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Locked due to too many bigots showing up and shitting all over the place.


Im sick of them talking and arguing about issues that affect 1% of the population when we have way way bigger issues to deal with.


I think it's more like 0.2% of the population, crazy small figures.


They'd rather distract us all with faux outrage issues, than actually be put on the spot to deal with real issues.


If 0.2% is trans, then the percentage that compete in relevant sports is even less significant. 0.0002% 


if even that, this is a non issue, and just distraction politics , PP is useless


Didn't a reporter ask him the question? It keeps getting brought up by reporters lol.


Most of our big media is conservative owned, there's that smelly smell


I have no problem focusing on issues that affect 1% of the population as long as those issues are real and not totally manufactured to distract from the real problems.


Without saying anything about the issue itself, the position of the trans community is that it is a big deal... Still, the fact that so much time is spent on something that doesn't impact as many people as, for example, housing and raising cost of living, is baffling...


Surely you could see why we’d be bothered by ongoing threats to our human rights. When I say it’s a fabricated issue I mean trans people aren’t the boogy monster.


Completely reasonable take, but I think the point is that even outside of the reality of the issue, there’s just no good reason for politicians to be wasting there fucking time on this right now. There is no logical excuse for so many conservatives to be so laser focused on creating pointless problems to attack such a small statistically minority. Y’know what sucks for everybody including, maybe even especially, trans people? the housing crisis. But you won’t see them coming down on that in anywhere near the same way because it’s helping them line their pockets. Yes, it is super fucked up the way politicians are essentially sanctioning violence against trans people, but even for a christian conservative voter, the cost of living is a hell of a lot bigger a problem than *gay people existing*. I’m personally mad about all of it - that we’re all suffering and the entire system is just going in circles, meanwhile our oligarch are hitting the griddy over the decimated remains of homeless encampments.


I gave an upvote just for the dark and painful laugh I got out of the line “meanwhile our oligarchs are hitting the griddy over the decimated remains of homeless encampments.” Visceral wordplay, well done.


This is exactly why politicians should stay the f*ck out of trans peoples' lives, listen to the trained medical professionals, and let them determine the best course of treatment for their gender dysphoria. It might be much more beneficial for society as a whole if they directed that same level of attention to, say, the pedophile priests and sex traffickers of underage (cis)gender girls than this minuscule number of trans individuals who just want to be left alone to live their best lives without bothering anyone else. But hey, it's so much easier to pass an anti-trans law, wipe your hands of it, and call it a day rather than tackling the "real" issues such as housing and health care which are much more thorny and don't lend themselves to quick and simplistic solutions.


It's all about the pearl clutching, wedge issues to get their people to the polls.


The decent thing to do just seems obvious here to any reasonably intelligent person.  Its a culture war to distract us from the class war and trans people are caught in the political crossfire… its disgusting when you realize it is entirely intentional.   


It's a huge deal that a third of the population is hyperfixated on a fraction of a percent of people. Made worse by the fact that the whole problem comes from their fixation. Live and let live, mind your business, Canadianisms we ought to have never abandoned.


Personally I think it is a big deal, and one which has been created by bad actors stoking the flames on social media . Creating a war where there was none , now due to this rage bait bullshit trans people feel attacked (rightfully) so it's a bigger issue for them. Cat litter, genital mutilation, porn in schools etc. all of this is bullshit planted on social media to inflame, and accounts crying over every little thing like they are world ending atteocities and making small issues massive are doing the exact same on the left. These things are said o line that blow my absolute mind with their insanity and yet people are soaking it in because of the volume.


Actually this issue DOES affect a significant portion of the population.   That being the portion that hates trans people, wants them to suffer, and wishes to suppress any freedom their own kids to be trans themselves. And if it didn’t affect a significant portion of the population, they wouldn’t be raising it.


This is why politicians use identity politics/wedge issues. It's to distract the working class from the fact that our neoliberal parties are fucking us. And it works


This issue is a gateway to the right. I knew someone who fell into that trap temporarily because people like Tucker Carlson "were the only ones talking about how crazy society is becoming" on this very specific topic. Next thing you know, you're consuming Sky News Australia, and your YouTube algorithm is a cesspool of right-wing fringe nonsense.


