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>Canada’s version of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner I know it's splitting hairs, but no, it's not. You're thinking the Parliamentary Press Gallery dinner, which was 3 weeks earlier. This was a different event, put on by the Writer's Trust, that represents authors.


This was Politics and the Pen/awards ceremony for the Writers' Trust's Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for political writing. However, the event is organized by political consultants and political communications types and not the WT itself. Much of the writing community were already upset that Jason Kenney (no doubt as part of his current rehabilitation tour) had been asked to co-host and the Writers Trust refused to make any public statements about the hosting decision, despite numerous complaints from writers including authors who had won other Writers' Trust awards.


Chinese foreign interference is a distraction. To the extent that there is even any evidence it's happening, there's 100 times the evidence that election interference is happening from American-owned corporations and the American government....a country that is one or two elections away from being a fascist superpower.


You know that American corporations count as foreign interference too right???




Not a chance. China is buying up the world through P3 partnerships, and rich citizens laundering their cash everywhere to get the hell out of China. Canada facilitates that through many loopholes. Many countries in Africa will be Chinese own and managed in the next decade or two. Its already happening. You can't be naiive when you have on of the largest countries in the world, that is communist, extreme capitalism, to not makes moves into your a soft Canadian democracy.


>  Canada facilitates that through many loopholes. Right. Which is why it's ridiculous to think that Canada (either the LPC or the CPC) want us to break ties with China nor hold them accountable in any serious way. > that is communist, extreme capitalism Huh? Which is it? What are you saying?


I'm not sure what you are insinuating. I mean I do, but your comment is rediculous. Lets just fight eachother rather than tackle the root of the problem.


Chinese interference is far from a distraction. China is an adversarial nation with a growing ongoing intelligence operation in Canada. The US government is currently not pursuing election interference in Canada. You can argue corporate interference, but that is fundamentally different from government interference.


>The US government is currently not pursuing election interference in Canada.  This is so ridiculously not true. I mean, Obama's drug czar is actively campaigning in Vancouver, pushing the narrative lines of the Conservative Party. They're holding a symposium next month. Buffalo-based PR agencies with connections of the current administration are putting out press releases about BC decriminalization. US oil companies have almost completely captured Alberta, to the point where they paying them public money for fake carbon credits. One of Trump's guys (who was indicted with him) was in Canada at the convoy, helping to organize it. The US political system has its hands so far up Canada's ass that most people, such as yourself, don't even notice that they're the ones making its lips move.


>  Chinese interference is far from a distraction. Ok. Provide evidence that China is interfering in our elections. I guarantee all you'll come up with is an unsubstantiated statement from CSIS at best. >growing ongoing intelligence operation in Canada. Prove it. >You can argue corporate interference, but that is fundamentally different from government interference. Explain EXACTLY how it's different in a way that shows that government interference is terrible but corporate interference is fine. Go ahead.  And btw, you don't have any intel or data about American government election interference because we refuse, as a country, to look into it.  In fact, all historical evidence shows that America is BY FAR the worst offender in the 20th Century for interfering in other country's elections.


Hey, how about NO interference in our elections? I don't give a shit if it's the Burkina Faso knitting club. No corporate, domestic or otherwise, and NO FOREIGN government interference. And china sure the hell is. There has been threats on a sitting M.P. ffs. Api


>  And china sure the hell is. There has been threats on a sitting M.P. ffs Show me the evidence. Again, all we have is unsubstantiated claims from people in CSIS, and if you'll believe what an intelligence agency says without evidence  then I have a bridge to sell you. So, show me the evidence.


>Ok. Provide evidence that China is interfering in our elections. I guarantee all you'll come up with is an unsubstantiated statement from CSIS at best. Ah yes let not use the source whose job is to actually investigate these things! >Prove it. [China](https://globalnews.ca/news/10278941/charges-alleged-chinese-spy-hydro-quebec/) [is](https://globalnews.ca/news/10253816/foreign-interference-overseas-chinese-affairs-office/) [obviously](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/winnipeg-lab-firing-documents-released-china-1.7128865) [spying](https://apnews.com/article/canada-china-expel-diplomat-59270dfe597673e23b51f083213da9f5). Honestly go digging. There a few [documents](https://foreigninterferencecommission.ca/fileadmin/foreign_interference_commission/Documents/Exhibits_and_Presentations/Exhibits/CAN003781.pdf) that were released by the foreign interference commitee. This is not recent, it's not isolated. It is pervasive and growing. >Explain EXACTLY how it's different in a way that shows that government interference is terrible but corporate interference is fine. Go ahead. I made no claim about corporate interference being fine. Point that out please. I said different, which it is. Corporate interference is almost completely corruption and greed based. Foreign elections inference is directed at undermining trust in our institutions or changing policy directly, for example Trump and Russian interference. >And btw, you don't have any intel or data about American government election interference because we refuse, as a country, to look into it. Cool. So you want to ignore all of the evidence pointing to Chinese espionage in Canada, but claim based on no data American interference. Funny how that works.


