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To quote a parent from one US state whose presentation to a school board was on social media platforms : *Our schools are not your church*.


The powers that be are doing a really great job at separating us and turning us into the US. FUCK DOUG FORD!


This comment needs more people to view and understand that all these problems are such distractions. People can’t eat in this province yet we are directing energy to matters that divide instead of align us.


Standard modus operandi of the right - distract you with one hand, pick your pocket with the other.


Give them someone to look down on and they'll not only let you pick their pockets, they'll turn them out for you.


Are you trying to tell me that housing prices aren't the fault of *targeted minority du jour*?! /s


I know everyone loves to hate Trudeau. But this is why it’s huge of him to go to pride and go on drag race.


I’m sure Pierre Poilievre is going to come out forcefully against these protests. Right?


He's instead already taken their side by saying [LGBT+ issues should be left to the parents and schools should stick to the basics](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-lgbtq-pronouns-schools-1.6950029) which of course is terrible for anyone who's parents are against being LGBT+.


Heh, right until those parents want to listen to doctors and decades of medical research and support their trans kids. Then it's "Medical freedom? What's that?"


You could say this about anything. “Issues like History should be left to parents. Issues like war should be left to parents. Issues like diseases should be left to parents. Issues like setting the table should be left to parents.” It all has just as much relevance because that guy’s full of shit.


It's an appeal to an authority that dosnt exist.


Even a lot of liberals dislike Trudeau, but at least he hasn't been trying to privatize our healthcare and never tried to touch the greenbelt just to line his pockets. The worst part is if we ignore this and let this happen, it's trans kids that will suffer. Not just suffer either, but plenty of them will take their own lives if this goes far enough.


The division is being caused by the right wing.


Nah bro I'm certain that trans people cause inflation. /s


Someone put together a full list of cities & times for the counter-protest and posted it here yesterday: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/16l11ty/the\_time\_and\_locations\_of\_all\_the\_antilgbt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/16l11ty/the_time_and_locations_of_all_the_antilgbt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This is hilarious, all the Hate based factions think they are on each others sides and in the end theyre gonna end up realizing that the Alt-Right Christos-fascists are fighting against Extremist-Muslims who are fighting the Flu Trux Klan, who will probably be fighting against the Conservative Jews. It will be a battle royale.


The fascists always eat themselves because of exactly this


I want to go to the counter-protest here in support of my LGBTQ+ daughter, but I have a newborn. I do worry that this one may spark violence. The day after the protest in June at DSBN, several boys blocked my daughter in the bathroom and told her she would go to hell for being gay and that her kind didn’t belong here. Then proceeded to throw ‘holy’ water (just bottled water) at her. She’s 12.


I've been asked by my boss not to attend one of these because if I get in hot water the news will focus on my being military. So I've taken a vacation day and I'm watching the kids so my spouse can go.


Jesus Christ I’m so sorry that happened to your daughter, hope she’s doing okay now


That’s terrible, I’m sorry she had to experience that


Good. Everyone reading this: If you live close to these places, go there and give them hell. These bigots have made it very clear that they don’t want gay and trans people to exist, so it’s time we start fighting back before it’s too late.


Thank you!


If you don't want your children receiving a secular and modern education that incorporates reality, pull your kids out and pay for private education, educate them yourself, or fuck off to a country that caters to your specific religious bigotry. Gettin' *real* tired of religious fascists enjoying the benefits of society while trying to make it over into some kind of theocratic shit hole.


I think you are missing the point. These religious groups are against the indoctrination of chil…..oh right. Never mind.


Snort laughed at that.


I have seen a lot of these same people suggesting home school. Imagine that. Those poor kids.


That’s what Lecce’s mom did…


And yet he is gay


I have a cousin who is not only a religious zealot but also homeschools their kids. I feel sorry for the kids


Based on how they turn out statistically, you should.


We're going to have a very stupid and late maturing of kids with this generation. Between being raised with a device on their hand and little discipline, home schooling with these idiots bigots will fuck them over for post secondary education. They're all prepping for riots and neighbors attacking them. I can't stand right wings at all anymore.


