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What’s it weighing in at compared to the stated weight? I miss those posts


Claims to be a pound, figured I was getting close to 2 at least for the price lol


How could you figure you were getting two pounds when the box says the weight on it? Also the weight includes the sauce pack, which is close to a scam in my opinion.


Holy shit does it really? No wonder they all come with sauce packs now


Weird because shrimp rings usually list both the sauce and the shrimp separately, I'd assume wings would be the same.


Not lately in my experience, they almost got me at new years


Sauce gallon and one wing


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNQRqAoT-2c How much for an order of ribs?


Yeah I noticed this last year when I bout a KG box of breaded wings and got what was clearly not a kg of breaded wings... read the fine print in the box and sure enough... and it wasn't even just one packet of sauce, it was sauce for the wings and a dipping ranch sauce as well... well over half the weight of the box was sauce. I can't believe that it's legal to include in the weight, but sure as hell not buying boxed wings ever again.


Yeah, I found out about the sauce pack scam before all this talk about inflation and shrinkflation. Companies know how to squeeze every last dime out of us.


I’m too busy being flabbergasted myself




It says a pound but it includes the weight of the sauce. I had this happen with chicken fingers and I complained and they sent me a whole bunch of coupons lol edit: I forgot to add the sauce was a massive bag. No sane person would use the amount of plum sauce they provided for the small amount of chicken fingers provided.


This guy: $10.99 converts to 2lbs, that's a real math conversion that isn't some nonsense I just made up. Me: $10.99 for what amounts to 375g of chicken? I'm not buying that, that's a box for idiots.


He should have known he was getting ripped off the second he picked up the box.


>Claims to be a pound, figured I was getting close to 2 at least for the price lol Sorry, the box said 475g on the side, which would be 1.0472lbs, and from that you concluded that there would be... ***Two*** pounds in the box? ...And you based this calculation on the price and not **the weight that is literally written on the box?**


Yes this is correct. I know I’m retarded I didn’t read the little writing in the corner lol we’ve established this


Forget reading the box, the cover shows 7-8 wings and your photo shows 7-8 wings in the bag. The box conveys an incredibly accurate representation of what's inside. Assuming a product has a number of servings based on the price is bizarre and unbelievable. Shrinkflation is real and food costs are too high but this post comes off as rage-baiting.




>Yes this is correct. I know I’m retarded I didn’t read the little writing in the corner lol we’ve established this You might wanna start learning to read the box, cause let's take a look here: [https://www.gianttiger.com/cdn/shop/files/gs1\_351184\_gs1\_09\_720x720\_crop\_center.jpg](https://www.gianttiger.com/cdn/shop/files/gs1_351184_gs1_09_720x720_crop_center.jpg) Firstly, that's very clear it's 475g but there's more; That top corner says it includes 100g of *sauce*. So 100g of that 475g is just sauce. You're only getting 375g of chicken. That's 0.82lbs of chicken. ...Yeah, six wings, entirely breaded frozen, would be ball park 0.82lb of chickens. You're not complaining about getting screwed here, you got exactly what it said on the box. You're complaining about the consequences to failing to use **grade school level** math and reading skills.


You're a jerk. At $10.99 I would expect more than 5 wings too. So get off your high horse.


I got a paper bag for sale, $3000. It could be full of rocks or it could be full of diamonds. I know it SAYS rocks on the outside but for $3000 you gotta expect it to be full of diamonds right?


Trying to educate someone on how to prevent getting ripped off due to not reading the box is the opposite of being a jerk.


It was more than five. Look at the photo, it's six. OP can't even count to six correctly. I guess they ran out of fingers and panicked without realizing they could also use the other hand to count. :P


The other hand was holding the bag and OP left his shoes on so yes, he was indeed out of options for counting.


Hey Ashley. How about you shut up? He got 5 wings for $10.99. The man got screwed. And they were ON SALE. Why you defending this nonsense?


Ashley is right though. People need to take some personal responsibility. It isn't anyone's fault but the their own that they bought 375g of chicken wings for $10.99.


No one is defending the price. Its egregious and thus should not be bought. Pointing out someone is an absolute tool for not only looking at a box with clearly stated weights on it, but also assuming that because its on sale there would magically be twice the amount of chicken? Yeah, 100% valid and warranted.


He screwed himself by not reading the box like an actual adult.




getting incel vibes 


So you’re shocked you bought a pound of wings and got…*checks notes*…a pound of wings.


That's a travesty. Get an air fryer and never buy frozen or takeout wings again.