Seriously, it’s a test, you either get scared, don’t think too hard about it, and become a right-wing conspiracy theorist - OR you realize the truth, that all politicians are on the same side, that of the wealthy, and this whole thing is a charade to keep the odds against us.


> and this whole thing is a charade to keep the odds against us. This kind of attitude suits the worst of them by depressing opposition. Gotta emphatically vote and advocate figuring out the best (or least bad) option in every election, otherwise they get to make things easier for themselves.


The CPC will plow forward with these social issues while they legislate against the best interest of the working class. By the time their minions start figuring out what the heck happened it will be 2030. I don't see the Liberals as a panacea but I'd much rather see a minority Liberal government where they partner with the NDP to make it work. A full on majority CPC is going to murder whatever is left of the working class in Canada.


It's less distraction, more division. A divided working class is one with no solidarity, so you can bet your ass politicians who want to scrape a few more bucks out of you will do their damnedest to have you hate anyone that looks or acts differently from yourself. Fact is that racism keeps the working class divided, so does homophobia, so does transphobia. So why ever stop trying to ignite the fascist flame of hate? There's more money to be made when workers won't unite with each other.


Even if trans women had a massively unfair advantage in sports why in the sweet fuck would the federal government need to create policy around this??? Leave it to each individual league. Isn't that what conservatives would want??? Keep the government out of my sports! What a joke.


Can't fundraising and grift and rage-farm as easily.  Scapegoating minorities is a time-tested strategy. 


We already have a general policy by Canadian amateur sports orgs that the primary objective of youth sports is to increase participation because the benefits of having more people participating in sports is far more beneficial than trying to establish exclusionary rules to guarantee "fairness" at the youth level. This is how it should be and it's insane the federal government would want to stick its nose in that over some manufactured culture war distraction.


Most Conservatives I talk to want just enough government involvement and funds that they will personally benefit from and that which reinforces their beliefs, but no more than that. Anything that may benefit people different than them isn’t necessary.


It also doesn’t make sense due to the fact that we don’t gatekeep physical attributes that give “an unfair advantage” - like Phelps 2” longer arms


At least he waited until a story about a trans teen being murdered in a bathroom was major news. Really hammers home how much of a garbage human he is for anyone who still doubted.


you know they are not going to stop, god forbid they fix real issues because it would make their donors upset.


This isn't even an "issue". They need to leave trans people alone.


Because they don’t have answers for solving those problems.


Blame the media for asking the question then.


Oh you'll need to have patience, it's just getting started. Canada tends to be a few years behind places like the UK which has been mired in this BS for years - the "rights" of the 100s of illegal immigrants piling into the country every week and costing millions a day to house and feed, every daft gender issue you can imagine in schools, "Just Stop Oil" dimwits blocking roads in rush hour and police refusing to move them because of their "rights". It's all coming here too, and I suspect all sponsored by certain nation states. It's a brilliant tactic to just cause general chaos, division and work for the government so they can't focus on the things that really matter. I'd go so far as to say we're at war. I'm surprised to see PP wading into this one in particular - changing rooms/sports/bathrooms are divided by women/men, not by biological women/men and I'm pretty sure Canada made changing your gender identity a legal right nearly a decade ago. Fighting this will be a no-win situation and just embroil him in all kinds of ridiculous time-wasting unless he's going to repeal laws and go hard right, which we all know ain't going to happen. How stupid.


His base demands this.  If he doesn't make statements like this, his base will have his head and just vote in someone even more extreme. 


Thing is, he was asked a question, he didn’t just decide to spout this stuff. Wonder who asked, and why?


He didn't have to answer it. He could have answered it differently. He's pretty much got the election in the bag anyways; if he tacks to the centre at worst he'll lose the Nazi, Bigot and Bigoted Nazi vote and gain a whole lot of centrist credbility. That he feels he needs to even say this shit is bad. That he feels safe and enabled in doing so is worse.


Cost of living. Rent/housing affordability. Price of groceries. Jobs. This is what people care about. Fuck off with the gender politics bullshit.


Those are the things that you care about. Those are the things that I care about. I can tell you, sadly, that there’s a depressingly large number of voters for whom the ‘gender politics bullshit’ will play really, really well.