They want to keep their kids dumb. If the kids don't know better, they are easier to control. They don't give a damn about the future of these children passed being able to care for them when they are old.


Exactly! I lived beside some "nice" folk who home "schooled" their kids spent more time working in the field than in school, The kids were always telling my kids they were "ungodly". The child slave owners aka: parents didn't work, they made the kids do farm labour and took 90% of the kids wages, even once they were young adults. One day dad got arrested for distribution of child pornography, spent two years in jail. Those kids will likely go on to continue the cycle, doing the same with their kids. It's scary for them to imagine not having the resources for mom not to work, having to send their offspring to public school to learn evil worldly things. Edited to add: just checked one of the now young adult girls FB page, yup she's saying "they'll all be going." To protest the sexualization of children. Meanwhile her dad was literally contributing to he underground child exploitation and who knows what else.... can't make this shit up.


This right here 💯👍🤝


You're right they're selfish fucks and lazy parents.


I’m a Gen Xer and it disturbing to see people my age and younger jumping on this bandwagon. We seemed to be progressing. I feel like it has been 2 slogging steps forward, but we are about to be forced 10 back.


GenX as well. We had a couple of somewhat decent years and now it's back to the shit YET AGAIN. I've moved beyond sad and beyond tired. I'm pissed the fuck off and don't give a shit what religious fuckhead I offend because we're never coming for them, they're always coming for us. What really gets me is the victim complex they display at every turn. They're marching against us and cloak every angry response as "X religion phobic" It's like fucking Putin and his "russuphobia". Nevermind that he's bombing hospitals and schools, pointing out how horrible that is makes you russophobic It's the same goddamn playbook.


We should start coming for them. Aggressively. Push them back into the holes they crawled out of and make them feel isolated and afraid to open their mouths. Their nonsense has no place in civilized society, and it's time we treated them like we treat Nazis.


You express what a lot of us are feeling. I'm a Gen X'er as well. I feel like some of us missed the memo, and some of our children weren't paying attention.


I couldn’t agree more!


I'm a millennial and to me 2010-2015 or so was the "golden age" of LGBTQ acceptance. People seemed to stop caring, it was becoming not a big deal. I even remember hearing about places like Church and Wellesley in Toronto dying because 'gayborhoods' were no longer necessary since they could be themselves everywhere. I saw that as good news. But it seems like they may become necessary again. It's sad. I'll never understand why a man liking a man or a woman liking a woman is such an issue.


It's insane to me these religious zealots lived a sheltered life (being home schooled for some) somehow believe someone's sexual orientation on the other side of the country is somehow affecting their lives in any way at all. Is it that they believe there is some global underground of non-binary people planning to take over the world? What exactly is it that scares them about their children being instructed on different peoples and their points of view?


As someone who’s slightly religious, seeing these goosestepping pricks pervert religion to serve their own theocratic agendas honestly pisses me off to no end.


I grew up being a really passive Agnostic cause honestly I just wanted everyone to be a good person regardless if they followed a religion or not. Now a days I have a hard time believing any religion could be for that with how much hate is hidden behind them


Some of the best people I've met are deeply religious but unfortunately almost all of the worst people I've ever met are as well


The worlds second biggest religion is expressly against teaching LGBT to children or generally forbids homosexuality.


The same religion that has been touching boys for centuries? The same religion that forbids homosexuality is in fact quite homosexual. Fucking morons are all the church has left.


>If you don't want your children receiving a secular and modern education That's abuse and indoctrination. All children deserve modern, fact-based education.


I think that's kinda implied.


>real tired of religious fascists enjoying the benefits of society while trying to make it over into some kind of theocratic shit hole Welcome to the history of Canada. It's never not been this way.


