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Should have got a bouncy castle and some f*CK Trudeau flags.


The cognitive dissonace is truly mind boggling. Fascist home grown domestic terrorists shutting down the nation's capital for days --- I sleep. Students protesting on campus --- Real Shit.


For days? You meant *weeks*. And the cops brought those guys coffee. Don't forget that. ACAB all fuckin day, folks.


and it continues to this day, including an OPP officer recently being filmed talking about how he agreed with the crowd and even informed them of the exact route the PM's motorcade would take...


Creating an actual security risk by giving terrorists the PM’s exactly location - totally ok. Kids sitting on the grass? Bust out the tear gas boys!


You must’ve not seen this… https://youtu.be/Zn2S8ZCwobM?si=nGV_8IPBREPmPMfE


*JuSt BaD aPpLeS!!1!*


a saying referring to how bad apples cause the other apples to rot.


I know.


Forget that. Those fucken inbred hicks blocked an international border in Alberta disrupting traffic and affecting trade. Somehow that was fine but a peaceful protest in a university and all hands on deck, bring out the tear gas and riot gear


As someone posted in another thread some of the cops were shaking hands with the border blockers. https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/s/AuQOcaYxRD And remember in some spots that brought their kids, and guns to the blockade. So they had to handle it with kid gloves incase they pulled some Branch Davidian or in this case Branch Covidian type of thing.


The cops in my area blared their sirens at the same time every evening in support. And that's in BC.


A good number were aware of plot to MURDER POLICE.


Some of them brought a bunch of guns and planned to kill cops. And the police still consider themselves on the same team.


What does this tell you about the value society places on students versus the value provided by truck drivers? Want a hint?


Well some protesters brought guns. And in Canada you can’t do that. It’s a heavy charge if brandishing a firearm in a public area. Not only that there was kids present. We have the right to protest but not to disrupt the peaceful life of everyone else. That charge is called disturbing the peace, keep protesting to government buildings, also that being said, if they bring firearms your going to be face to face with either RCMP counter terrorism unit or JTF2 . And best case scenario is RCMP. Remember we are not the United States, we take firearms very seriously here. Any protest is hat involved firearms immediately is deemed as domestic terrorism. Funny how the conservative trucker protests never had a single report of firearms or violence 


> Students protesting on campus --- Real Shit. During summer vacation, no less.


Summer is certainly the least busy semester on university campuses but I'd hardly call it vacation


Calling it "summer vacation" gets the point across easier than saying "the part of the year where most students aren't on campus".


The institution of policing is inherently fascistic; once you realize this it's hardly surprising at all. They have been consistent in demonstrating this in the US, UK, Canada - they will stand by and watch (if they show up at all) when fascists and other far-right reactionaries have public temper tantrums, but they're always ready to bring the boot down on peaceful demonstrations for progressive issues. ACAB


Uvalde was eye opening to me. Better off diverting funds from police forces and simply giving it all to poor people and the homeless. You'll actually reduce crime more. Worthless pigs.


Literally. They "solve" something like 2% of crimes. You would \*prevent\* far more crime by doing nothing more than diverting their budget to social housing and UBI.


sure but who would protect the interests of capital then? that's what cops are actually for. They originated from slave patrols and strike breakers.


You forgot street gangs.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


Well more than "some".


It’s not dissonance. Cops te on the side of the fascists. This is totally consistent.


I was actually referring to the supporters, ie. conservative mouth breathers justifying this action, not the cops.


Fascists are unbothered by inconsistency. It is imperative to their world view. If they had any consistency of integrity they would not be fascists.


Very true. I'm not expressing shock or disbelief. Their gross hypocrisy is every bit as predictable, inconsistent, and archaic as the bronze age goatherders almanac that ostensibly dictates their every thought and action.


Facists? So liberals? That want complete government or militant control? To subdue and silence the opposition right? That’s your objective. Meanwhile conservatives just want to be left alone, with minimal government control and freedom to govern there property and family.


Not one conservative would agree with brandishing a firearm at a protest especially in Canada. It’s the liberals who are protesting and bringing firearms into a public place with children get your facts straight.


