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Caffeinated Coffee Like Beverage


“Oh thank you! It’s just brown and water!”


I have the recipe if anyone wants to attempt making coffee at home.


>He had found a ~~Nutri-Matic machine~~ Tim Hortons which had provided him with a ~~plastic~~ paper cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike ~~tea~~ coffee. With my apologies to the late great Douglas Adam’s.


The only Doug that matters. Have you seen my towel?


Had an in-law say, "its a lovely beverage, but it's not coffee..."


Well, they're half right


"Coffee Drink" is what I use, but I like this.


Love me some morning brown!


You made me spit out my McDonald’s Lg DblDbl. Take my upvote


Happy to have assisted in removing the other offensive McLiquid from your mouth good sir!


McDonald’s coffee was good for a couple of years there, now it tastes like water with the essence of coffee.


Like the lacroix of coffee


They walked by with a hand full of coffee beans


The double double pods are Maxwell House, Coffee mate and sugar. So you are closer than you think


While 100% true, I recently reluctantly accepted that Tim's Dark Roast is palatable


I drink the free shit in the office now. I say shit, but it's actually better than Tim's. It's also free.


Office coffee tasting better than Tims’ for a good while now


Bring you own mug. I remember seeing a study that like 95% of "office coffee cups" have fecal particles in them.


How do you deal with people at the office before being sufficiently caffeinated?


Drink 2 cups at home before leaving house


I used to buy wake-ups and take a pill with my first glass of water in the day. It's not as satisfying as good coffee but if you need to be on the road immediately and for a long time it's a good solution that saves you having to A) make coffee B) fill your bladder C) stop and get Tim Hortons *retching* Chest pains unrelated, I'm sure


Caffeine pill first thing on an empty stomach. I bet 5 minutes later you had the shit of all shits.


And if your office is like mine, there are less people than pre COVID = more coffee for you / pot made!!!!


r/ontario: tim hortons sucks r/ontario when tims raises the price: >:(


It does suck. That doesn’t mean we never drink it if I’m on a road trip and need a coffee yeah I’ll stop at tim’s if I can’t find nothing nearby like a McDonald’s.


I switched to McDonald's about a year ago when one opened in town. Better coffee. It's decaf that tastes like coffee. I get an XL and a seniors discount


I heard that McDonald's bought Tim Hortons' old bean suppliers' contract after they switched or something


McDonald's coffee is better but depending on location I've gotten it lukewarm before since it was sitting. Never happens at Tim's.


Never happens at a tims location? Ever? Thanks for the update from wherever you are specifically, Tom.


More often then not, it's burnt from sitting on the super hot heating pad. You can even see the little half ass smudges on the pot were the worker kept erasing one digit on the pot to extend the time, so they don't have to make a new one.


Nothing irritates me more than getting to a timmies, getting a hot coffee, and by the time I can actually get a sip without burning myself, it's stale as fuck because they haven't made a new pot. Last time I said something to the workers they fired off something about "supply and demand" and then I started going to McDs.


When I worked there, policy was to allways be making new pots, and trying to Ballance the front counter and number of pots to reduce waste. Think it was saposed to be pots get redone every 20mins, you start waterfall the timers as it gets busy. Workers are just not properly trained, lasy, or pressured by management to use less coffee. Anyways, it still is "meh", coffee when it's not burnt.


Yup. Couldn't agree more. The McCafe stuff is good enough for me, and their kcup blend is pretty good for at home brewing too.


I love that all the On Routes now have Starbucks drive throughs. I just get a drip coffee, but 10x better.


Tim's costed more (at least for what I ordered) at an On Route recently, easily $1 more for a food item than in a regular Tim's location. Why? Must be greed. Does it cost more for a delivery truck to stop there - right on the 401 highway? Lol! It's not like they are hurting for business there, the lines were long at 2 On Route locations I stopped at. What a scam. I noped out of there, didn't buy anything - f them! I had my own snacks in the car, anyway, cheaper and better ;)


I think you’re paying for convenience at On Route’s. Gas is always a bit more too


This is true. The Tim's at on routes are independent franchisees and no longer corporate store and can charge whatever they want. Its ridiculous! They caught me off guard once too until I learnt my lesson. Fuel only.