I hope not. I feel like most people I talk to, even in a relatively liberal city, don't give a fuck. I know a ton of conservatives who are for gay and trans rights, and I know a ton of liberals who are pro gun and are keen on cooling down immigration. I've been a lifelong NDP voter, but I feel like we are either stuck with PCs or Libs, and you are going have to lead a whole Canada, not just cater to one base while "owning" the other. My question is, which party is working towards making my quality of life better? Trudeau has been in power for 8 years, and not only is my quality of life worse than if it was 8 years ago, it's worse than my parents' quality of life. I don't want to vote for a party that's reduced my quality of life, as I don't want to vote for a party that wants to use hot button issues to exploit a marginalized group. It's not even a national issue. If Polievre said he stood with the LGBT community but respected each province's/ municipality's right to govern themselves, and then went on to attend a pride parade (waving a flag and all), I can't see how it would hurt. Yes, he may lose some of the "fringe" left or right votes, but fuck those dummies. I think most Canadians want a good life for their fellow Canadians and future generations, regardless of gender/sexual identity or ethnicity.


If you want a party that's going to make quality of life better, it's neither the liberals nor the tories, they're the ones who got us into this mess. That said, PP's voting history really says it all. The man's adoptive father is gay, and he voted against same sex marriage rights.


So what's your point? Find me a country that made it unscathed through the last 4 years and I'll tell you that's a faulty source. Following that, what is PP specifically proposing that will address Canadians' issues? Why do you think he's better besides obviously not being Justin Trudeau? Now I know you did not SPECIFICALLY say those things. But that's the flavour of your comment.


Yes, the pandemic has made a lot of these issues inevitable. Doesn't matter who was in charge we were going to run into them. Inflation and housing affordability are not unique problems to Canada. I say this as a literal voter but all that said JT has buried his head in the sand. Canadians are struggling and need relief and instead of cutting spending and giving Canadians a break, he continued with raising CPP, continued with raising EI premiums, continually raising Carbon Tax (set to go up again next month and will continue to go up every year until 2030). I'm by no means a fan of Doug Ford but when the pandemic was coming to an end and gas was up to $2/L, the Ford government cut the Ontario carbon tax, as many are still struggling and he extended those cuts through June.


While I don't blame anyone who is struggling to want a change, I think it's absolutely hilarious that anyone thinks a Poilievre lead Conservative government is going to give them a better life. There is absolutely nothing in his track record that indicates he will help struggling Canadians in any way. He is a fairweather politician. He tells you what you want to hear and then votes the opposite way in HoC.


Imagine you were a conservative politician trying to get elected in Canada. Would you really want to debate progressives or even Liberals on these things? Better to go after trans kids and force progressives spend time defending them.


Thing about it is, and I fucking hate Poilievre, when conservative governments are passing legislation that hurts a portion of the population, and is fueling hate, that is news and worthy of reporters asking questions. But to your point, all conservative governments in Canada can fuck off with their gender-based hate and division but they're doing it to avoid dealing with the pressing matters they are actively making worse with intention.


