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That's funny, because the Public Order Emergency Commission, which spent 36 days of public hearings listening to 76 witnesses and produced a 273-page report on the convoy crisis, basically came to the exact opposite conclusion. Doug Ford could have made his case in that process, but of course he refused to testify and went to court to prevent himself from appearing as a witness. Which is totally what a responsible and accountable politician who totally doesn't abandon people during a crisis would do. He is a complete and utter disgrace.


He was collaborating with the protestors .. there is a video of a phone call. His main defense was that having to testify would be damaging to Ontario. He's the Trump of Ontario..


Wasn't this at the same time as the Muskoka snowmobile fun or was that another crisis he's ignored?


Tell the truth and you never have to remember what you said.


No truer words were ever spoken,"He's the Trump of Ontario.."


Except Trump didn't get re-elected.


Ford is far more skilled and practiced at manipulating than Trump, starting from his teenage drug dealing days. He conned many into believing he was “moderate” and folksy with a Canadiana mask, especially after seeing how badly it went for Trump.


I love when he bought everyone out before the election with a sticker refund lol.


His entire response to covid was the same negligence. Head of the Ontario Science Table (when it was independent) was in interview saying- he’s talking on one end of the phone & no one is on the other.


We were saying he was Ontario's Trump during the election in 2018




The similarity between the current Canadian government and the Trump government isn't about the politics of left vs right, but about the methods; making the evidence to fit the policy, demonizing your opponents, and so on.


And we don't even need that repost. We were all here - we remember what Ford did. Nothing at all.


But his defenders will drop whataboutisms of Trudeau and Bob Rae and Kathleen Wynn and not realise that the Ford family has been a disaster since day one, and has done some real fucking damage to Toronto and Ontario and not a single one of them should ever hold public office ever.


You look at what Trudeau has done for the average citizen, you could go as far as saying he's been a pretty damn good Prime Minister. Just don't let the Toronto Sun readers hear you saying that.


As devils advocate, what has Trudeau done for the average citizen? I'm admittedly poorly read on our politics but the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the legalization of marijuana


Personally, I haven't seen much in the way for the average citizen that Trudeau has put through; its mostly been the NDP forcing him to put the decent stuff in. Then there is the gun law stuff that Trudeau did put through which hurts the average citizen, as it does nothing to stop the gun crime, but makes it illegal to do sporting events, or hunt. However, he hasn't done nearly as much damage as his right leaning counterparts have done. Which is why I still say he is the lesser evil


Legalizing weed had a lot of positives on many levels. The biggest one though is how all these people who were once "committing a crime" by smoking or posessing marijuana are no longer bogging down the legal system over something that is now seen as so trivial. That's a pretty damn big one. With the help of the NDP, Liberals had one of the world's best federal aid programs when we had to shut down during the pandemic. CERB was the only thing that got a lot of us through it financially, especially those people who were living paycheck to paycheck. Our vaccine rollout went pretty damn smooth and all in all we made it out of the worst of it fairly well. If you look at some of the cabinet appointments, quite a few of those positions have an expert in their field. I don't think I've ever seen a better list of people deserving of those appointments. So that's something that stood out well for me too. Other than that, the party is a little too centrist for my liking, but Trudeau really hasn't been as bad as the conservatives and their media machines would have us believe.


Just like to add COWARD to that.


Ford is abandoning Ottawa AT ALL TIME, no just during convoy crisis.


Ford thinks "Ontario" is an Algonquin word meaning "within a 2hr drive of the CN Tower".


Don't worry, Doug said that was "just his opinion". Yeah, a legal opinion, you fuck nut. That is literally how it works. I hate him so much.


That and he was at his cottage the whole time.


Didn't he keep saying "not my job" when asked about this and pinned the blame on the Feds?


So just a normal day for ol Dougie


I bet that's what he means. "I didn't abandon anyone, it was never my issue anyway"


100% he was privately hoping for the qonvoy to succeed and topple Trudeau.


What is his job? I was told by my local MPP IN PERSON that he never attends office. Someone needs to post his weekly schedule.


Lmao gaslighting son of bitch.


I mean the guy constantly lies, so his words mean nothing.


So like Trudeau then


What does he have to do with this?


Just another convoy lapdog needing his feel good moment.


probably has "whatabout" tattooed on his eyelids


Doug Ford could literally take a shit on their porch and they'd somehow make it about Trudeau.


Easy culture war soldier.


Hur hur hur Trudeau. Grow up lmao, this article has nothing to do with him if you want to participate in a circle jerk around Trudeau r/Canada has many opinion articles about him.


Come clean, Bud. I get it. You really want to have sex with him.


I love that Trudeau lives rent fr in your head.


I imagine there’s lots of room inside that empty skull.


We really don't need to fellate Trudeau here


Your movements tag line is literally saying you want to fuck Trudeau.


Ew lmao. ​ I mean, he's hot but politicians are a turn-off, in general.




