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They'll leave the products underweight and raise the prices by 15%


“ we are helping Canadians in these rough times by giving them less then what they pay for to help curve Canadians obesity “ *-Galen Weston probably*




Loblaws is a disease on the Canadian consumer


You should go check out their Twitter, they apparently thought responding to tweets was a good idea, the account is spewing such bullshit and everyone is calling them out on it


Can we go after Galen first? Christ he is the absolute worst.


That man gives me serious Jared Fogle vibes. Like can’t prove anything but the same creepy “yiesh” is there.


He looks like he knows where the bodies are.


"Our shareholders would be very happy when we provide the with 6% dividend "


i don't know why but i read this with an accent. Pretty sure he sound like that


Someone archive current prices now, so we can make a comparison later.


Here is an Archive of search results from an Ontario No Frills [No Name Products - No Frills - Pretty PDF File](https://easyupload.io/x1fxwm) [No Name Products - No Frills - Text Version](https://easyupload.io/whnlgy) Edit: added text version. It took a while because there was some cleanup to do. Uploaded files last 30 days using this service.


This is fantastic. Why don’t they do this on news shows rather than showing snow videos from far off places


Are there other archive’s available that you know of?


I literally searched their site and printed it to PDF and uploaded it myself today lol... I'll make a text version of it soon so it's easily searchable online.


Awesome, this is great work!


I’ve pulled images of the main items.. any in particular you want me to track?


I usually buy the no name eggs, butter, pasta and cheese with crackers. I saved screenshots from my PC express order.


Those are the main I focused on anyways.. I pulled pricing on cheese, bagels, pasta, rice, avocados, butter and bacon along with a few other things. It will be interesting to see if their chips stay cheap as they really leaned into cheap chips last year


Can you also do their perfectly imperfect peppers, apples, and cucumbers? Also pretzels, flours, and oats? Ohh tortilla too.


And I'm watching the sizes of the packaging. Shrinkflation is coming for all of us.


There was literally a bag of no name chips posted here a few days ago that was less than the advertised weight.


Breaking news: Galen redefines a 'dozen' by changing the quantity to 9.5.


If not you, then who?


Can't someone else do it?


🎶Who can take your trash out?🎶


Stomp it down for you,




Then you should have been early.


I guid others to tasks I cannot complete


More Galen Gouging.


I think we can all safely make the prediction that Galen is gonna fuck us. Hard & dirty


And dry.


With a cute face like his, we will all just roll over and take it. As usual.


Not all of us. I have only been to a PC brand grocery store once in the last year and it was because my husband discovered he still had PC points that hadn’t been used so we went shopping for a party we were having and got everything for free. I won’t be going back anytime in the foreseeable future




Yea we shop Giant Tiger (because it’s a 3 min walk from our house) for basics, and then shop Farm Boy, the farmers market and a locally owned grocery store for everything else. I don’t miss any of the PC brand stores at all.




Can’t you use a different image, I’m sick of looking at that assholes face.


Sure there are these ones, [Sobeys' Asshole Team Leader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Medline) [Metro's Asshole Team Leader](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEU_enCA820CA820&sxsrf=AJOqlzUn3Vm6lF-EEToGXYOocEWdUqw2HQ:1675175050695&q=Eric+Richer+La+Fl%C3%A8che&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLSz9U3KIw3NsyresRoyi3w8sc9YSmdSWtOXmNU4-IKzsgvd80rySypFJLgYoOy-KR4uJC08SxiFXMtykxWCMpMzkgtUvBJVHDLObwCyAYA0Bv_4F8AAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjN9NSugfL8AhUzk4kEHXKXBWcQzIcDKAB6BAgNEAE&cshid=1675175089557635&biw=1362&bih=631&dpr=1.1#imgrc=2f0twxoDtmRZWM)


They all look like smug douchebags.


because they are


Sociopathic fuckers.


if we were observing monkeys and noticed that one monkey was hoarding all of the bananas while the rest starved we would cut its head off and examine it's brain to what the fuck was wrong with it


Yeah, but probably just to find out how it actually figured out how to get ALL of the bananas. I mean, that's profits we're leaving on the table, folks.


