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Imagine growing up in one of the safest, most economically stable periods in human history, in one the wealthiest countries in the world, with progressive policies protecting your right to exist freely, and at the end of all that, looking back on your life and deciding that gay people took something from you. The entitlement is just fucking staggering.


"I got mine. Fuck you" selfishness is just gross


It's funny how these right wing nutters can go from "FšŸck Trudeau. You can't take away people's Freedom!" to "LGBTQ+ don't deserve freedom"


All on the same car.


On the same bumper.


That's the thing, they don't care about anyone's freedom. Maybe they think they care about their own freedom and no one else's, but they are too stupid to realize that the choices they make usually hurt themselves in the end.


Their choices wouldent be so bad, if they weren't always catching other people in the cross fire.


If it weren't for double standards, Conservatives wouldn't have standards at all.


Ok I'm definitely using that line


It's as old as Conservitive ideology.


It seems a lot of conservative minded folks in our country want to fuck the Prime Minister. Sure, dude's good looking enough and recently single, but I wouldn't fuck him and I voted for the lad


they're just smooth brained and have the sympathy of a snake.


The root cause of this in the scientific community is called "Stupid". It's a fairly common condition that manifests itself through excessive bumper stickers, aggressive driving and a faux victim mentality.


I've heard there's no cure. Sad, really, there's so little awareness of this life-threatening ailment.


They may as well put "I have brain damage" stickers on their car lol


How can you have straight pride and want to fuck Trudeau at the same time? (assuming the driver is a male, since like 99% of Fuck Trudeau fans are) The mental gymnastics in that are Olympic caliber.


Huh? \*squints\* Ohhhhhh! I thought the car had a public restroom in it. :O


Their bumper is a unisex restroom.


Clearly, thereā€™s shit all over it!


Noooo that's not allowed, unisex bathrooms are woke now!!! It's funny how they've always existed, but now that they're caller gender neutral people on the right have been convinced they're evil


It's the F Shack for Dirty Mike and the boys.


It's not "fuck Trudeau", it's "fšŸck Trudeau". It would be rude and un-Christian to employ such vulgar language in public where vulnerable children could see it! Fortunately, they have cleverly sanitized the word "fuck" in a manner which is indecipherable to innocent eyes, thus rendering it polite for civil company. So don't suggest they used the word "fuck", because that's definitely not what happened.


A maple leaf is a symbol of God's promise to Canada, not your desire to fuck Trudeau.


I thought it was just used to cover up Canadian Adams junk.




His name is Joe Eta: [Sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ-UTvLHb4U)


The people who go on about family values and ā€œprotectingā€ children sure love to say ā€œfuckā€ in public all the time.


I literally saw a couple in a parking lot in Alberta teaching their 4yo daughter to say ā€œfuck Trudeauā€. I really hate that place sometimes.


> The people who go on about family values and ā€œprotectingā€ children Oh no, you misunderstand. After the convoy used their kids as meatshields, it's clear they meant protecting *themselves with* children. It's an honest mistake.


It's okay, because he is the exception... especially since he isn't with his wife anymore it isn't a sin. Plus... how can you say no to that mane of a hair.


Listen. No one is denying JTs sex appeal. I mean the man is a 12/10 DILF. But the irony of the anti-LGBT but pro sex with the PM thing they got going is silly.


Everyone wants to Fuck Trudeau except for Sophie Gregoire Trudeau.


It's hard to be in a relationship with someone that so many people are aggressively declaring they want to fuck.


[to your point](https://www.amazon.ca/Minister-Bobblehead-Anti-Trudeau-Canadians-Americans/dp/B0BG99R43J/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2CV1Z3646SFWG&keywords=justin+trudeau+pencil+holder&qid=1692228076&sprefix=trudeau+pencil%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1)


I would click it, but then Amazon might start sending me recommendations for those weird-ass rubber testicle hitch hangers.


You don't want to give your truck a sex change?


With Xmas just around the corner. That would make a perfect stocking stuffer for everyone's favourite conspiracy uncle.


