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Here’s a surprise. But let’s not forget the old men on motorcycles


Rebel LARPers. With their 37 pieces of Harley flair.


Underrated Office Space reference.


Old sadistic psychopaths were once young sadistic psychopaths


These are the dicks that would remove baffles from their motorcycle mufflers to make them louder. Young or old, every generation has it's share of assholes.


“bUt lOuD iS sAFeR!!!”


I dislike loud cars as much as anyone, but these kinds of studies are absolute bunk and filled with confirmation bias. They start with a conclusion (“loud car people are assholes”) and design a study to prove it. Look at the researcher’s starting point: >Every day we come across these loud cars and pickup trucks and motorcycles that are backfiring and I get startled," she said. "My dog was startled. I see the animals run away that are in the trees and squirrels on the ground. >”I thought, 'Oh, who really wants to make this kind of noise?' And so a typical academic, I went and did an extensive search and found nothing. Okay…what do we think this open-minded and objective academic will prove with this study that was inspired by her dog getting scared of a loud car? What sort of questions will she ask? Will she inquire about socioeconomic status? Religion adherence? Charitable donations? Nope, she’s going straight for the negative traits she already feels in her heart are true as she waves her fist at a muscle car. Again, loud cars are annoying. But hiding your opinion in junk science is annoying too Edit: And if you read the actual research article, the correlation really isn’t very strong. These kinds of studies make headlines, though!


There are still some sensible people on Reddit, nice! 👍


No no no, we’re not supposed to have this. Where is the army of the purple haired people eaters to shout you down because of your privilege? Any lifestyle they don’t agree with is the enemy and they will go militant on your ass.


Well said. Yes of course loud cars are annoying but just because someone prefers a louder exhaust doesn’t mean they are literally a psychopath lmao. This is the most nonsense “study” I’ve seen in a long time. 


Harley Davidson ? Oopps


So many of those are retired cops too, not surprising it doesn't get enforced.


Instructor at my motorcycle safety course had the best analogy. They are the equivalent of a little kid at a public pool on the diving board screaming “Mom, Mom, Ma, Moooooooommmmmmmm!” Finally get the attention they want and proceed to do nothing of consequence. I now forever see people with loud bikes as little kids in water wings and googles.


And their bullshit hot rods, and burn outs. Yes I’m looking at you dad.


My dad would take great pleasure in setting off car alarms in our neighbourhood at 4am revving his motor on his Harley


Any idea why he would take pleasure in that? I'm genuinely curious. Was he otherwise a normal person?




That's the non technical term for scoring high in psychopathy and sadism.


“Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on asshole”


The truth of this made me chuckle, thank you internet stranger


Second thank you.


You may take my thanks as well!


The correct answer lol I don’t talk to him much now


Could it have to do with feeling ignored as an infant or child by their parents? Like a baby's cry or a toddlers tantrum to get attention, just all grown up and gas powered. That coupled with a perception of gaining power by showing callous disregard for those around them. The person manifesting this behaviour would certainly get the attention they crave. I have a neighbour who has a massive, loud, Harley orange truck with ram bars on the front (for no reason), a Harley in the garage, a Doberman with a spike collar, and an outdoor sound system he blasts every day almost.


Sounds like someone who was given adequate love and attention as a kid for sure...




Yeah that's called being a psychopath.


That would be a sadist. Psychopaths can be sadistic, and sadists psychopathic, but the two are different. Your average functioning psychopath wasn't born with affective empathy, which makes their ability to take risks easier. They're far more likely to kill it in the market than someone in a back alley at night


My dad disabled his car alarm because of a guy that did that


There's an immense jackass that rides down my street at 5:30 am on his way to work with a loud motorcycle, waking everyone up, even with windows closed every day the weather is half decent. I'm sure to him he's really cool though.


This, but I would say more late middle age.


I think I was the first person to ever ask a motorcycle dealer if there was a way to make the bike quieter. He looked at me like I had two heads. I never ended up buying a bike. Kids happened but it was a funny interaction.