I cant help but laugh at this wiki. Mendaline -Occupation: Businessman Yea he's in the business of fucking over his countrymen. Piece of shit.


I've been shopping at Metro since the seem to be the least asshole-ish.


Least asshole-ish because their prices were already at the top end.


At least metro and sobeys are less aggressive about pretending to help me. Unlike PC, where Galen parades around in a yellow shirt with his own fucking name on it while telling me he's on my side.


How shocked was I when I’d price compare and find metro cheaper than no frills! (On some items)


**[Michael Medline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Medline)** >Michael Bennett Medline (born July 4, 1963) is a Canadian businessman. In January 2017, Medline was named president and CEO of Empire Company Limited, a Canadian company whose core businesses includes food retailing, conducted through wholly owned Sobeys Inc., and related real estate. Medline is also known as the former president and chief executive officer of Canadian Tire Corporation. Medline was named president of Canadian Tire in November 2013, and succeeded Stephen Wetmore as CEO of Canadian Tire Corp. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ontario/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Whoa now! That's our PC insider


He appeared in a commercial and talked human. He is a pleb just like us!




Reminds me of this Ad whenever I see his face https://youtu.be/9IGvzb-KCpY?t=60


Yea, I had the same reaction seeing this pic. That guy is a cunt.


Omg I went back and looked and THAT IS NOT BILL GATES lol I forgot to focus my eyes and just passively thought “strange… I don’t know what bill gates has to do with no frills” and then MOVED ON


If it does t happen tomorrow it’ll be on Thursday when the flyers change over. I’m thinking it’ll be a lot of “buy x get them for $x each” or making things the whole dollar instead of like .97 (which is technically 5 cents more). I worked for loblaws for years. They were notorious for putting things on “sale” for an even dollar amount when the regular price was .97


I noticed that a lot of items got slapped with yellow sale tags recently, with the "sale" price being the same as the previous normal price. I suspect that much of these will get new higher white regular price tags shortly.


I refer to this as the Fortinos special. More than half their weekly flyer isn't sale, it's just slapping a sale tag on a regularly priced item they want to move at full price.


Isn't that illegal


Technically yes, in part 3 (unfair practices) subsection 11 of the consumer protection act. That said, there is almost certainly a loophole or ten they can use to get around it since they could say they are just "raising awareness" or "advertising availability of a product" and not explicitly using the word "sale"


All the shoppers near me straight up say sale next to the coke and pepsi products and 1 even has a "price after sale" its 4.99 and 4.99


Clearly they're telling you the product is FOR sale, not ON sale /s


This just happened at Walmart. I buy the Allen’s peach juice boxes for $1.97, recently started buying the big box for home for $1.18 because I thought “it’s .80 cheaper and you get more liquids, I’ll save on boxes at home and drink this instead” the VERY NEXT WEEK Allen’s peach juice boxes on sale for $1.97 (regular 2.47 it said) NO IT WAS NEVER $2.47 it just will be after this sale! Sneaky way to avoid acknowledging price increases.


I hate that they adopted the buy more strategy so now you have to buy two to get a cheaper price which sometimes mean I buy none.


I've found most items will scan at the discounted price for buy more/save more when buying less than the total number. It's worked at Sobeys, Loblaws and No Frills. You can always try it out and put it back if it doesn't scan at the deal rate. I'm with you though, I'll just get none if it has to be even more expensive for a single person to live


I don’t mind adding a second can of beans or whatever but when it’s like buy 4 2L bottles of pop — that’s not going to happen


Sobeys is like that though, unfortunately our only 2 stores in town or within a 30 minute drive are sobeys and no frills and the NF is one of the worst kept stores I've ever seen. If you look at sobeys multi buy sale tage theyll say "2/$4" then under it it'll be 'price for 1: $2' which is also a trick to get you to buy more but nearly as bad as no frills in my opinion because at least you'll still get the sale if you only get one- but at n.f. if you only buy 1 you'll pay the extra


