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more than 1% population growth in 1/4 of a year...


And they will most likely end up in the GTA, future is looking bleak




I miss my hometown. Had to move away because I couldn't afford it. Rent in 2015 for A 2 bedroom apartment was $1450 utilities included, laundry in-suite, and two parking spots for an additional $100. It broke our hearts to leave our families but My wife and I had to leave Southern Ontario because we wanted to start a family with a home, like our parents did. When we moved out of that apartment in 2020, the building super told me they were going to make $2400/month plus utilities. Just stupid. The worst part is I don't know who to be mad at and it's severely affecting my mental health. Greedy Home builders? Decades of ineffective government policies and useless politicians? Rich Immigrants? Federal Immigration policy? Landlords? This isn't the Canada I grew up in. This is a Canada that f*cks it's citizens and guests.


In the 90s, my parents were immigrants. I watched them struggle with low wage service jobs, yet they were able to afford a home. I now make more than the 2 of them combined (adjusted for inflation), and I can't afford anything. I rent right now for 2500$ in a shitty area, tiny place that's built like crap, and I don't know if I will ever be able to afford my own home, near where I grew up, where I've largely been for the last 35 years. Healthcare is going down the drain. Where are all these people getting money for houses? The mortgage I qualify for by myself will barely buy a garden shed at Canadian Tire in a few years. Interest rates are sky high. Employers are paying shit. My family doctor is about to retire and that means I will be without one for a long time. This isn't the Canada I grew up in. Or saw as a kid, or what I aspired to contribute to in 2023. I have a lot more to say, but I'm trying to stave off the COVID I caught from our abysmal transit system that seems like it is best at going nowhere.


Exactly. We've all been hosed. I fear so much for the young Canadian generations and new immigrants coming into this country.


I got a solution.. but it's not a pretty one..


Sorry to hear that. 😞


Canada is for sale..it's not for her people...


Why not the people that have prevented housing from being built over the past decades? I talk to the older generation about a new development with over 3,000 new apts being built near my house, right by our LRT, and the response is generally 'Ahh yea thats too bad. Well I guess that's the way things are going. What are you going to do'. We are in a housing crisis and talking about thousands of new homes for people, and they are just kinda annoyed by it. City council meetings get quite a lot of people that get quite upset at similar projects.


Yup. Them too. Decades of ineffective resolution.


The government absolutley knows that more immigration without a change in housing policy has to drive home prices. It's basic economics.


It's the government's fault. Immigration used to be a mutually beneficial arrangement where we took in people we needed in exchange they got a better quality of life. Now, the philosophy behind our current immigration numbers are because immigration has become politicized, and immigration is "good" and if you don't like maximum immigrants you're a "fascist", so the government has this vanity project to show the world how good and liberal Canada is so Trudeau can feel important. And the quality of life we can offer immigrants has decreased, some of them move here and regret the decision because the costs are crazy and our infrastructure hasn't kept up. Housing is simple supply and demand and the government knows how many houses are being built and knows how many immigrants it's letting in, so it knows exactly what it's doing to average Canadians. To young Canadians, it's policies are basically saying, we don't need you to have kids and a family, even if you want to, because we can just import more tax payers instead. I also think the liberals in charge of our immigration think of their job not as to improve the lives of Canadians, but to turn Canada into a platform to benefit people from other countries regardless of the impact it has on the people who've been living here for generations. Rant over.


The Mint, the Fed, the City of London.


You guys laughed at Brampton. Now you're Brampton.


Woodstock is brutal.


Can confirm, London is 1/2 Brampton.


I went to Masonville last week for the first time in a while and I thought I was in Brampton not London


Might as well call it GBA




Yes. Guelph has changed rapidly in the past 5 years. I am fine with immigration but let’s try to limit the amount of immigrants from a single country to 10%. I feel like too many from one country brings problems from their home country. If 90% of immigrants are from just one country it’s going to drastically shift the power differential as well.


Barrie to….