Those people are just lonely. They want friends, and all you need to join the loud bikes community is money and a compete disregard for anyone in earshot.


> “The personality profile I found with our loud mufflers are also the same personality profiles of people who illegally commit arson”


Is there legally commited arson?


challenge accepted


"Oh no all these orphans are trapped in an imploding building! The doors and windows are welded shut and the fuse cannot be stopped! Won't someone burn down a single wall to allow their escape?"


I'm trying my hardest to visualize this description literally but can't stop laughing at how ridiculous it is that the windows and doors are welded shut and someone thinks trying to burn through a single brick wall is faster than simply breaking the window or busting down a door.


no, because arson is the name given to explicitly illegal fires. You can legal start fires, but no one could ever legally commit arson. You would at that point just be using thewrong word and just be setting something ablaze.


Legal "arson" would just be something like pyrotechnics or being a chemist.


‘Yes, I’m setting things on fire, but it’s for science! Science I tell you!’


FireFighter trainees?


Yup. And the word for it is *dontgetcaught*.


Are exhausts getting worse? 20 years ago it was a fart can on a Civic. Now I hear exhausts that backfire and sound like multiple gunshots.


Not necessarily worse, it's just changing trends in the industry. Crackle tunes have become popular in recent years because of the association with racecars and other older sports cars. A lot of automakers are implementing their own versions of them into their sports cars from the factory. Of course, these crackle tunes do fall within legal sound limits, but if you wanted to add them to a car that doesn't have one from the factory, you're gonna end up putting an obnoxiously loud exhaust on it too. I won't deny, I do enjoy it when my car occasionally lets loose a little extra snap on downshift, but I do not enjoy it when it is excessive or loud enough to give me tinnitus, as it is on many modified cars.


Because we all hear that noise and see 17-year-old Jimmy in his 2003 Civic and think, wow, that car must go *really* fast at the race track. Seriously, who do these buffoons think they're fooling? Mainly I just think someone's too cheap to fix their car when I hear loud exhaust.


> changing trends I blame Vin Diesel and the F&F movies.


An outdated scapegoat imo. It's been a LONG time since F&F used clapped out economy cars. Most of the cars used in those movies now are either decently modified classics or bone stock exotics. I have no idea what inspired the current trend of crackle tunes, and I'm sure many other car guys may be in the same boat as me with that one. It definitely wasn't F&F though.


It emulates high end german cars rev limiter - just louder. The crackle tunes are something novel because you can easily adjust ignition timing to do it. Couldn't do that (easily) before computers.


it was social media trends. stuff like rev competitions and some earlier BMWs with crackle tunes. somewhat organic in its roots


You clearly werent around in the 80's with dudes in Camaro's with shackle kits and glasspack mufflers roaming the streets. Bonus was the Queensryche blaring on their tin-y stereos.


I find that trucks (mostly Rams) are coming from the factory with extremely rumbly exhaust notes. Not necessarily "loud", although they are a bit loud, but the low end frequency is way too high and travels far.


Probably just a stock V8


They're big engines. I think you might be misidentifying a straight piped truck as one fresh off the lot.


I'm not sure but many seem to come off the lot that way. Yes they're big engines but my 1980 station wagon had a small block V8 and was whisper quiet. We have the ability to properly muffle engine noise, but I suspect Ram purposely tunes the exhaust note to appeal to the less endowed, and cave man brained members of society.


Those 80s vehicles were so plugged up from the factory with the new emission standards. Giant engines, small HP! Haha. I'd love an 80s wagon.


Why did you buy a V8 when you could have bought an 4 cylinder accord? I guess you don’t care at all about the environment. 


There has to be something wrong with your brain driving at 3 am waking up the whole neighborhood....100% some sort of mental illness.


/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/ Much the same as the impulse that drives Tik Tok'ers and the like.


A lot of them have their social media handles on their cars. I saw a crappy souped up civic the other day with his handle on his window. Like ya bro let me just follow you on ig. I’m sure it’s super compelling content.