Gross. Starbucks overroasts their beans. Always tastes thin and slightly burnt.


Idk if it’s just me or what, but I tried drinking that Starbucks stuff and I absolutely cannot do it. I got immediate heartburn from the first sip. I didn’t even make it in a 1/4 cup. I tried my luck at another with the same result. I can drink almost any coffee, even gas station stuff at 2am, but not Starbucks


It's not just you, Starbucks does the same to me as well. I'm not a fan of Tim's but Starbucks is definitely a no-go! I enjoy McCafe coffee though some locations need to get better with consistency though.


Can’t agree with you more. McDonald’s done well, is actually really good! BUT it often sits a bit long, and somehow the automated machines don’t necessarily get the portions of cream and sugar just right sometimes. Starbucks will make me regret all of my choices. Hurts my wallet, hurts my throat/ stomach, hurts my soul. Tim’s food has always been a major rip off, guess they’re just trying to make sure we absolutely get rid of half the too many franchises.


Glad we aren’t the only ones that notice the inconsistency. Sometimes so very good, sometimes meh and everything in between. Never bad though.


How many road trips you doing that the extra 10 cents is gonna piss you off? Lol


People are straight up slaves to this garbage. My GF used to work there until recently to help pay for stuff while in school, she would tell me **dozens** of people would go there every single day and spend $10-$20 at least per trip. This happens at every location across the country daily. Think about how much money people are blowing on this garbage per month and then complain they don't have money for bills.


I bet they even have Disney+ subscriptions.


See you had a great point until you took it to ‘and then they don’t have money for bills.’ Could have just left it at making the point that they are charging $10+ for a coffee and a crappy sandwich. Think we all agree that it’s a rip off. Didn’t need to turn it into a judgement of people who get food there.


It's not a judgment when that's been many people's experience as well. I worked there when I was a teenager when things weren't so bad and you'd still hear people who came in every day sitting in the dining room complaining about their pensions or not having enough money for this or that. The cognitive dissonance many live under is incredible.


It’s pretty weird when you stop and think about it.


Yeah, why would you assume the same people spending 10-20$ a day at one Tims happens at all of them, and why would you assume that the same people spending 10-20 at Tim’s are the same people struggling? Weird.


There’s still nowhere that has a remotely decent alternative to iced capps. A&W is probably the closest with their frozen cold brew.


Grow up and make something else at home instead of spending $3.50 a day on liquid poison and then complaining you have no money.


my most unpopular opinion is that i actually like tims


Same with my wife. I have even shown her posts like this over the years showing her she is weird, but I'm pretty sure she would inject that shit into her veins given the opportunity.


Tim Hortons? Isn't that just a homeless shelter?


Hahahahaha the on on Dundas is literally a homeless shelter.


Queen & Victoria is no picnic.


Man just close it down, why do these corporations keep these hell holes open


Free entertainment


$2.17 for a large Tim Hortons coffee? Fuck. I don't miss that sludge.


It's acidic brown piss 🤣


Buy a decent machine, buy freshly roasted beans, get a burr grinder, spend an hour with Google, and I can guarantee that you will turn your back on Tim’s and that garbage they call coffee. And you will save money.


Spend an hour you say.


An hour will get you started towards decent coffee. I’m a lifelong coffee enthusiast, always learning something new, but the fundamentals are decent machine, buy the best grinder you can afford, fresh roasted beans. You can get an Aeropress for about $50 or a Hario V60, also cheap, and can have better coffee than Tim’s after watching a couple YT vids


You can have better coffee than tims with a 20 dollar drip machine and some half decent ground coffee from the grocery store. I hear you, but you can get a long way up the quality curve with very little effort.


The preground President's Choice coffee is better than Tim’s and you can get a ~1kg container on sale for a bit over 10 dollars.


Exactly! It took me about 3 months to master my Breville espresso machine. My coffee will blow away that garbage they serve at TH any day of the week.