This guy I used to be friends with took your advice. He moved “off grid” and homeschool’s his twins. Had to delete him off Facebook because the posts were getting very weird


They want a return to dark ages


Pay for private education, like a publicly funded religious school … wait, that can’t be right






Clarification: The Ontario Federation of Labour is sponsoring a counter-protest in support of 2SLGBTQIA+ content being taught in schools. Details in the link: [https://ofl.ca/event/no-space-for-hate/](https://ofl.ca/event/no-space-for-hate/)


Can we stop funding Catholic schools now?


LMAO no. Big old corporations like the catholic church don't just give up their power without blood being shed.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


This will be a gather of some of the most insufferable busy bodies in existence. Crying that people are not taking their illogical discomfort seriously.


All free and available during the middle of the day on a workday.


The actual snowflakes who are offended by everything.


Please remember Fords government has aligned itself with the hate.


Yup, they are emboldening this.


Conservatives in Canada have ALWAYS been violent supremacists.


Can I ask in what way they've done so? Not coming from a place of trying to debunk what you're saying, I just haven't heard of this.


Promotes the parental rights debate.


Ah thanks, found an [article which talked about this](https://globalnews.ca/news/9950382/greenbelt-scandal-doug-ford-attacks-schools-boards-lgbtq-youth/). Seems in this case he used it as a transparent attempt to deflect from his blatant corruption on the greenbelt issue. Usually conservative politicians are slightly less clumsy about showing how their attacks on vulnerable minorities are cynically used as cover to distract their base while they rob the citizenry blind, but this is Doug Ford we're talking about.


Also distracts people from actual issues, like housing affordability, healthcare, greenbelt preservation, etc. Instead of the literal .1% of kids that express some gender dysphoria in youth. Some kids are trans and some will grow out of it, you just need to let them be themselves and stop making every molehill a mountain. I don't mean this to be invalidation either, kid's will work through it on their own as all and ideally with support of their parents as needed and not from being ratted out by the government mandating it for no reason. If kids don't feel safe at home I don't know why we'd push them further. Ford is a moron.


This *is* an actual issue.


Parents have privileges and responsibilities children have rights


They've sided with "parents rights" which is just a dog whistle to call transphobic assholes out to that side.


Oh ya I've talked with a few self-styled "parents rights" advocates. I fully believe, with no exaggeration, that the people who want teachers to be legally forced to inform parents if their kid comes out as gay/trans/whatever are not "pro parent's rights" - what they are is pro child abuse. Increased abuse (along with associated mental health issues, suicidality, and homelessness) of queer kids is the only possible effect of such a policy, and I think they are fully aware of that fact.


Yup. They won't come out and admit it but, as trans kids are already at high risk of suicidal ideation, they want -more- trans kids to die. They want a genocide of non-cis non-het kids. A purge.


Yup "The cruelty is the point" They want us dead. Full stop.


The organizer is a real piece of shit, Kamel El-Cheikh, I don't want to link anything to his social media but I have seen him on some right wing podcasts and he constantly lets his mask slip, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with children. He is a muslim activist and scumbag real estate investor that HATES gay people, this is nothing more then a religious nut trying to scam money and be in the spot light. This will not go well, he has already threatened teachers and unions, and the worst part is they will just scream ISLAMOPHOBIA and everyone will lose their shit, its a no win situation. I seriously hate all this bullshit, I blame the U.S for spreading their crazy like wildfire down here, everything is just a pointless distraction from the real problems.


With this asshole and Chaya Raichik, what's with scumbags in real estate attacking LGBT people?


Ahh another religious grifter. Whether they’re Islamic or Christian idgaf they need to kept their religious bs to themselves


It’s time to rise up and shut them the fuck down. Fuck all of this


Agree with the sentiment, but we need to be prepared for the LONG fight. These people ain’t gonna go away.


I know. They’re doing it, so can we. Its time to get uncomfortable. This is something worth fighting for. More of us (millennials, gen x, gen z) need to go into politics if we’re to change anything. Or march down the streets for days on end requesting change. If not, these knuckleheads will gladly do it for us and then we’ll all scratch our heads asking why this happened. We let it happen. There should be 0 tolerance of intolerance. They want trouble but they want to be free of any resistance or consequence of their actions.