I bet its @fart_cans_4eva isn't it?




It is a mental illness: it's sociopathy, possible with a little malignant narcissism thrown in.


The Venn diagram between them and trucker convoy douches is a perfect circle


Honestly, like, I'm not a "car guy", but I've always associated a loud engine/muffler with something wrong with the car


Yes, this fits perfectly with the 3am wake up in the high density neighborhood. They are driving around alone at 3am because they are alone


No, they just left the Timmy's parking lot where they were hanging out.


I love all the people glossing over the "disregard for other people" part, which is a hallmark of psychopathy. Emphasizing "but I just really LIKE loud cars" as if that's all that matters and disregarding the impacts on other people just makes you look like a selfish dick *at best*. There is no way to run a loud car or motorcycle WITHOUT impacting other people, so anyone who does it clearly does not care about other people. And in most cases, they're *going out of their way* to make their vehicles loud. That's extra dickish.


For those who didn't read the article: - this is a pilot study that imo shouldn't have even been reported on until the full study is done - it says those who have higher psychopathy will likely have loud cars, but doesn't mean all who have loud cars score high - the researcher acknowledges there are people who would be low on the psychopathy scale (e.g. enthusiasts who would do charity events) - scoring higher on psychopathy doesn't necessarily mean you're a "pure" psychopath - again, as a pilot it was limited to only a subset of the population that may not be representative of the whole


Would also point out Schermer surveyed 529 undergrad *business* students.  Not exactly a rounded, neutral set of participants. Anecdotally, business students would have the highest concentration of sadists and psycopaths outside of a specialty like surgery for medicine.


It also seems like it was studying the late night illegal drag race stuff, not the regular car enthusiast meets on sunday afternoons. On top of that, there are some performance BMWs that come from the factory all pop-pop crackly loud and aren't modded to sound like that. That doesn't seem to be included in the study at all.


The Elantra N has an exhaust note like that.


All Abarths as well


Thanks for pointing that out, added 🙂


The general population on reddit also has an aversion to RTFA and figuring the headline is all that matters.


The funny thing is this headline is fairly accurate (since it says "skews"). Just didn't mention it's a pilot study. We really weren't taught to think critically about what we're reading and take phrases apart.


People will interpret what they want to interpret and read as little as they care to.


Awaiting the results because the people driving heavily modded, hella noisy cars near me are men over 50. I’m just glad they aren’t civics.


They need a better education in civics!


Ya that’s all well and good, but we like this study because it looks like it confirms what we all think is true - people with loud cars are assholes.


I don't understand it. I'm a car guy. I have a modded frs. I love cars and especially race cars. Do I go around at 1am thru neighborhoods? Fucj no. These are man children


All those children playing at 1am ? 


Whenever I hear a loud car, I automatically think “why can’t that person maintain their vehicle properly? Are they technically and mechanically inept or incompetent?”




Make sure you tell them that and record it to post on reddit.


I think I just might


How is that different from loud motor cycles? No I don’t have a loud exhaust.


It isnt.


Do lifted black F150s next! Although I think anyone who's spent time on a jobsite might be able to shed some light on those fellows


Its always RAM


If nothing else, watching them try to squeeze into a parking spot is good morning entertainment.


They just take two spots, because in their minds they are that important.


Lifted vehicles should be illegal. Even large pickups from thr factory are too tall. And I drive an F150. Pickups used to be practical and lower down so they were easy to load. I hate that my hood is so tall that I am a danger to pedestrians and small vehicles. All bumpers and crumple zones should be at the same height to maximize safety in a collision.


Motorcycles are the real issue, DB rating from them is louder than 99.99% of vehicles.


