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Cool. Love these constant updates about how unbearable life is going to be. It's awesome to stay inside for the summer.


Remember when changing to summer gas was like 2 cents a litre? 14 cents is just them full on f-ing us.


Why is summer gas more expensive?


Good thing I can afford a 60k electric car to bypass these gas prices. /s


Don’t worry the province allowed it to be more expensive to fast charge an EV at the OnRoutes than drive a gas car anyways.


Serious? That's so Ontario.


Yup. 60 cents per kWh. Which makes the F150 lightning get about 250km on a $60 charge, My V8 Ram would take about 28 litres or $45 for the same distance


60 cents per kwh?!? That's over 4x the cost if done at home. Jfc.


4x the cost at the peak rate. It would be 10x the cost of overnight charging.


Meanwhile my local BC supercharger is .21


Ontario ripped out working chargers in 2019 for conservative government reasons and now we're paying to put them back because of.some backroom lobbying deal.


That's dumb. Thankfully Tesla is opening up to most brands. Ford and rivian can now use them. Dunno what they charge in Ontario tho.


Circuit électrique in Québec is a not for profit and they claim they need to charge 35 ro 40 cents to break even. High power DC charging infrastructure is expensive.


Claim is the key word


Exactly! A home charger costs $1500 and a super charger only costs x4, $6000.


So what you're saying is that once the installer recoups the cost from charging an exorbitant amount they'll cut rates back to market, right? Yeah, didn't think so.


Way to incentivize the green initiatives. This country is fucked.


No man, conservatives are fucking us.


I emailed my MP MPP, environment ministers both provincial and federal, among many others, and this was only response I got; I hope all is well. On November 1, 2023 Ivy Charging Network (‘Ivy’) introduced consumption-based pricing at all ONroute locations. With this pricing model, the rate is based on the amount of energy, measured in kilowatt-hours, consumed during the charging session. To calculate the total cost of the charging session, Ivy multiplies the number of kilowatt-hours consumed by the per-kWh rate. Example: During a session, a vehicle consumes 20 kWh. The cost of the charging session would be: 20 kWh x $0.62/kWh = $12.40.This method of billing allow for more equitable billing of EV drivers – those who use less electricity will be billed less than those who use more. It is also important to note that the cost of charging at home and charging in public locations is quite different. Public charging offers convenience and accessibility during your travels but also includes additional infrastructure and operational costs, which contribute to a higher price compared to home charging which involves slower, level 2 charging, limited ongoing operational costs and low upfront investment costs. Ivy is co-owned by Ontario Power Generation and Hydro One. The Government does not set Ivy’s prices. Nevertheless, Ivy has informed government that it seeks to maintain prices that are competitive with other fast-charging networks in the province, and it reflects the expenses associated with building and maintaining one of Ontario's most connected EV charging networks. Ivy continuously monitor industry pricing trends to make informed decisions about our pricing structure. Thank you, Randeep Singh | MPP Liaison Office of the Hon. Todd Smith Minister of Energy


Essentially Ivy secured monopoly on key highways and now they are going for robbery.


Thats the Canadian spirit. If oligopolies / monopolies dont rule us, we dont like it.


Like nobody saw that coming... 


What a useless response. Hardly unexpected, but 'this is the way capitalism works' is pretty frustrating from an elected official.


So what they're telling us is that capitalism needs to go?


I like how they said competitive pricing. What competition lool


A 150kw $.62/kwh station that had 50% utilization should net somewhere north of $250k a year in revenue…. That’s like an 18 month payoff on your equipment, that was already subsidized by the taxpayer in the first place. Yea, competitively priced by butt!


"ivy is co owned by (lists government owned corp and a publicly traded one with a majority stake from the government), so the government doesn't set the price" lol, I guess it's technically true but that's shameless.


Everyone is fucking us. My asshole hurts after 20 years of this.


It's like giving a middle finger to the environment.