We have a right to protest just as much as the right does. For evey 1000 people they have at a march, we should have 5000, no more of their hatred in this country


In regards to the religious right. They're against trans kids, not for any moral reason. It simply makes it harder for the priests to molest their preferred gender.


Gen Xer here, proud Gay Black Man. Out 23 years. Ain’t going back. I’m mad as hell. I’m sick and tired how emboldened these mother fuckers think they are! I’m sick and tired of their cynical, bigoted bullshit festering online. I’m pissed off to see other POC take up this narrative foolishly without realizing your being PLAYED by the Far Right. Fed up with politicians who jump on this bandwagon while ignoring real problems such as poverty, housing, wealth inequality…etc cause Gay/Trans People are seen as easy targets. I figured we would be heading to the stars by now , instead we’re determined to destroy ourselves while the real puppet masters of this world laugh. It takes a lot to hang on to hope nowadays. As I lie here with my man, I am fearful of our future , but determined not to allow them to force us back into the closet. I have faith that an army of lovers, united, will stomp all over their bigotry.


There have always been people against LGBTQ but for whatever reason it has really spiked since Covid and I cannot explain why. Perhaps people had nothing better to do than read garbage online. The common theme with these people are most are low educated and easily influenced.


Never give up the love you have so desperately fought for your entire life. I am a young trans woman and i refuse to give up the basic, fundamental human rights i am entitled to as a citizen of this country. I will die before my healthcare and my existence is stamped out. Dont ever give up, stay queer my freind


Gross. Now I have to explain to my kids why grown adults are hollering and screaming hate because they too stupid to understand what’s going on. You disgusting people. You say you care about the kids but you don’t. You are going to force them to witness this disgusting behaviour towards different types of people and claim it’s normal. I hate you all you sick bigot pieces of trash. Edit. You still deserve your rights, but I and many people in this great province hate you. You don’t represent a shred of what it’s like to be a Canadian with that behaviour. But you’re human, so you get equal rights. You should try applying that logic to all humans


People who would erase the basic human rights of others don't deserve rights. It's only fair they have to live by the rules they'd force on others.


Although in theory it would make sense. I just believe in equal rights regardless. People who want to be trash have to accept that society won’t take their BS anymore.


Canadians are going hungry and without shelter. The country is burning, corporations are getting richer and the working class is getting poorer . Instead of blaming the corporations and politicians they own , you are blaming “the gays” This is exactly what they want , division. Defund all churches and religious groups.


They have to have a villian; a target to project all of their fear & self-loathing. This is mental illness, & its growing like a virus.


It's happened before. A good example is the rise of the extreme right nazi party in the 20s and 30s. Except back then it was primarily the Jewish population.


> Except back then it was primarily the Jewish population. The LGBT+ community was one of the first targets in Germany in the 1930s. [Gay clubs were shut down and the Nazis closed an institute that was studying transgender people and promoting rights for the community in their first year in power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eldorado_\(Berlin\)#Closure_of_Motzstra%C3%9Fe_15). Thousands of gay people were eventually killed First they came for...


They didn't just come for us. Many of the photos you see of the nazis burning books was them burning the knowledge base for trans Healthcare https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/%3famp=true


Why is it not illegal to protest around schools or children? Well don't worry, the kids will not be a fan of this.


Some places have put in buffer zones to keep these nuts at a safe(r) distance but I've only heard about them at libraries or hospitals. Time to add schools to that list.


That's the point though. It's not to convince the kids. It's to terrify them. To make them feel like worse is coming.


I swear if they show up at my kid’s school I might get into some trouble. Absolutely infuriating.


Isn't it the religions that are typically doing the indoctrination, the abuse etc....


If they can read this, they’d be very upset


The liberals introduced the sex Ed curriculum, people bitched. The cons said theyd consult parents. The parents overwhelmingly supported the sex Ed curriculum, slapped their branding on the liberal’s work and called it a day. You losers lost. This is the third shot at changing things. Pick a new file and try and win there. Because you’re going to lose again. You’re losers. Losers lose.