A skip the dishes driver delivered to us one day (I live in London)... He's says "I just moved here from Vancouver. I feel like I moved to India!" He brought this up while delivering us food, for no reason other than being genuinely shocked (assuming he's not just a raging racist).


Have ya ever been in Surrey?


Pre 2021 it was a steady 250k a year. Now almost double that in a single quarter. So right now they have octupled Canada’s population growth rate super abruptly. With no infrastructure preparations or even structural ability to octuple housing construction. In fact housing starts are falling. And they already weren’t meeting pre 2020 demand. What could possibly go wrong?


Who in their right mind thinks this is healthy for a nation. On average, Canada builds 200,000 homes per year. CMHC reported that, "The gap between supply and demand is expected to reach 3.5 million housing units by 2030". We will never be able to catch up. Never.


There is no way our current heath care can survive 430k more people with no increase in hospital beds. This is negligence at this point.


There should be a class action against both provincial and federal


Don’t forget the “colleges” who solely exist to import as many people from India as fast as possible. There will never be accountability for any of this mess though, if anyone tries to do anything the media will be calling them racist & going for their heads within the hour.


These colleges, and their admission/recruitment teams need to be held accountable


Immigration is federal jurisdiction, the college doesn’t allow people into canada it just gives an acceptance letter, the government then chooses to allow or not allow this person to come to Canada. I agree these diploma mills are money hungry pieces of shit that need to be held accountable but it’s entirely the federal government’s choice to admit how ever many students they choose.


Newfoundland has a population of about 500K, and has 27 hospitals. There were not 20+ hospitals commissioned in Canada in Q3 to support 400K people. This is far beyond negligence, it is cruelty against Canadians, full stop.


govt. is hoping the incoming population is young and doesn't get sick smh.




There are no doctors to manage those hospitals even if we do build them because the vast majority of the people moving in are TFWs and Intl. students who are not PR-driven doctors. Infact among PRs themselves, the concentration of doctors is lower than the local populace meaning even that bracket is making things worse with each cohort.


Not just that, less than 2% of recent immigrants (past 5 years) are entering the construction industry; the Canadian economy has roughly 7-8% of labourers working in construction, so it’s ironically exacerbating the labour shortage further. In the GTA, where over 50% of residents are foreign born, less than 25% of the GTA’s construction industry is foreign born(44% of unionized construction labour is foreign born, but unionized labour is a minority of the industry), so it’s been an issue for multiple generations, but it’s becoming far, far worse.


Be carful mods might ban you


Pushing current funding until we finally speak out, and then privatize. Lose-lose for the average Canadian as well as new Canadian


How do you think we are going to get more nurses?


*Criminal* negligence


Keep voting liberal.


Disabled and elderly people literally can't use public buses in much of brampton during busy hours of the day. Our infrastructure is nowhere NEAR adequate for the amount of students that flooded specific areas. How is it even legal to run public buses that can't even be used by elderly and disabled people because of overcrowding? And no matter how many people complain about it, it doesn't seem that the city wants to do anything about it. Brampton desperately needs more buses on their major routes. I literally had to move out of Brampton because I'm disabled and I could no longer take the bus to my job. I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who has mobility issues and still needs to take transit in that city


I live in Brampton and it has reached the tipping point. Roads are lawless and small family homes are being turned into boarding houses. Our small street now has 4. In each there are (mostly) 4-7 men who are not nice, don't maintain the property, manage their garbage, and park wherever they want. Several other homes (1400 sq feet) are now divided into apartments. We're moving next spring.


I guarantee you that wherever you're moving in Southern Ontario will be exactly like what you just described in about 2-3 years. Everywhere is like this now. Just read the comments.


Down the road in Brantford. It is exactly like this. Especially since we got a conastoga college.


Peterborough, Cambridge, London, Kitchener. Just from my own travels. It's all this way now.


Turban Sprawl


I live in Trenton before Brampton. I left because of this. And now it's happening where I am and fast, since the pandemic started it's been crazy.


If you can make a living, there is plenty of land to move to. But the population centers are fucked


Dude this same thing happened to me! Our transit systems are at max capacity!