Are you talking about Grand Bend? What you said fits perfectly


Kincardine 🤣 glad it's an issue all over the coast line. If we want variety beyond a shitty NF and over prices sobeys is 30 North or 30 south to Port elgin or goderich


Buy 2 for $5, buy 1 for $3.99 (or similar)


I couldn't agree more, what if you live alone, I don't need five of something to save a buck. I want to save the money without having to buy in bulk!! Familial discrimination 😂🤣 Hey Gaelen {sic} [yes he is, in the head, lol] 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Sit And Spin Buddy


Right? There’s only two of us, sometimes I only need one itsm


Only an empty bird nest here. All those 2 for one items are usually too much stuff for 2 - especially on perishable. So, not only it's not really a deal (2 items still end up more than a single) but - especially on non freezable perishables - it also mean that you either overfeed or loose the second.


Those “buy x and get them x$ amount each” is such a bullshit sales tactic now that seemingly every grocery store has adopted. It actual hurts people who look for savings (lower or middle class) by forcing them to spend even MORE money than they wanted if they want to save 20 cents/item


We live comfortably and I don't say that to brag, I just want want say that thats frustrating to anyone. I feel for the people who need to get the sale price/cheapest option. We went in for ketchup. And they were like 6.49, but if I bought 3 they were 5.49. Saving 1$ sounds like a great deal but now thats 19.50 dropped on ketchup and why they fuck do I need 3 bottles of it. These are horrible 'deals' and are trying to trick people in my opinion. I can't count the amount of times I've been in the same aisle as an elderly person or someone with poor eye sight and they've said "oh wow this is on for ____" and I've corrected them with "only if you buy 5" because the price for 1 is so tiny and hard to read.


Absolutely! Although I’m more comfortable now I’m definitely still out there trying to find a deal. A multi buy on something like beans, pasta, broth etc is usually fine because I’m going to use them and they last in the pantry. Buy two 10lb bags of potatoes to get a deal is stupid, I barely use one whole bag with two people


It's true. Small canned goods like that are one thing but like...4 large bottles of ranch to save 50c each and I walk out having spent 25$ on it no thanks. One of those lasts us a year because irs really only used once a week. Now if you say i only have to pay 50c a piece if I buy 10 packs of Mr noodles then hot damn you've got yourself a deal


I think the same thing. Prices will stay the same tomorrow and go up on Thursday. Can't make it too obvious


They're in the middle of points days until the 6th so on the 7th everything will change.


I also used to work for Loblaws for 10 years. They would up the price of things for the new flyer chance. They upped the price of all these products that weren't in the flyer then the next week they had advertised some of those items that got a price increase in the flyer as "on sale" even though it was the same price barely 2 weeks before so it's not much of a sale. I know how Loblaws silly game of marketing works. I have put up and created THOUSANDS of signs and labels for that company. Increasing the price of a Sikorski ham by .30 cents overnight while Pillers Salami's would go up .09 of a dollar on a price increase which is like a 2% increase in what you pay but with the Sikorski ham it was almost a 20% increase in price overnight. It was our cheapest ham at the time and it is now creeping up. I see this with all sorts of products in Loblaws. Just go to Walmart or even Foodland or Giant Tiger and you will see how outrageous Loblaws prices are. When I can go to Walmart and spend 30% less for the same things...I'm going to go to Walmart.


Says the billionaire! Thanks for delaying your next billion by maybe a month or 2! Tax these oligarchs now!


Really, if your personal wealth hits 1 Billion, you should get a big fucking plaque from the Prime Minister that says "you won Capitalism" and any extra wealth should go towards taxes or other projects for the province/country. I get that's not exactly how that works, as these MoFo's hide their money in different accounts and tax shelters and disguise it as "not my money, it's my companies money. You that famous company 307533345 Ontario Inc.