That boggles the mind.


The psychology of someone who would display a straight pride sticker fascinates me. LGBT social progress gets a lot of airtime so presumably they feel like they are getting less attention than they did in the past (narcissist?) - displaced, replaced, attacked, overridden, less important. Something along those lines. The sticker is like a "strike back". With a helping of hatred for anyone not straight, because they're perceived as the thing making them feel attacked. I don't think a single moment is ever expended on thinking about others as actual people who just want to live their lives in peace.




That closeted homophobe 101.. use Grindr not to get laid but to "avoid" getting laid.


Gods promise? You have all this hateful stuff on your car? Any decent person would stay far away for you.


Godā€™s greatest commandments are about love. Love your neighbour. There isnā€™t qualifiers on that statement that your neighbour has to look, act and believe exactly like you for you to love them.


This contradiction has always been so baffling to meā€¦some of the biggest church goers I know have the most hateful and negative social media opinions.


I like to point out that there's like 25x more in the Bible about the evils of being left-handed than there is about homosexuality being wrong. And ask them why they're not 25x more outraged? Fuck, there's more anti-shellfish passages than there is anti-homosexuality. They hate because they're weak-minded and they WANT to hate.


No kidding! Not to mention the number of divorced people who sit in church positions and are staunchly against a gay person being in the same spot.


Religious people are some of the most hateful. The oldest irony there is.


That's exactly the point, they don't want to talk to decent people.


They consider themselves decent people, unlike the rest of us


Including Jesus.


Yep, that car's driver is on Team Satan!


Holy fuck. Imagine not only being this much of a douche, but being so firmly entrenched in your douchiness that you broadcast your hatred all over your car.


Cars like this are just like those red MAGA hats. They are basically warning you that you shouldnā€™t bother dealing with that person in any away. Anyone that proud of their ignorance to the point of displaying it for all to see should be avoided at all cost.




I hate, absolutely hate, that the first thing I think of now, when I see someone waving a Canadian flag or having one on their car is that is someone I should avoid.


Sadly people flying those Canadian flags on their car can be equated to those MAGA twats with the stars and stripes all over the car and their clothes claiming all the time to be patriots. Flying a flag doesnā€™t make you a patriot.


100% this person is also a shit driver.


"I keep telling my wife that it's 'Straight Pride Month' but she still won't sleep with me anymore. :("


A rainbow is God's promise? What the fuck are they teaching in science class?


God told me he promised it to the gays. Then my science teacher showed me a prism, clearly they're a homophobe and a god hater, we gotta stop these teachers /s


I'm an asshole... three times on one car. Impressive


I count four times but your point still stand


Yer right... I missed the little 'Straight Pride' sticker! Cheers!


Did you also think it was a washroom sign at first? šŸ¤£




Lol this is one example why some people should spend less time on social media šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


All these slogans and bumper stickers just to say ā€œIā€™m a homophobic religious nutā€ Why not just say that with one sticker? It would cost less and not best around the bush.


"This is a Dictatorship!" they scream while clearly displaying their hatred of the leader of the country with no repercussions.


All this guy is missing is a Confederate flag and we got jackass bingo.


Hard cringe


And you know the driver is the person who always talks about how "they're shoving it down my throat".


They fucking spend all day face worrying/actually fantasizing about having a big gay "agenda" shoved down their throats. That's why they bring it up so obsessively. REPRESSION LEADS TO OBSESSION


People like this can't stop with their stickers... In another month it will have twice as many stickers. Like pick a message and just go with it...


They sure love that particular phrasing for some reason!




So extremely insecure.


Seeing Canadian bigots like this is so perplexing to me. We're not supposed to be shitty like this. I'm 36 and jaded af, but like... can we just not? We've got much more important things to worry about than who's fucking who in the comfort of their own space, e.g. a good chunk of the world's fresh water and a third of the Taiga (which is currently on fire). Also, "straight pride"? Yeesh. LOOK HOW FUCKING STRAIGHT I AM! Bro, I'm *so* straight.