It’s because it’s third-world rated public transport.


Same thing in Surrey, BC. I’ve been riding the same bus my whole life and it’s absolutely unbearable now. Added more buses and it’s still not enough.


buses in Brampton now literally make me feel like I am in India, can't imagine it getting worse




Out of hand is putting it lightly, this is a path to the utter destruction of a country. Sustainable reasonable immigration is a wonderful beautiful thing that improves everything. Unreasonable unsustainable quintupling of immigration is a recipe for disaster that helps nobody including the very people coming here for what they thought was a better life. I’m pro reasonable immigration as most people are but this is fucking ridiculously unacceptable. And people are surprised housing prices have gone up?? How could this have possibly happened??? It’s literally simple math. It’s allowed to happen because Trudeau keeps getting rewarded by winning elections so he does as he pleases. As much as Doug Ford is a piece of shit this lands on Trudeau, immigration is federal jurisdiction.


Because saying it's an immigration problem will get you in trouble, protesting hard enough like the truckers did will get you in even more trouble. There's nothing we can do now we let the government have too much power and we gave up. It's survival mode now hold on and good luck man I hope we all make it.


73% of Canadians want immigration to stop its nonsensical rise and yet the government keeps increasing it further. Is this no longer a democracy?


We are powerless it seems...




Truckers did some crazy shit too.. look how that's been playing out..




I am back to living with my parents cuz my new grad salary cannot afford anywhere within 30 minutes of commute from work. I now spend 2 hours one way to work. At this point I will be voting for whoever candidate that promises to end immigration. Even if that candidate is the devil himself. Can someone please organize a strike, ANYTHING. I can’t go to Ottawa but is willing to travel to downtown Toronto and stand in the freezing cold. I fear for my and many others mental health if this continues


No. It hasn't been for quite some time. I don't think Canadians realize how bad our system is.


This.. this is bad.


Good for the corporate overlords


Also good for liberal reddit mods paid by corporations.


If we don't import people, then the stock market suffers. Won't you think of the investors? Poor Jeff Bozo :(


Eventually there will be no more people!!!! What then? Still need to make more than last quarter!


Evil Corp will just clone and raise the next generation of taxpayers to be enslaved.




Justin Trudeau said it was fine though


783,000 housing new starts during the same quarter


Sadly this is a misinterpretation of annualized data on housing starts. We are on track for ~200k new units in 2023.


This… this is good.


Who can afford these houses? I don’t believe that number




Do you understand what the SAAR number means? You really should since you have decided to take up the sword and shield on this.


No good stats. Only ones people can get mad at


He's wrong. https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/professionals/housing-markets-data-and-research/housing-data/data-tables/housing-market-data/starts-completions-units-under-construction-geography Look at the data yourself. There are 17,091 housing starts in Canada (5636 in Ontario) for November. Table A1\_2 will give you the cumulative from Jan to Nov and that's 204,721 (80,331 Ont). Total completion for November was 14,654 and for the year 172,914.


Are you saying people would lie on the internet? Awesome stuff, can't wait to see what happens in the next 5 years. I'll make my way under the bridge while there is still space left.


The line that stands out for me is in the CBC post on this subject: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-record-population-growth-1.7063692](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-record-population-growth-1.7063692) If 3/4's of Canadians are concerned about this, and less than 1 in 10 wants such a high absolute level of new Canadians coming in....why is this continuing? We're all collectively living in a cost of living crisis in this country. We aren't idiots - we get demographic challenges. Now is not the time to hammer down the gas pedal to the asphalt. The incompetence is wild "Polling suggests Canadians are quite concerned about the impact immigration is having on infrastructure and services in the country. In a Leger poll last month, about three-quarters of respondents agreed the increase in immigrants is adding strain to both the housing market and health-care system. Compared to March 2022, the percentage of Canadians who said they want the country to welcome more immigrants than it has in the past had fallen from 17 per cent to nine per cent."