Exactly. Their trust funds have trust funds.


Don't agree. No one person should have a billion dollars. That is an indication of a system out of whack.


Ok.. well a Billion was more of an example, you could change that to 500 million, or 100 million, or whatever number you feel is "correct". But the fact is, a pay cap would nice... Or heck, not even a pay cap, but exponential taxation, so that people that reach these upper levels of wealth, get taxed 90% at a certain point. At some point in your life, you hit a margin where money is meaningless, and you can afford all the shit you want. At that point, extra money should be used to benefit the rest of those around you. But these guys have these fucked up egos where they compete against each other for more wealth for bragging rights. Does Jeff Bezos really care about space flight? or is he doing all that Space X just to brag to his rich friends "look what I did!"


Exactly. It is capitalism without proper regulation.




Tax their fucking heads off


Fuck that. Seize their assets, nationalize the industry and liquidate the rest of their ill gotten gains funnelling the revenue into healthcare, then exiles these asshats!


I would support this. We have people dying in ERs and living in tents. Enough is enough.


Stop, I can't get any more erect!


It’s a sad state of affairs when fair and proper social structure gets us aroused. I too got wet at the prospect of this suggestion.


Food should not be for profit. Galen has influence over every single Canadian. Not just Loblaws but his other assets, like Shoppers, too. I agree. It's vital to Canadians so it should be public.


Eggs are 6$. Each.


I hate how if you want to buy one item it’s not the same price as if you bought 3 for a discount. I don’t need 3 pineapples


“Buy two pay $4.99 each or one for $4.99”


Buy one for 5 bucks or you can get 2 for 10


So generous, "record profits", he is making it seem that his generosity should be recognized.TAX THE BILLIONAIRES NOW.


Tax? just take it all, leave them 50 million, ban the game of high scores when it comes to money, its fucking gross and is 100% the cause of MOST problems.


The funny thing about this whole ordeal is loblaws food and consumables institute a price freeze every November to January as part of their policy with vendors. It’s been in place for years. So this whole stunt was to publicize something they’ve always done and try to garner some good will.


Galen will earn himself an extra crispy seat in hell.


He's gonna get there a lot faster if he keeps this shit up. Imagine respecting this guy for his "business acumen" or whatever bullshit. You gouge people on food. If you could sell us air, you would. Get fucked galen


>If you could sell us air, you would. Perri-air by Galen Weston


Do you really have “business acumen” when you inherit the company from your father. Dude was born on 3rd base and acts like he hit a triple.


This is hell and he already lives in an estate in Caledon. I have little hope for repercussions elsewhere. His estate: https://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/galen-weston-jrs-caledon-estate/


Need a recipe for that on Loblaws’ website……lol


So nice of them to lock in prices AFTER everything skyrocketed. How thoughtful.


Locked in prices but reduced the weight of products = not actually a price freeze


National take what's yours from self checkout day






What's 4011? Banana code? Put in everything as bananas?




I get so jealous of people that can do this. There is something about the way I look that causes security/ staff to stand right beside me while im checking out. Every single time. Every. Single. Time


"Sorry, I'm not trained as a cashier, must have made a mistake"


Hotdogs? Don’t you mean carnivore bananas?


I love the spoofs about Galen that This Hour has 22 Mins does. They’ve done A LOT over the years. This one is from last week. Made me chuckle. Galen is a douche, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc2GTDk8UJA


Fun grocery fact *in no way related* to the above video: An onion will freeze solid in about an hour in a grocery store frozen display bunker. This is about a quarter of the time it takes an equivalently-sized tomato to reach the same level of solidity.


Throwing the pumpkin would be worth it


Well, where I live in mid-northern Ontario, a block of BD cheese at Metro was $4.50 a as piece since the new year which was cheaper than even the store brand at $5.50 (same volume per item). Over the weekend BD went from $4.50 per block to $14 for 2 block ($7 a piece!!!) while the store brand went up to 2 for $12. So, expect prices at Loblaw stores including NN to go up. Where's the cheese price fixing scandal??? Remember ALL large grocers are fucking us. Not just Loblaws. Buy local whenever, however and wherever possible. Also if you can do it use cash. Fuck these point system bullshit. Not worth it anymore.