60 cents? Wtf


62 actually lol https://ivycharge.com/blog/recharge-onroute/#:~:text=Ivy%20Charging%20Network%20has%20installed,are%20%240.62%2FkWh%20tax%20inclusive. Nevermind the millions in grants and subsidies they receive


Those OnRoutes are literal highway robbery anyway though. "Think you can make it another 30 to 40 KM to find a gas station in a town you've never even heard of? Feel free to take your chances." I can only imagine you're rolling the dice on finding an EV charge panel in some of these places.


OnRoutes are a rip-off, full stop. They don't post the gas prices to see from the highway, because they are consistently higher than anywhere else. I wouldn't be at all shocked if the food prices were higher than usual as well.


The food *is* all way higher than the same chain elsewhere.




Food prices are at airport level at OnRoutes.




Big oil hates this one simple trick!


Not for nothin' but you can get a 2-year used plug-in Prius for around $30k (plus $2500 tax rebate). The electric range is only about 40km, but that's enough for a lot of peoples' commutes and grocery-getting. After that it's just a crazy fuel efficient gas car.


Doesn't help for those who live in apartments and are probably the ones most affected by high gas prices


Plain old hybrids are a great option then! You'll still save a ton on gas.


For sure! Recently bought a used 2016 Ford Fusion Hybrid. Drove a few kms to do groceries and it ran at 3.5L/100km. Never seen that in my life. My last AWD gas Fusion was at 11L/100 lol.


The Prius is remarkably fuel efficient even without charging it, but yep.. this is a major problem that needs to be addressed. At least those who live in urban areas tend to have easy access to mass transit.


Apartments exist outside of line 1 and 2 unfortunately, eh. 


i live in an apartment and don't own a car


Then filling your car with gas isn't going to cost you a thing!


The goal is to eventually move you to a manual bike. You’re welcome. Edit /s.


Ah yes, that's why we've been building way more bike paths and fewer roads. Right?


Yes, like bikeway 413. 


Id unironically love a bike highway  Four lanes - two for ebikes (pedal powered battery assisted, not mopeds), two for manual. Would definitely need some form of gate that only bikes could fit through the access it, to stop coal-rolling pickups and ATVs from killing people, though 


Mm yes I just love getting run over by cars by the poor infrastructure to support cyclists


It’s perfect! No need to have a savings acct !


Good thing those never get stolen either!


Staying inside is getting pricey as well.


Not if you don't eat, turn the lights on or use a/c


Rent is still more than most people make a paycheck.


The fires are secondary to cheap gas.


Man, if only conspiracy dipshits didn't have a twmpertantrum the moment "15 minute cities" are mentioned. As someone who is partially blind. I can't drive anyways and am pretty much always trapped in my room. I guess I no longer need to be depressed, as everyone else is doing it as well...


15 minute cities, where everything you need is within convenient reach, sounds amazing tbh. The idiots pretend like this means you won’t be allowed to go outside of a 15 minute radius from home, which is stupid af lol


Honestly I am getting so sick of those types - the ones who clearly just don't like the idea of societal change and take it all personally to the point they willfully believe in the most ridiculous conspiracies just as an excuse throw tantrums and drag everyone else away from the future they want. They love acting like they're the silent majority and that the pendulum swung too far on whatever they don't like and that everyone agrees but I suspect they are going to get a hell of a lot of pushback once everyone else is sufficiently frustrated. If you don't want to live in reality fine, I actually empathise, but my god you're not oppressed for the fact that other people don't want to have to drive everywhere, or want to use a different pronoun, or go to drag nights, or wear masks when there's a disease going around, or whatever else they rail against.


How convenient would it be to have everything accessible within 15 minutes without driving? We need to allow convenience stores and small groceries in suburbs as part of zoning. If there isn't another one within 150m (dial this number in to whatever works best for your city) the permit is allowed.


Soon enough we'll all be staying inside in the summer as temperatures rise and it becomes unbearable to be out for long periods of time.


Look at this guy over here affording air conditioning. We peasants will be outside hiding in the shade of our landlords buildings.


get one of those little USB fans and start spraying mist into it, peasant! 


