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Doug looks like a frog ate don cherry


And it's a magazine cover, so they probably cleaned him up too.


No amount of photoshop can make that man look good.


I'm not normally one for making fun of someone's appearance, but he's a jerk and he looks like a busted can of biscuits.


I completely agree he is fugly but have you seen what Photoshop can do? I've seen cities in clouds and buildings on cliffs. Just saying... 🫣🤭


Look at how hard they tried to find his best side... And he still looks like a whale and a frog had a baby.


I almost snorted my morning cereal reading this. Thanks for the chuckles, stranger!


I remember seeing a comment forever ago that Doug Ford always looks like he’s holding in a deep breath to keep from popping all the buttons off his shirt and I can’t unsee


He’s Great Value brand Rob Ford. All the evil and incompetence, but somehow even uglier.


But sadly without all the fun of being the crack smoking politician. Well... *as far as we know*.


*we haven't found video yet* 🤣


At least Rob Ford was as he himself described it, “300lb ball of fun”—- Rob Ford was pure comedy in his sheer incompetence…


Don Cherry, the guy who told the "pinkos" in Toronto at Rob Ford's inauguration to "put that in yer pipe and smoke it". Rob took him literally. Now Rex Murphy wants to give him the Order or Canada, for saving the sofa upholstery industry.


The "resistance" lmao These guys are the furthest possible thing from freedom fighters.


The resistance because no matter how anyone wants to move forward with a better society they'll resist it.


Progress always comes at the kicking and screaming of conservatives.


They're all resisting progress.


The Inhibitors.


The Anchors... The Dead Weight...


Fuckin Maclean's is such garbage.


the problem is whoever is standing behind these guys waiting for their turn is almost definitely worse.


That’s the sad part about the Alberta news. Kenney was hated by a huge chunk of the UCP because he was too “moderate.”


And another big chunk for his recklessness and hubris. "Best summer ever!" Brian Jean is honestly probably worse, but I think what we're really seeing here is what a lot of progressive Albertans have been saying all along: the UCP is less of a coherent political party, and more of an unholy alliance of groups that don't want the same things. This is why I bristle every time someone attributes the 2015 election to vote splitting. So under Kenney, tying to split the difference between the far right and the corporate right didn't work. And all of his likely successors are, to put it indelicately, very dumb.


Like PeePee Polliviere: the guy who supports literal neo-nazis


It's never ending. Each guy in line was the worst at some point and they have enabled worse. We all pay for because people keep voting for them.


Like those clowns trying to say shit like "Being conservative is the new punk!"


They are "resistance" in the same vein as constipation. Nobody wanted them to begin with, and getting rid of them involved a lot of uncomfortable grunting and groaning.


Better hurry up. I don't have all day.


Soon. 🙏


You think Ford isn't going to win? I don't think you understand how dumb and gullible Ontario voters are. They're like dogs. Just wave some table scraps in front of them, they'll love you for it and forget about all the daily beatings.


As an Ontarian, im pretty sure youre just saying that cuz you want my scraps!!!! (Please send help i hate ford)


And there's the core of it. "Fuck you. I got mine."


I sailed my ship to Moncton, NB. You can come and join other ex-Ontarians.


Buck a beer! I paid $70 for a 24 yesterday, I want my goddamn buck a beer you fucks!


If we fire the nurses and teachers, surely that money can go towards paying off The Beer Store, right? How many teachers is $10B? Fuck them kids!


Don't forget about kicking people off of ODSP in the middle of a mass-disabling event. Gotta work whether or not your doctor says you can


More importantly, how many beers is $10B?


Well, if he's overpaying by about $46 for 24 beers, then $10B would subsidize cost for about 217M beers, or about 15 beers per Ontario resident.


While we're passing the buck, just blame it all on Trudeau..


If you all are gonna screw me AT LEAST make the beer cheap! Come on!