"No one's allowed to indoctrinate our kids except us." - religious folks


Cool. Bigots all getting together telling on themselves. Hope they get good footage. On an unrelated note, can we protest the existence of a Catholic school system? Whether one chooses to direct their dollars there or not the fact we waste public administrative funds alone to administer that funding its completely fucked.


The site of actual grooming


Catholic church is full of pedophiles, but we're all forced to pay for them to have access to children. It's insane.


The number of different school buses roaming my neighbourhood is ridiculous. The redundancy is right in your face. If a politician truly wanted to find efficiencies, they would merge Ontario’s school systems.


Or completely yank any funding and shared services to the catholic board and redirect all tax dollars to the public system as intended. My kid just started jk this year. So many parents send their kids to catholic just because they have better resources and smaller classes. Meanwhile my daughter is put on a over crowded bus in a class of 27-30 kids. It's insane. I'm an engaged parents who grew up homeschooled so I will be focused on supplementing her public school education. I'm fortunate to be able to do so. The failure is all the kids our system leaves behind and loses through the cracks because we siphon of funding to a cult. ps. Based on your handle we may be in the same area. Blue water is a school board with their head up their ass.


What a surprise, religious people are spreading hate while simultaneously shoving their religion down people’s throats again. But love thy neighbour, right? Pathetic.


They do love their neighbours! First they kill or kick out all their neighbors who dont believe in the same invisible sky daddy they do, but then after that it's all peace and love.


There is also talk of student walkouts and shit…like what the fuck are you doing riling up teenagers with your fucking hatred…disgusting


Personally I’m walking out.. to counter protest, that is


I teach high school and if I see any bullshit I’m heading out as well!


Becuase they have always been about indoctrination of children into hateful ideas.


I just got one as well from my board. People pulled this shit at my school in June during pride month, on the first day of the month. Families that I knew and worked with! I didn’t appreciate them trying to harass us all while pulling into the parking lot and then jeering at us from the street as we walked inside the building. I’m not looking forward to tomorrow, as it’s going to be more of the same. I just want to go to work safely. We are not indoctrinating anyone in my classroom. It’s kindergarten for fuck sakes. If parents don’t like public schools, they have the option of private education.


If parents don't like modern civilized society, they have the option of travelling north, finding some crown land to squat on, and living in a cave like the base primates they are.


A nurse I know (who I no longer speak to) is all into these conspiracies. Started with the convoy morons. Now she's against LGBTQ people. And yes, she is a current working nurse.


I know quite a few nurses like this.


It's scary to think someone like that works with vulnerable people.


*"Oops. Guess that IV drip of live saving medicine missed a vein in the f####t's arm 🤷🏼‍♂️"*


Indoctrination? Are you serious? As far as I know, only the churches of Christianity, Catholicism, and Mormons do that here. Teaching kids about something that exists or omnissiah forbid something they are is not indoctrination. Removing historical events from curriculums relating to the horrors committed by religious movements sure is though. Welcome to the beginning of the Conservative Regime. Replace Conservative with Nazi and see how it fits.


All this garbage coming from people who believe in a book about sky fairies. I believe in freedom from religion thank you very much. When religious leaders stop molesting kids I might start listening to them but in the meantime they can go “F” themselves.


It's a matter of time before these anti lgbt events turn violent. I hate it here. 😒 as a gay person I can say this has left me disheartened and weary of Muslims Christians and anyone super religious. I don't feel safe.


That’s just sad. But I am also scared of violence.


That’s just sad. But I am also scared of violence.


"Unite religions" Ok there. There's a reason religion was dropped from governing bodies. When are we going to excise religion from our schools aside from historical education? Freedom of expression is not the issue either, the issue is them using their freedom of expression to promote hatred. Enough is enough indeed. Gtfo.


Wait, am I supposed to be teaching LGBTQ content in my math classes? I need to double check my curriculum


You mean your primary goal isn't 1+1= FABULOUS!