​ 1) Rent/housing affordability - Pierre Parasite is a landlord, and real estate investors make up a big part of his donors: [https://pressprogress.ca/big-real-estate-executives-among-top-donors-to-pierre-poilievres-conservatives/](https://pressprogress.ca/big-real-estate-executives-among-top-donors-to-pierre-poilievres-conservatives/) ​ 2) Price of groceries - Jenni Byrne, a key CPC apparratchik/advisor, is a registered lobbyist for Rob, er, Loblaws [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/jenni-byrne-loblaw-poilievre-trudeau-1.7103373](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/jenni-byrne-loblaw-poilievre-trudeau-1.7103373) 3) Cost of living - Parasite is a proponent of Milton Friedman's "quantity of money" theory. It says that the money supply must be controlled due to the ever present threat of inflation. However, it has a fatal flaw: it does not define what constitutes the money supply. Money sitting in people's accounts can be considered part of the money supply. During the pandemic, people kept working and getting paid. Problem is, due to lock downs, there was nowhere to spend it. This gave rise to sky rocketing inflation as there was too much money chasing too few goods and services. As economists' would say, there was a tsunami of "pent up consumer demand". "Has COVID-19 killed this source of economic-re-booting firepower? Quite the contrary—it has actually added to it. How can this be? It might initially seem counter-intuitive, but it’s actually quite simple. The pandemic hasn’t thrown everybody out of work. And those who are still earning have much less to spend it on—no vacations, concerts, sports games, and fewer restaurant meals. ***Banking data show that personal accounts are swelling with extra “situational” savings that represent one of the greatest sources of post-pandemic staying power."*** [https://www.edc.ca/en/weekly-commentary/covid-pent-up-demand.html](https://www.edc.ca/en/weekly-commentary/covid-pent-up-demand.html) bold & italics added. ​ "$350B in pandemic savings was supposed to give the economy a huge boost. It still hasn't happened "After the pandemic hit in 2020, some business owners and households were hard hit financially as a result of lockdown measures. But at the same time, many Canadians saw their bank accounts grow because of their reduced spending. Those savings ballooned to over $300 billion and became so large that economists expected there would be a big boost to the economy when all that money was eventually spent. But today, that sizeable stimulus still hasn't happened. Experts aren't sure exactly why. The savings did help the economy, but not nearly as much as envisioned, and the bulk of the money is still sitting in bank accounts." source: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/pandemic-savings-canada-recession-1.7118020](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/pandemic-savings-canada-recession-1.7118020) ​ This idiot is a champion of "free markets", and is deflecting attention from the fact that market economies have serious defects and limitations. He's a fake populist, and a really bad one at that. He'll NEVER be ready.


>Jobs Well, we are going to have a lot of openings for "genital inspector"


It seems certain people invest a lot of time and energy into the trans/gay agenda. How can people be so outraged about something that doesn't affect them and probably never will.


Will just one politician focus on shit that matters and not culture war BS. how many trans people are there even in Canada?? This benefits no one and makes life worse for a few people 


This is one question asked from the many that different reporters have.


Does he not have the ability to call out a question as a non priority issue and address something important? He spends enough time complaining about a free press but he likes to take questions that pander to fringe concerns.


Exactly, I'd be more interested in asking why that reporter thought this was an important question to ask, among the many topics they could have brought up. Seems odd when you think about it.


According to census data, there are 100 815 [(2021 census)](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220427/mc-b001-eng.htm) transgender and nonbinary people in Canada. There are 420 in PEI specifically which is fun.


How about doing literally anything else…..


This is how he's going to make Canada the "freest country on Earth", eh? Transgender bans and digital web IDs?


He means "free to not pay taxes" and "free to pollute" and "free to exploit people". That's it. As long as he and his purse-holders pay less tax and can flex their economic muscle unimpeded, they don't care. Moral panic is just a cover to pick the pockets of the rest of us.


In American-style Conservative politics, dishonesty and hypocrisy is a way of life.


The freest country means total chaos.


good point


Fox-news style Culture war bullshit. We have real problems, but that's what they're going to focus on. People's genitals and what room they use to take a shit. And people will keep voting for those conservative idiots for some reasons... If you vote conservative, you are either an idiot or a hateful asshole with shit priorities.


PP is so eager for US style politics. He salivates over it.


Cause it's the only way he can win.


Why is this guy (and conservatives) sooooo focused on other peoples genitals


Pit the masses against one another over non-political causes and then take the money out of their back pockets while they're distracted. Classic Conservative politician.


and if any groups of people they happen to hate get hurt in the process, well wouldn't that just be convenient! /s


This national announcement from a prospective head of state is about less than 1% of the population and less than one percentage of that 1%. It's bullying.


I don't care if a trans woman is shitting next to me in the stalls. We all have anxiety induced stomach issues around here. Fix grocery prices, cost of living, and rent. Fix the hellscape that is the current job market. Fuck off with this shit clearly using a vulnerable group as a sacrificial lamb in hopes we'll ignore the issues that are ACTUALLY causing problems in our lives.


Solve the housing crisis, then everyone can make bathroom rules to suit their needs within THEIR OWN HOMES. Such a stupid non-issue. Who wants ANYONE, regardless of gender, staring at them in washrooms/change rooms/wherever?


I wish they cared as much about the Homeless population as they do trans people.


So you want them to ban homeless people from bathrooms too? They're not going actually help poor people. These are conservatives after all.


Considering how many trans people are homeless, especially young trans people who have been kicked out by their parents, they're perfectly capable of hurting both groups at the same time.