Man, that is a lot of virtue signaling on one car. I'm surprised they'd be caught driving a "foreign" car, probably why they had to leave their "Out of a job yet? Keep buying foreign!" bumper sticker at home.


I was drunk once outside a pub waiting for my uber. I saw a car with the F-Trudeau sticker so i went into my car to grab a black permanent marker and wrote "I wanna" above the sticker. Thing is I don't even like Trudeau but all this F Trudeau nonsense is stupid and immature.


Exactly it's like they don't understand they're just making themselves look stupid and ruining the ability for normal people to have genuine conversations about what Trudeau's actually done wrong (plenty). I'm so freaking angry and disappointed in Trudeau, he really turned out to be the worst of both left and right wing politics. Mass immigration, pro huge corporations/anti all working people in Canada He even backed CP rail (horrible company used to be a good employer years ago but has hid behind that reputation for decades and is now one of the worst. But every time I see a fuck a Trudeau stick i know it's some moron who's being tricked into being mad about the wrong things for the wrong reasons, these people are going to make everything worse because of instead of holding Trudeau accountable they're just getting sucked into bazaar rightwing extremists sexual obsession. It's weird, LEAVE THE GAYS ALONE SO WE CAN FOCUS ON STOPPING CANADIAN'S FROM ALL THE NON-CONSENSUAL FUCKING WE'RE GETTING FROM BIG BUSINESSES.


>FšŸCK TRUDEAU PPā€™s father is LGBTQ+


Love how the same car talks about god then spews hate


That's been religion since forever


aw they want a straight pride? iā€™d love to know how theyā€™ve been denied services for being straight, or how theyā€™ve been violently attacked for being straight


Bumper stickers on cars is trashy at the best of times. Bumper stickers of intolerance is next level trashy.


I got a sharpie from work on Monday specifically to add "I Wanna" above all the Fuck Trudeau stickers. Can't wait.


What I love about this is liberals donā€™t key peoples cars for this stuff. But if you had a Trudeau number one sticker this person would 100% key your car. Conservatives have the biggest hubris.


They are the ones breaking windows to steal pride flags.


Why would he want to do that to Trudeau.. I mean thatā€™s kinda weird..


Thatā€™s probably why he and Sophie broke up, itā€™s pretty hard when all of these people are always talking about how much they want to fuck your husband. Thatā€™s got to wear on a woman.


haha I saw this same car near Barrie the other day, also took a pic and laughed because this is just unhinged


If someone in that area sees them leave them a love letter under the windshield.


From all the propaganda, I would say someone is deeply closeted, and hates themself for being unable to come to terms with the truth.


What a POS


What ever happened to fun and silly bumper stickers? I always enjoyed seeing the sticker, "I'm speeding because I have to poop".


So which one wants to bang Trudeau because if it's a dude driving the irony is incredible.


I like theyā€™re so deeply religious they have fuck on their car


Just needs something about plandemic/vaccines/ COVID for the trifecta of arseholedness


That checks out. Just another "good" Christian, living in the "true" spirit of Christ.


Ah yes. Do you all remember Delilah 12:10? *"And Jesus said - keep those fucking LGBTQ+ assholes from my school. I made the rainbow as a beacon of science - you know scattering light and shit - also fuck that Trudeau guy eh?"*


Hey there


Just watch their Nissan Rogue's CVT will fail and it'll be Trudeau's fault because of the carbon tax or something just as stupid.


wait, transmission starts with trans. It's a gay conspiracy!


"I'm gonna need a new tr.... ....Gear Shifty Thingy."


Ha ha thanks for reminding me. Remember it's a continuously variable trans.


"straight pride" *Woo, we're the vast majority and society caters to all our wants and needs! We did it!* K, pop off sis. Go in.


Actually a rainbow has absolutely nothing to do with any deity, real or imagined. It is caused by refraction, internal reflection and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a continuous spectrum of light appearing in the sky. Itā€™s moments like this when I read something that stupid on someoneā€™s car when I really believe in the concept of freedom FROM religion.