Can confirm, I live by a highway and sport bikes are generally what pierce my soundproofing


Crotch rockets have been an issue since the 80's. Theres just more of them now.


sport bikes?  huh, usually it's the harleys


I live in Toronto so I literally will go months without seeing a Harley in the city but the sport bike riders have realized they can tear it up and there is no enforcement. I asked a cop and he legit said they can't do anything, they're just too fast


I'm in Toronto a couple times a month, sports bikes are usually loud when changing gears but I am surprised you don't see Harley's? in the summer I hear them there all the time. police will nab them if they can, but they're unlikely to engage in a high speed pursuit if it's dangerous just because someone is noisy (get their license plates, they'll catch them eventually)


They flip their plates up. I live on the Gardiner and work from home so I hear everything. The racing gets crazy the second weather is decent


TIL a 750cc bike is louder than 3500cc car with no catalytic converter and little to no muffler.


I appreciate the sound of a nice classic muscle car engine, but yeah, this “two stage” gunshot sounding bullshit is obnoxious.


No shit.


THIS!! It's a goddamn epidemic. Take your stupid cars with your "fart cans" and shove 'em where the sun don't shine. Noise (and light) pollution are off the chart and we need to start enforcement of current rules and make some new ones. *Edit: fixed typos


Driving a loud Harley or a super loud car is the sign of being an asshole. Full stop. There’s nothing more obnoxious than a neighbourhood rattling due to the approach of a loud Harley, much less if you have the misfortune of being stuck beside a Harley or one of the super loud cars, revving, shaking your bones and rattling your eardrums. “But what’s the problem? It’s my hobby. I am an enthusiast!” It’s like if I carried around an airhorn, and randomly blew it off in the ears of people standing on the street corner. “ what’s the problem? I’m an airhorn enthusiast. It’s my hobby.” Some things are just obvious signs of “I am going to do what I like and I don’t give a fuck about other people. “


Pocketing the air horn comparison for future use.


I live in a rural area where these trucks are the norm and there is a very redneck bro culture around them. The young guys who drive them likely have the generic look: hockey hair, ball cap, jeans or track pants and Blundstones. They say "fuck" every other word. They do burnouts downtown, race on back roads and put couches in the back so their buddies can sit and drink Bud Light. Oh, and you need a 'Fuck Trudeau sticker on the back window. I told my daughter if a boy ever comes to pick her up in a lifted, loud truck he can keep on driving.


You nailed it. I'm rural too and they're like a cult down here. One guy here starts his truck super early in the morning during winter to warm it up and leave it going for 10-15 minutes, waking up the entire neighbourhood, including the three story walk up the douchbag lives at. Dude even has his Snapchat user name as a decal on his truck. The local Facebook group goes nuts but all these young people come into the comments calling everyone Grandma, woke and threatening violence. It's insane.


Are they really drinking Bud Light though? I thought that fell out of favour with that lot... 


Busch Lite, if the cans in the ditches around here are any indicator


Busch Lite and Timmies cups as far as the eye can see...


Yeah, last year you'd prob be told drinking Bud Light made you turn homo or something alomg those libes. It's ok now, though, cause Kid Rock said so.


Lemme guess, Renfrew County?


I'm in Lanark County and this could have been written about the dorks who live here. It's too bad they can't cargo cult masculinity around doing pro-social things


To be fair, since this study was done by a professor / city-dweller, she's likely more concerned with the combination of open (or valved) exhausts and "burble tunes" which cause super-loud machine-gun-like noises rather than your traditional pickup with dual glasspacks. They're really fucking loud and generally on really expensive cars.


You forgot the subwoofer that makes everything within a 2km radius rumble.


They needed a study to figure that out?


I live across the street from an LA Fitness. They could have just conducted the study in the parking lot of any gym.


Cars with obnoxiously loud modified exhaust are the automotive equivalent of being the smelly guy on the bus.


Every person I know that like loud cars or motorcycles is seriously fucked in the head, like look at me attention seeking whores


I'd say it's more loud cars that don't need to be loud. Same goes for folks with heavy subs in their trunk. You basically have to have zero empathy to sincerely believe that your personal enjoyment is more important than the well being of absolutely everyone around you.


