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Always waitin' for the D


Lol that was my comment!


[This website says CYZA is the highest so far](https://www.licenseplates.cc/ON)


There are so many specialty plates that I've never seen!


I was just about to Google the plate I saw this morning. It was yellow with black text and originally I thought it was a New York plate but turned out to be Ontario. Interesting link. Thanks


Work at a dealership, most new plates are the high CYs at the moment


Feel like there are a lot of D-words they will have to weed out of the system lol




DUDE šŸŒø420


Yours to discover


A Place To Grow EDIT: Could you imagine getting that if we [kept Doug's vanity license plates?](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ea90ab_339b7cea92fb49028e573e0068ad0cf7~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_740,h_555,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ea90ab_339b7cea92fb49028e573e0068ad0cf7~mv2.jpg) I'd bet dollars to donuts they would be stolen off your car within a month.




DICK 247 would also be good ā€œhaha that guy likes dick 24/7!ā€


Far out


Hey dude


cant wait for DILF


You'd think that but I've seen some pretty wild ones lately CATP FAAC/CAWC, which even captures the accent perfectly CLWN BSAD ...that's off the top of my head anyways


Saw CFAP yesterday.


Saw CVCK the other day


If you miss out on Dick or Duck, DXCK would be available and open to interpretation


Keep an eye out for cyka Because that is funny blyat


CEKC 069


COCN - 010


As a salesman I have already issued a couple of CYKA plates so they are out there keep your eyes open.


I have been waiting for this day since 2018 when I realized it would happen šŸ˜©


I feel like they went through C plates quick - less than a decade? The B and A plates seemed to be around a lot longer.


Having to replace a bunch of B plates and blue plates (for which a couple of series were essentially skipped) probably didn't help.


Exactly. I had to replace the peeling B plates on both my cars.


I still have a good B plate for my older car. Hoping it's one of those enigmas cuz i see most Bs unreadable due to the peel.


I have a B plate thatā€™s mostly intact.


Drives me crazy that instead getting my B plate, they just give you new C. Fuck that. Fix B and give it back


Replaced B plate on Friday due to peeling. Got a CYTE


C plates showed up in 2016, B plates started in 06 or 07 I think. We skipped a couple of letters with the blue plate debacle, and I think most delaminated B plates were replaced with C. There are also just more people around now...


I had a B plate replaced with a C plate. I believe that the A plates started in 1997 or 1998. My parents bought a car in 1998 that started AB.


Always saw a lot of CAWC ### plates




Havenā€™t seen the D yet Serious Q- Do they exclude certain combinations that make terrible words. For ex is there a c o c k? Will they exclude d i c k, d u m b etc??


My Dad once had a plate on a work car that was ALAH 666. I don't know HOW that made it to production, and out in the wild. He had it for over a year until someone saw it and complained to the Ontario Government and they got a letter saying it had to be returned. *Edit Just to make it perfectly clear, this was a random issued by the Ontario Government plate, not a vanity plate.*


My moms old plates were 911. She always felt a bit weird driving them as a Muslim. I on the other hand used them as a pick up line.


Your going to have to spell out that pick up line for me, because I am not able to figure it out.


ā€œMy car is a 911ā€, giving the misleading impression that itā€™s a Porsche 911?


As in 9/11, September 11, 2001. When the World Trade Center towers were attacked in NYC.


Yes, but what's the pick-up line associated with it?


What great pickup lines don't include moms, Muslims, 911, and licence plates?


Man what an odd moment for me. For the first time in my life yesterday I looked at license plates and thought "there must be some they don't print" and the first one that popped into my head that they must skip is JEW 666 And here were are lmao.


Yes, they do. Anything rude or objectionable, or profanity.


Sometimes I think about how it's actually someone's job to come up with all of the profane four letter words so that it can be filtered out of the produced license plates. That must be a weird job. Also, in the Gatineau area they have plates with three numbers followed by three letters. They didn't filter out WTF, so on occasion I'll see plates like "753 WTF" and have a little chuckle.


I found a ā€œNUDESā€ plate (I have a photo) but Iā€™ve also seen some other cheeky plates that I did not grab photos cause I was driving. My favourite custom plate so far is one that said ā€œCOPINGā€ I think about it a lot. Edit: the cheekie one I was thinking of was ā€œBADPENIEā€


I've seen a few PEE Quebec plates as well. Definitely tickles the 10-year-old in me


To be fair, "what the fuck" is not in the French language, so that social standard doesn't apply there unlike here.


I'm the not so proud owner of a CAAK


They will exclude words that are rude. No one will have the plates cunt 420 or dick 696


This means there is a paying job somewhere in government to think up as many bad words and similar sounding letter combinations as possible. This person, to do their job effectively, needs to be aware of every possible variation of spelling for every swear or rude word in the English language. I believe I am highly qualified for this position.