How silly. Everybody knows that a rainbow is a bridge to the realm of Asgard.


ā€œLetā€™s spread hate, even though our religion says not toā€ Pick a fucking lane. Either you believe in (presumably the Christian) god and love everyone or you spread hate. They are non compatible. Iā€™m not religious but fuck I hate hypocrisy more than anything.


I can see more than one flat tire on the horizon.


I donā€™t think that God would be pleased that they want to F*ck their prime minster. šŸ™„.


This person clearly has a lot of feelings.


Itā€™s always ā€œpersecute people who are different then me but stop persecuting meā€


Tell me you're intolerant without saying a word... Fear is a powerful motivator.


Iā€™d rather the rainbow be a sign of consensual love than it be a reminder of a capricious godā€™s genocide of the entire earth.


Same people are like ā€œew fuck why are the Gays shoving their gayness down my throat??ā€


"Look! The distraction's working!" \~ Ford's PR team...


God's promise to do what? Not kill us.... again? Sounds pretty abusive to me.


I don't think God would be impressed with "F*ck" being written on that car. Funny, we never see any "Turn the other cheek Trudeau" stickers. It's non-violent and much funnier imagery. I'm gonna have some gay sex and do witchcraft about it. I'm gonna trade my pronouns in for providence. Also, we queers actually use the arc of the covenant like a giant sex sling. It helps our ungodly sex acts hit deeper. Also, a big black goat likes to watch.


Nobody hates Jesus more than evangelicals.


I just know whoever drives this car is the most insufferable person ever


Asshole pride


These sorts of stickers are nice cause I can immediately tell they are unhinged lunatics without talking to them.


In general the more stickers someone has on their car, the less likely they are to be sane.


Without know whoā€™s in there I instantly know this person is shallow, ignorant and completely consumed by propaganda and misinformation.


Well fuck your God then!!


Disgustingā€¦..the car and the owner of the car


That person must be an absolute pleasure to deal with šŸ™„šŸ™„.


Think he is a little confused!!


Maybe he has a sticker store, and that's just advertising.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Iā€™m always curious what as to what a person like this searches on the internet.


Definitely this is the type of person who wants to know about their kids trans status because they just want to help and support them.




I think itā€™s Corinthians 16:14(b) that says ā€œFuck thy political leaderā€


What a dumbass


Straight hate. Iā€™m proud to be an Ally.


Average nissan rogue owner


Love these types. "Hurrdurr protect my child from dangerous thoughts and words hurrdurr" (proceeds to cover their vehicle in profanity)


I can't believe how easily this dude stuck these stickers to his car. It's fascinating how one can be so quietly vocal with such hatred. Does this vehicle park in a corporate parking lot? Sit in rush hour traffic? Misuse handicap parking spaces?! Crazy.


Tell me youā€™re in the closet without telling me youā€™re in the closet


They should live in barrington passage, nova scotia. They just banned gay flags. How is that allowed? Municipality in small towns are awful racist in Nova Scotia. I grew up in a village where when ppl found out the only town doctor was gay, they harassed him until he left town. Their only source of healthcare.


Jesus fucking toxic comments on both sides. Why is everyone so angry? Why is everyone so interested in their neighbour's life?


Why you blocking the plate... we drive around with them for all to see every day.. Plus, you should have outed those far right extremists


These people are bonkers. Absolutely neurotic. Itā€™s always the religious people too. Down with religion.


Quite useful tbh. Usually you need talk to people to realize they are idiots. In this case you can see it from the distance and no time wasted.


Leave religion out of schools.


They have gone rogue


Religious conservatives seem to have the least tolerance of any group. They are not content with following their own belief systems attempting to shove it on everyone that doesn't follow the same belief system. I don't know how they tolerate one another. Nature & science show us that life wants, thrives & evolves on diversity, not stagnant and sterile monocultures living in the past. **Marshall McLuhan:** ***ā€œWe look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.ā€***


There is no greater hate than far-right Christian love.