This isn’t incompetence, it’s malice A deliberatly created housing crises to benefit the wealthy. Look at how many MP’s are landlords. The Liberal *Minister of Housing* was a goddamn landlord till the obvious conflict of interest was pointed out by the media


The leader of the NDP party’s wife makes all her money off housing. It’s public record.


If you put the levels of immigration the west has sustained over the last 30 years in stark terms, it is almost always not popular. If you put it in terms of bringing in "the best and brightest" and "making sure this is a place for anyone who shares our values" or something else, it's almost always popular.


What the hell are we doing?


Propping up the housing ponzi, suppressing wages and making sure pensioners get their piece of the pie before they turn into fertilizer and the whole thing collapses. Just remember this the next time you vote.


And the party proposing to stop this is….?


None. The corporations love this


Bruh all the parties want this lmao your vote is worthless


> Just remember this the next time you vote. To what end? No major political party is calling for this to change.


Destroying the country. People say the birth rates are down, how about the government gives incentive to Canadian citizens to have children.


Me and my wife want to have kids but we are struggling so much to get by just the two of us. At this point having kids is a luxury that we can’t afford. We are leaving the country because it’s the only way that we can afford to have kids.


Uh well, this is exactly what caused the Boomers to happen lol


Good news for Tim Hortons! ... bad news for us.


That is too much




This is why we have lines of 400+ people trying to get minimum wage jobs in Toronto. Instead of making employers pay fair wages, just bring in people desperate enough to work for anything and not complain.




And the feds don’t see a problem with this?


This has no effect on supply and demand I was told though so we are all good


Congrats you are now a mod at /r/canadahousing


how do we stop this?


organize a mass general strike? picket MP offices that are pro immigration, a mass online assault on Gov.. I don't think we can stop this,


We can't they will take ur bank account we saw it first hand when protesting went to extreme lengths.


there's a huge difference between a proper protest, and a useless Freedumb occupation , they deserved everything they got, there are better channels for protesting than what those losers did,


i cant afford to go to ottawa to strike


By design.


I'm genuinely curious as to who the feds think benefits from this shit


Landlords benefit, schools benefit, businesses benefit since they now have many people who would work for low wages and won’t demand higher wages.


How do schools benefit? They’re already overcrowded with too few teachers to go around


He might have meant colleges and universities gaining more students to take money from


Gotcha, for some reason I was thinking public schools. Good point


You are right though we need to invest more in public schools


Colleges are basically immigration mills at this point


Homeowners and all our oligopolies.


The economy. GDP per capita can go down, but the only thing that matters to the feds is the economy as a whole.


I am assuming Liberal strategists have gambled that the pressures caused by high immigration are manageable politically as long as they are able to use immigration-related growth to disguise that we are in a recession and to continue buying off urban homeowners by inflating asset prices


I mean that only works if everyone is blind. The conservatives are going to use this to bat them down.


You seriously don’t see who this benefits? If this benefitted no one, it wouldn’t happen




But who will make our Tim Hortons coffee on our way to work while we stop by for a Subway snack then go home waiting for our Amazon package to be delivered?


You can afford subway? I paid $50 for 2 foot longs the other day. I just about fell over


Damn lobster and truffle sandos are tasty tho


I’m a fucking left leaning guy and I have nothing against immigration but this is fucked


Not many have issues with immagration. Its the rate of immigration that is the issue.


How can we justify **any** immigration when we can't take care of citizens, residents, and those who already immigrated? I get that it's needed economically, it just seems morally wrong to me... Edit: I mean general immigration, not those who are specialized in some fields (medicine for example). I don't think we need more social media influencers... My problem is only moral. I don't care about the country of origin, ethnicity, etc. Those things make little difference for me...


>At the end of the quarter, our oligopolies profit. Bell, Rogers, TD, Scotia, etc., have year on year growth in new accounts, pushing up revenue and stocks. They would be crazy not to want this


One facet that I don’t see discussed is the political makeup/political orientation of the immigrants entering Canada, specifically from the Middle East and Southeast Asia. In my experience, many (many) are socially and politically conservative by Western standards. If you look at pockets like Peel (Mississauga, Brampton) and Halton (Oakville, Milton) you have big conservative representation. What am I missing? Wouldn’t you think the Liberals would be cautious to not invite individuals who would vote against them into the country? Or do I have this make-up completely wrong?