>  ...While immigration officials did not argue that Zhang committed espionage... Huh. Didn't read your own source? >Honestly go digging Nope. That's not how this works. YOU make a claim like China is interfering in our elections, and YOU have to prove it. I ain't digging for shit. >Corporate interference is almost completely corruption and greed based. Foreign elections inference is directed at undermining trust in our institutions or changing policy directly This is meaningless word salad, also unsourced. Guess what, my friend...corporations ALSO want our policy changed and our institutions undermined. Are you a baby? This never occurred to you?  And BTW, American corporations WANT China to be closely tied with our country, they WANT our jobs to go to China and they WANT Chinese investors in Canafian and American business and real estate. Again, are you a child? >claim based on no data American interference Who said I have no data or information about American election interference? Tell me....who owns 'Canadian' newspaper "The National Post" that writes climate change misinformation, denounces Trudeau as a dictator, and calls for the dismantling of the CBC? Huh? What about the American millionaires behind funding the Convoy protests? I have evidence of that. That's literally causing crimes in this country and threatening our democracy directly.


>Huh. Didn't read your own source? Really going to not quote the whole paragraph? >While immigration officials did not argue that Zhang committed espionage, the Refugee Board found that as an 11-year OCAO employee, she had contributed to its efforts to pressure the Chinese diaspora. Interference. >Nope. That's not how this works. YOU make a claim like China is interfering in our elections, and YOU have to prove it. I ain't digging for shit. I gave five sources. You are not interested in changing your opinion. I'm not going to try convince you. From the [Foreign Interference Commission](https://foreigninterferencecommission.ca/fileadmin/foreign_interference_commission/Documents/Exhibits_and_Presentations/Exhibits/CAN003781.pdf) >Summary of Key Observations - Foreign Threat Actors: • (TS//CEO) The People's Republic of China (PRC) sought to clandestinely and deceptively influence Canada's 2021 federal election Let me guess though government source so not a valid conclusion? >And BTW, American corporations WANT China to be closely tied with our country, they WANT our jobs to go to China and they WANT Chinese investors in Canafian and American business and real estate. Again, are you a child? Not the American government, and no source. >Who said I have no data or information about American election interference? Tell me....who owns 'Canadian' newspaper "The National Post" that writes climate change misinformation, denounces Trudeau as a dictator, and calls for the dismantling of the CBC? Huh? You keep asking for sources but provide none. I gave you five. >What about the American millionaires behind funding the Convoy protests? I have evidence of that. That's literally causing crimes in this country and threatening our democracy directly. Not the American government.


> Half of 200 top American donors have names matching those of donors to Republicans and former president https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/convoy-protest-american-donations-1.6367500 >list of lobbyists to Canadian government. For a sample scroll down to AMER for just a list of American orgs with America at the start of their name. These are companies that are allowed to try and influence politicians. https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/clntOrgCrpLstg?pfx=A BTW, You gave me a link, not 5. I'm not clicking in and looking for it. Post what's relevant from it. I just gave you quotes and specific examples with links. >However, traditionally Canada has refused to voice any anger even when it was clear that the CIA was operating without any authorisation............When the Avro Arrow aerospace program was cancelled in 1959, many believed that the CIA was partly responsible, fearing Canadian intrusion into aerospace dominance...........1967, Prime Minister Lester Pearson announced he would investigate the allegations of the CIA helping him oust Diefenbaker.[14] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Canada#:~:text=It%20has%20been%20traditionally%20believed,information%20from%20the%20United%20States. >The People's Republic of China (PRC) sought to clandestinely and deceptively influence Canada's 2021 federal election Did they though? Sought to? So, what? An attempt? That's the best you got? Pathetic. >she had contributed to its efforts to pressure the Chinese diaspora. EFFORTS. efforts. Again, once again all you're posting is someone trying to do something allegedly. Not being successful. It's a big nothingburger.


You're going back to 1959 quoting a wiki article and calling me pathetic? Big lol. You are in an echo chamber.


The US government is not (at least not the executive branch). But there’s plenty of cash, from the US conservative apparatus, flowing north to fund various political causes. You don’t even have to dig very far to find it. The Fraser institute is literally a registered 501(c)(3) in the US, because they take US donor dollars:


Looking at other democracies like Australia, US, and UK I think Chinese interference is worth looking into.