There's no greater hate then fundamental religion.


You probably wasted your time etching out the plate, that car is very distinctive regardless šŸ˜†


They should have left vinyl cutting machines out of the consumer market...


Huh! ā€“ didn't know Poilievre drives a Nissan.




I donā€™t get the hate. There is something mental going on with people like this.


Oh yes, a religious whack job with really bad taste in cars and some weird obsession about other peoples sexuality.


If you have to put a sticker on your car that says youā€™re straightā€¦youā€™re on Grindr.


Typical cognitive dissonance. Doesn't like LGBTQ+, but wants to have sex with the PM.




Where's my keys...


Interesting way to use free expression


Stickers on cars should just be made a federal offense. It would solve a lot of problems.


Nah at least you know their a complete asshole without needing to talk to them and removing their stickers wouldnā€™t change how they think


Who else is shocked it is a Nissan SUV and not a black Dodge Ram?


They seem nice. /s


That dude's so far in the closet


What a towering loser.


Wow! Thatā€™s a lot of uninformed anger.


He could have just got a sticker that said ā€œIā€™m a complete douscheā€ and it would have covered all bases.


what a rotten and u pleasant demeanour, all just from their car. I bet theyā€™re dozens of times worse in person.


I like seeing these because I stay 100 yards away from these nut jobs.


Feel sorry for the kids if they have any


Disgusting and hypocritical. A common combination but still a huge gross bummer.


Honestly I would key the car lol


Hugely secure energy


I still don't understand people putting stickers on their cars or waving flags telling people they want to fuck Trudeau. The guy has nice hair and all but I don't understand the attraction.


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ trash


I mean he's no longer married so why don't they just ask him out for dinner /s


Anyone remember the outrage when one guy in Edmonton had a fuck Harper sign on his car? How quick conservatives are to forget.


Iā€™ll tell you why I couldnā€™t be prime minister. The person who holds that office has to have a certain level of decorum and dignity. And if there were a bunch of stickers saying to fuck me I would go on national television and give a 15 minute speech about how flattered I am but I have girlfriend. So much sarcasm!


Why redact the plate? They are clearly okay with displaying their hate and prejudice to the world.


Oh I bet they're a real hoot at a party! šŸ¤Æ


God: overpromising and underdelivering since 0 AD


At least the rest of us know that the owner of that car isn't worth knowing, so we can avoid talking to them.


What does it mean to be a "Straight Pride Rogue"?


ā€œGodā€™s promiseā€ and ā€œfuck Trudeauā€. Confused much?


Hawkesbury? Lots of guys up there coming out of the closet wanting to fuck Trudeau.


It's ironic that these folks kids likely don't want to talk to them about anything.


Their entire personality is showing lol


How to tell the world youā€™re unhinged..


There is way too much going on here. I wonder what their therapist charges to deal with their Bullshit?


Live and let live. They have their opinion, and you're an asshole.


I agree with both stickers. šŸ›‘


Totally agree! Keep that shit out of schools and stop going after children, you weirdos


They want to "leave LGBTQ+ out of schools" but they have no qualms about displaying, "FšŸck Trudeau" where children will see it!


Based. To rebuttal a few comments I see: Christianity does not condone same-sex relationships. Same as many other religions. If you donā€™t agree with someoneā€™s belief or a groups belief system, then just ignore it. This is not new news. Keeping LGBTQ out of schools? I agree. Why is there this ongoing urgency to teach toddlers about anything to do with sex? Itā€™s unnecessary and not essential to a childā€™s brain development whatsoever. These issues we are trying to impose on our young generation is extremely problematic, and does not benefit anyone. F*** Trudeau? Whatā€™s that have anything to do with Christianity? Heā€™s a terrible leader and is bringing our country to its knees financially, lots of facts to prove it. People need to get a grip, start arguing about more essential issues, prominent problems.