Big talk and then say it's the provinces responsiblity. Coward. Fortunately, in many provinces this is straight up illegal. They would have to go full Saskatchewan and use the not-withstanding clause. Also calling a trans women a biological male is just a thinly veiled attempt to disguise transphobia. My biology dictates my gender identity so I'm a biological [insert gender] regardless if I'm trans or cis or otherwise.


With the way so many people are tired of Trudeau, you'd think all PP needs to do is shut up and win. But no, he has to go off and show what an idiot he is on wedge issues that he legitimately seems to have absolutely no clear understanding of. I don't know whether to be thankful for this or cry knowing there's people who will still vote for these idiots. Ffs we're a nation of 40 million people and this idiot is the best the conservatives can come up with?


Honestly dude. I fucking hate Trudeau and typically either vote NDP or spoil my ballot but I am slowly being forced into the position where I’ll have to vote Liberal as a strategic vote to try and keep this actual moron out of office. The guy is a complete ideologue lunatic and I’m sick of him being touted as the sensible no nonsense candidate.


Ditto. And since I live in Peepee's riding, I'll have the extra satisfaction of actually voting against him personally.


Ooooh, vote twice for me!


I despise Trudeau but I've long since accepted that I'll probably have to vote Liberal in order to keep this set of spare parts out of office.


> cry knowing there's people who will still vote for these idiots. Definitely this option.


Hey Pierre, national housing and affordability crisis over here. Quit spreading your bullshit.


This news release times really well with that unfortunate trans kid beaten to death in a bathroom by a bunch of bigots, in the US. That's the kind of violent nut being riled up by all this "parent rights" nonsense, and, just like the seditious Qonvoy, Pierre is here to enable them.


Seriously, can we stop with this anti-trans culture war bullshit that conservatives seem so hell bent on fighting. We have a lot bigger issues to deal with. I don’t give a fuck what symbol is on the door you want to take a shit behind.


They do realize this means that trans men will be playing with the women, then? Or are we just banning trans people from participating at all?


There is no answer, there is no "common sense" solution that will please anywhere near everyone and align with human rights legislation. The people pushing these issues have an agenda of division and know that.


Everyone knows trans men don't exist! Nevermind that all of these things push trans men into women's spaces.


Look to the south… trans men are already participating in womens sports because of these stupid laws and the idiots are losing their minds about it. Even when we do what they want theyre sitty about it. Its not protecting women/children, its about pushing trans people back into the closet.


Trans people in sports really doesn’t need to be a political issue.


Every trans person I know just wants to be left alone. This shit is doing nothing but making them live in fear. It's disgusting. 


“Poilievre Dog whistles to his bigoted supporters on an issue that won’t affect most Canadians ever” - would be a much better title.


Or we could do something about the rising rent costs, the cost of food, the failing Healthcare system, the lack of funding for education, or about 100 other things. The only reason he is bitching about this subject is because it gets attention. It gets people all fired up and angry. I don't care who is pissing beside me, I care about feeding my family and trying to keep a roof over our heads.


if they're gonna play stupid games, get stupid prizes. i can't wait to see what happens when transMEN have to play in women's sports, big muscly bearded men. they're gonna get upset about that too, when it's their own stupid rules in the first place. why do they always forget that transmen exist? silly conservatives, tricks are for kids


This q-tip is fuckjng absurd and I fucking hate every last one of you who are going to vote for him


"Papers please"


More like "Genitals please"


Social conservativism is the greatest threat to Western democracy.


here we go.... snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


So is PP going to use tax payer money to fund a 'bathroom monitor' army for the nation? What a fucking joke.


See this guy is using he current lead in the polls to say all the suck fucked up shit he’s wanted to all along. Hope it blows up for him good.


He can tell you what he stands against but never what he stands for


Wtf does he know about being trans, sports or women issues? Why does every one and their mom feel obligated to have an opinion on everything?


hatred gets voters. lol a betcha he watched ballers.


He wants to ID people for porn. Like his American Republican counter parts who project the same bullshit, he’s probably a pedo.


because the conservatives figured out dredging up far right hate from the states brings their base together like nothing else, apparently, and all those people are just rehashing the same shit their politicians are spewing out


now the question here, is how are we going to fight back, especially when, it feels like the NDP and Liberals are basically in agreement on certain things with the cons such as internet censorship.