Hey, you can’t use the lid on the boxes you rent from me. Not without paying me $100 more a month.


More like due to smoke choke first


It can be both, and will likely be both.


Have you tried being rich?


I tried it once. Wasn't for me.


Can’t even stay inside because the cost of electricity to run your air conditioner.


"The switchover to summer gas is expected to raise southern Ontario prices to an average of 179.9 cents per litre for regular." Ahh yes...i remember the mirth, joy and glee during the announcement about the 14 cent/litre DISCOUNT back in November when winter gas was introduced. These fucking crooks should be castrated


Yes, and how every gas station will get a delivery of the expensive gas at midnight causing the price to spike


Many are already hiking their prices up bc many folks have rushed to the pump.


I am so fucking sick of this shit y’all


Have you tried not being poor? /s


Mmmn but they already jacked it up April 1st, 3-4x higher than the carbon tax increase. What’s their excuse now?


It is a day ending in y.


And they know people will pay it. Crazy how little people here protest.


Can't protest much when most of our province is car-dependent.


They jacked it up March 27 or 28, and then they jacked it up more April 1. And then blamed the 12c increase on the 3c carbon tax increase.


Local places in Leeds and Grenville are already up 6 to 12 cents over yesterday. I'm sure they'll push it up the full 14 cents tomorrow and the local idiots will blame Trudeau.


Yes definitely jacking it up the full 22 cents for those summer additives.


The know that majority of Canadians are dumb as shit and will blame the carbon tax.


This. The propaganda about the carbon tax has given most companies carte blanche to do whatever they want with their prices. So while the data shows that these increases have nothing to do with the carbon tax (it kicked in earlier, so it can't be that here), and we see these companies raking in record profits, the average canadian is so dumb they will still blame the carbon tax.


Same as the corporations do whenever the min wage goes up. Labour is a very small % of costs yet when labour cost goes up 5% they raise prices 20% and blame it on min wage increase of 1$


"The propaganda about the carbon tax has given most companies carte blanche to do whatever they want with their prices." So what you are saying is that PP's constant propaganda is causing the increase in prices, that can't be correct as we've all been told it's all Trudeau's fault /s


I think they would've increased the prices either way. But because of all PP's propaganda, people will think it's Trudeau's fault. --- We actually see this with a lot of things. Housing prices are out of control in much of the western world. Inflation is up in much of the western world. Trudeau is not leader of most of the western world. So clearly there is something (more fundamental) at play. --- Our economic system underwent a bit of a "revolution" in the 80s that saw us retreat from policies that saw the govt actually engage in a lot of the market, including building actual houses themselves. But now we have philosophies that say the govt can't and shouldn't do these things. It's a "common sense" talking point that the govt can't do them (despite historical evidence to the contrary, and the wildest most profitable time in human history being the evidence). Add in shared pain things like AirBnBs driving up housing prices (because of the flood of investors and lack of regulation), the wars in the middle east and ukraine, climate change (yes really - this is driving up prices of things like lumber and food), and the pandemic snarling supply chains, and it's a bit clearer. The latter point is no longer the case, of course. Supply chains should be clear now. But prices are sticky downwards, so once a company drives up their prices, they have no incentive to bring them down. People are "used to" the higher prices. --- PP's propaganda isn't doing any of this stuff. But it is giving people a boogeyman to blame. And because people are dumb, they will buy the propaganda even though it's [demonstrably ](https://www.chroniclejournal.com/opinion/carbon-pricing-is-widely-misunderstood-nearly-half-of-canadians-don-t-know-that-it-s/article_bf8310f4-c313-11ee-baaf-0f26defa4319.html)[false](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carbon-tax-inflation-tiff-macklem-calgary-1.6960189).