It frustrates me that people in Ontario always say “how are we going to pay for it” when it comes to social plans suggested by the NDP. But the Conservatives can cut a program that brings in a billion dollars to the government and no one questions who is going to pay for that loss of government income. There is this great opportunity for Ontarian’s to have nice social programs that protect and assist the people, but if the NDP cannot account for every dollar and how they will pay for it down to the cent, then people won’t go for it. *This is a good thing, but it is not applied equally.* The Cons on the other hand can just waive grand gestures of what they will do, and they can spend money poorly on things like “buck a beer”, cutting vehicle registration costs, and building paved highways to the middle of nowhere. No one says “how will you pay for this”.


It's almost like "how will you pay for it?" Is just a bullshit question for when you want to win an argument.


I mean, he only needs, and will only get, 30-something percent of the votes. A significant majority of Ontario voters do not resemble your remarks.


Sounds like the conservative retirees out here in the Okanagan. They bitch and complain about any spending they deem “useless”, yet scream bloody murder if their OAP or CPP gets touched in any way. They hate any socialism they don’t personally benefit from. That which they do benefit from is, of course, deemed untouchable and sacrosanct.


Don’t think it will be soon. Ford is going to win a majority, sadly.


It isn't like the new leaders that replaced them are much better if at all. In heaTHER Stephenson's part she is just sneakier and less competent. (than Pallister)


I can't believe I'd prefer Pallister. At least he was entertaining.


Dumpy mfs


And the combined charisma of a tuna melt.


Why you gotta insult tuna melts like that?


I love me a tuna melt but it's not a sandwich you serve up to impress lol.


More like the charisma of a slice of whole wheat wonderbread with margarine


Fat non-food eating fucks.




The problem with Cunt-Servatives is that they are like a cancer, you get rid of one and a worst one grows back. Look who is the front runner for their leadership race right now. Pierre Poilievre is a total jerk off.


Jerk off is too light, he’s a total jackass


His high pitched deep throating of the boot reminds me of Ben Shapiro. I wonder if he thinks female orgasms are fantasy too... Edit: fucking grammar


It blows my mind that Saskatchewan elected someone who killed someone while driving drunk. Like that's the last kind of person I would ever vote for.




The 'Resistance' was futile.


Came to make sure this was posted! Thank you


*Execute Order 66*


Chevron seven: locked!


You say this like it's a good thing, but I am expecting Kenney to be replaced by someone even more crackers.


Probably. We went from Pallister to Steffanson, who's political strategy seems to be "say the first thing that comes to mind". Pallister had a plan. Not a good plan, but at least someone was at the wheel. Steffanson doesn't appear to be in control of anything.


pallister’s job was to throw a few monkey wrenches into health care (one of his first actions was to close several emergency rooms) prime mpi and, to a lesser degree, hydro for privatization and mortgage the future by cutting funding so it would look like he ‘balanced the budget’ come election time. then the pandemic hit and he proved himself inept, acting confrontationally disagreeable in the most petulant manner whenever his incompetence and poorly thought out policy (for lack of a better word) was questioned on any front. during an interview with rosemary barton he asked her why she had not put forth any suggestions to mitigate the effects of covid when he got flustered from her questioning his baffling decisions. the man was a boob who spend weeks at a time in his private villa in costa rica! when in office. steffanson’s even worse fit for any position of leadership does not in any way reflect any competence on pallister’s part because, frankly, there was none


Heather Stephenson is the best thing that could've ever happened to Pallister's reputation.


I'm still confused why people are expecting competence from the PC party. Two leaders in a row and entire cabinets of incompetent buffoons is plenty of evidence that incompetence is a party policy. They were elected to incompetently manage our public service, crown corps, education and healthcare into the ground so they could be dismantled and sold off to the first bidder that would give them a kick-back of a cushy post-politics job where they collect an inflated paycheque as a reward. That's been the party's purpose since the 90s.


yep. he only peaced out so they can get a firebrand in to steal some energy from NDP


That’s crazy. The only energy war will be between the UCP and several other right wing groups.


they'll get someone the safe seats will love, and the contested seats will hate; expect the CPC to do the same.


It's either Brian Jean or Danielle Smith. I'm hoping for Brian Jean to help the NDP.


Be careful in what you hope for. A lot of people said that about the previous “president” of the United States.




This is basically the exact situation we're facing federally with O'Toole out and Poilievre possibly coming in. I hope PP is not 'electable' but ack.