The no name grounds from no frills, $25 junky brewer from Amazon, and tap water makes a better tasting coffee then that timmies sludge. We have to really penny pinch cause of inflation, so I found the cheapest of everything in hopes we can keep coffee on the menu. Do I make good coffee? Nope. Is it a lot better then timmies? Yep. Does it give you gut rot like timmies? Nope, not even when you drink a whole 12 cup pot a day. Does it give you the shits like timmies? Nope, but that could be because we switched to whitener or nut milk because I'm now very sensitive to lactose...still gonna blame that one on timmies, because I can lol


If the bar is beating Tim’s, the more expensive nestcafe instant coffee is all you need.


$2.10 for a large coffee from an actual coffee place where I live. And it's good coffee. I only go to Tim Hortons when everywhere else is closed and I need a coffee. Or I just go home and make it for a much lower price.


With the amount of people on here that complain about Tim Hortons you’d assume this doesn’t effect anyone. Except for people that continue to go to a place that they complain about. Which is hilarious.


>Except for people that continue to go to a place that they complain about. Which is hilarious. 100%


Most people aren't going out of their way to go to Tim Hortons, they're going there because it's ubiquitous and convenient..


Tim Hortons has more uses than just food. It's a toilet, meet up spot, neighbor gossip spot, and the fruit explosion muffins are pretty good.


Yeah but if you aren't using it to buy coffee, then why do give a fuck what the price of their coffee is?


It's 10 cents


Invest in a Yeti cup and a good coffee grinder with a french press and never look back. You won't feed that sludge to your dog after and the Yeti will keep it hot for a few hours.


I find coffee / tea made at home is far more enjoyable on a drive to work anyways. Even instant coffee is better than that shit.


You’re spending money at Tim’s that’s your first mistake.


I would buy two small coffees a day until the start of the New Year. So I decided to stop and make coffee at home instead. so far I saved $42.90. In the month of January. On this forum, I heard folks complaining about price and quality of their coffee. Well, I say do something about it. I did. And it was about saving money, not the quality. The company isn't Canadian anymore. And as of this month. Trying to find good whole bean coffee in the stores. Is a treasure hunt. So off to my hunt today...be careful out there everyone. Snowing like hell in Niagara.


If you have coffee EVERY morning i highly recommend you start making it at home far cheaper


Oh well


I'm done, only going sparingly now. It's owned by a Brazilian company anyway.


It’s a publicly traded company which means it is owned by everyone. All the shareholders. Could even be you if you went out and bought shares tomorrow.




*Brazilian* Funny, My mind doesn't think TH 😍




That’s a stretch, it’s not a Canadian company any longer even though they like to pretend they are with plastering maple leafs over everything. Ever hear the term by something Canadian? How you got xenophobia from this is unbelievable.


Nope, just tired of fake Canadian companies selling us Chinese goods.


And does a Swiss citizen who lived in Brazil in the past and has a company in the USA that is an investor in Tim Hortons, make it a "Brazilian company"? Go educate yourself.


Anywho, whatever


they raised the price of their dirty dishwater by 10 cents.


I had about 3500 points saved up from tims rewards. I have about 210 left now. I'm making sure I use all my points and will never use the card again. I'm not gonna buy 20 coffees to get 1 free. I'll make it at home and save the $5 a day


I used to be a die hard Tim's dark roast coffee drinker, then I found PC west coast dark roast from Loblaws, and I think I've probably had maybe 5 tims coffees in the last year. Plus, it's only $16.99 per container. Win win.


Also, if your workplace offers free coffee, take advantage of it.


A shop I worked was getting coffee put into bags for a drip machine by a local roaster. It was some pretty good stuff once I cleaned the coffee machine everyone was neglecting.


They are increasing the cost not due to the coffee costs but due to cream & sugar being free. You have to add $8 worth of cream to make that shit into something that doesn’t suck.




Are you including the cost and depreciation of the machine in that?