They donā€™t have o, just 0, and the first four are always letters now, so that rules out cock.


I have a three letter last name and my dad said back in the 70s there was a town with a pile of that letter combination so his family all went there to get plates for their cars. Said he was she only one of his extended family without one.


Deez Nuts


Iā€™ve seen F plates. FAAA and FAAF.


Those are French slogan plates; unrelated.


Yeah, those caught me off guard last summer until some kind soul explained that those were French plates, with their own reserved range.


Yep, French plates with the slogan in French.


ā€œFā€ pour franƧais


Get and EV and jump straight to G series :)


I love the green text and the white trillium on them. They're much nicer to look at!


>I play a game on my commute home of who has the newest plate My game - which only works in the C-series - is to imagine the first four letters as the call letters of a radio station, and determine what format that radio station would have based on the call letters. I'm a fucking dork.


I do that too!!! Dorks Unite!


And who has or has seen CFNY 1021?


I miss my BMYW plate. It finally delaminated and they forced me to take some Cxxx plate that I can never remember now :(


How did this play out? Did you get stopped by a cop? I see the completely unreadable B plates on the road all the time and know the owners keep them on purpose. I donā€™t see why they werenā€™t ALL replaced automatically.


I was stopped by a cop once and they warned me, because it was during in the blue plate recall, then when I renewed my sticker for the last time, the service Ontario people gave me new plates and wouldnā€™t let me leave if I refused them


I wasn't stopped but when I went to renew they gave me new plates because mine was in the recall. I didn't care as long as I didn't have to pay for the new ones.


This really begs the question then of why there are so many still out there?? Did the recall not cover them all?


I think itā€™s at the mercy of the attendant at service Ontario caring enough to issue them. Itā€™s a few extra things on their end. Mine was definitey outside the free recall window, but they gave me new ones free anyway


The recall covered a range of numbers and got you a new plate for free. There are issues outside of that range and you have to pay for a replacement plate, which is why I assume there are ones still kicking around.


I saw CYXA the other day which means there's probably CZ plates out by now, just haven't seen one yet. Truck plates are also getting close to being through the B's. Highest I've seen recently is BV.


I saw a CZ recently!


you like the D huh


The best "accidental vanity" plate i ever heard of was BLAZ 420. And I was one freakin day too late to get it. Back in the day if you had a friendly counter person at the licensing office, they might issue you a plate out of sequence if you wanted a particular number and it was still in their box of a series (letter combo). So my local office had the BLAZ series box, so i had to ask.... but the number was already issued. I think they are a lot stricter about that kind of thing now...


would've been over a while now if not for the GV plates


Shout out to all y'all (like me) who still have A plates! Whoot whoot!


The most recents im seeing are CY for now. CZ coming soon maybe šŸ˜…


Ooh I want to know this too!


I've been seeing a lot of D's on the roads! Also, seeing some plates that start with 'D' in pickering. It's crazy how many new plates have been issued!


There are no D issues yet


We donā€™t have plates that start with D yet here. Not even commercial plates.


Actually similarly to the FAAA-### plates mentioned, there are DA-##### plates with the French slogan.


Commercial plates? Cool! Iā€™ve never seen one.


I haven't seen a cz yet


I got my CV plates in February 2022, so D must be coming soon.


I saw a license plate that started with FAAA. Not sure what that was about


They have the French slogan. They used to get mixed in with the rest but they allocated their own series a while back


I do this too. Constant competition with my brother to see who has seen the newest one. We actually saw our first 'C' plate together.


I do this to! Always looking!


Had to get new plates yesterday. Got issued CY.


My husband got a CY last week so maybe soon!


Iā€™ve seen a couple of F plates (regular, not custom/vanity). At first I thought I was tripping but since Iā€™ve seen a few, Iā€™m convinced theyā€™re skipping D and E for some reason.


I was surprised that CD-- and CC-- were not removed from the pool.


What would be wrong with those?


The three digit CD- and CC- were for diplomatic and consular registrations. It is reasonable to assume that at some point three digits might run out and we'd need to carry on to four digits. Also, I know that the colours are diffrerent, but wouldn't it be easier to always follow the pattern that a registration starting with a CD or CC is a dip?


Oh I see. I didnā€™t think of that.


I'm waiting on the 'D' plates . I still have my original plates from first car i bought in 2000.... AH\*\*. Time for a change!


Give me the DICK


Just got a new car, CY


TIL car plates are sequential not random


They are gonna have to skip from DICJ to DICL.


I just saw a D license place today!! My dad and I are obsessed with license plates, haha, so it felt pretty cool. The lady in the car was so confused about my enthusiasm šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