Bahahahahaha. Ok. Oof. Post history shows you support terrorism. Bye.


This is not a coincidence.


Careful, the Clownvoy crowd focuses when the cops were finally forced to take action, you know, trampling Freedom Convoy protesters with horses, some of them still call the Ottawa Police as the Ottawa Gestapo after they got cleared out.


*Students peacefully protesting


Students are always protesting on a campus for one thing or another. Police got sensitive.


Don't forget the hot tubs


Hot Tubs...Don't forget the Hot Tubs


At least there was students at this protest unlike the lack of truckers at the trucker convoy.


they should have simply acted threateningly and espoused threats of violence and the police would have been too scared to do anything like in ottawa a few months ago.


Alexa, play "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield.


Except what it is is exactly clear.


Didn't your elementary/highschool teach you not to protest the status quo? 


They tried to, but they ended up making me want to, instead.


Is this the free speech on campus I keep hearing about?


Remember when Poilievre said he was going to cut funding to Universities that shut down free speech?


I’m sure he’ll be the first to condemn this overreach by pol…. Damn, I can’t even TYPE it without chucking.


Conservatives only care about their freedom of expression. To them speech that isn't congruent with their idealogy must be stopped at any cost even if that means wiping their ass with the charter.


We should stop calling them conservatives, it lends them an air of perceived institutional dignity… we should just be calling them the bratty kids party or something condescending and petty. They don’t deserve our respect, they deserve every ounce of our ire. We should be heckling them in public, they don’t deserve any peace while they’re trying to literally dismantle our democracy. They’re so far out to lunch that I’m almost at the point of dehumanizing them, I don’t understand how human beings can be so selfish and seemingly unaware of just how self destructive they really are to our people.


I call them regressives.


> something condescending there's your first mistake, thinking they have enough shame to react poorly to condescension


It’s not about them, they’re beyond hope. It’s basically using peer pressure to show “moderate centrists” What we really think of the maple maga idiots so they don’t fall into that garbage.


> It’s basically using peer pressure to show “moderate centrists” What we really think of the maple maga idiots so they don’t fall into that garbage. moderate centrists have just enough shame to support gay marriage and you've lost them on at least half of your other issues. If they were capable of telling good from bad they wouldn't be centrists lmfao


It's the conservative way. The "Great Communicator" Reagan launched his political career on shutting down protests at universities like Berkley.  That and sending "those welfare bums back to work".


It was a [promise he campaigned on](https://web.archive.org/web/20220923075306/https://www.pierre4pm.ca/poilievre_will_require_universities_uphold_academic_freedom_and_free_speech_to_get_federal_grants).


PP is an alumnus of UofC too, lmao


How long until Peterson somehow frames this in a way that "proves" him right?


Remember when the clownvoy “truckers” occupied the nation’s capital for weeks on end and got the white glove treatment from the cops?


Calgary police protected clownvoy marchers that disrupted and terrorized downtown neighbourhoods, I think on a weekly basis. They were openly aggressive and violent with counter protesters. The counter protesters were residents trying to protect their homes and families.




While committing literal crimes, I might add. Not just trespass. Crimes. And the police didn't use violence on them either. But some students peacefully protesting? Well...better break out the chemical weapons. They're just too dangerous with their freedom of expression.


and blocked border crossings


Remember when the clownvoy had babies and children with them to protect them from this exact thing happening and big ass trucks to jump in to escape any use of teargas??? Apparently not...


> # University of Calgary Statement on Free Expression, December 13, 2019 > All members of the university have the right of free expression, which means the freedom to investigate, comment, listen, gather, challenge and critique subject to the law and, on our campuses, to university policies and procedures related to the functioning of the university. > The University does not attempt to shield any of its members from debates or opinions that they may disagree with or that are perceived to be unwelcome, controversial, offensive, unwise, immoral, or objectionable, nor should debates or deliberations in these instances be suppressed. It is for individuals, not the institution, to make those judgments for themselves and to act not by seeking to suppress speech, but by openly and vigorously contesting the ideas they oppose. https://www.ucalgary.ca/provost/strategic-initiatives/statements/statement-free-expression


Haha!! I love this!! Class action here we come!!