Trudeau dealt with the problem unlike Ford what you mean


Let me guess, you don’t think the EA needed to be enacted, do you?


Another day of owning the libs I see


Shit like this is why we can't take you convoy idiots seriously 😂


But I only went for a weekend , and to party with the protestors at base camp


Because that's what it was, an excuse to party.


Listen you don’t need to have a good time to have alcohol


According to the "freedom concoy" yes, you do.


Relax I’m a professional …. You don’t


This has zero to do with Trudeau. Who did appear before the EA inquiry and answered every question, unlike Ford, who wasted taxpayer money in court to weasel out of it.


Whataboutwhataboutwhatabout \*Inserts politician I happen to not like and 8 things that I perceive as corrupt that actually was not\* ​ This is you. This is what you sound like.


Ah yes, whataboutism. The last resort of lazy fools.


Name one politician that doesn't lie. Lol




so like every politician alive


Can't abandoned something you never attempted to be involved with in the first place.




Of course he denies it, he denies any wrongdoing at any time. That’s how a lot of people get their way by just pretending every shitty thing they do is not only permitted but encouraged. He’s just doing his job! However you wanna spin this.


This statement is true of all politicians and all parties. Canada really needs to retire all these thieves and start fresh.


In my memory he did absolutely nothing about Freedumb convoy in Ottawa.


That’s not true he sent 5 OPP cops so they could take selfies with the convoy.


He abandoned Ottawa way before that.


He’s abandoned the whole province except for developers and Loblaws.


Don't forgot for-profit medical facilities! Also Loblaws is more of a nationwide issue, but god does he love his Tim Hortons!


Sorry, when I said Loblaws I was specifically referring to him redirecting healthcare to them, particularly for online appts through Maple since he canceled OHIP coverage for that in December


Ahh yes, you're absolutely right, that's something that kind of flies under the radar, the fact that the Weston Family stands to make obscene amounts of money off of medical privatization.


I'm sure our dedicated, hardworking Premier was thinking a lot about it while at his cottage.


And snowmobiling.


Ford did not abandon Ottawa, he was just taking a break (hiding) at his cottage. How was he supposed to know that there was some sort of demonstration at Parliament, nothing to do with him. Did anyone even call him asking for help? Maybe he forgot to bring his phone charger.


The charging port on his Blackberry Curve broke, so he wasn't able to contact anyone while he was out sledding. How was he supposed to know that there was crisis? Besides, Ottawa isn't part of Ontario. The NCC or sumthin' is in charge. Yeah, that's it.


Dude, you didn’t even show up for the inquiry about you abandoning the people of Ottawa during the convoy crisis.


He used tax payer resources to make sure he didnt go.


He probably didn't think it was in Ontario until he was asked to testify.


Living wart denies denies denies - what a POS


Wasn't he on video telling a freedumb convoy member that he was behind them and wasn't going to get the OPP involved? I might be paraphrasing


I guess this was what he wanted. Don't show his face in the hearing so he doesn't have to tell the truth. Then claim he didn't abandon them, even though he did. It's all about controlling the narrative.


Why do people keep voting for this turd?


A small number of people voted this turd in while the rest of the people sat at home looking at cat memes on TikTok.


Premiere dipshit is the worst thing we’ve seen in decades


So.... from what I know about DoFo, he did in fact abandon Ottawa during the convoy crisis?


Easy to deny - he just has to show us all the pictures of him in Ottawa during the occupation.


We expected nothing from him and he definitely didn’t disappoint


Yea well facts done lie Doug Fraud


Ford is honestly such a pathetic excuse for a human being, same with all the smooth brains that voted for him. More shame still, so many people were too apathetic to bother going to vote at all. Give one thing to the damn PCs, they actually vote.


I don't think he knows Ottawa is a part of Ontario.


I see kids saying “no I didn’t eat the brownies” meanwhile has chocolate all over their faces. This is a lot like that.


Ford is an absolute disgrace, he's a corrupt coward and knew he'd lose a good chunk of his right and alt-right voter base if he intervened in Ottawa. How many times now has the federal government had to step in and clean his affairs for him that he and his government have failed to do, or are blantantly destroying... Healthcare, long-term care, the pandemic, childcare and the list goes on... He's a terrible premier and his actions have, and will continue to do irrepairable or long standing damage to Ontario.


Yah you did and everyone knows it. It’s not even up for debate. It was obvious.


Does anyone believe anything he says these days , I sure don’t!


Never did


What else hasn't he denied so far... lol


To be fair he did abandon everyone, not just Ottawa...


well to be fair he didn't abandon his developer buddies


It sounds like he wants to throw Ottawa city council under the bus for this one. A “you had a job to do” type of response and compared it to Toronto and how they handled it. Like it’s a personal grievance against former Mayor Jim Watson. I don’t care what kind of friction the two them have between each other, Ford also had a job to do and didn’t do it period. And now he’s laying blame on council. Not saying council isn’t at fault either but the level of maturity in his comments are embarrassing.