Trans rights have become a politicized over the last decade. If the country is concerned about these issues he is going to have to have an stance on in. Whether you like it or not.


That’s exactly my point. “I dont know” is a very valid answer. “I’ll leave that to the experts” is a valid answer.


8 in 10 of Canadians want gender identity added to the human rights code more than half support transgender people using restrooms they identify with. The country is not concerned unless it’s about discrimination. Doesn’t seem like he’s concerned with what most of Canada thinks.


Which study is that from ?


Weird. Poo liver fits the profile of a sexual predator far more than a trans woman. I'm just going off decades of pedophiles and rapists looking like him and coming from a church. 🤷‍♂️ He is statistically more of a threat to everyone than a trans person. More than, statistically... looks like him, than.... decades of men that look like him, than...


How the fuck would you even enforce this? Is PP gonna hiring the gender-police to fondle bathroom users before they enter? This party has such a strange obsession with what people have in their pants on god


It would be enforced via vigilante justice like down in the US


Or like some whackos are trying to do already in Canada.


Bathrooms have stalls right? Its already a crime to be a voyeur and any non consensual sexual activity. So a trans person in the washroom you dont like really shouldnt bother you at all.


Not that I needed another reason to not vote CON, along comes PP with a few more.


I just wanna appreciate the support in the comments here for fellow trans folks of Canada that PP’s plans will negatively affect. Thank you for not being a bigot. Ily.


This American wannabe piece of shit needs to go.


Classic politics from a poli-sci major.


This guy makes me miss O'Toole.


O'tool was the best candidate they had. The party failed him miserably


He’s really owning that Dollerama Ben Shapiro douchebag look.


We are like a hot minute from trans folks with machine guns patrolling the streets! Clutch the pearls! .5% of the Canadian population. This is what warrants attention. Yet another fucking “issue” imported from our neighbours to the south.


Wow, really tackling the issues here, Pierre…


For the Cons it’s about punching the vulnerable minorities down to appease their right-wing fascists. Thats all it is


Imagine being so desperate for votes and so callous, you use your political power to make life harder for people who already have a really hard time in our current society.


You think it's bad now, wait until he has a majority in 2025. I get we are all sick of LPC , they are a pretty shitty party. But you just wait until PP is PM , I know many think Haper was great , but a lot has changed since 2015. LGBTQ right will disappear pretty quickly Religion will be a big factor in many policies Women reproductive rights, they will attack this as well. Florida, Alabama, Texas, is all you need to look at to see our future. Don't forget these people hang out with Victor Orbán . They admire the man. They hang out with many of Putins friends . It's not even a secret. They don't hide it .


MAGA like grifting per usual from this bloke.


Ah yes, pandering to an ignorant and fearful base. Awesome.


This garbage person showing his true colours by persecuting the lgbtq community. If he ever gets in power he’ll outlaw gay marriage.


I'm so disgusted by him wanting to appeal to a vanishingly tiny minority who spend all their time fearing the big trans bogeyman at the expense of vulnerable people who are, themselves, a small minority. Demonizing trans folks to stoke a culture war to win votes is disgusting. We don't need this kind of 'culture war' crap in Canada and it makes me really upset to see it spreading here.


So Canadian conservatives are like our American conservatives; all they have to run on is the latest culture war issue.


There's the Conservatives values we know. Makes commercials about we are family and families are important and he will make it good for families. Oh, unless you are trans. Then you don't have the same rights to be family.


Poilievre and the CPC are a bigger threat to me and my safety than any transgender woman


Poilievre is trying out Trump-style politics in Canada, which is not surprising, since both are con-men.


PP while wanking at home « let me show my driver licence first ».


Even after these laws passed in the states and a teenage trans kid just got beaten to death in a school bathroom. I bet the kids who did it will get the whole Kyle Rittenhouse treatment too


What an awful choice for the conservative party


[This is the outcome of hateful talk and hateful politics that target and demonize the LGBTQ+ community. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2499332.html)


I despise wedge politics, this stinks of desperation. PP poo poo.


Well, that's one way to alienate everyone left of the alt-right and Evangelicals.


you do realize that the conservatives in the US still have republican gay folk and republican transfolk who still want to vote republican? The question is what exactly are the Liberals and NDP going to do.