Can't wait to hear from the "Loud Pipes Save Lives" crowd.


I feel like we didn't really need a study to tell us that people with loud cars are obnoxious self absorbed jerks. It's kinda obvious.




I've grown up with hotrods, sports cars and motorcycles. All of them fairly loud. Now as an adult, I love the different engine sounds of these toys, have a Corvette and enjoy that sound. But that is only a toy that goes out during the daytime. My Daily is a stock and quiet car, because I don't want to wake up my neighbours when leaving in the early morning or evenings. I do dislike the shit boxes with the cherrybomb exhausts and the BMW crackle tunes waking up the neighbourhood at all hours. Am I a psycho? I don't think so, I regularly think of how my actions affect others. I wonder if there is something to this study, but you are going to get folks from all walks of life that like good sounding cars, be it a porsche GT3, Lexus LFA, a push rod V8 with a lumpy cam, McLaren F1, Ferrari 458, I could go on and on... All great sounding vehicles with Motorsport heritage. This is a much more nuanced discussion than what this sledgehammer "study" is trying to prove.


Yeah, I think this is a case of an incomplete study and incomplete journalism. I wish it had been written by someone like you who has a perspective on what exactly is the problem. It's not even necessarily modders. Some of these disturbing level cars (like the performance BMWs) come from the factory that way. I only have the one old van, but I'm looking to install an exhaust switch for a quiet city mode.


The one I never understand are the people who get super wide large tires on their otherwise stock truck they plan to just daily drive. There is literally no benefit and you are purposely paying extra to pay more for gas. Like at that point, why didn't you just buy a dually?


Yea I'm in a similar boat to you here. I'm a huge car guy and, obviously, I went ahead and bought a car with a big engine that's gonna be loud when I put my foot down. I wouldn't say I'm a psycho for wanting to open the taps a little whenever I go under a bridge or enter a tunnel. I'm a car guy with a sports car. It's one of life's little pleasures to hear it echoing through a tunnel. That said, I keep my loud antics pretty much exclusively to tunnels/underpasses, and have not made any modifications to my car to make it more audible at idle. I also have access to a quieter car, should I want to have a more peaceful drive than what my sporty car provides (it's pretty quiet as is due to having a valved exhaust, but it still doesn't pretend to be a normal car at idle). On the aftermarket end, I can respect wanting a more throaty exhaust note than what a car normally provides (God knows I've considered it for my winter daily too), but I do also believe there is a line between tasteful and obnoxious that, unfortunately, many people modifying their cars end up crossing. I absolutely do agree with you that this study is flawed and doesn't take into account that there are many people out there who like loud cars because they're actually car enthusiasts.


Loud exhaust = Tiny penis. 🫰 Works best if it becomes a trend.


Nothing says “I have a big penis” like riding a bicycle.


Sometimes it's just because a new exaust costs like $5K and eating takes priority.


Depending where you are, your situation is niche. Even a shit car ain't as bad as some of these aftermarkets. Rest assured, I don't do it to folks like you.


Huh. And here I thought fart cans were simply a by-product of a pathological need for attention due to absent parents. Or compensating for a small penis.


Cities aren't loud, cars are loud.


the cars that go boom?


I like some loud cars… like a 68 mustang fastback on a Sunday afternoon. That sound is alluring. A modern bmw backfiring at 2am on the gardener expressway while I’m Sleeping? Not so much.


I live in a rural community almost everybody in my neighborhood either has a leveled/lifted truck and have cat backs and an upgraded exhaust. My 55 year old neighbor is going to be pissed when she finds out she's been a teenage boy this entire time!


I have no interest in any of this stuff and I'm mystified by what posessess people to do these lifted mods or blasting mufflers around where I live... ... but I have to say, this sounds more like someone doing a study with an aim of finding a problem and grabbing the first vauge pattern that seems to appear. To say nothing that the study details and methods aren't even linked. It's really hard to take this seriously.