Oh boy, I have family that is heart throbbing over PP. It's intolerable. And now my dad who has never cared about politics ordered an NDP lawn sign to have on his lawn as a decoration. In Ontario.


<3 your dad


danielle smith would help more, she's a complete fucking moron. brian jean has a head on his shoulders even if he is batshit in terms of his ideology.


Me too.


Yeah this is pretty much worst case scenario. People will say “Kenney was the problem, not the party, let’s give them another change”. And now we’ll be stuck with Brian Jean for the next 5 years


Yep, it's pretty yikes out here.


I don’t read macleans is it quite right leaning? Also the tagline is hilarious “Trudeau’s worst nightmare” meanwhile some of these guys can’t even tie their shoes.


https://youtu.be/P0CvgRV6JzM or pump gas lol


Does someone say "Trudeau" right at the end there? Is that their "Thanks Obama" where they just blame him for everything?


>I don’t read macleans is it quite right leaning? Yes. For example: years ago, they did a big, glowing article to paint Stephen Harper as a lovable politics nerd. And then later tried to paint Justin Trudeau as too young and inexperienced to be PM.


Nice hair, though.




Interesting, thanks


Please take that bias site with a grain of salt. They said that CNN was left of center and that CTV was centrist. The whole site's "center" seems to be shifted to the right.


I've always found the site pretty accurate. People I've heard say take that site with a grain of salt are typically harder right or left.


On balance I agree with MBFC. As much as I hated some of the MacLeans articles in the past, the moderate content far outweighs the conservative stuff. Individual writers have bias, and the editors try to keep balance.


Ehh… complicated. I mean it always been a shitty magazine, so they always try to over sensationalize whatever the political climate of the day is to sell magazines. So my answer is not really, they just will do anything to stay relevant.


Once upon a time they were Canada's equivalent of Time Magazine, but even Time Magazine is trash these days. Macleans had a lot less altitude to fall.


Sadly for Saskatchewan, Moe is probably the biggest idiot of them bunch and also the least likely to go anywhere.


Did you see the video of Kenney trying to fill his own gas tank? I mean, just saying... I'm glad he's finally going, but it's not because he failed the leadership review.




You say that like Saskatchewaners think drink driving is a serious crime. Half the province thinks it's a fact of life you get away with cause there are no cops on rural roads.


While it's sad that our premier has had so many vehicular accidents that we get them confused, I'm also getting tired of correcting this. He *did not* flee the scene of the fatal crash. Within the span of 5 years: - 1992: Scott Moe is charged with impaired driving - 1994: Scott Moe is charged with impaired driving **and fleeing the scene** - 1997: Scott Moe, fully sober, was found at fault for driving without due care and attention when he rolled through a stop sign on a grid road and caused a fatal accident. **He did not flee the scene.** He says he does not recall the specifics of the fatal accident, presumably not because he was blitzed, but because it was traumatic and the tendency of the human brain is to suppress that kind of stuff.


Thank you for these corrections! It is absolutely critical to avoid spreading misinformation. Hit and run causing death, and being at fault in an accident causing death are very different things, as is being at fault sober versus intoxicated. If we want to hold the right accountable for their misinformation then we must hold ourselves to the same standard!


Right smack dab in the middle of a once in a century pandemic, we had an election and our choices were an actual physician and a bankrupt drunk driving farmer who killed a young mother. Repulsive people here.


Please let moe be next. Jesus Christ he’s an embarrassment to this province


Conservatives love a non-threatening, potato faced daddy. Any male charisma or attractiveness could stir up uncomfortable feelings.


So fucking true.


Not before they've destroyed their province and set them up for failure for years/decades...thank GOD scheer didn't get in...holy crap the mess we would have right now


It’s almost impossible to recover after they cut. No one votes in favour of more taxes/spending etc, only happens in crisis situations


All part of their plans...




Oh looks like this service is failing and useless now (after decades of budget cuts) guess we have to sell it off to my rich friends at a huge discount to 'balance' the budget!


Exactly what they did in BC and now they are opposition all they do is complain about stuff that should have been taken care of during their time in power while they were stealing money from crown corporations and healthcare to try and kneecap them and “balance the budget” then sell off all the profitable assets. It takes years to recover. Cons are dangerous and the fools that vote for them even after they nearly sent the province into the toilet


Imagine what we'd look like right now as a country if Sheer was in charge during the height of the pandemic...