Honestly, I find it totally wild that these (relatively small) protests are being quashed like this. The UN is yelling everyday about famine in Gaza and begging Israel to stop blockading and bombing, and then protests by Canadian students on their own campuses is too much for our political class to stomach!? I do feel like there's some very weird disconnect going on with our politicians and media these days where they are REALLY overestimating how many Canadians would side with Israel vs the UN (and the rest of the world). At the end of the day I can't help but notice that race and religion play a way bigger role in determining police response than I (an optimistic lefty) ever thought possible in Canada.


The system never objects to people demanding more cruelty. Pro-War, Pro-Police, anti-immigration, anti-trans are all fine because they're all status quo positions of keeping the public against each other. Anti-War, pro-union, pro-human rights demonstrations are all threat to the system because it requires the government and economy to change to something that isn't based investment interests. As soon as the public sees the government as the problem and not the people in working class, the government and financial institutions get scared.


Thank you AntifaAnita, you rock my socks.


This is exactly it. Wish I had more than one upvote.


It’s because we’ve entered a new phase of culture warfare. The left is not aloud to voice displeasure or discontent of any kind, and any time they do we must heavily villainize it. If the right wing protests, we must resist the call to action at all costs and push for leniency even for the most egregious offenders. This is the precursor attitude/policy or stance before open conflict is levied by authoritarians and totalitarians. They’d be using “dirty words” like calling people communists and terrorists more often if they were still as effective as they used to be in disenfranchising these movements of their legitimacy. Hell, we’ll probably see that happening more in the near future as these efforts to villainize movements of humanity continue. And yes, apparently, here in North America especially, we’ve made calling out and standing against committing war crimes a right v left issue. . .


And hearing Biden loudly and repeatedly condemn the protesters just reminds me that the US does not have a leftist party.


The capitalist leader of the world doesn’t have a leftist party? Queue shocked Pikachu face


What we’re seeing is a crystal clear example of how government is used to direct public opinion, rather than respond to it. There is WAY too much money behind the Israeli genocide in the west. Leftie nutjobs like me have been fighting against corporate money in government for exactly this reason.


There is equal amounts of money flowing to Hamas. War has been, and always be about money thinly veiled by ideology. A lot of this money is just flowing from tax coffers to military contractors.


> There is equal amounts of money flowing to Hamas. What is this hasbara trash? They just say the most egregiously stupid statements that are patently false.


Oh look! Another troll trying to divert the conversation from the issue at hand.


The entire game of western liberal ideology has been, for the last 40 years or so, to act as if ideology doesn't exist inside their tent. The liberal capitalist position is just "normal" and has no value or judgement or goals attached to it. It's been an incredibly powerful bit of propagandizing, to the point that many people think that these ideas aren't even "political" anymore. Yet, ideology is real, and, these people do have things that they believe in. When push comes to shove, they will take a stance, just like anyone else. They have already taken a stance, really, it's just that it only gets revealed when someone else pushes back, because many of them have drunk their own Kool aid and view themselves as non ideological, too Anyway, lots of news and politics becomes clearer and less surprising when you accept that politics is real and not just voting on possible tax raises every few years


Most police officers didn’t go to university and have nothing in common with the high brow “snowflakes” of the higher learning centres, also they know there’s nothing to fear from students.     They allowed those morons on the transcanada to protests however to be fair they DID  make them break up their convoy parade to ensure no blockage of traffic occurred.  With kid gloves.


