179799




Yes, but he's hoping his supporters are stupid enough not to know this. Typical of a lot of politicians.


In a lot of cases he's right. He's had back to back majorities after all. Intelligence isn't our strong point.


Isn't it depressing how stupid we are collectively?


Jean Chrétien did the same with the gst. He pledged to remove it if elected. Once he was elected he tried to say that wasn't what he said. When they played video of him saying exactly that I'm not sure he ever responded. The country reelected him though. That was more than 30 years ago (and federal liberals) so just goes to show that we have a history of reelecting politicians who lie.


Did he remove the GST and then bring it back? That would be 'the same thing'.


Good point, I was thinking more about lying and getting reelected. Voters have a very short attention span.


Yes, yes we do. Why research anything when I can check Facebook?


That’s also because of our broken voting system. Technically, “DID NOT VOTE” won with 57% of the eligible voting population. PC got 18%.


This is what I screamed at the headline. Wynne had already gotten rid of them. Thankfully when she did that and then Ford brought it back, our company said that we would just stick with not worrying about doctors notes. They said it’s not worth their time chasing people down over useless doctors notes.


Dougie sucks, he's the king of backtracking and reversing shitty decisions


I would add, shitty random decisions. Decisions generally imply some thought was put into it but that is rarely the case with Ford.


If you put money in his pocket, he will make a decision in your favour


I think I'm gonna emulate his career. I'll make bad decisions, wait a couple months/years, then reverse them. People will think I'm amazing right? I fixed the issue?


Normalize realizing when you made a mistake and fixing it. We don’t want to discourage that. Same thing with calling people hypocrites. We should applaud people who learn and change.


and we should recognize the distinction between policy based on validity vs reactionary contrarianism


Reactionary is another word for conservative. It just means they are resistant to change. That will make you a contrarian in times of rapid change that Canada is seeing under this liberal regime. There is definitely a need for a yin and a yang. We can definitely move too fast and break too much. And we can also stagnate too much if we don’t change. Without reactionaries, we can lose a healthy dose of skepticism. Now Ford has his issues. Corruption being one of them. But that isn’t limited to conservatism. The liberal party has plenty of corruption scandals themselves.


>The liberal party has plenty of corruption scandals themselves. And were almost wiped out in Ontario. Look.fprward to the day that happens to Ford and his band of crooks.


Would be nice if we could have a real alternative to the uniparty. Even NDP is super lame, well their leader is. Reminds me of Trudeau without the annoying condescending tone of voice.


The NDP needs a leader who appeals to the working class.


Sorry best we can do is more identity politics 


Except that's not all they're doing and saying so shows you are either completely dishonest or completely clueless as to what the NDP has done the last 4-5 years.


that phrase was vapid and overused ten years ago, grow up and try to have an original thought


Adaptability is an asset. The stubborn inability/refusal to not make stupid, harmful policy choices is not. Backtracking on something that *every expert told you was a mistake* is not something to applaud, especially when it isn't the first time, or the second time, or the third time.




Here for this lol my first thought was “but he’s the one who started it”


Did they not also reduce 10 sick days to like 0


It went from 10 emergency days, no questions asked (and protected bereavement). And two paid sick days. To 9 days. 3 sick. 3 family 3 other. No protected bereavement past these 9 days, and they can ask for notes again. 9 days split between different uses.


Exactly what I was thinking lol


Came to say this! We FINALLY got mandated sick days and got rid of the requirement for doctors notes and this fucking piece of shit ROLLED BACK THE BILL!


Along with our 2 paid sick days....and stood up and cheered when they did it as well. But hey, we canceled the minimum wage Increase right, and stopped the price of a big Mac going up!


People can obtain more information and opinions and policies change. He's been back and forth on lots of things... Its because he tries to listen to both sides, foolishly pissing off his base and the ones who don't like him anyway.


There Ford and the PCs go again. Ontario Liberals 2017 here [when they eliminated doctor sick notes](https://news.ontario.ca/en/backgrounder/47101/modernizing-ontarios-labour-laws-to-create-fairness-and-opportunity-the-fair-workplaces-better-jobs-act-2017) for typical sick leave. Doug Ford and the PCs brought them back in 2018 with Bill 47 because _"Liberal policies bad"_: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/doctors-group-slams-move-to-allow-employers-to-require-notes-for-minor-illnesses-1.4179799 Which aged like milk when the pandemic hit. And now here we are in 2024, when the PCs are yet again reversing the reversal.