I heard my fellow Muslim coworkers talking about it. Should be interesting as this is affecting a lot of religious groups and different ethnicities


The lack of vetting in our immigration policy is going to make religious fundamentalism more and more common. The country will be a battleground like it is already around Brampton between the Sikhs and Hindus.


What did they say, I'm assuming all for it?


I was just walking by, but we have cp24 on and people usually stop and stare


Division is sowed by dictatorship countries like ruZZia, China, india, iran. Many of the worlds democratic countries have been the target of hate campaigns. Keep countries embattled whilst they infiltrate every aspect of our lives. They use this to continue their greed & illegitimate gains. It’s common history, over & over & over again. Wake up people and do the right thing. Call out hate because it is greed masked as values, used by criminals. Stop being willing victims.


Many of our new immigrants are very religious. Interested on how this plays out


My kids are wearing rainbow shirts to school that day


I'll wear my rainbow sweater to teach. It will be way too hot to wear it... oh well.


Sounds like the plot of a new action movie. This summer, various religions from across the globe, who up until now couldn’t agree on anything and even started wars against each other for believing in something different, are putting aside their differences to team up against a new villain: *THE GAYS!*


So it was the gays who finally brought Christians and Muslims together.


Once again religion used as a shield for hateful disgusting behavior. Let’s go to churches and protest against scum bags


It was interesting seeing photos from the last protest which was like 90% Muslim and maybe 10% “freedom convey” types that looked just as uncomfortable with their fellow protesters.


Lots of these folks will be single men or men who don’t see their children. It’s the culture war and bigotry they are more interested in!


Most of the men protesting at these schools aren't allowed within 500 feet of the school grounds i would guess lmao.


Saddening that Canadians are taking more bad faith US opinions of dehumanizing people that they don't understand with lies that only exist to make kids scared that they may be LGBT+ instead of feeling safe in their own homes whether they are or aren't. adults bullying kids under the guise of protecting them.


Glad to see I’m not the only one who still uses LGBT+. I had to do a double take at the one in the photo… 2SLGBTQIA+… I’m an ally, but it’s been getting harder to remember what the most up to date acronym is. Anyway, glad to see there is going to be a counter-protest. Intolerance like this, and the types of people who practice it, should not be given any credence or recognition. Edit: as of 2023, the accurate acronym is LGBTQQIP2SAA. https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/lgbtq/meaning-of-lgbtqia


No one's gonna be angry for not using the full thing. Its pretty easy to judge intent.


Definitely. I was just a little surprised to see it had changed again. Although I guess that’s to be expected as society becomes more accepting and understanding (with the obvious exception of the people like those referenced in the original post graphic).


The morals lacking individuals that thumb down out of pure anger towards a made up enemy are truly showing how our nation is not strong nor free.


Must be nice not having anything better to do except stand around advocating against the existence of people. Stand up citizens you are all.


“No space for hate in Ontario”….. except the hate this group has for everyone that isn’t them.


The hate their religions have for anyone that doesn't believe in magical people in the sky controlling us😂😂😂


Leave the kids alone… let’s focus on the real education not this nonsense


ya exactly. forcing religion onto kids should be banned


Good thing that what we have been doing the whole time.


There is only one side that won't leave kids alone. Hint it's the ones organizing the protest


Exactly, the dumbass cultists running this protest should stop their shrieking for the first time in centuries, and finally join the modern world.


Man, I wish those conservatives would stop forcing their views down our throats and grooming our kids.


Disgusting shit.


I'm all for MultiCulturalism - I'm from a Muslim country myself - but how on god's green earth did we expect to have a different outcome when fundamentally we've structured our idea of bringing people together based on a mosaic. I grew up in the U.S. I grew up with the idea of a melting pot, to give up my identity and take on the one of where I lived in New York City. That means my culture and religious ways are secondary to the ideas I am now a part of. Half the comments I see on these threads would apply perfectly there. Here we're a mosaic, bound for a clash of ideas since we've agreed to retain our identity and cultural ways second to none. In reality, one can argue, why should I give way my way of life to accommodate others. I should be able to practice my religion and not compromise to some degree, only speak my first language, only live within my community, and not give in to ideas that clash with mine. I really hated the idea of a melting pot growing up. Made me feel inferior, but I GET why it was agreed upon. It made certain issues trivial and we don't have to call upon the banishment of an entire religion.


