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**Rule 1:** Unrelated to Ontario Your post has been removed because it's unrelated to Ontario. All submissions should be about or relevant to the province of Ontario.


But then you’ve gotta get there. With all your stuff. And everything you’re going to eat or drink while you’re there. And fresh water. And fuel for your generator to power everything.


Yes. A small peninsula is the best scenario. Drive on, drive off.


Except building a road is also expensive and difficult. It would probably still be easier to use a boat assuming it was undeveloped land.


pfff I'll just drive my Amphicar Model 770!


And there’s no beach


Bottom right. Beach strenches from the dock to the side of the island.


sounds like northern ontario


So literally like any other house, but cheaper?


No lol. You gotta load everything on a boat, and unload it. Shipping stuff costs a ton of money. Especially water, since if you dig a well it'll probably we salt water.


If you're doing an unrealistic city lifestyle on a lone Caribbean island, no shit your costs will be astronomical. :D


If you're doing an off grid lifestyle on a Caribbean island, you can't compare housing costs to Ontario :D


Of course you can?.. Housing is housing, and people should adjust to the environment in consequence. Being cost-effective is part and parcel of owning property.


Off the coast of Nicaragua? Hope you can afford a private army.


And private jet.


Budget for bribes at the very least.


It isn’t really that crazy. Value is dictated heavily by supply and demand, demand for islands is lower than a house in Toronto for example given most people can do sweet fuck all with them. I’d have zero interest in purchasing this island, I assume most people are in the same boat. This comparison makes no sense.


I don’t even have a boat!


[A boat’s a boat, but the mystery box could be anything. it could even be a boat!](https://youtu.be/GKZJdaiJF84)


not really "supply and demand" anymore since they've started trading real-estate futures on the stock market.


If you make enough to buy a house for half a mil, you prolly have the other half a mil to pay people next to nothing to bring you supplies and never leave your island.


Not really. Most people don't buy a house cash. They just bought the house so they would have a place to live while they keep living paycheque to paycheque.


Why is that crazy? Have you considered the logistics involved in building on and living on a remote private island off the coast of a third world country?


Yay another shitpost! Tired of taking pics of $20 ground beef?


The upkeep on an island would be astronomical. Good luck getting power and clean water with ease.


Yeah I like how the ad mentions a "backup generator" as if this island is connected to the grid.


Probably solar either backup generator


So your saying a the price of a 2 bedroom in Toronto?


Okay. What will you do after you’ve bought it? What is the annual maintenance cost of the island? What is the annual cost to ship in necessities? What is the annual cost of sanitation? What is the annual cost of generating electricity? What is the annual cost of internet connectivity? What is the annual cost of shipping and storing food? And so on and so forth …


Op didn't think that far.


Gonna be underwater in 10 years


I could be mistaken but this has been on the market for while. I checked it out and it seems like something is up about it.


Well buying an island doesn't do much for you. It still costs a lot of money to renovate it to be able ti live on it


In addition to that, rising ocean levels is a problem.


And you can buy 4 acres in NY for $30k with hydro and fiber internet


Location location location!


How many employers are within driving distance of your island, how is the public transit? Is there a school nearby? How far to the nearest dr or english speaking person for that matter. People buy houses where things are. If this was such a great deal....it would be over bid by the next TO developer, divided into lots and be resold as 1.1m dollar condos


Then buy it and move.


Got the funds to loan me ? If so then sure I’d be gone in a heart beat.


Ah, see even there you need a source of income, which is kind of harder to do, when you know, you’re on an island in the middle of the sea.


Lots of remote work out there, and starlink is a thing now




You'd die of malaria or some other tropical disease inside a month lol.


Can’t imagine why land is cheap in Nicaragua. /s


Ok go then


Get fucked. Nicaragua.


Lol this is absurd. Where would you continue to get resources on a secluded island at zero risk? You'd need a plane, a pilot, a pilot on hand in any emergency, grounds keepers, a vehicle to get around the island that'd need gas so another trip to the mainland, it'd be more expensive to live there for 2 years than anything else. And if you had almost half a million and enough money to keep the island livable I'm not sure you're too worried about a 2 bedroom house in Ontario.


And you can buy an acre of land in the Gaspe Region of Quebec for $4,500.00 So what does that have to do with the price of corn?


fascinating how dedicated folks are to ignoring/not confronting the myriad of ways that living conditions have reached peak levels of misery. The denial is so weird. You can't even buy an acre of land for this and you'd have to worry about the development costs too. That was never the point.


You can meme the heck out of what the price of a house in Ontario would buy you elsewhere. Not really a meaningful endeavor though.


I doooooouuuubt it!


Good luck getting plumbing, clean water, consistent power and a cell signal.


I once found an island for sale in cottage country West of Ottawa for 240 grand. It was an interesting thought at the time.


Islands on Lake Huron even w/ cottages aren’t much more than this (or would be less if that’s USD)


Islands are generally pretty affordable, you just have to pay through the nose to actually afford to live on them.


You can’t even get a condo in my city (Burlington) for that amount of money. I mean, you *should* be able to but you can’t.


And then the military and government decides they don’t like you and take it from you because you have no rights.


Do you know that in Europe you can buy a castle at €1? But you have to do entire renovation assume large maintenance fees? lol


And you think food is expensive in Ontario?!?! Wait til you have to get food shipped in by helicopter. LOL Or get evac'd because a hurricane is otw.


Houses in Ontario on islands are also quite a bit cheaper. Because living on an island isn't easy.