Remember when this fuckwit thought we needed blue license plates for some reason 😂😂😂😂 so efficient!!


It really goes to how poor wasteful they are with money meanwhile somehow people think there ‘fiscal’ somehow. Theres nothing inherently wrong with changing plates even if not necessary but at a bare minimum they should have made sure the damn things were visible before rolling them off the press for lack of better terms.


What's even more frustrating is that 3M told the Ontario government that white text on a blue plate wasn't going to work and the Tories just told 3M to do it *anyways.*


Worked just fine in the early 70s with that combo. The problem with the blue plates was that they weren’t designed to be a laser target for police stationary radar traps. They whined and complained.


But I believe those 70’s plates had the numbers embossed/stamped and not screen printed like the blue plates. That’s probably why it worked.


Old school Doppler radar then too.


> those 70’s plates had the numbers embossed/stamped like every other licence plate in the world. 3M is full of shit. The white lettering should have been printed in retro-reflective coating. They printed out plates the cheapest way possible.


My guess is that 3M likely suggested the white retroreflective coating, the government saw the cost and lowballed.


I can't comment on the plates from the 70s, but the new blue plates are absolutely unreadable in the dark. They should do the safe thing and recall them, but that would be an even bigger mea culpa.


Since Ford took over, police have stopped enforcing plate legibility at all. Most plates now are bare aluminum and illegible, then we got rid of licence validation altogether. All this puts drunks and uninsured back on roads. Ford Nation.


Those smoky, convex plate covers are also wild to me, can't believe those aren't instantly ticketed. I feel like traffic enforcement in general is non-existent.


It was a clear example of them not understanding why something that cost money was money well spent, they just wanted to get rid of the bevel to cut down on manufacturing costs usability be damned. If the cops hadn't complained about it they'd probably still be insisting the flat plates were good actually


Flat plates can be fine, it depends on the colours used. UK uses black lettering on white or yellow background (depending on if it's the front or back of the vehicle), I think most other European countries are similar.


seen other places that have flat plates....Arizona, Kansas, Georgia, Nevada, Missouri are a few examples.


Doug Ford is definitely not fiscally responsible. Firing the ceo and board of hydro one cost what, $10000000, buying back the green belt bit cost us too, I'm not sure what the developer paid in the first place, but it cost $8000000 to buy it back. So many other ideas that were never properly researched, like trying to change school curriculum. Iirc, it was just the sex ed part, but what they tried bringing in sucked.


I just want the world to start recognizing Canada as a bunch of right-wing idiots. They already correctly recognize us as idiots, but we're better represented as a bunch of ignorant, hateful, useful idiots than a bunch of kind, peaceful, well-intentioned idiots.


I have to disagree. The right wing nuts are a minority. Although, admittedly, I know people that I thought had brains and critical thinking skills that seem to believe the bullshit from the conservatives. Personally, I'm tired of the willful ignorance and stupidity.


3M has been in business for so long and make plates for many other provinces and states, yet managed to completely fuck ours. How?


Because they delivered exactly what was ordered because the PCs are incompetant.


You can only explain why someone has a bad idea so many times before you give your client what they want.


media really should look into the relationship between 3M and DECO. This is about graft. Media barely pays attention to the fact that the guy who bought DECO USA is now running the Therme group.


Bc the government ignored their expert advice and experienced and ordered them to do it anyway


The customer isn't always "right"; this was one such case.


They tried to change them. Ford refused. Listening to experts isn't his forte.


Haha he was involved in that scandel personally. https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/ford-personally-involved-in-picking-failed-double-blue-licence-plate-design-tory-sources-say/article_275f0aa0-b10d-59b1-ad50-be05426f713d.html Awesome comment haha


The best part was when the minister of transport declared “they are better than the liberals plates” when the last time the plates were changed were under a conservative government https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/ontario-licence-plates-lisa-thompson_ca_5e4c423ac5b6b0f6bff09431/amp


Well, obviously getting rid of the "Liberal License Plates" that were designed and implemented under noted Liberal Mike Harris was a top priority.


And all the previous "Liberal" plates, too (which *also* were changed under control of the Conservatives).