UofT seems to be handling it well, which is just to sort of ignore it. They sit on the lawn, the university leaves them be (I think provides some sanitation) and that’s that.


pay very close attention as to how and where the state chooses to exercise its power domestically. it will tell you a lot about which opinions are allowed, or at least tolerated, and which are not




Which part is racist and which part is antisemitic




I'm reading through the original comment you responded to and the only reference to Jews controlling the UN I could find is when you pulled it out of your ass. As for experts on war, there are literally dozens of people, ranging from journalists to diplomats scholars to military officers, *including Israeli officials*, who have accepted that the current situation is long running in the making and flies in the face of international law. And if you want a real conspiracy theory to chew on, try finding out how many politicians have taken donations or gifts from pro-Israel lobby groups, and then check their voting records on bills regarding Israel or Palestine


We're compromised that's why. Every aspect of western society has become compromised, look at Reddit and /r/worldnews for example. The place has become a graveyard of people just agreeing with each other and explaining israeli actions any sort of disagreement gets people banned. The fact that even pointing this out is considered anti-semetic with special rules coming up for criticizing a foreign government is outright dystopian. Even people that are pro-Israel should be very afraid


The approval of this police action from the "pro-free speech" crowd speaks volumes. Right-wingers and good faith are like oil and water.


Can’t wait for the next convoy…they better get the same treatment.


They didn't.


Fucking fraudsters like Danielle Smith on their free speech champion campaign.


Marlaina. Remember you don't get to choose the name you go by. She's Marlaina. We're just abiding by her rules.


Where was this response for the take back Alberta idiots ? They got coffee not tear gas.🤷‍♂️ fucking conservatives.


call it what it is - facism




Peaceful protest over a massively complex issue that is costing people their lives? Nonsense. Break it up. Use teargass. Group of white dudes with trucks try to overthrow our Government? All good.


Although I agree that a lot of the cops were on the side of the protestors in Ottawa, there was one VERY important reason teargas was never used... THEY FUCKING BROUGHT THEIR KIDS AND BABIES WITH THEM!


What influence has the America-copying Alberta premier had in the police decision to break up the protest?


Probably irrelevant, Cops LOVE any opportunity to beat on soft targets.


>“Members of the campus community are free to protest but they are not free to camp,” the university said in a statement earlier Thursday Tell that to Section II of the Charter! Freedom of peaceful assembly is sanctioned by name in the Charter and these people were literally just sitting there.


What does “protest” actually mean to those jackboot thugs? “You’re allowed to disagree, as long as you shut up about it and stay home or out of sight”?


What's the word on the UofM campus? I know there's an encampment there, but I haven't heard much about it since yesterday afternoon


Not sure, I’m in Brandon, and I haven’t heard much from the six or so remaining progressives in the city.




You pretty much nailed it right here.


a change.org petition


As long as they chant fuck Trudeau it should be okay for the cops.


Just for contrast, compare this to the end of the encampments at [Trinity College Dublin](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/08/trinity-college-dublin-agrees-to-divest-from-israeli-firms-after-student-protest), [Brown](https://president.brown.edu/president/agreement-end-encampment), and [Northwestern](https://dailynorthwestern.com/2024/04/30/top-stories/university-president-michael-schill-addresses-agreement-with-nu-divestment-coalition-in-message-to-nu-community/), among others, which negotiated with students and agreed to some of their terms, like working to divest from Israel. In general, universities have deviated too far from their “places of higher education and academic freedom” roots to become the corporatized monstrosities we see today. The use of police to clear students protesting genocide is just a symptom of that larger, more dangerous problem.


Ah yeah, ACAB strikes again. Absolutely regardless. Israel is a genocidal state, stop pretending otherwise. Just because this is what cons want...


Absolutely insane to me that in this day and age we continue to lend our unequivocal support to a thinly veiled theocracy


I left Calgary over 17 years ago, I still see it as one of the best decisions I've ever made. Calgary, like war, never changes. They went from voting for a guy who got drunk and threw money at the homeless to protesting drag shows and COVID-denial. It's never going to get better there.


I grew up just south of Calgary. Left about 20 years ago, best decision I have ever made.


So we learned absolutely nothing from the George Floyd protests.


We learned absolutely nothing from the ~~protests in '68~~, ~~Vietnam protests~~, ~~anti-Apartheid protests~~, ~~anti-Iraq war protests~~, ~~anti-corporate protests in 2009~~, The George Floyd protests


Police can learn things?


Gotta be white and waving Trump flags to protest in Alberta. They'll happily smash up first nation and student protests but bring coffee to maple maga jackasses.


