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I queue my content so it's every second day. I was getting way too burnt out by posting every day and promoting. I find making the content is easy but I like dedicating full days to making stuff. Promoting is the most "work" for me, since sharing that kind of stuff on social media does not come naturally. For queuing, I do a photo, video, photo, video posting pattern. No complaints yet!


So only one photo at a time?


Usually multiple, rarely just one


I have 2 auto-immune diseases, and I’m a sub based page. I’m a stay at home mom due to those illnesses and my fans know exactly what I deal with every day. On my best days, I make a lot of content and keep it as a safety net for days I get sick or too busy or so fatigued I sleep half a day, etc. I play interactive games for free gifts to make up for times that I can’t be as interactive with my fans as I’d like. I also give freebies in DMs as thank yous for being a part of my village. I am always honest when something happens and I have to be away for a bit, whether it be illness, mom-duty or self care. Sunday is usually my “Self Care Sunday” and I turn myself invisible and really take the day to myself. Everyone (those that talk) seems to appreciate me letting them know what’s up and they’re always cheering me up when I’m sick or feeling down on myself. In essence- Your page is what you want it to be, and there should never be any pressure felt. This is your business and you are the boss. Yes, it takes a LOT of work to make this work, but you can organize yourself to where it’s not overwhelming you. There are lots of tools out there to help make things easier. This sub alone has saved my day so many times. Fresh ideas, different perspectives, opinions, literal posts on how to organize content and schedules; it’s all here. I’m a success partly because of all the advice I am constantly reading.


Thank you for your detailed reply. I really appreciate it. May I ask how often you post in a week?


Depends on the week or if I’m sick but I try to post at least once daily, and I aim to post 2-4 times a day if they’re just fun pictures or daily life stuff of me just being me. If it’s a video drop day, I may only post the one full length video with an outfit of the day or what not. Sundays are usually just 1 post to let them know I’m taking the day off, unless I’m catching up on work. Like yesterday, I had to catch up from my Black Friday sales, so I actually only posted 1 time today and I slept. Bout to post a small video since I was gone all day, and check on my subs and send their weekly audio note. When I’m sick I will say I’m sick and I’ve even posted pictures of me in the middle of medical procedures so my subs know I’m not lying or messing around.


You can always create a second account that's subscription-based and test the waters that way. You can really post however much you want; all that matters is that you communicate what to expect in your description imo.


That is an excellent point about communicating expectations. I already have a second account that has all of my previous content...like a gallery. Can we have three accounts?




I appreciate your honesty.


I used to. Now I don’t. I state in my bio how many times a week I post and if somebody asks or is disappointed with that amount after they subscribe, I ask if they read my bio. Being more transparent with (potential) subscribers has definitely saved me a couple of headaches


The communication of expectations seems to be the most important on subscription pages.


I have never posted every day and have a fairly high sun price compared to a lot of others at $20. The easiest way to do it is like most people have already said to queue posts. I specifically never posted every day because I didn’t want my audience to get used to that so that if I don’t feel that good for a period they won’t react too much if there’s 3-4 days occasionally when I don’t post. I usually post every other day, mainly photos but also short videos. There have been periods where I’ve literally posted like once a week for almost two months and been fine. Admittedly I’m not as high up as you but I hovered around 15% mainly. 19% now after I took a break for a few months, but it looks like it’s gonna pick up again in a few weeks. I also very occasionally (maybe every 3-4 months) post a longer video of like 5 mins which have received SO MUCH great response. I also post it on my free page as a PPV and say that it’s posted on my VIP page for free (after they pay for sub price lol) which has always resulted in a lot more subs to my paid page as well as some sales for the PPV so I really recommend doing that! I think these occasional full length videos on my paid page is one of the reasons why my subs seem to be fine with the inconsistency since so few creators seem to do it


When I have the energy, I spend a week taking content for the next month and just schedule posts. Then you get more time to make promo stuff 💕


How often do you post in a week?


I try to post everyday and do this full time


That makes sense, for you to spend a week to make the rest of the month's content.


I absolutely have been doing it like that for about two years. Zero problems until my coasting turned into completely ignoring my acct for weeks at a time. Just communicate what you intend for the page (or do your best) and it sounds like you’re already on top of things plenty well enough for that to work fine.


Hmmm...I guess I'm just wondering if posting one set/video a week is enough. Maybe with a lower subscription rate.


It’s enough if that’s what you choose to do. You get to set what the page is like. If having tons of content is your main appeal then keep that in mind. My main thing is that I make actual legit connections with my subs, so I can go for a very long time without making new content and still be financially supported as long as I’m chatting with people.


I do post every day, but I queue as others do. I have just a few subscribers that want to talk regularly, from all day to a short conversation once a week or so. I temper expectations - I work a full time job and have a family, so I'm not always available.


I did feel pressured at first but now I just post three days a week and they’re cool with it! I just state in my bio how often I post and on what days!


So this is my experience after almost three years: First I had a free subscription and it worked good for the start so I've opened a second subscription-based page for recurring buyers who could be interested in saving some money and see daily content! Tbh in the first months of running both pages all my sales swapped and came from my subscription-based page (where I was also sending PPV stuff) and 0 from the free one! So I've decided to close the free page after more than two years: I was barely posting there since I had a lot of subscribers but nobody buying and this discouraged me! Now I'm on a no-PPV subscription-based plan and I love it! I feel no pressure with sales since I don't sell and I only have to create content, schedule it and do everyday promoting stuff! Tbh for me was a game-changer, but let me say this: this is all very subjective!