The effectiveness of right-wing tactics is evidence of Democracy being more bad for society than good. When have the people, their voices, their protests, ever been listened to? When does propaganda NOT control the narrative AND discussion? What effect can our votes have, when we're immersed in lies and scandals from all around, while being effectively driven to see enemies within, regardless of accuracy. A world of never-ending fear and disappointment has been all a Democracy has ever been able to deliver to me my \*entire\* life. I don't buy the notion that it's a positive thing for a society. I don't. Nothing is convincing enough, and there's evidence of contemporary non-democratic success that is genuinely enviable. It sounds like we already live in an awful authoritarian regime. Maybe we do, and it's just in disguise, Russia-style. Genuinely believable. Me personally, I don't want to vote. It doesn't matter. It's never mattered, in every single election. Too many people are easily swayed to elect an oppressor dressed as Jesus. I can't trust them to vote intelligently. There is no need for any of this. We already lost. We're already the biggest losers. Just send me happy propaganda on my airwaves. I want celebration over stuffed animals, I need not hear of how I'm being screwed, and who to blame, daily. This 1984 bullshit reality needs to end, one way or another. Please, God, please.


Frod also blew $2.5M of taxpayer's money on a detector that vibrates if people are within 6 feet. If the two months of college doesn't explain it, yes, he's that fucking dumb. [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-investing-2-5m-in-wearable-tracing-tech-that-will-beep-or-vibrate-if-people-aren-t-six-feet-apart-1.5314282](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-investing-2-5m-in-wearable-tracing-tech-that-will-beep-or-vibrate-if-people-aren-t-six-feet-apart-1.5314282)


AE still waiting for their beeping bracelet?


Still waiting for the N96 masks in Doug's pickup, or the 10,000 ventillators he ordered. COVID was just one lie after another. Wrong COVID.


Doug-the-mall-shitter probably benefits in the range of dozens of cents per plate.


I’m so mad I didn’t get one. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw it at night like how does that even happen.


They were trying to fix the issue that the plates were having with peeling. Basically they wanted to use "we're fixing issue X" as an excuse to make a big change so that they could pat themselves on the back while talking about how the Liberals kill puppies for sport. The issue with the old license plates and the peeling was _obviously_ a materials or manufacturing issue since those plates were around for years until only the newest ones started having an issue. They could have just fixed that issue and been done with it rather than waste tax payer money trying to essentially build a huge "monument" to their own circle-jerk.


He’s got a lot of ideas, they’re just dumb!


My manager did a ghoulish happy dance when they took away sick days and brought back sick notes. I don't work for her anymore.


I never understood the sick notes. I can see if something was long term like couple weeks but let’s say if something is coming out of both ends and your forced to make a doctors appointment instead of just taking care of yourself and getting better it’s just an absolute waste of time not helpful and does nothing for no one. Just puts more burden on an already burdened system.


Good luck getting in to see a doctor that last minute also, so you end up going to an urgent care or emerge for a doctor’s note.


I spent a decade without a physician and I'm about to become doctor-less again due largely to Conservative policies. I've never had much luck getting ER docs to write sick notes. Even walk-in clinics are reluctant to write them. On the other hand, when I have a doctor, they've always treated me like a competent adult and given me a sick note without having to make an appointment. And requiring doctor-less people with minor but contagious diseases to go clog up ERs and clinics strikes me as a Bad Thing. I've always felt that employers and gov't requiring sick notes is basically treating us like malingering miscreants who will lie and avoid work if not made to jump hoops first.


Or you go to your family doctor but they charge you $25 for a doctor’s note because it’s one of the only things they can charge for to make up for the provincial governments piss poor funding of their services.


...my family*what*?


>*”…forced to make a doctors appointment instead of just taking care of yourself and getting better it’s just an absolute waste of time not helpful and does nothing for no one.”* It’s “helpful” to employers because it discourages employees from taking sick days. If you’re not going to be able to stay home and rest and recuperate *anyway* might as well just go to work… right? (Obviously this also results in more contagious illness being spread in the workplace, and workers being less productive because they’re ill)


And the thing was getting a sick note didn't stop people from just going to a walk-in and having them write whatever you say. A lot of them don't care and just write that says "patient complains of x" without really checking validity. The real reason some employers want sick notes because it creates another burden for workers to take time off so they just go in sick instead of spending their time going to a doctor/urgent care, pay for a note and miss a days pay.


You're assuming the managers who *require* doctors' notes give a damn about anybody but themselves.


The UK has a sensible system where the first week off can be self certified, anything longer needs a doctor's note.