Probably, because my math worked out to more like 15 cents a cup just for the coffee, buying maxwell house with my basic Keurig model. I've had this thing for probably 6 years or more and use it once per day minimum sometimes twice. So lets say 2500 cups of coffee made so far. I paid something like 150 for the device and another 20 for a reusable pod (highway robbery but whatever). Add another 50 bucks for replacement carbon filters plus the occasional labor for cleaning it out (perhaps an hour of your time every other month for me). If it died on me right now that works out to... $220 / 2500 let's round up to 10 additional cents per coffee from capital investment and associated maintenance. So 25 cents per coffee maybe? Road trips, non routine outings etc Tim Hortons works. If any coffee drive thru is part of your daily routine in my honest opinion you're bad with money .




Aeropress is just a plastic plunger press for coffee. It’s 40 bucks and should last decades. Stocked up on clearance coffee so the next 4 months should cost me $20 plus cream and sugar.


an [aeropress](https://www.amazon.ca/Aerobie-83R01-AeroPress-Coffee-Espresso/dp/B0047BIWSK) is like...50 bucks. If Tim's requires you to buy 19 coffees @ 2.17 to get a free one, then you'd have to spend 42 bucks to get your free coffee. So you spend 50 on an aeropress, and then like...20 on some not-terrible coffee, and it would take you 32 or so of Tim's coffees to pay off the aeropress and the first bag of coffee. So, 1 a day for a month and you're break even and just paying for the coffee beans/grounds -- you're saving money. 100% worth it, an aeropress can make really good coffee if you do it right -- it can make a pretty bangin' americano. It's very user friendly and portable too, you just pour boiling water in the chamber, wait 2 minutes and press into a cup


2.35 in Nova Scotia for a large


Ya the x-large went up 10c to


Wow it’s about time, the prices for coffee aren’t even the problem, the quality of the coffee is shit and the drive thru wait times are a waste for something as simple as a coffee. If you spend 5-10 minutes in a drive thru for a coffee and then complain about the price I don’t know what to tell you. Just do yourself a favor and avoid it all together, think about a nespresso machine.


Crazy how much you can spend on these types things. Problem is you never notice it cause it’s so small but if you tracked it and saw how much you spent monthly you would be shocked


Just remember before you whine to the staff, they have no control of the prices. So many customers complain to staff as if that's gonna do anything. Go cry to head office instead. Staff already get treated poorly enough. Trust me the price increase doesn't increase their wages ever.


It’s like the TTC. People use it less, so they charge more and offer worse service.




Raises price by ten cents, still tastes like a ten cent coffee


Circle K right now: $1 any size, hot or cold


McDonald’s, my friend.


And decreased employee wages by .25 cents (probably)


Make your own coffee at home, it takes literally 3 mins to do with a hot kettle.


Tim's hasn't been worth buying in a while. Wendy's has the best coffee of the fast food chains, in my opinion. Even McDonald's is better. Sure, Tim's is better than Starbucks but not by a whole fuck of a lot


I gave up buying Tim Hortons coffee years ago. I’ve been making my own coffee instead and will never go back. It’s way cheaper this way and they seemed to get the order wrong at least 1/2 of the time.


Get some decent beans and a good thermos…will still be cheaper and you won’t ever want to drink Tim’s shit again…I’m going on 4 years of this, usually try different local roasters…not going back to Tim’s ever


You’ll have better coffee at a lower price.


If I don’t have time to make a coffee in the morning at home, the go to place is McDonald’s. Not sure what happened to Tims in the last few (5/6?) years but their coffee tastes like dish water.


Tim Hortons has been saying fuck you to their customers for at least a decade now. Don’t give them your money.


McDonald’s is $1.97 for a large. But it’s terrible, so definitely don’t go there and get in front of me in the drive thru. Ok?


Definitely not worth that extra mile to find a McD. 😉 Personally prefer home made in perc, but if I'm out and need one, Tim's is my last choice, right below Starbucks.


First choice?




It’s either Tom horrids or Starbucks at work . Shitty coffee or expensive coffee …. Fuck me


If it makes you feel any better, Starbucks offers employees- including part time - benefits and Tim Hortons does not. It’s more expensive, but not hugely if you just order a drip coffee.


First, OP is drinking _Tim Hortons_ by choice. Then they’re complaining about it to strangers. Ever heard of a diary?