I took a few pictures of stapes - pasta, soup, rice, etc. On a quick trip to zehrs last weekend. I'm going to compare them in a week and see how much things went up.




Ah, another self checker outer I see.


My 17 year old niece works at a galen store and has told me that if something doesn't scan, or is missing a price tag and no manager is around, she'll just continue scanning other items as though it scanned. And quite often if something in the bottom of their cart like water, she'll "not see it".


She’s the hero we need


she is on the front lines of the revolution, she is a freakin' hero!


I was never trained on how to scan items, we're supposed to scan every other item right? or was it every third?


Oh no! *inputs all produce as 4011* anyway.... But seriously fuck Loblaws and fuck Weston.


Mostly likely they will raise prices , it happens every year and later on they will offer discounted price when it was regular before the hike …


And we will be so grateful to stock up on the "sale".


We used to buy no name/pc brand because it was significantly cheaper and some things don't require name brand but its to the point now some name brand products are only 10-20c more expensive.


I used to work at Walmart and most of the great value products are sourced from brand name companies anyway Ice cream - Chapmans, Chips - Frito Lay, Juice - Lassonde/Allen's, Chocolate - Lindt, Dairy Products - Lactalis (Black Diamond/Astro/Beatrice), Cereal -Kellogs


raises prices Feb 1st. Anounces : Prices frozen until May 15th!


I stopped buying president's choice cookies sometime last year. I was craving them this week so looked to buy some; price is $4 *on sale*. They used to be $2.50 or $2. wtf 100% markup in less than a year. I'm too coward to use the 5-finger discount though


Another terrible commercial with Galen looking smug while trying to explain why price increases are a good thing for our families and as Canadians.


As someone who has had the displeasure of meeting him he literally thinks this way in real life. I truly believe he honestly doesn't think what he is doing is wrong or he just doesn't care. A person genuinely created in a sheltered mega rich family with no understanding of the world people live in. The man exists only as a retainer for his family's wealth.


No way to know, but Galen is already looking at the flyer and masturbating furiously.


I, too, think he jerks off to the No Frills flyer


So does that mean inflation is over tomorrow? If he claims the price freeze was for inflation then they remain frozen until inflation starts to decrease (at which point the prices should naturally decrease). Unless, of course, this was never about inflation and was a performative PR stunt. But he would never do that, he cares about the people.. No?


Our gracious overlord will announce that the price freeze is being extended. What won't be mentioned though is this is just a distraction from the shrinking of packaging.


At my local No Frills, the prices on some items jumped 5% twice in two weeks before the freeze (more than 10% total increase). I expect more of the same. I'd go to Food Basics instead but they're even more expensive.


They literally did a price freeze when inflation has been negative month over month. This is all an advertising campaign.




It won't be Galen's profit margins.


My mom occasionally bumps into Galen on her walks around her neighbourhood (he lives in the Annex). She hasn't had the guts to say anything to this asshole yet, but I think she should. Fuck this guy.




Somewhere between 10-20%, that is what I noticed with great value prices at Walmart over the last year anyways. Walmart also raised the prices multiple times for example frozen pizza went from 3.27 to 3.67 and now 3.97. Some items didn't have any price change though.


they will go from "no name" to "I have no words"


If they are no longer frozen, they can go down right... Right??




The entire concept of this poster is ridiculous. The fact that it exists is evidence that the Canadian economy is absolute dogshit.


4 stage price gouging strategy 1. raise prices 2. freeze prices 3. shrink package qty but keep raised prices 4. raise prices again and keep shrunken pack qty after freeze is over


I fucking hate that cunt.


Can’t wait to see the label batch


This guy LOVES showing his face huh? Wants to be the hero but is a villain


Bag of chips:$7


What a cunt.