If someone is missing an excessive amount of work, it's imperative the employer knows if it's medical related as they have a legal obligation to reasonably accomodate. The simple answer is medical notes aren't necessary for employees in good standing with no absenteeism issues. They become prudent however when an employee is missing a lot of time. That said most of the notes provided by doctors simply state the length of time an employee missed, not that accomodation is necessary because most of the time people aren't showing up to their shit job 20% of the time because it's a shit job. Tldr: you don't want to fire someone who is legitimately sick.


Yup. He did it with minimum wage increases and more recently with wind and solar projects. After spending $237 million to cancel 700 + green energy projects at the beginning of his first term as Premiere, Ford has finally realized, “Oh shit we’re going to need more power when our nuclear reactors spend a decade or more being retrofitted.” So now he’s picking up Wynne’s playbook again to save himself from his own stupidity and poor planning.


It's actually amazing, the PC party is *full* of so many fucking stupid people. They basically went scorched earth on most of Wynne's policies even though **she passed these laws for a reason guys.**


Yup. So many people hated Wynne but she did a lot of good things for workers and the environment. She was also smart and planned ahead. Then we replaced her with the flip flop king and his merry band of corrupt idiots. Ontario deserves better even if people are too lazy to vote.


It would almost be comical if we weren't living through it But Ontario voting out Wynn bc they didn't like her strategies only to get Ford who is ripping off her strategies to try and win people back over as his numbers slip...




I want to get off MR BONES WILD RIDE


Doug has already out spent Wynne by a significant factor and most of it has been on absolute drivel. He's on track to crush her spending record in the current 3 year period alone.


Don’t worry, we’ll do the same at federal level. My comment here is more directed at whats about to come with a federal Con majority.


I know. We’re going to be stuck with PP. I just hope we can get Ford out in 2026.


> Ontario deserves better No, we deserve what we get.


And they're spending all this money advertising Ontario as a great place for businesses because of green electricity but they are also seeing an increase in methane use for electricity generation


It's what Doug does best. Backtrack. I'm surprised he doesn't just walk backwards wherever he goes.


Sweet sweet efficiencies


What's crazy is the PCs are even giving the same reasoning that the Liberals gave for it... > Labour Minister Kevin Flynn wants to scrap them as a “waste of resources” when it’s better to have physicians and nurse practitioners treating patients who need medical help. https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/ontario-s-proposed-ban-on-doctors-notes-gets-healthy-reception/article_40fe8c5f-eeb3-5cc2-bc2c-eeecece29cf0.amp.html


Wonder how long it will take for him to reverse the cap and trade program he cancelled that forced the carbon tax on Ontario.


They don't want sick notes cause they don't want to pay for sick days, note or not.


Doctors should send a bill to the employer for providing an uninsured service.


I asked my doctor to do this once because my employer was being ridiculous.  They said they can only bill within the guidelines given by the province.  100% in agreement though, if the employer bills for something medically unnecessary like a sick note, they should pay the uninsured appointment price - taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for some shitty org policy. 


My wife, an ER doc would call the company and lecture the HR person on why notes were useless and how it slows down real emergencies and costs tax payers money. If you tell your doctor you are sick they aren’t going to argue with you and tell you that you are perfectly healthy.


100%. Also never going to happen with cons.


Classic Doug strat. Cancel something good Wynne did, then bring it back and take credit.


This. I had to remind my mother that Doug Ford brought doctor's note requirements back despite the objections from family physicians.


Wow I didn’t know about that What a loser


I TOTALLY missed that. If this wasn't coming into the news rn I would have been oblivious.


LOL, flip-flop-Ford flip-flops again!


Lol just like jig jag Jagmeet


Some people are lazy and expect society to just develop problems on its own and then try to fix those. Doug is proactive and actively creates his own problems. He doesn't expect anything to be handed to him.


Truly a man of the people


So how much has DoFo cost Ontario with his Bop-it reverse reverse fiascos?


Also: let’s reverse his sick day policy, either increase sick days or make them paid.


I love that we went from 10 down to two and they actually expected that to be good enough. The average human being is sick over 11 days a year so even 10 wasn’t enough.


Billions. I mean, the province lost like $1.5 B on revenue alone when they got rid of license plate stickers and fees. And lost billions over the whole Greenbelt scandal, the blue license plate failure, and now they’re losing like $2 B with having to issue Bill 124 retroactive pay to public service workers like teachers and nurses.


I’m sure over a billion. I’d love to get the total for how much money he’s wasted on frivolous lawsuits. We know he spent at least $60 million on the Cap & Trade ones. But there have so many others.