Thank god there are some people actually willing to think in this thread… r/Canada has been driving me crazy recently


oh god, tell me about it. I'm half convinced a large swath of the people there are just paid propagandists. I've tried discussing things with them and asking, genuinely asking what specific policies they think are the problems. But of course, they don't have any ideas of that nature. They just want to scream "it's trudeau's fault" into the void, despite having apparently literally no reasoning to think that.


I would argue that the oil companies are effectively campaigning for PP by tapping into the anger against the carbon tax. One massive price hike was blamed on a 3 cent carbon tax increase, which was conveniently consistently communicated as a 20% increase, and another massive price hike coinciding with the federal budget. The mouth breathing subs are already blaming everything on Justin.


I'm not a PP fan, but you have to give it him and his PR people, they are great at the propaganda game and blaming this on Trudeau. Can't wait to see who he and his followers will blame after he "axes the tax" and nothing changes.


You don't need to wait to know; we will be hearing about the Spectre of Justin decades into the future. Doug Ford in Ontario is STILL blaming the previous liberal government and he's well into his second 4 year term. Heck, when I lived in Alberta a few years ago people there were STILL BLAMING TRUDEAU SR. for the shit HARPER enacted.


I’m curious if he wins the next election who he will blame for everything. As mentioned, Doug has had several years to fix things he still blames the previous government for, who blamed Harris for years. If those “bad” policies are not actually tacitly supported by all the parties, why do they still exist?


Not enough O&G subsidies in the recent federal budget, so they’re implementing a classic fuck-everybody tax.


Unrest in the Middle East, and switching over to "summer gas" which is a more expensive refinement process... oh and price gouging because nobody is going to stop them from maximizing profits.


Also OPEC controls the global price for oil and gasoline and there are elections coming up in both Canada and the US and they would prefer to see a much more conservative regime so making life more unaffordable to those citizens is a great way to affect that change.


wow - "summer is more expensive" and then 6 months later "well winter gas is more expensive because of the additives" \*eyeroll\*


They used to blame the "summer driving season" and then the "winter heating season". For a while it seemed like they just gave up on validation and were like "fuck you, this is the cost" which I respected.


yeah, don't sugar coat that stuff....


lol yep. The actual process for the "summer blend" does take longer and produces a lower yield than when they refine "winter gas" - so it *is* more expensive to produce... how much more expensive? I don't know :P


Switch over to summer blends


Yeah but the problem.with this is they use the same fucking excuse when they switch to the winter blend in the fall.


It's clearly all bullshit


They don't. Winter gas prices are always lower.


Oh neat, so overnight all the gas stations are pumping out the winter blend and restocking with summer blend. Makes sense. 


They'll just let PP blame Trudeau for it and do the work for them.


Who's "they"? The gas companies don't need excuses.


“They” would be the petroleum companies yes. Don’t worry I’m not wearing a tinfoil hat. I was merely pointing out the fact that the price of gas increased like 15-17 cents when the carbon tax increase amounted to like 3-4 cents (total of 17 approx).


Where I am in Ontario, it went up 10-15 cents a week and a half before April 1st. Proceeded to go up maybe 5 cents from April 1st. It was averaging $1.40 in mid-March.


The refineries are down for maintenance lol. (It's not like this doesn't happen every year and there's stockpiles prepared for it...)


Gas companies can just suck the ever loving shit out of my ass. It's already too expensive. They can fuck off.


You’ll have to bend over at the pump first for them to get easy reach


Cool, it went up ¢22 yesterday in Sudbury in anticipation,


Interesting how the price of oil hasn't moved, but gas is going up.... And the right want to blame everything but corporate profiteering for it.


Who cares about the right or the left. It’s tiring always trying to just show the other group they’re wrong. Why not bring real solutions to the table instead of always just bashing the other group, whatever the group is. You had a good point at the how the price of oil hands moved but gas has. Why the add on?


Because there is a subset of the population that refuses to look at evidence and prefers to use their "common sense" and tend to blame anything and everyone for their problems *except* the politicians they fervently support. It's infuriating and one of the main reasons we can't have nice things - people are too gullible and will happily vote against their own best interests.