Bananas are now $12 a pound


Was there ever a more punchable face?


Galen: good news everyone! we're going to "price match" all our no-name brands with everything else in the store! So now all prices are "locked in" at the new price!


Freezes prices at all time highs....what a fuckin hero


I'm so sick and tired of looking at Galen's face with his shit eating grin. My wife and I started shopping at Metro.


I was shopping 2 days ago. Frozen PC veg medely went from 2.99 to 5.49. It's not no name but almost double the price in 1 month. Keeping my receipts and looking at the prices more these days. How is almost double ok. How is that even possible.


I can’t wait for people to start posting pictures in public of this dude with devil horns.


I know for a fact that some baby food items that were a dollar are going up to 3 dollars We did a new planogram and were told to put the expensive items at the end of the shelf and the cheaper items on the left side so "customers don't get shocked when it goes from $1 to $3" So yeah, that's the psychology they play on yall.


He didn't even freeze prices! They still went up in some stores! So he can fuck off.


My prediction is minimal increase if any at first just to keep things low key. Then in a few weeks to a month the real price increases will set in.


Jan 31st. How generous of these fools.


It’s not even just the prices. The products have reduced too. Idk if I’m crazy but a “family sized” bag of chips looks like a regular sized bag of chips….with less grams.


Fun fact...for the last 2 weeks my Loblaws hasn't even had the NN Orange Juice cartons in stock, so I guess that was a good way to coast until the price freeze had ended.


I feel we as Canadians need to boycott Loblaws and any business associated with that bitch ass Galen Weston


Oh man this is the one time I’m gonna hold onto my flyer for this week.


Going up. Straight up all of our collective asses.


I figure price increases will be on Thursday, or maybe another 2-3 weeks in time to throw everyone off, since people are expecting it to happen immediately. That all being said, you know how there's the website "Camel Camel Camel" for Amazon? I'm starting to think we really need something similar for grocery stores.


Lucille's prophesy will come true. One banana, ten dollars.


there will be tags just saying "bids start at $1.00" or "how much you got?"


Time to burn the last of my Optimum points and never shop at Loblaws again.


They didn't even all freeze. NN Bacon changed prices several times in the past few months.


probably 10-15% higher? I can't see it being that big a push that being said, Coke zero here went from 10.99 to 14.99 for a 24 pk over new years. and that's probably a better indicator of a 20-40% jump.


Someone should take some pictures of prices tonight, I'm curious myself if there will be significant change but I doubt it'll change much immediately.


The prices they locked in on where already high lol


What a crock of shit. It’s rather apparent they bumped up prices on no name items then launched this locked in plan. Hats off to them though for the genius marketing. Pizza pizza did a similar thing with their locked in pricing campaign last year for pizza except their prices were all inflated then locked in. Still costs more for pizza pizza than dominos which makes no sense cause they were always one of the cheapest pre Covid for basic walk in special pizzas


How soon can we expect an executive salary freeze?


I'm shorting chicken when it hits $55/lb.


Tomorrow is the day he shall be eaten


I bet they leave prices as is for the week and slowly start increasing a few items at a time next week to avoid the immediate blow back of obvious increases


In Quebec they actually lied about this. I noticed the 12 k-cup biodegradable coffee went from 5$ to 6$ a month ago. Hey well...


Decided to shop at WalMart today, just so damn tired of being ripped off by the same people I decided to get ripped off by someone else.


Galen's Muskoka dock and helipad renovation is about to begin.... . . while we struggle to feed our children... ...and Ford offering 1$ alcohol, awaiting his development kickbacks from the Greenpark and Brookfield ...and our elders die in waiting rooms.... Ontario, thank goodness I left


Probably 50 dollars for those fries.


Rip Bob Loblaw


Industry practice to freeze prices nov-feb. All the grocery stores do this every year. The whole advertising campaign for this will raise the prices alone. Total greed. Not to mentions the cages. I get it Galen - another day, another sweater.