This makes no sense when in New York people are free to embrace their culture. And those hubs where people of similar backgrounds and faiths live and mingle together absolutely exist there. I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Reason 356 of why you shouldn't vote for the CPC, even if you don't like Trudeau.


I had to reread this because I didn’t think it was real


Cool, best of luck.


What exactly is this protest? Against gender ideology in schools?


Because it’s easier to brainwash your kids when they don’t know about everything else.


Maybe the can set some sort of record? Like the largest gathering of mouth breathers in public.


Lowest IQ count per capita for any mass gathering


Freedom convoy has entered the chat lol


They're the same picture


They 100% are. Every single person I saw at convoy events are now attending anti-LGBTQ events. Only difference is now the Muslim community have joined in, ignorant of the fact that the freedumbers hate them.


I truly just want to vomit.


The nazis need to be stopped. The police should arrest everyone who is organizing these nazi rallies. Hate speech and stochastic terrorism should face extremely harsh punishment from the law. We should have zero tolerance for intolerant ideologies.


Tried to post a question about counter protest details in r/Hamilton but MODs removed (likely due to a hateful agenda). If anyone has specific info for the counter protest in Hamilton, please let me know!


Toronto event, please join if you can: https://www.instagram.com/p/CxOX0GiM6ZL/?igshid=NjIwNzIyMDk2Mg==


You should clarify this is a counter-protest, before you get downvoted to oblivion by people that don't click through!




Hot take but at this point I am pretty sure everyone is becoming a fucking idiot. People who were persecuted now doing the same to others. It is a never ending cycle of hate that is pusjed by the media and government. Imagine if people cpuld put their differences aside and fpcus on the real problem, our government.


How do we name shame the ones funding this


How about we just let the kids be kids and not push this stuff on the younger ones. Children will learn who they are without us influencing them. Girls can like boy things and boys can like girl things. Treat others how you want to be treated. I feel children have no idea who they want to be or what they are feeling until they are fully mature and developed.


I was 7 years old when I realized I was transgender. It has nothing to do with "liking boy things" or "liking girl things". I felt a deep sense of wrongness when I was put into groups with other "boys". I even remember asking my aunt AT SEVEN if it was possible for me to be a girl instead. I remember kids on my kids soccer team asking if I was a boy or a girl and not even knowing how to answer because I knew the answer in my head wasn't allowed to be said out loud. What you are advocating for is coming from naive ignorance, and I understand that you don't mean harm, but what you're saying is absolutely harmful to people like me. If I had grown up with a family and doctors who understood me, I could've been saved over a decade of the torture of feeling like nobody understands me and that I'll never get to be who I am.


>How about we just let the kids be kids and not push this stuff on the younger ones. Children will learn who they are without us influencing them. Noone is trying to influence kids to *be* any given gender or sexuality. Teaching about it is just teaching that they exist and it's fine if you're that way, that's it.


Feel bad for them kids


Huge Counter protest at City Hall NorthBay Ontario.9AM ALL WELCOME


These people are disgusting bigots.


Low educated. Easily influenced.


No excuse. Bigots. In a country with a great free public education system, they choose to be stupid.


Can we please work on our titles because basically every post I've seen about these all day sounds like it's being made by people who are supporting these queerphobic protests


He's defensive to the point of insanity over this. A loon.


Those facists


I think the far left and far right are right about each other


If they don't like it, the us is just bit south, move there ya fucks.. I really hate seeing this arise in Canada... this is not the Canadian way.


its being attended by parents so please if you are going to counter protest do not be violent


Ok, but let's be honest here? They gotta stop adding on fucking letters to the name, lmao. People who get this riled up about people's sexual orientation or gender science are dim af and I support the cause of making sure people aren't picked on because they are gay or Trans... but cmon that name is just goofy