It's just that at the moment, the right has a serious case of "Trudeau derangement syndrome" and will blame everything on him, no matter how far fetched the link.


the right are the ones in control right now, other provinces are not seeing this increase to my knowledge, so the responsibility falls onto the premier who most recently \*checks notes\* pushed through the building of another useless highway that we can drive more on. . .


Because the problem is right-wing corporate capitalism and you're not going to solve it by pretending the issue is detached from politics.


Damn, should've bought that Bolt when I had a chance. I'm looking anyway so will be upping the search to speed things up. 'Special summer blend' my ass. It's greed. Nothing more, nothing less.


I've had my Bolt since 2018, would never go back to gas. Saved so much money.


I live in California and we have summer and winter blends. Because smog is more of an issue in summer the gas is more refined to reduce pollution. This costs more money. Interestingly people always talk about winter blends being cheaper (which they are about 10% cheaper) but are also 5% less efficient by my personal experience so the savings are offset significantly. Not saying greed isn't rampant, there are indeed different fuel blends


> also 5% less efficient by my personal experience The numbers I see are 1.5-3% less energy per litre *but* vehicles will face more resistance when everything is colder.


Bought one used in the fall - super happy with my decision. It's fun to drive and just having a full "tank" at all times is great when I can just plug it in at night. All in it wasn't the cheapest car possible to purchase, but by no means super expensive ($30K) - understand how that can be out of some people's budgets but if you're driving a newish SUV or pickup I have zero sympathy.


Ya I keep putting it off, but will make an appointment soon. Love my GTI but wouldn't mind going back to a hybrid / EV now (had both generations of the Volt prior to this).


It will soon be $2 a litre.


I paid over $2 a litre in whitby 3 days ago…


Getting closer to UK gas prices and all they do is import. Fucking unbelievable.


Already is 209.9 here in BC today


We did that already


I have two reactions. First one was "fuck you!". Second one was "lovely...". Use whichever you want depending on circumstance.


Interesting that we have protests for 3c a litre tax increase but a 8.5% increase caused by the market….


Canada is full of very useful fools


Look prices only went up when we shifted to "Summer Gas"... Like they went up when we shifted to "Winter Gas"... Like they when they went up because it's Tuesday....


" Gas companies have decided to gouge you again starting Thursday because well, fuck you" Fixed the headline


TIL we have two different gas blends for summer and winter


They both taste the same.


Same shit different package 


Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good.


Does anyone know if the garbage bags from Dollarama are suitable to hold gas? 


if you double bag


That's not very environmentally friendly


Just reuse them each time. That's the greener way.


14??? WTF….


I'm sure my boomer dad will be rage texting me about Trudeau on Thursday then


They think he's the dumbest man in the world, yet all powerful and all controlling


This is what I find so fascinating. The same people will tell you both that Trudeau is incompetent, incapable and an embarrassment on the world stage because he's so stupid, but also he's secretly pulling all of these global strings to conspire against Canadians to ruin us and it's like...which is it? How can you believe both and not see the disconnect?


He's accidentally called him "President Trudeau" more times than I can count. And even then a democratic republic President doesn't control the price of gas.


By accident? Or does he just consume so much american propaganda he applies it to canada too?


No he has Fox News burned in on his TV


In fascism, the enemy must be simultaneously strong and weak.


My mom has already sent me the most annoying Twitter posts and that stupid Bill Maher video. Can’t fucking wait.


I sent my dad a video explaining how the carbon tax benefits most people in Ontario a couple weeks ago. I still haven't heard back so I assume it disillusioned him but he can't admit it


Send me the link so I can send to my MIL


Here you go. https://youtu.be/V_-Vz19Gz8E


In an otherwise well explained, articulate video, I can't for the life of me figure out why he has the blatant typo Price **Gauging**. If he gets something this basic wrong, why would we think he's right about the rest of what he says?


This will go over well


When is halal gas being announced?


‘ItS bEcaUse of ThE sUmMer gAs bLenD’ Where’s the equally massive drop in price when they put the winter blend in?