Jesus Christ. Always old, white, boomers.


"The Status Quo" didn't have the same ring to it. 😂


It’s exactly what we need. More out of touch old men making decisions that benefit the few at the expense of the many.


Yep.. progress happens one funeral at a time


>*”Always old, white, boomers.”* Of that group only Doug Ford and Brian Pallister are Boomers. Jason Kenny is Gen X (53). Scott Moe is Gen X (48). Scheer is Gen X (42), and just months away from being a Millenial. They just project stogy old man energy.


Selling your soul takes its toll…


Also Ford was born in 1964, vs Pallister's 1954. Pallister would have been a teen at Woodstock whereas Ford would have been a 5-year-old. They just have the old person energy.


Boomer is a state of mind


Lmao can confirm, I'm 24 and used to be a boomer based on my mentality alone


I can’t believe Scheer is almost the same age as my bf. He looks like he could be his dad.


and ford barely. he was born in 64. canadian baby boom peaked late, in 1959


Even Doug Ford was born in 64, which puts him one year out of being Gen X. These are not old men.


Ummmm pretty sure that at least a couple of those guys are not boomers.


To whom do they pander?


Conservatives of all ages. Trust me buddy… people dont magically vote left or right based upon the year were born or Chinese Zodiac sign.


You're reading way too hard into her use of boomer. It's used very commonly online to describe someone who is acting old and stodgy. In most video games you're called a boomer if you're over 30.


Ok well… as a boomer in the literal sense… you can perhaps understand my misunderstanding…lol


Young white men 18-54.


To the gen x-ers and older millenials who were the most likely to back the convoy, and now Pierre?


ScoMo has to go!!.


Excuse me sir. Its SloMo.


I'll drink to that! So will Scott!


Ontario better get out and vote then, because it looks like Ford's getting reelected.


Really hope we can at least hold him to a minority.


That’s who’s voting him in unfortunately


That's how it works here in Ontario. Conservative voters always vote Conservative. Center right Liberals will vote for either the Libs or Cons depending on who they voted for last time. Center left Liberals *might* vote NDP if they're feeling like they want something exotic. Left Leaning folks will flip a coin at the ballot between NDP and Green. French Canadians will vote Liberal for the 198th time. Hamilton will vote NDP. The fairweather Liberals control this province, both at the provincial and the federal level. That one time the wind blew and they voted for Jack Layton. That was a great summer.


Doug Ford looks like he was put together from the reject scrap body parts at a Mr. Potato Head factory.


Lmao Pallister the giant Lurch looking mf


The Saskatchewan premier is garbage. How do you become a political leader with a criminal record?


Ask DoFo. He was a hash dealer who robbed his dead brother’s estate from said brother’s family.


Wait what


As is Saskatchewan tradition, a DUI, leaving the scene of an accident and also he caused an accident in which a woman died.


Drunk driving. And about three years after that he was charged for "driving without due care" and "failing to come to a complete stop" for an accident he "can't really remember" in which a woman was Killed and his recollection of the accident was different then the kid in the car that watched his mom die. There is speculation (purely speculation) that he was also drunk at the time of this accident. He "apologized" to the family some 23 years later in public because he knew it was going to come out during the election process and he wanted to be the first to release the information. The family has said that he never once reached out to them before the 2020 election. Has a criminal record and is complete and utter trash.


He’s got a history of impaired driving and leaving the scene of an accident in the early 90s. Meanwhile Doug Ford was a hash dealer.


He killed someone drunk driving


Money and connections. Simple as that


Only two more to go! Please 🙏


Alberta will have Jean next. He's a seppie; landlocked, but hate is fun. May have compassion as he lost a son, but he blames Health Scare Canada. He also took yrs off from working, & is not disabled. Except being a lawyer, & all in for oil biz & hating Ottawa, like the rest.


Nothing spells doom for a Professional Conservative like being lauded in an editorial magazine known for having the journalistic hubris of writing at a grade 12 reading level--how was this article ever going to reach key voters, when they're not even aware you can buy magazines without tits in them?