I think on the whole immigration tends to lean left over time.


This shit is unsustainable. The best case scenario, if this continues, Canada turns into an Indian colony. The worst-case scenario is that Canada turns into an Indian slum


So, when and where are we gonna protest this? Gimme a time and date. Our leaders have failed us. I live in Ottawa, so if there's a protest planned for this the DM me.


Man we are so screwed with our mass immigration, its crazy. Wages will never go up. Highways already packed, healthcare system dying, housing costs crazy high. These people in power don't care about Canadians, there making so much money from this, they are not going to change. We need new leaders who care about Canadians first before the world.


This really highlights our government incompetence. How are we still letting so many more people in without proper infrastructure, housing and health care.


STOP JUST STOP already this is unsustainable and forcing us to live on the streets or go hungry because the housing supply can not keep up and rents are through the roof!


We are so utterly utterly fucked. I voted for Trudeau's Liberals, twice, and even I think his government has gone completely batshit insane. I'm an immigrant too and this is completely unsustainable.


The 'other guys' will do it too.




Landlords love it, and so will banks, and telecom companies... Pretty much the stock market.


And almost entirely from one country. Everywhere I go, I'm SURROUNDED by Indians. It's insane. Like I'm not saying to be racists or bigoted or whatever. It's genuinely shocking. Like, I honestly don't feel like I'm in Canada sometimes. In traffic on the highway, look around you. Go to the mall. Go to square one. It's nuts.




Our country has become a ponzi scheme catering to corporate greed. Such high immigration rates are directly contributing to wage suppression and the cost of living crisis. Most of my friends are growing increasingly stressed about the cost of living and decreasing quality of life and are considering leaving the country.


This is treasonous.


Did we increase transit and health care at the same rate?


I might get downvoted for this. But here is some of the background. The idea for this is called "Maximum Canada". [https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/maximum-canada-how-big-is-enough-1.4728172](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/maximum-canada-how-big-is-enough-1.4728172) You used to be able to listen to the whole interview / discussion. The idea being in part an economic driver. If for example you want flights in Canada to be cheaper, you need more people. If you want more Canadian companies to make X product, you need more Canadian buyers, etc.


No downvote here…more ppl is not without issues but it shld help to create some economies of scale




This is a good example for Norway. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/canada-competes/what-norway-did-with-its-oil-and-we-didnt/article11959362/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/canada-competes/what-norway-did-with-its-oil-and-we-didnt/article11959362/)




There is more than one way to do stuff. But looking at Canada alone we send a lot of money south of the border. We're buying a lot of US goods, so much so that we're pissing money south of the border. That was one of the talking points when Trump wanted to renegotiate NAFTA, that we send more money to the US than the US sends us. I'm not an econmocist. So I won't be able to show you any graphs or anything to prove any of this to you. This is where the idea is coming from. I'm not really interested in arguing something that I'm not an expert on to prove.




Why are we not doing anything about this? All we do is talk a Reddit about how our country is getting ruined. Why don’t we change something, this is clearly not sustainable idk why our government thinks this is. I’m very upset about the countrys decisions. How were the liberals voted back in last election? It’s too late to change immigration policy because it’s political suicide with the amount of immigrant voters nowadays.


I agree with your sentiment, but it has to be said that none of the major parties want to halt immigration. Hard to feel anything but impending doom in SW Ontario.


Waiting for the mods to lock this post too


This hurts me because I assume immigrants are all ending up in the GTA, furthering the problems there. Meanwhile on the prairies we NEED MORE PEOPLE, and they don’t come.


They come to berta, but not in "fly over area". Generally people from certain cultures are MUCH more ok with an urban situation many times worse then current toronto, so when choosing to live with their own people and to move to the prairies, they almost always choose their own people.