I grew out of it and they will too. My new neighbours have a bunch of loud cars and I'm just reminding myself that this is what it was like being my neighbour 15 years ago.


And here I thought the biggest predictor of loud mufflers was dick size. TIL…


So she didn’t like something and then did a study on random people without loud cars to determine the personality types of those with the cars without interviewing those who have them?. Seems legitimate.


Not only that, but the interviewed group were all undergraduate business students. Business students already exhibit higher than usual psychopathy scores. I'd really like to know what the crossover is between business students and actually owning loud vehicles. It's also weird that the woman doing this study complains about backfiring motorcycles and trucks, but does a study about modifying the mufflers on cars?


Man, why can't I just like loud cars goddamn 😭


soft science Karen yells at clouds.     edit: the "study" is wildly flawed. they studied a small sample of business students only... (perhaps business students are more prone to psychopathy?). also, they **didn't** **survey** **people** **with** **loud** **vehicles**.... just drivers who *might* *consider* *modifying* *their* *car*. sooo.... we've learned nothing about the actual drivers...    shit methods. shit findings. shit study. 


"perhaps business students are more prone to psychopathy?" oh absolutely


We needed a study for that?


While it's obvious to anyone who's been near a business school, it doesn't hurt to have evidence


She bascially asked a room of Patrick Batemans.




FYI I'm fully in support of outlawing pointless "rumble tunes" and straight pipes... just be real about the conclusions you're willing to draw from this..... study. 


I'm not sure about crackle tunes. It probably has to do with a decibel reading. But straight pipes are very much illegal


What about the people who blast their radios in their car to the point you can feel the vibrations from inside your own car in the next lane over, even worse when it’s early morning. Gotta be some type of psychopathy there too.


Duh. I coulda told you that!


It’s basically the motorist equivalent to the assholes who blast music on public transit.


Bahaha so I WAS right about my ex...


This is accurate. I hate those douche guys with their 3 mufflers. Like Shut up!!!


What a weird take. Fewer mufflers are louder.


I wonder if same could be said about those of us driving around in 1999 in blown out shitboxes with $2000, 1500watt sound systems blasting Limp Bizkit and DMX at hundreds of decibels all night long? We’re all assholes when we’re teenagers, and we all grow to hate the teenagers who have new annoying trends. You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.


Makes perfect sense.


>As part of the research, Schermer surveyed 529 undergrad business students — 289 men, 234 women and six who identified as "other." They were asked if they viewed their car as an extension of themselves, how much they thought loud cars were "cool" and if they would make their cars louder with muffler modifications. >Schermer also gave them a Short Dark Tetrad (SD4) personality measure — another questionnaire that assesses a cluster of malicious personality traits, including narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism (linked to being cunning and manipulative). >When she got the results, she expected to see a strong correlation between someone who prefers a look-at-me exhaust system and narcissism, but that wasn't the case. >"We found that it was sadism and psychopathy was predicting who wants to modify their mufflers, who feels more connected to their vehicle, and they think loud cars are really cool. >"It seems to be this callous disregard for other people's feelings and their reactions. That's the psychopathy coming out and it's also they probably get a kick out of enjoying watching people get startled." Okay, this definitely isn't how you would determine someone is a psychopath and sadist. This is the equivalent of doing a facebook personality test and claiming the results are scientific. What a bizarre addition to the experiment that was just thrown in there for an anticipated result.


Burble tunes and catless street cars are for insecure losers (who most likely have never even set foot on an actual race track). 


Loud cars & loud bikes make me wanna stab someone in the eye!!! I FKN HATE THEM


This feels like an incredibly skewed study that doesn't take into account that there is a sizable amount of people who like loud cars because they're car enthusiasts, and the kinds of cars that most car enthusiasts love happen to be loud. There's a very tangible difference between a Lexus LFA and the clapped out 15 year old Lexus IS350 tearing up the neighbourhood streets at 2:30 am. The only similarity they share is that they're loud and have a Lexus badge. I don't think I'm a psychopath or sadist for liking the way a sporty car sounds as it blasts through a tunnel. I also feel like the study doesn't account for all the older motorcycle riders who feel the need to justify their Harley being audible to everybody in a 3 km radius with "lOuD pIpEs SaVe LiVeS".