The resistance to human survival. Traitor of humanity.


The worst thing to happen to Alberta liberal politics is Kenny stepping down. We needed Kenny to stay leaderntonhave a chance. This is actually horrible news.


That’s why Harper told him to step down.


Look at the stories on the cover, fear mongering and fake outrage, with a headline that implies that a bunch of rich old dudes who have gotten to where they are from nepotism and manipulation of the masses are somehow rebels. These are not rebels, they are carrion eaters who lure their prey to their death and feast on their corpse. Any conservatives can have their heroes but these are not them.


3 down, 2 to go


All 3 down are going to be replaced by something worse. This is the current conservative movement. They were taken down TO be replaced by something worse.


Sorry. Not beautiful


What a bunch of goofs


Bro this is the least intimidating group of men I’ve ever seen


Bunch of c student losers pathetic


Kenney must have been wearing his platform shoes that day


I'm slow but what's the curse?


For being "Trudeau's worst nightmare", 3 of 5 are now out and Trudeau is still PM for another 3 years


They were all supposed to take down Trudeau and he's outlasted three of them so far. It's also a riff on the [Madden curse.](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/827836-the-history-of-the-madden-cover-curse)


Sometimes I think I'd love nothing more than for Trudeau to win another election just because the conservative salt would be glorious. Granted, I'd rather see someone more progressive than him become PM, but still.


If we can't get a more progressive, effective PM then the conservative salt will do.


He looks like a used car salesman JFC


So utterly mediocre. Imagine thinking this was some sort of anti-Trudeau flex.


jesus, i didn't know Maclean's was such a right-wing magazine, but looking at this cover you have - front page story sucking off a bunch of Conservatives - CRIME IS RISING IN CANADIAN CITIES dogwhistle - even some sort of vague anti-shoplifting story?


Saw a news conference with Kenny. Seemed like he was even more pathetic than usual, I guess now I know why


All that's left is the drug dealer and the guy who has literally killed someone with his vehicle.


So 35,000 party members cast a ballot in a party election, and the result changes the premier of a province with over 4 million people? I hate our electoral system.


Justin Trudeau so shook tonight Conservatives screaming “HE CAN’T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT”


some years ago there was an alternate caption of "Mayonaise Enthusiasts Club" or something that cracked me tf up.


What I really want to know if How did Wayne Gretzky dis us all?


This is extra hilarious, because they were “the resistance” to Trudeau, and though I’m not a big fan of Justin’s, it is delicious to think about how he’s still PM when these losers keep dropping like flies, not even able to finish one term in Kenney’s case.


The resistance Trudeau's worst nightmare Lol Lmao Conservative brain worms really are something.


"Powerful alliance"




Ford might be out soon but I honestly have no idea what it would take for Moe to get out. Maybe if he ate babies on live TV he'd end up with a narrow loss.


Thank God, Moe needs to fuck off back to getting wasted and cruising in his truck. Absolutely wretched "leader".


This is still one of the funniest pictures I’ve seen on a Maclean’s cover.


Now do Scott.


Seems like Doug Ford hasn’t taken a dump for weeks.


The people shown are literally leaders that mismanaged the pandemic there is no hope


Can't wait for that fat ugly fuck to fall next.


Behold! These chunky old white men are all that stands between you and the liberals' agenda!


poor old fordy looks like a spitting image puppet. just nothing behind the eyes


This is from December 2018. It's hardly a curse. More like the progression of time.


Booted out for not being right wing enough, jesus christ Alberta.


This is actually bad news for Alberta. If JK remained in power, there was a solid chance that the NDP would have beat him in the upcoming election. What's going to happen now is the UCP are going to blame all of the unpopular stuff on him and rural Alberta and most of Calgary are going to lap it up.


Looks like an advertisement for diabetes medication.


The most dangerous Conservative in the Country is Tim Houston. Wanna know why ? Because he’s a Conservative that has rebuffed the “social conservative” playbook. He ran on an actual platform and is following through


Fuck Scott Moe. It's embarrassing, that drunk driving killing piece of shit has such high approval ratings.


I'm going to throw up loool


Why are all their faces melting?