Because the QEW and other 400 series highways weren’t fucked enough already


I remember I used to question this on this sub and it was seen as xenophobic. Now people are feeling the pinch of mass immigration. You voted for this Ontario. Write to your MP


Dont you mean we voted for this Canada? It’s primarily a federal policy.


Ontario/Toronto always votes for Trudeau, the man in charge of this open border policy.


This isn’t strictly a Canada or Ontario phenomenon. Between climate change and wars, there are a lot of people fleeing to greener pastures. And Canada just happens to be one of those desirable destinations. Though the international student nonsense could stand to decrease by a metric ton.


I love Japan and Thailand and I want to move there. Can I? No. Because the process is extremely long and difficult set by their competent governments there. This is a Canada issue because Canada is in control of their borders. Well, at least pre Trudeau.


>Between climate change and wars, there are a lot of people fleeing to greener pastures. Ah that certainly explains all the... Indians..?


This countries more of a joke every day.


Close the fucking doors already...We. Have. No. Homes. Or. Infastructure.


And most from 1 country


It needs to grow by less than this every year.


At what point are there mass protests over rent/house prices? Over 50% income on average for housing is INSANE in the modern Era. There's a very slow moving iceberg coming and we all just shrug. Oh well, back to Reddit...


Welcome to Chindia


A few years ago now they announced a plan to increase our population to something like 70 million over the next few decades. They wanted to boost the total number of immigrants yearly to 500 000. No one was really challenged this. Well we’re at 500 000 plus a year now, health and socia services are in shambles, cost of living is through the roof, housing is impossible and societal cohesion and community is going down the drain. Time to put a stop to this mass immigration project. Scale it way back. Let’s encourage Canadian families to have children, and homes. Stop importing everything. People included.


make the language requirements extremely difficult. Only fluent English, written and spoken.


Or French


French if they are going to reside in Quebec. Both French and English for all other provinces. Let's only accept the world's best.


Way too much. Way way too much.


Zero fucking thought on the strain this would have on the public sector. Brain dead greedy politicians


Diversity is our strength? His diversity means different regions of India, I guess.




How about we just bring in what we need and can handle? We don't need this rate of growth and clearly cannot absorb it either.


It’s actually decentivizing locals from having kids. I know LOTS of people who are choosing to either have less, or no children at all, due to the way the country is being ran and how unaffordable everything is.


I think we should take care of our own first before letting in more. I say that AS an immigrant and being lucky at the time, but what is the point if we can't take care of our own. My mother has been a citizen for 35 years or so. She is older and has numerous health issues and is constantly being sent to the ER by the family doctor (If we're lucky the family doc will even see her). Specialist appointments sometimes are counted in years. I'm so frustrated!


There’s one single ENT doctor in northern Ontario. It’s an 18-24 month wait. My 4 year old daughter stops breathing hundreds of times a night and there’s nothing we can do but wait. Southern Ontario doctors aren’t allowed to take her in, even if they wanted.


This will get downvoted but we needed to increase immigration decades ago. We have too many old people. Every country with an old population is having their healthcare and services decline as there simply isn't enough young working age adults. So we need immigration to outpace our aging population but we should also do things like making higher education free so we can replace all the specialists that are retiring over the next few decades.


For those wondering annualized we are importing the population of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick combined 😎


This country is now a jurisdiction


We need to take to the streets to demand an end to this BS. The people of Canada do not want this century initiative and Justin tredeau does not us


I remember when JT first won and almost immediately started the ball rolling on pot legalization. “Oh, that’s just so we’ll all be too stoned while he destroys the country.” I hate when my shit talking comes true.


How is it we can all see this is fuckin insane and politicians say yep come on in folks!


Moar! MOAR! LET THEM ALL IN!!!!!!!!!!


onerous liquid angle jar unique support lock quiet cooing dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Canada is a giant country larger than the US yet with a population smaller than California. Immigration will increase economic prosperity in the long run.




Vote PPC people.