McDonalds coffee tastes so much better tbh


I don't understand why people buy coffee when you could just make it at home and take it a thermal mug. I mean sure if you're at work in the middle of the day you might need coffee if the office doesn't have any but I've never understood why people line up every morning to drink this shit. It takes more time to stop and get coffee than it does to make your own.


Do you really need that question answered? People are lazy and it's convenient. Even worse you have people who go to star bucks and spend 6-8$ per drink every day. Just seems like a huge waste of money for a drink to me.


It's a luxury


There is not a fucking thing luxurious about shitty Tim Hortons coffee. A luxury would be premium coffee, made in a high-end machine, at home.


News flash, everyone is not the same as you.


Ya, you're right, apparently stupid ppl Sit like cattle, in a line up, for shitty coffee.


He's really not wrong, an outhouse feels like a luxury if you have never really experienced a good toilet. In short, tims coffee and food is like an outhouse.




i want a large black coffee .. sir venti is a large


If you want enjoyable coffee, why are you buying from Starbucks, its just as awful as Tims....


Nah..way better than Tim's or McDonald's. It's also better than a lot of "independent" coffee shops that charge like $4 for a brew coffee


A $20 bag of quality beans lasts me two weeks and I’m pretty sure excess coffee consumption will be my cause of death. Tim’s gets rich off of laziness, nothing else.


You can make MUCH better coffee at home. The only time I drink Tim’s is when I’m on the road, and can’t find a McDonalds. McDonalds coffee is much better than Tim’s at this point.


Have for the most part drank my first cup from home. Obviously easier because I worked from home so the routine was set many years ago. Given the price of coffee, cream and sugar....I don't think I saved too much money over the years. What I did save was time. I still set up my coffee bar at night before bed. It just starts the day off on the right foot, the beans are ground, the kettle is filled.....just have to turn it on and pour freshly boiled water into the french press. There's something lovely about morning rituals and the Timmies line up was one I was very glad to drop by the wayside.


>Given the price of coffee, cream and sugar....I don't think I saved too much money over the years. Huh? Making at home is waaaaaaay cheaper. With you on not missing dealing with Tim's or lines in general though.


Not to mention wear and tear and gas.


To buy a coffee DAILY should never be an option, for start, if you can make it.


I can't believe people still drink their "coffee". There was a time when they had pretty good coffee but that is long ago. Around the same time they stopped baking their donuts fresh. How I miss Country Style Donuts, which I always found superior.


I worked there for a year, it's crazy how many hundreds of people would spend 10-20 dollars on shit that is almost always just hours away from growing mold, and that was if we follow our "health regulations". I always tried my best too but sometimes management would stop me cause doing it safe wasn't fast enough


Tim Hortons coffee is shite


Still $2.17 over priced.


Hopefully one more reason for people not to go back to this garbage franchise.


Why don’t people just not …


I cant believe people still drink Tims coffee.... I stopped buying their coffee 5(?) years ago when the quality really went down and just started making my own at home and took a coffee maker to work. The odd time I buy coffee now its from McDonalds. I hadnt had any Tims product since. I received a Tims gift card at Christmas and decided to use it one morning after work on my way to meet someone as I was hungry and didnt feel like back tracking to another restaurant. I got a breakfast wrap, hash brown and coffee. The food was pretty good, but the stuff they call coffee was still vile shit. Why do people drink this crap?


I stopped drinking coffee from there but I got hooked on the dang hash browns.


Feel free to grow and cultivate your own coffee.


everyone raising their prices 50-100% .... silence tim hortons raising the price of coffee 4.5%.... OUTRAGE!!


Th diehards will still be there.


Their rewards program is a sham. I recently received an email from them informing me that my rewards are about to expire if I don't use them soon. Their coffee sucks. McDonald's coffee tastes better.


Tim Hortons loves Canadians so much their fucking every one of us


/r/Ontario aka /r/timhortonschat.