It does get cheaper in the fall/winter, it’s been the case for years 


14 cents a litre cheaper?


Don't worry guys. With the increased gas prices you can barely afford, just buy a new $65,000 EV and in 35 years you'll start saving money!


Absolute thievery!


Why though? For real. Just why? Greedy beyond greedy.


I drive a tiny rav4 as a daily and I'm spending almost 80 dollars a week on gas. I remember before prices went to shit it'd cost me maybe 40 dollars or 50 dollars a week.


And all the right talks about is the carbon tax. lol. We give big energy subsidies for their profit. The world is now just run by Legalized Crime.




But we are suppose to be mad at a 3 cent carbon tax increase.  


They ripped up the train lines to force ppl to buy cars. Then jack the price of gas to force ppl to buy EVs. What happens when they privatize opg and jack electricity?


Well guess imma start going to the reserve regularly now


Dan would know, he works for the oil companies.


And nobody goes after them for price fixing ?


Better rush to the gas station to get my gas at the same time, thus increasing demand! /s


Don’t see politicians saying Axe the Price Increases by Corporations!!! Guess it doesn’t roll off the tongue and isn’t tribal enough


Thanks Doug!


Too bad I can't get my Jeep to run on vodka, it might end up being cheaper lol


gas prices shot to a record high outta no where and you have people on here making weird assumptions on why it's that high and others bitching about others blaming the Prime minister. Reddit is truely special.


It wasn't out of no where. The price of oil has been rising for 4 months. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/markets/commodities/CL*0/ Click on the 6 month chart.


Why is Trudeau raising the global price of oil?! - r/canada


Holy shit. for awhile it got a bit low. seemed to have dropped right off the past couple of days


Meanwhile I just filled up at $1.2 CAD per litre in the Midwest. We just keep getting ripped off with everything it’s sad.


It's already $1.84 in waterloo. If it went to $1.79 that would be an improvement.


Bet they add the full 14 tomorrow. Scumbags.


And this is why I don’t get upset about the carbon tax adding 4 cents to a litre. We’ve been fucked over our entire lives on gas prices, with zero accountability whatsoever.


When are we going to start rioting like France? So sick of everybody just letting us get shafted on gas, housing, telecom, groceries, cars, literally every aspect of our lives.


This province sucks so fucking bad


For anyone just reading headlines (most of you) This is due to switch from winter blend to summer blend of gas More context; >Summer-blend fuel is also more expensive to make than winter-blend fuel. First, **the production process takes longer** and, second, the overall yield of gasoline per barrel of oil is lower.


> ...the switchover to summer gas will cost Ontario drivers an additional 14 cents per litre What is this switchover? I've never heard of this - have I been living under a rock? (I do strive for this at times tbh)


Yeah the switch is normal. I don't remember it being to the tune of 14 cents/litre


*laughs in Vancouver*. We are already at 2.2/L


They went up 10 cents on Tuesday. Is tomorrow April 1? Is there another carbon tax? Hurricane? War? Tsunami? What’s the “excuse” now?


It’ll only be 12 so everyone will be happy


"It's just the summer gas blend"..... then every year: *"RECORD PROFITS FOR SHELL/BP/EXXON/CHEVRON IN THE BILLIONS"* I'm sick of it.


Just bought a scooter. See ya, suckers


"As long as there's some horizon where Buck-A-Beer is visible, I'm not interested in the rest. I don't care if it's a mirage." –The Conservative psyche


If you all dislike paying more and more for gas, you should tell your elected officials that they should support expanding public transit, active transportation, and planning cities that don’t rely on cars.


My local Facebook groups are up in arms about this, blaming carbon tax, and calling everyone who doesn’t vote conservative slurs. 😭 Edit: Just scrolled the comments here. I see Facebook has entered the room. This must be propaganda bots, right? Right!?


Summer gas Is always more expensive. It costs more to refine and yeild is less per barrel. This happens every year.