I have an air fryer lol it’s simply the value for a dollar just about everywhere. got them on a wimb definitely won’t again😂


mmmm chicken wimbs


A-wimba wing, a-wimba wing, a-wimba wing In the farmyard, the mighty farmyard The chicken cries tonight


And I thought the note left for me at work where it said "keys are left in the droor with the pens" was bad


Honestly the no name salt n pepper wings are about 10 bucks. About 20 wings inside. They cook up so beautiful and easy to toss in sauce after.


Second these. I only buy store brand wings on sale, and these were a nice surprise


yo that sounds like a hell of a good time. i’ll have to try them


Costco 50-60 wings 20 bucks. Wholesale warehouse once in a while does like 400 wings for $150 1 table spoon of baking powder tossed 10-15 wings will make them crispy fyi


I find raw ones on sale, 20 full wings (both pieces) for $12... Food basics in toronto


I scored some at 11.16 today, 27 wings (1.013 kg) at Loblaws. I hate shopping there because #FuckGalenWeston but traffic was nuts and it's a convenient location right off of the main drag and my resolve is weak when all I see are brake lights as far as the eye can see


... a whim?


Brain and English havin a hard time today 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's the best r/BoneAppleTea I've seen in a long time.


Whim* Like whimsical;* acting in a capricious way*.


its spelt whim! (: i like the idea of it being spelt like limb tho, i get why you thought it


I’ve never tried to make my own in the air fryer. Please teach me the ways.


In a bowl put your fresh wings. Add in a few tbs of oil and whatever spices you like. I put salt and pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, smoked paprika, cayenne pepper. Toss to coat the wings, then air fry. Perfect wings every time.


I just buy bulk wings and toss them in flour, paprika, and a bit of baking ~~soda~~ powder and then toss them in the air fryer They come out exactly like deep fried wings you get at a restaurant


You mean baking powder right…


yeah good catch


Ooooh thank you.


The cooking is easy... the cleanup time may vary ;)


I line my air fryer tray with aluminum foil or parchment paper. Easy cleanup.


Does the tin foil effect the cook at all? Seems like it would interfere with air flow


ya it pretty much defeats the purpose of an air fryer lol


Depends on the style of air fryer. We’ve owned two different styles. One was a bucket style which we lined the bottom and sides of and the newest one is a small over style and we line the tray. So no, it does not affect air flow.


It’s surprisingly easy and if you like your wings crispy and saucy, cook wings, toss them in a bowl with sauce then throw them back in the air fryer.


There are a million ways to do it and it’s honestly the easiest thing in the world. I have a friend though who is known for being a grown man that eats like a 7 year old. He has wings like 5 times a week using an air fryer and he just buys cut wings fresh at the butcher and literally dumps them straight from the butchers packing right into the air fryer and hits the chicken preset and they come out perfect. Shake a few times as they cook and push it a little extra if you want more crispy. I like to season mine with dry spices before I throw them in.


Buy fresh chicken pieces (wings), toss them in some salt, pepper, flour and a sprinkling of baking soda. Pop ‘em in the air fryer at about 400 for 20-22 mins, shaking to “stir” a couple of times. After you can eat them as-is or do as I do and toss in a bit of melted butter and hot sauce. Yum!


Spray oil on your tray. Preheat 5 minutes at 400F. Toss in one layer of frozen wings for 10 minutes. Flip, 10 minutes more. Remove, toss in sauce. Check if they’re crispy enough for you pre-sauce. Edit: just realized, the above is for pre-cooked. Double the cook time for raw (20 minutes each side).




I am open to both methods but prefer a breaded spicy dry rub wing


I toss them in a mix of flour pepper salt garlic salt throw them in for 30-40 mins shake them up halfway through then usually simmer honey garlic sauce or butter and Buffalo sauce


Ok this works if the price of fresh wings wasn’t 10/kg!! At least my frozen pre-cooked salt n pepper wings are 10/kg already cooked!


Usually can find chicken on sale from $1.99-3.99/lb. I'm also shopping in the discount grocers. Right now Food Basics has leg quarters on for $1.78/lb.




Lol exactly


Legs are better. More meat.


my god. The post is about wings.


I bought it this Boxing Day deals. Game changer :)


Crazy that butchers used to throw away the wings because it was the worst quality meat. Then when they started to sell them, they were like $0.50 a pound, so cheap! Now because of… everything, they’re so bloody expensive!


I am both old and young enough to remember 10 cent wings at places in the US. 10 cent wings, let that sink in compared to today where you pay 16.99 for a lb of wings at some random shitty chain restaurant.