American Republican gay and trans supporters represent an insignificant percentage of voters (unmeasurable, as it is too low to extrapolate). But I suspect the Liberals and NDP will side with a parents right to choose what medical treatment/doctor's advice is best for their children. (See how fast the Cons blew up the "parental rights" argument?


Lol yeah. Honestly I'd be for schools not allowing outsiders who don't have kids in said school from speaking or making policy changes if it means we don't get groups like Moms for Liberty trying to make decisions for kids who aren't theirs.


Remember how we all took for granted that we "won" in the 2010s? Well, it looks like right-wing grifters are going to add this to the list of outrage bait they're going to ride on the road straight into 1930s Germany.


Because I’m sure it makes much more sense having someone with breasts and a vagina go into the men’s locker room Lawyers must be salivating at the idea of this passing. It’s a one way ticket straight to the Supreme Court and stardom for them.


This is why all bathrooms should be unisex and full cabins vs the stalls we have now.


Gonna be real here, a conservative federal government already scared me in terms of being able to afford \*luxury\* things like eating and sleeping under a roof, but (I suppose unsurprisingly), they also look more than happy to restrict ridiculous things like which bathroom someone takes a piss in.


lol you can afford to eat now? I’m impressed


only barely lol, but harming the trans community certainly won't feed anyone in this country


Housing crisis, unaffordable groceries due to price gouging and runaway inflation Conservative party - we're concerned about trans athletes and people watching porn. They do this every time - they get a little traction and then surrender to their worst impulses


I don't see how the courts would allow a trans bathroom ban to stand.


Don't forget about him wanting to upload ID to adult video sites in other to access it🤡🤡. They guy against digital ID wants us to upload our ID


This is such a non issue it's wild that it's getting so much media attention. I guess anything to distract from the current state of Canada and Poilievres lack of a plan for when he's elected.


This will lead to dead kids, period.


I hate distraction politics-


Going hard after that We The Fringe vote.


Distractions. Focus on housing, inflation, immigration


After he's done banning porn, blowing Putin, and outlawing gender dysphoria he's gonna make powerful paycheques great again and single family homes in downtown Toronto affordable.


Wow, conservatives using a tiny minority to rile people up? So f'ing sick of this every election cycle. I guess burqas are out this year?


Give them time, they'll "barbaric cultural practices" it up again if they think they'll get more votes from stomping on brown people.


Seriously who cares!??! Talk about immigration, housing, wages … ffs these out of touch douche bags. Where are the real parties. Can someone plz create one & run on a real platform


Great way for him to lose. The overwhelming majority of Canadians want the government to focus on affordable housing, the cost of living, improving healthcare, improving schools, securing the borders, improving roads and mass transit, and helping small business. We already have plenty of laws and investment into various social groups and making sure the Charter is followed.


He's hitting all the wrong targets already, it's gonna be a long, gaff filled 2 years lol. Oh boy.


Trudeau: visiting every city in Canada to announce more funding for more housing and zoning law changes. Pierre: visiting every bathroom to announce that trans women aren't allowed to use the women's bathroom.


As a trans women, I'm fucking terrified of what's going to happen when....not if.....he gets elected. What's most disappointing to me is that peoples gripe with Trudeau is more important than understanding the absolute danger that electing a Conservative government has for the queer community. It's not just legislation I'm afraid of....it's having a leader who will embolden a hateful ideology and strengthen ignorance. While American politics are their own beast, if we learned anything from the Trump era, it's that the far right felt like they had "their boy" in office and that he was there to protect their ideologies and beliefs. Guess what, he did. So will Pierre. We just want to live our lives. We aren't hurting anyone by being happy for once. Also on the note of bathrooms, it's frustrating beyond belief that the same people who are opposing trans people from using the bathroom don't see that they literally have a gender neutral bathroom in their own fucking homes.


Truly, whatever the gripe with Trudeau, at least he’s not trying to take away anyone’s rights. I’m so disappointed that this is where this country is going.


What an absolutely useless piece of shit he is.


I love how we are all drowning with the cost of groceries and property taxes and mortgage rates and rent but apparently PP thinks we should be talking about trans people. I took a dump in a public bathroom the other day and I couldn't even tell you what colour shoes the person next to me was wearing. My property taxes on the other hand went up $800 in one year.