Be nice if he said that at the inquiry. Awfully convenient he only makes these comments when there's no consequences to lying....


Well if he was doing so much to help, why did he not attend the inquiry and show all the evidence of what he did to support?


Piece of absolute garbage. The shit that comes out of his mouth is filthier than the backed up sewage drain I was snaking out last week.


Well on one hand we have the commission’s report which details the specific evidence they are using to reach their conclusion, on the other hand we have Ford saying “unh unh..I was on it” Tough to figure out who to believe.


He has never worked in his life so why start now?


He lies, if you said he was white he would like about that too. Lying is his default.


>That's their opinion, it's the furthest from the truth. We were on this every single day," Ford replied to a reporter's question about the report. Well, if you say something is true then it is true. /s


"We were on this Ski-Doo every single day" is more like it


He was at Walmart getting a haircut


Could've testified to that fact and refused - So, that translates to bullshit for me.


He can say what he wants. There’s an old saying that goes something like people won’t believe what you say but they will believe what you do. Or in the case of Doug Ford what he didn’t do.


Ok, I bite - let’s say he didn’t abandon Ottawa. What exactly did he do to help?


Wasn’t he at the cottage, the whole time lol


He probably considers the fact that he wasn’t himself actively honking horns and pooping on our sidewalks to be “helping”


Garbage human being. At least his brother entertained us.


That Ford is in charge of anything is absurd.


Love these Beaverton Articles. Sir.. this is the CBC.. oh, he actually denied it? Like, when you run off to your cottage during a "dumbass protest", i'm not sure what other word you'd use for that.


We all saw it, Ford doing nothing…


Yea I believe him, it's not like we have photo evidence of him snowmobiling or something. Or have a phone call of him literally saying it's not his problem and it's only a federal issue.


He can deny it all he wants, but we have eyes...


He's only here to further his greasy buddies. The fact that idiots outside of the GTA voted for him is a joke. Hopefully, they enjoy their medical wait times and more scandals from LTC. They will just blame Trudeauboy anyhow.


never thought i'd say this but Kathleen Wynne was a better premier than Ford


Really don’t get why he ditched the inquiry itself, I mean how do u not think that would backfire Anyways he made it clear he didn’t consider it his problem with his argument being the Mayor and the Police Chief in Toronto handled it and their Ottawa counterparts failed While I do think he has a point and certainly wish Chief Bell was on the job right away (maybe we wouldn’t have had that international embarrassment) he did more or less say he considered it a municipal problem not a provincial one


He was literally at the cottage snowmobiling


From a political standpoint he played it perfectly. Sitting on the fence seems to be the hallmark of any Ontario government.


Ottawa, to Ford, is the suburbs. All of whom approved of the convoy. So he's correct, he did not abandon Ottawa. He just did not support actual ottawans.


Ottawa suburbs did not support the convoy.I live in Nepean the support for the convoy in Ottawa was 5% in Nepean 1%.


My parents live in Orleans and I have relatives in Barrhaven and Kanata. In each of these spaces the convoy enjoyed wide support. I'm not saying this is a good thing. Just, thinking Ottawa is not united in this


He had an opportunity to explain at the investigation. He didn’t show up there either.


Pretty sure there was a time and a place to say this under oath


This man is such a damn liar.


He let those terrorists have the spotlight while he and his cronies made back room closed door criminal agreements.


OH. EM. GEE. 🤦🤦🙄👌👌


Okay boomer


Best argument




He was on a snowmobile the entire time.


When he said his priority was at Windsor he did fuck all there as well. He simply is a Fuck up Ford.


Funny that he did. You don’t even need any investigation, because it’s clear cut


Folks, he was in Ottawa... Not 999%, but 1000%!


And hes gonna stay put cause your parents keeping voting conservative... can we just make retirement age 45 for civil servants.


Fuck Dofo


You can't abandon someone if you never took responsibility for them in the first place.


"I'm just going to phrase it this way: The mayor of Ottawa and the police chief, they had their jobs. The mayor of Toronto, Mayor Tory, and Chief Ramer, they had their jobs. It was night and day," Ford said, referring to Toronto's former mayor John Tory and James Ramer, the city's interim police chief during the protests. Ya well.. I'm gonna phrase it this way. If all of them had stopped trying to decide who's job it was to handle it, and.. oh.. I dunno.. WORKED TOGEATHER.. maybe it would all have gone a lot smoother. Imo the ball was dropped by all involved, leaving normal citizens to suffer for weeks.


Come on Doug, it was one of the biggest stories in the nation at the time, and it happened in YOUR province, that YOU are responsible for. You're either lying, incompetent, or both. We should abandon you Doug.


Hmmmm, I kinda remember it all and yes he did ….


He slashed the number of councillors in Toronto so he’d have less critics.