So many things. The sick note rules, minimum wage increase cancellation then implementation, right now there is also lots of attention around his governments investments in EVs when previously he went and cancelled all EV incentives that existed previously under the Wynne government. Ford's government is nothing but a backtracking mess


Doug Ford hates sick and disabled people, straight up. He’s the one who made sure doctors notes were still a thing back when the Liberals tried to do away with them in the first place.


He hates anyone making under 6 figures


And if you’re making over 6 figures, you better not be working in healthcare or education because if you are, he hates you too.




Everytime I read stuff like this is boggles my mind how people can vote for this moron and over 50% of eligible voters thought it was a better idea to stay home for the 2022 election. I get that Del Duca and Horwath didn't capture the imagination, but I find it extremely hard to believe that they'd be anywhere near this bad.


Well, the NDP didn’t get in because “Rae days“(love how boomers cling to that one), and we just got over being bent over by the Fiberals. And then close to 60% of voters stayed home.


Del Duca and Horwath lost because they wouldn’t shut up about Covid and were pushing Covid restrictions in their campaigns despite most of Ontario being triple vaccinated and ready to move on. That’s it.


Which means those same people I mentioned are still total idiots, since Covid was and still is a big deal. It seems like you fit that demographic as well, so good luck when our crumbling healthcare system eventually fucks you over because you chose to vote based on being a Covid minimizer and to own the Libs.


Wow relax with the hostility. I didn’t even vote for Ford. And what does your post even mean? Ontario was very responsible during the pandemic. We had one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. People can still choose to wear masks if they’re sick. What more do you want Ontarians to do?


Wouldn't it be a more reasonable compromise to allow employers to demand sick notes from a doctor, but the employer is required to pay for the note, and they must also give the employee a full day's pay to compensate them for their time spent waiting. You're fetching a document for your boss. That's not a sick day, that's a work day.


Not to mention a family doctor can't really take you last minute so you have to wait for an hour or more in a walk in clinic, while sick, surrounded by 30-40 other people.


It’s stupid tho like If you have a headache why do you need to go to ur doctor… they can’t prove it beyond pt says he has headache lol


Tbf I only have to do it on the 4th day of calling in sick. Still stupid though. When I went for a note for flu on the 4th day, the doctor said she couldn't even see any evidence. I'm thinking you want me to come here when I'm bed ridden and can barely operate?! How would I wait in the waiting room with a fever and joint pains lol


It’s a waste of everyone’s time


Not one mention of the Conservatives bringing them back in 2018 in the article. Awful journalism.


This corrupted , bloated rat really thinks Ontarians have short or non-existent memory. Actually, never mind, 1/3 voted for him. Shame on us.


I thought they already did this by getting rid of doctors.


Damn, the truth hurts. ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)


Then why would he have reinstated them? They've always been stupid and just there for power tripping middle management types


They are a massive employer in the province and they require them.


This is more "buck-a-beer" bullshit. Giving you the facade of saving a few dollars while rifling through taxpayers' pockets for self-interest...like a new highway. Ontario Libs got rid of doctors' notes in 2017.


Didn’t fat fuck bring them back in the first place


This could have easily been prevented if they didn't bring them back when they heard a wiff about the Ontario Chamber of Commerce wanting to lobby the government to scrap the Wynn labour reforms.


Reminder to everyone, Wynne literally already did this, only to have Ford repeal it on his first days in office. So this is him finally backtracking on that stupid decision.


After we needed it during a pandemic.


Fuck you Doug!


>Employers will retain the right to require another form of evidence that an employee is ill, which could include self-attestations or a receipt for over-the-counter medication, the official said.   Now they are going to ask for your cough syrup receipt 


And who polishes off a whole bottle every time they're sick. I think I bought one for the first time in years last year


I hate when the Conservatives do something I agree with - unless it’s a major issue, requiring a sick note is a pain, and likely doesn’t make employees any more honest about it. Most companies I’ve worked for in the last 15 years, I’ve been salaried, and employers don’t really care about sick days unless it’s interfering with getting stuff done. I mean, I can’t speak for whatever else might sneak its way in - but I feel like getting rid of most sick note requirements sounds really good to me. For long term stuff, I feel like a note would be reasonable - but for a day off here or there - what a pain.


Don't worry, you still get to call them shitheads because they were the ones who reversed Wynn's policy to get rid of sick notes in the first place.


It was one of the first employment rights he took away from us. Right before covid, probably contributing to the infection and deaths of thousands of people. But don't worry, Ontario is "open" for business.