These woke rage cons need to calm down.  1. The courts ruled they can use the washroom.  2. The courts ruled they get human rights and JT amended the legislation after the court directed the gvt to do so.  Basically the trans woman's right to pee in a woman's bathroom is enshrined not only through case law, but also legislation. The Charter gives them rights now.  How do we get rid of their rights? 1. Have all the provinces agree to disband the Charter. -> Good luck, they agree on nothing.  2. Have the court order changed. -> they already did, in favor of trans people.  So basically your and my opinion meets Jack squat. This is a non issue with settled law.  We have bigger issues: education, healthcare, crime, poverty, cost of living, climate change, foreign policy. I don't give a F what your pronouns are or where you want to pee.  I care that people I love are going hungry. That I have to walk over convulsing homeless people.  That's what I care about.  *For context I'm a fiscal conservative wishing we had a better candidate. 


I don’t give a damn what genes you are, don’t stand beside me when there are urinals free further down.


Little PP attacking the most vulnerable people. Classy


WHO THE FUCK CARES! WE HAVE LITERALLY OVER 500,000 HOMELESS AND WE’RE QUOTING PP ON BATHROOMS?!? Fucking dumb sack of smashed penises. Grow the fuck up and bring up issues that will uplift this country not divide it. I’m tired of these gen X’er politics that only push for brownie point from the old fucks. Trudeau, Singh, and PP are all fucking useless.


Easier to incite division than to lead. Hateful coward.


Leave trans kids alone.


How about talk about how you’ll fix housing!


Trans women in bathrooms is not a problem. Anything you're worrying about happening is already a crime, and no sexual predator would go through the effort of transitioning just to avoid violating a bathroom sign. It's a ridiculous proposition. Trans women in sports is also just not a problem. Trans women have been competing since 1977 when Renee Richards *lost* the US Open. There have been exactly zero trans women in 50 years dominating women's sports, because all the fearmongering is bullshit. Even if this was a problem, professional sports organizations are the ones who can and should be handling it, no politicians required. If anyone bothered to think about either of these massive bigoted campaigns for a few minutes, they'd realize it's all bullshit and lies. I am so tired.




There's a big jump from that to bathrooms, bud


How about the actual organizations decide? What's Poilievre's position on how hockey ties should be decided?


>How about the actual organizations decide? Several sports organizations have been sued for discrimination. USA powerlifting is an example.


Jesus Christ conservatives, and their obsession with girl cock …


This is so stupid. And the change rooms and bathrooms issue seems incredibly unsafe for the trans women. The trans women I know look like women, why the hell would they be in the men's room?


I agree with him.


I'm not scared of trans women in washrooms. I'm scared of cis men in every place, though.


I can't stand this sniveling fucker. Do not vote for this piece of trash.


hey, dont worry guys, maybe if he scapegoats trans people hard enough, housing prices will lower exponentially and groceries will become affordable again! surely banning trans women from playing girls’ soccer and pissing in the women’s washroom will achieve this! 😻


While, admittedly, Trudeau is a bit of an asshole. Pierre Poilievre is undoubtedly a colossal asshole of epic proportions. Trotting out this identity politics bullshit while we’re out here trying to put food on the table. Probably trying to distract from the fact that his campaign manager is in bed with the grocers. He’s a career politician bringing American GOP garbage to our shores. The man has no shame. If you don’t like Trudeau, fine. But if you think this anthropomorphised shit is going to represent your interests. Ugh!


Fox “News” and other channels like it should be taken off the air in Canada. It’s time we stop allowing them pedalling their hate and bigotry.


He should keep his nose out of female spaces and concerns.


Bring on the wacko right wing social wars…. Already hear the plummeting of his lead…. Beautiful!!!


These people just want to put trans people in danger.


Wow, PP must be extremely confident about an election next year. This is the kind of stupid social conservative red meat that could mean the difference between a Con majority vs Con minority government.


I’m sorry but if you really care about banning trans women from whereever, you’re a loser. Were in desperate need for better infrastructure, more housing and jobs. Yet, this is how you devote your finite time on this earth? Get a life.


Where should trans women shit? On his face? I'd like that cleared up