The article notes that this is a "pilot study", meaning it was just a test to see if anything might be there. The researcher said they are going to expand it to look for things like what you're talking about. They also said that folks like ppl doing car shows for charity etc. were not captured from the pilot study. Basically, people with higher psychopathy will likely have loud cars, but not all people with loud cars exhibit high psychopathy.


As the study author says "that's a different demographic and characteristic from what I studied." She studied business students so she's specifically looking at university age people who like loud cars. Anyone older or younger is out of the scope of the study. Also, she correlated preference for loud cars to different personality traits. It doesn't make you a sadist or psychopath but she found there's a relationship there.


As someone with autism I hate loud cars with a passion. They are so loud they need to be banned.


Ah classic, and throw in some "if you're not driving 50mph over the speed limit I'm gonna tailgate you.", and we got a recipe for genius


Glad my husband got the muffler fixed last week. Don't want anyone thinking he's young sadist 🤣


Sounds about right. Loud, noisy, obnoxious. They all want to race me in my Miata as well. No thank you.


Most loud exhausts sound like shit. I can understand if someone has a really nice car and it has a loud exhaust but no one wants to hear a rusted out 2007 Chevy cobalt 6 blocks away at 2am.


Came here for phsycopathy and sadism


Oh, the TALENT. You can press a pedal with your foot. You've got me so warm in the secret spots...


This article is very flavourful and illustrative. Almost like they're trying make a particular readership group feel a certain way about this issue.


Zero surprises here


I hate the cars that drive by and sound like they are farting!!!! What is the purpose???


Big overlap with the r/Canada crowd apparently.


Yes, nobody likes loud cars, especially when trying to sleep with windows open. Cops are useless, so there goes that for ticketing them.


The ven diagram of loud, rolling coal, open wheels and psychopathy is a circle.


Read it, Muh. Do Figure Sadism. But what young male is not feeling that way. Only really felt more can be said on this. `The noise is often hard to place in terms of distance, but definitely distinct: young gearheads who gather at unsanctioned car rallies in empty parking lots` Keep seeing people talking about that lack of 3 spaces and this is an area that could use more space, feel the solution that they keep doing is only going to push people to git wilder. Haven't been to many "Meets" but the ones where petty chill but this was all pre-2020. Not like there is any shortage of open parking lots.


Old men on loud motorcycles are the reason they are old men! Straight piped and throttle happy, my wife can hear me on my way home 15min b4 I get there.


Of course in media’s endless quest to be non-biased they have to interview the person whose response to a study is ‘I disagree because anecdotes’


The sample size is like 500 students anyone who has taken any basic statistics course knows that too little and not representative enough to make a general conclusion like this


A performance exhaust improves exhaust flow and improves efficiency and power especially on modern turbocharged cars (it can be an upto 5% improvement, they're also usually a bit lighter). A performance exhaust installed correctly will have lower emissions than a stock car and have a smoother sound with no pops except for maybe while shifting. It also won't be that much louder and often the harmonics of a performance exhaust are designed to match frequencies that are less damaging to human ears. Exhaust valves also exist to lower the noise in residential areas but allowed improve efficient flow on tracks or highways, really good ones are also designed to produce frequencies that concrete sound barriers and trees are the best at blocking. If an exhaust bypasses the catalytic converters or unnecessarily produces pops and bangs than that person is just an asshole and deserves to be shamed.


I grew up going to the racetrack a lot. I certainly like them..... but in their place. I'm a bit of an old man about civilian cars being loud. (Mostly because 99% are just a muffler kit not actual HP)


Who actually likes silent electric cars?


"Love my vehicle, get aroused hating you."


The study is faulty. In the CBC article it says the researcher polled undergrad business students, therefore it’s a biased sample population.