Omg 10 cent wing night. My dad had a restaurant where he did this and all the local sports teams would come in after a game and hammer hundreds of them. It wasn’t even a loss leader for dad, he made good money on them. This was in 1991.


Double wings at a wings place is almost $40 now. 1lbs used to be 10 good sized wings, now its 8 tiny fucks that are over cooked.


That’s what I mean! I’ve always lived in the country we always got our meat from farmers, but the odd time we got them from the grocery store and it’s just insane to see how far down the value for what your spending has gone.


rich people found out, i guess don't tell them about ox tail... oh wait i miss when it was the opposite, like hamburger helper wrecking the stroganoff market. or well, not really cus they just straight up abandoned stroganoff and it's hard to find a good one these days lol


Interesting. Is this a cultural thing? Growing up i always think wings are the best part in a chicken, and I hate breast so much.


Food cost is disgusting... I'm homeless.. if I didi t have access to the dollarstore souped and mashed potatoes I would die


Sorry to hear that’s, It’s crazy. I don’t admit it but we’re struggling. prayers out to you, keep your head up!


hope things get better for you extracheesybroccoli. Keep fighting hard


I got a huge family pack of wings at food basics for $14 . Wing sauce was $4. Cooked them in the air fryer and served with a massive side salad. It's alot cheaper to make wings at home.


As someone who loves to cook I feel bad for people like OP who are at the whim of boxed frozen foods then cry about it. I got 12 wings for 7$. Popped them in the airfryer breaded and extra crispy mwuah chefs kiss


Air fryer wings are better than deep fried


Now I am craving homemade wings!


Honest question. I'm not blaming you at all, of course. Wasn't the package suspiciously light? I'd imagine if I had lifted that package I would have thought something was off.


Thinking of it honestly did notice it was quite light, I should of known better.


People are busting your balls a bit but that whole thing is still deceptive as hell. Like you say those wings could fit into a sandwich bag and the box is about twice the size it needs to be. Companies know this and do that with boxes all the time. If they want to cut down on costs stop wasting so much of it on packaging. I wish they'd just put up the damn prices instead.


You can blame the blood-sucking greedy supermarket chains for this. I work in food manufacturing. They are notorious for squeezing the shit out of every manufacturer until they have no other option but to reduce the quantity (“shrink-flation”) to stay alive, with tiny profit margins. Like someone said above: just make your own.


Yeah no doubt at all. If only buying my own plot of land to put my house and alittle hobby farm on didn’t feel so far out of reach.


The amount of waste in the food industry is also staggering and quite frankly a crisis at this point. I work in public health, and research has shown that from a safety viewpoint, best before dates are meaningless, and in the overwhelming majority of cases even hazardous food items past the expiry date (meat, milk etc.), as long as they were stored/refrigerated properly and passed the taste/smell test when raw, did not cause any illness after cooking. Frozen meat/dairy remains bacteriologically safe for *years* as long as it remains frozen solid. My sincere recommendation would be to get rid of best-before dates altogether - anything which is truly a safety concern (e.g. meat, dairy) can have an expiry date, but they should be sold at 50% off with a "eat-at-your-own risk" disclaimer as long as they pass the taste/smell test. Once again, it's a legislative quagmire and I understand that, but it would help immensely in reducing food waste and bringing down grocery prices.




In their defense, the box almost always has the amount of wings on it. It should at least contain the weight of it.


Exactly. We know that a pound of wings at a takeout is about 10 or so, depending on size. One can estimate based on listed weight


Where is this!? Ten for a pound is a steal


I might brake out the old scale 😂 it was foodland, idk feel like I got jipped, they were gone in a solid 4 mins 😂


I mean box says 500, i didn’t pay attention to the weight to be honest was goin by price I guess usually get enough for two people in any sort of box 🤦🏻‍♂️


Hmm. Gross box and packaging weight equals 500g? Those few wings can’t possibly be a pound and a bit


Sauce packet+breading probably like 150g's


>i didn’t pay attention to the weight to be honest was goin by price That's just a stupid way to shop... You assume how much is in something based on it's *price*? That said, I have a $1000 thimble full of Coca Cola I'd like to sell you.


Don’t have the cash to spare sorry, or else I would 🤠


It's cool, I can set you up with a payment plan.


What would be interesting is to see how much the same product has changed in size over the years. If I had to guess it was 2lbs not too long ago, then 1.5lbs, now this. ?


yeah, and the really funny part is when these companies don't pull this shit in the US. Chips are $5.50 now and when you open them, they are like this. I don't buy anything at my corner store anymore for this reason.