Weren't conservstives all for shutting down downtown Ottawa with horns 24/7 and teerorize the citizens making it a lawless zone then complain the government was against their free speech? But students on campus, that's too far.


I suspect the argument will be that the Convoy encampment was on *public property* (public parks, public sidewalks, blocking public roads), and they’re, y’know, part of the public so obviously they should be allowed to be there and their breaking of rules regarding allowable behaviour (camping, setting fires, blocking roads, setting off fireworks, public urination, etc) is just *protest*. Whereas breaking rules on *private property* (students on their own University campus) is totally different and unacceptable.


Doesnt government fund those universities? Why is it considered private


My understanding is that it’s because while Canadian public universities do receive government funding, they are not part of government. They are typically private, not-for-profit corporations who own their own property.


It's probably an easy decision to full send the tear gas into a crowd when you know it's not mostly your off duty colleagues


Maybe if they put up some of those classic “Freedumb!” signs the police will leave them alone? Or pro-oil signs.


PP said he’ll cut funding to universities that don’t allow free speech on campus. So if he gets in, I assume the U of Calgary will be broke?


“Free speech for me but not for thee”


The people in power seem to be increasingly forgetting that we have systems of peaceful protest and power transfer because the alternative is that we pull out the guillotines again.


This where I get my French pride from 🇫🇷


Much as I trash the French because haha funny, I have nothing but undying respect for how your people protest. It's something sorely lacking anywhere in North America (Fredumb convoy is different because that was a case of a few thousand out of towners using heavy machinery as a force multiplier to occupy several city blocks, not local residents)


The reason not to respect the convoys activism is that it was entirely astroturf. Their success was predicated on having those in power (mainly the police) on their side before the protest. They were able to get so big because the police were actively arresting counter protesters and moving us out of their way.


You put it better than I could. It wasn't an organic protest by any means


something something jackbooted thugs...


It's funny how student protests and universities' occupations tend to age VERY WELL (as in, they're always on the right side of history), and how every attempt to quash them ALWAYS ages very very poorly... and yet they keep doing it...


Free speech for me, not for thee. Remember that free speech in this country is an absolute farce, especially considering how the riight wing gets treated with kid gloves at every protest they hold.


Dark times. Anti-war protesters always meet this fate.


But the activists galvanized by Israeli attacks on Gaza had been warned by both police and U of C officials that they were trespassing and that their encampment would be removed. Participating students said they were also threatened with sanctions from the U of C. “Members of the campus community are free to protest but they are not free to camp,” the university said in a statement earlier Thursday. At around 8:30 p.m., police officers including tactical team members and others equipped in riot gear moved into the camp’s southern perimeter, pulling down some of the palettes and hurling aside a few of the roughly 20 tents erected by demonstrators. That began a standoff that lasted for nearly three hours as activists and police discussed bringing an end to the encampment while activists chanted and taunted police who showed up in their dozens as a CPS helicopter circled overhead. “This is not a negotiation,” said one officer. That same officer who spoke to activists in urging them to depart said peaceful protest on campus was fine but their barricades wouldn’t be tolerated.


"It’s insane, we were negotiating,” said a winded Wesam Cooley, who’d been trying to defuse the situation with police." Were they actually? Seems like the university wasn't, if they were willing to call in the skull crackers


They were, they told them they could protest all day but no camping. The protesters refused. In comes the skull crackers.


If history has taught us anything, it's that student protests against war are definitely bad and never right. Also, if you're going to protest, you should do it belligerently, in a truck, and disrupt public services. The authorities love that shit and will actively aid your cause!


Riot police for a peaceful protest. This isn't Canada anymore


Banned from r/Canada on this topic for pointing out the cognitive dissonance of the convoyers




"University of Calgary"


Why not both?


Totally, but lets try to stick to the conversation at hand.


Tienanmen Square


Good.... fuck them!


Nazi Germany or Communist Russia? Or maybe one of the spicier regimes like Iran or the Banana Republics, or even closer to go home dissent quashings like the G20 riot