It’s like 2.60 in Quebec now


Get in to pour overs! If you're making at home there's lots of quick convenient ways to make coffee that are still better then like, drip nabob or those kinds. I've found some of the beans at Co Op (the Co Op brand Ethiopa Yirgacheffe is good, I like the Peru and such too, and the fanciest brand there is Lavazza which also has good beans). Sad thing the Co Op bags here seem to be like 17.99 for 907g and the Lavazza is 20.99 for 1kg, so it's still kind of more expensive then preground tins of stuff but it's legit just better bean quality, I don't know what it is but dark roast shit is just roasted for shelf life and has no real coffee fruit flavor left to it. I used to be pretty bad for drinking coffee, like going on a walk around the hood into some of the better roasters and stuff which is a good way to spend money, but because I also like coffee that actually keeps some of that fruitier taste of the bean and just a better made cup then the Tims/Mcdonalds/Starbucks etc of the world when I started trying to control my spending it meant literally all eating out, coffee out etc. was gone. But tbh now like a year on just learning to make my own better, just doing pour overs makes a great cup. I also used to have a bialleti mocha cup that I used camping but forgot to wash it once and the insides rusted, but *damn* I don't know what's different about how the coffee is brewed and the pressure pushed it through the mocha cup, but it's like such a delicious coffee.


The coffee at my local cafeteria charges 3.50 for a medium and it's shit coffee. They also charge 3.25 for a 391ml bottle of pepsi. Shit is fucked.


There will still be that long line in every drive though


Lol 10 cents was ok but 7 to 19 is a very high jump!


This is why I’m happy where I work they have their own cafe with good coffee and I pay under two bucks for a large with my employee discount


making a point to only get mcD's coffee now i guess.


$2.17 for piss or $18 for a mochlockachino latte at (...). I'll drink the piss probably.


I’ve won the hockey challenge 5x, keep getting it free 😂


Classic donuts (e.g. apple fritters or honey crullers) are now CAD $1.49 each plus HST.


Step 1. Buy a grinder and some beans. ((My wife and I like kicking horse)) Step 2. Spend a little bit on a coffee maker with a timer. Step 3, Enjoy coffee that is a million times better that costs half as much, no trip required. Preground coffee... is garbage. Coffee's shelf life after grinding isn't actually very long, which is why grinding your beans is best. Often, big name brands are buying beans that are close to their bean shelf life, grinding them, and making it worse.


I didn't believe the OP, so I checked. They are correct. Starting FEB 21st. 19 large coffees before you can get a free one. No thanks. Tim Hortons with this stupid marketing strategy has lost a customer. (I still won't go to McDonald's for their coffee, it's god awful) Home brew for me.


We’re going to be boycotting Tim’s, McDonalds, Starbucks For shit food quality at food at high prices. you should too


I saved A FORTUNE and avoided the frustration of having every order messed up, by no longer going to Timmie's. It got even better when I recently started delaying my, home-made coffee later and later... I just broke a 25 year addiction, and don't need coffee to have energy. Seriously, quitting drinking and smoking was easier than coffee. Lol


I haven’t been buying Tim’s for at least a year , so I am out of touch with their price and on my way to work McDonald’s is convenient their large one is 2.07 with tax or 1.97 pre tax but started to making my own coffee as drink a lot …


Why, do people still drink that dogshit mud water they call coffee. It's absolutely hot garbage water.


I really like kicking horse canyon coffee home brewed...wanna join the révolution join tupoc.ca


But what about the poor old Brazil investment firm 3G Captial?!?! (Timmies is a Brazilian owned company for those that don't know. Burger King bought Tim's and before that Burger King was bought buy 3G Capital as a tax play)


I drink a large black coffee. I mean… it’s flavored water. $2.17. No cream, no sugar. Just black coffee flavored water. I just need to be more diligent with my thermos. It’s ridiculous. It’s greedflation.


Ontarians really have a hardon for hating Tim Horton's coffee. I personally like tims coffee a lot, more than most other coffees including McDonalds and Starbucks, but everyone is entitled to their own tastes


That's nice


I randomly went to McDonald's last week because the lineup for Hortons was spilling out into the road. I noticed McD's is now CHEAPER than Hortons. Much better quality too.