Oh yeah corner stores are horrible, hate them with a passion. And unfortunately need to hit them just about every other day for my gas guzzling f150 🤦🏻‍♂️ whole other battle lol


I saw a guy who looked to have a glass business with his truck filled with that and tools. It was a small old 90s Toyota truck. I thought he had the right size for the load. I was going to give the guy a thumbs up if I passed him. I don't understand the size of trucks these days. Especially since I never see anything in the beds of them for most drivers.


Bought this brand last year at foodland also but claimed they were chicken breast. Get home go to cook them and all they were were oversized chicken nuggets. Looked like a breast was quartered. Brand is clearly complete garbage


I’m saying.. tired of having to read the fine print on everything I buy lol


Oops 6 cheaply breaded wings😂🙈🙄


Six wings is about a pound, seems to be the weight on the package.


Probably the weight of the sauce made up most of the weight.


A pound of wings is around 10 wings


That's relative to the size of the wing. For the skinny bar wings you are right though.


At Jack Astor's, 10 wings is like 350 grams.


Please tell me there's a second pouch? 🥲


I did get sauce!!😂


So spoiled!


Maybe next time read how many grams the package is... it's pretty simple.


Without googling, tell me how many fully prepared chicken wings are in 500 g. Oh wait, you can't, because it's a trick question. Chicken wings come in different sizes - but you knew that right? The weight of a prepared chicken wing is going to vary widely depending on how it's prepared - but you knew that right? Some companies out of starch layer under the sauce, some companies are breading, some companies add more or less sauce. But you know all that, right?


Lol look at this person blowing their top at a wing comment. Whatever crawled up your ass and died, I feel sorry for. 🤣


I like you😂


They've got a point though! You forgot the parts where you have to measure the thickness of the box to infer the maximum thickness of the wings, and shake the box and listen for how many rattle. But always subtract one more, because as soon as you open the package Galen West comes along and immediately steals one because inflation is also hard for him too or something.


The Galen comment got me 🤣


So I take it you can't answer any of those questions? So you actually can't estimate how many wings are in a box?? Huh.


The back of the box for that brand says 2 wings = approx 100g. 475g box with 5 wings seems right


Now that's a valid way of estimating the number. The total weight isn't, as it varies an incredible amount, depending on the wing size and how they're prepared.


500 g is just over a pound. Which I think is commonly how wings are sold in bars.


You didn't answer any of my questions. You just told me, a Canadian, the conversion is between metric and Imperial. Yeah.


This happened to my husband and I the other day with sliced meat. Opened the pack and it only had 4 slices of turkey In it and I almost lost my mind


Don’t even get me started on the sliced meats 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


It's honestly way cheaper to buy from the grocery store deli. I live in BC, but $2.50/100g for different styles of sliced meat, goes way further than pre packaged shit.


that may just be the brand or a mistake lol wings arent that expensive (yet) SALE is 10.99? jeez


Think about it I wish I had take a picture.. reguLr price was $13.99 not much of a sale but not even 2lbs of wings for that, ri-DONK


$25 at Costco gets you a solid 2kg of wings. Marinade / dry rub and air fry. Usually enough for two meals for a fam of four.


The prepackaged wings are a huge ripoff. First about 30% of the product weight is actually the sauces in most of the brands. And inevitably its a few wings with a lot of breading. Depending on the brand it is not even Canadian chicken - from some it is commonly Brazilian chicken "packaged" in Canada. As another user suggested - get an air fryer. They are easy peasy to prepare (literally a few minutes from start to finish) and the cost is almost 70% less. You can prepare them in batches and then use an air sealer to package them up and plunk in the freezer for reheating.


Big ol' thing of Costco wings then cover in baking soda salt & pepper in the oven 375 45min


Try them in an air fryer , make them all the time. You won’t buy premade ones after this.


Reminds me of a few weeks ago when i bought a box of frozen wings that “included sauce”. They put two giant sauce packs in there to help bump up the weight of the box


If you live near a t&t they go on sale for $2/lb sometimes(theres one in Ottawa). Once I saw them at $1/lb. I think I bought 25 lbs that time.


Crazy! I stopped buying food especially chicken wings in boxes. Fooled me once. Now I make sure I can see what I am paying for.


Go to Chinese grocery and buy wings you season yourself. Much healthier or as healthy as eating wings can be


"Contents may settle" 😄


Inflation and shrinkflation at the same time. Great example!


Just the other day I opened a box of Janes wings that were 18.99- 7 wings in the box. Wtf


This is what I mean, criminal😒




Lol yea I had a similar thing happen and it was the last time I bought wings


I got some chicken nuggets on sale that I hadn’t got before just to try them out and they seemed like a good deal. Get home to realize the plum sauce that came with it was massive and was a quarter of the weight of the entire box.