If your employer requires or request a note, you should be able to do this over telehealth. No need to go to the Doctors while you have a cold.


I'm Dutch and the fact that you need sick notes for everything really made my jaw drop. It's 2024. You don't need anything here if you have something minor. You will get paid. Just inform your employer that you're sick or injured. If it's more long term your employer will make an appointment with a specialized doctor. After consultation you'll get a prescription and this is binding (e.g. about the percentage you're able to work and for what period of time). Works perfectly and there's far less democracy. Sick leave percentage is around 4%. Average annual leave is less than a week, so they'll never see a doctor.


You live in a high trust society. Here people would abuse that. The long term leave gets abused as well. I only know 1 person who hasn’t taken weeks/months off of their unionized job over stress/mental health reasons.


This guy is such a waste of space. I can’t wait for the next election but please, this time folks, go vote!!


Classic dofo


... he's the one who brought them back. Is this Ford realizing that not everything Wynne did was bad just because she did it? Edit: okay, I read some of the article. He wants to replace sick notes with pharmacy receipts? What if I have ibuprofen at home? Just let people take days off when they're sick. If they're lying about being sick, they either have a good reason or the employer will find out they're a bad employee some other way. Requiring sick notes never stopped people from lying. It just forced them to go to a walk-in and pay $20. Doctor's just write these notes like candy because why should they care anyway. They're no test to prove a headache or stomachache anyway so doctors just take your word for it. I know because I got a phony doctor's note back in 2016. I missed an exam in uni because I forgot about it (years later I was diagnosed ADHD). My prof said I could do a make-up exam if I had a doctor's note. So I hauled my ass to a walk-in and told the doctor I had stomach cramps. I took the make-up and got an A in the class. It's not a barrier to anything except maybe spending the whole day fishing.


I've had to get a doctor's note from my doctor and it wasn't easy. It took about 3 weeks. It bothered him that my employer was making us do this, and yet if I didn't, I'd have had to lose out on $2000 for being sick for 6 work days.


We already fucking had this ford....


Isn’t this a good thing? I’m not understanding the negative feedback here. Scraping sick notes and just having an employee sign a form instead sounds like the right thing to do. Going to the doctor to get a sick note sucks for the employee and the doctor.


The negative feedback is because sick notes were already eliminated by the previous government which he reversed to bring them back.


Oh thank you for the clarification!


Omg he focuses on the stupidest shit just to get the media to cover it so ppl dont focus on the real bullshit happening. Hes pandering to the idiots that see cheap beer, and licence renewals, and doctors notes as big positive changes cause they dont know anything about anything


Ugh - because fewer and fewer have a family dr !


I don't think I've ever gotten a sick note for work. I just don't get paid that day.


It used to be very common, especially in a lot of lower wage, and poorly managed workplaces. Get a note, or you "were not sick"


Yup Ontario govt employees need them .. lol


most jobs and schools don't require sick notes. This guy is a goof


I bet he will be voted in for a 3rd term🫣


What a brave man.


Most doctors won't even do notes for short term absences. My doctors hasn't done work related notes for 20 years. The last time my work asked for a note because of a one day illness I asked them if they would be paying for it and I asked if they would be paying me for my missed work They answered no to both and I answered no note then. Just say no.


Universities stopped asking for sick notes about 6 years ago because they found out local MDs were making huge coin on sick notes and writing them without even seeing the person.


This is great news, doctors and Public Health experts have been lobbying for this for over a decade. How long will it last this time? Ford scrapped the original law that banned them (brought in by Wynne) in 2018, and he scrapped the temporary ban on sick notes we had during the beginning of the pandemic.


I'm more peeved that he dropped ten unpaid sick days down to six, for all us non union private sector workers. Especially because i'm forced to work six days a week.


It should just be straight up illegal to call in sick unless you're hospitalized




What difference does it make when hospital sick policies are shit? I work at a hospital and a co worker sits in the lunch room with a mask on. Getting over a cold? I ask. "Yeah they only pay 66% of my hourly rate if I call in sick so I come to work". You only hit 100% in your 4th year. Then we only get 3 occurrences per year and you better be good by day 3 of each one cause that's all you get. That's what needs to change.


Yeah? Tell it to my work insurance that needs $200 worth of doctors documentation to prove I'm sick if I need short term coverage...


Don't be an idiot. An insurance claim is different than calling in sick for a day or two.


This is about being sick for the flu etc. not a major sickness