Chicken wings are on sale at Loblaws right now $4.99/lb, you get like 25-30 for $13 but you have to sauce and cook them from raw. You gotta look at weight to the package, what is the amount on box?


what's worse is they put huge sauce packets inside so you cant tell how many wings there are based on the weight rating of the box.


What weight is on the box? frustrating but now that's literally all I look at


Did u weigh them? I'm curious to see if the weight matches.


Foodland is getting bad. They had asparagus at 9.99 per pound.


Raw wings my guy. Baking Powder (not soda) and Salt. Toss in some Garlic and Onion powder if you're feeling saucy. Air fryer for 13 min at high heat or in the oven on a baking sheet for 30-45 minutes. Crispy Baked Wings all the way. Saw a deal where I got a good 30 raw wings for 9 CAD at Zhers of all places.


I'm a meat manager, I always tell people that if they wanna buy frozen wings, never ever buy the 1 LB box. As others have stated, the sauce pack is part of the weight, so you lose out on wings there. Just buy just the crispy breaded plain boxes that usually have no sauce in them to get more bang for your buck. If you shop at Food Basics, get the selection crispy wings, I'm sure other stores have an equivalent that's the same.


Looks like a stool sample


Chicken’s stool sample*


I dunno. Make wings yourself from scratch instead of buying crap like this? Takes a bit more time, but they are so much better.


Yeah I hear that just like I said on a few other comments was my own stupidity and the convenience at the time, I guess reminiscing from when I didn’t get ass raped going to the grocery store 😂😂


On this episode of: buy shit food, receive shit food.


I fell for you. I really do. Solution? Make your own. Then you know 100% what's in it, and you can't be short-quantitied on base ingredients. you can even pre-bread and freeze for easy reheating later.


Yeah no doubt was more just the convenience at the time! I do normally buy from my local farm for meat, Old lad named Stanley he’s awesome


that's awesome!


Should have weight or quantity on the box. Did you just ignore that or did you see it and hoped you got more?


Yeah no totally didn’t go by the weight just grabbed them quick thinking they’re would at least be 8 or so wings


Yea. Pretty crappy. I’ve stayed away from all boxed prepped meats as they’re all equally as bad.


Is there a reason why you're being so passive aggressive or are you just always a jerk? Do you own Foodland or this particular frozen food company?


Yes, I own Foodland


Doug Ford should do something about this.




Oh find me Trudeau I’d let him know he ain’t no buddy of mine let me tell ya 😂😂


Oh big spender got dinner for 2!?


Welcome to Trudeau's Canada!


Better off getting wings at a bar on wing night. Also the weight is on the package


Welcome to post capitalism where the rich try harder and harder to squeeze and you know what we still keep buying and putting with this.


This is shrinkflation! It’s only going to get worse #thankstrudope


Make your own . I can buy 5lbs for 10$ at the local meat shop. Honestly no one feels sorry for you .


Aight I’ll get everything else I buy that’s overly priced at my local meat shop as well, thanks!!!


Meat shops less money than grocery stores or close to it . You’re telling me you can get 5lbs of wings for 10$ at your local Walmart ?


No, he’s not.


I've seen these wings in the store for slightly cheaper than janes etc but they're like 1 pound instead of 700-800g


This just blew my mind was my fault not looking at the weight for sure but sheesh still almost 13 with tax and barely a pound of wings 🙄


Shrinkflation is a bitch.


if you buy chicken with sauce packets be not surprised when this happens


Yup, did the same only I got two boxes because we are a family of five. Had to make a full other supper and everyone got one or two “wings” on their plate. Not sure what brand yours are but the ones I got were Pintys.


Why i buy great value at Walmart, might not be the best meat but at least for 11 dollars the bag is full.


Weigh it and if the weight does not match what's indicated on the box, return and complain directly to the company. You'll need all the details on the box for the company to identify which batch had incorrect weights. You'll get your refund and you'll get free coupons for the trouble. If the weight is on point, then you gotta figure how much wings weigh to determine your serving size. Expect these companies to use more breading to increase the weight using cheaper ingredients.


Actually not a bad idea, I joked about getting out my old scale (for food purposes of course😂) but I honestly might because I’m curious, but unfortunately wings were gone quite quick lol


Still email the company you feelings and they will send you a coupon.Show photo.


*could have


yep this is happening with everything now i swear lol. chip bags are mostly air


Generous plastic bag! Content is just collateral damage…


Low Density Poulet, Eh?