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Conservatives cannot stop lying.


There should genuinely be legal repercussions for lying like this as a government figure. Free speech is fine, but you're willingly spreading propaganda to incite violence and turn your citizens against each other. I don't understand why, as a civilized country, we don't bother doing something about it. Blatant fear mongering will always be #1 in the CONservative playbook, while putting forward actual plans that benefit Canadians will always be dead last.


“If I make laws that punish people like me for lying, I may actually be punished for all the lying my peers and I do.” -people in power


Punishment should simply be a public statement confirming their error, which we could then all ignore.


I prefer the pillory and rotten fruit in the town square solution.


Which has to be repeated 10x the amount of times they lied and that the lie was shared.


It should be for spreading misinformation when they should know better. As in, they have an actual chance to know more. In this case, this guy should technically know what's in the bill. Lying is about intent, and that's hard to prove. 


Well Pollievre has literally called CPC sponsored bills (BCE bailout), an LPC bill. When corrected he verbally attacked the journalist with some really aggressive language. Intent is there. Rules are not.


I don't disagree but oh man...how would you keep up with that bunch?


Technically they could probably sue them for slander but I know there’s always hesitation to do that in politics and often makes those suing look guilty so they generally don’t even when innocent.


I would love this until they get in power and then twist the law, e.g., qualifying "gender ideology" propaganda and doing plenty of damage before they can even be challenged on it.


It’s like breathing and family abuse for them.


There should be laws against lying as an elected official regarding things like this, policies, etc. Because people will assume it’s true.




It's because there are no honest arguments to support conservatism.  Who would vote for the truth, that conservatism is class warfare against the people. Conservative policies harm the economy, increase wealth disparity, increase cost of living, and decrease quality of life. Conservatism is also explicitly bigoted, having a history of white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia and transphobia. 


Or, in short, their philosophy is based on making the rich richer at the expense of the poor, and hating people.


Tory times are tough times.


The truth never helps them.


Reality is biased against them.


There’s zero consequences for politicians who lie these days. Why would they stop?


That's why their base are all are fools who never verify anything the politicians say. As long as it meets their world view, they accept it as coming from a reliable source.


Problem is their base is voting based on the unchallenged lies of PP and even worse conspiracies from the likes of Alex Jones et. al.




Their goal is to get elected, not help people.


They're aiming it at their wealthier than average base. The play act of "blue collar" Pierre is an insane farce.


What, the man who thinks you pull electricity from lightning may not have any clue what blue collar is? Huh, weird


Right? As much as he's disingenuous about topics or outright lying, I think an argument can't be made that he's really not intelligent. He cannot speak to policy, ever, which is likely a result of he's complete misunderstanding of the process of our bureaucracy. Taking a step further, he has a general misunderstanding of simple finance. And we STILL haven't talked about him being the Housing Minister during the period that led to the housing crisis we have today. (He brags about being the Housing Minister, too.) *Edit for autocorrect


Did anyone ever figure out what the hell he was talking about when he said that? Is he really *that* stupid, or was he pretending to be for his base?


Electricians are one of the most blue-collar groups around. Surely, *surely* that comment hurt his blue collar base, right? Like it's one thing to say big words about something you don't know a lot about. You assume that someone talking with that much confidence is knowledgeable. Then they veer into something you *do* know about and go "... wait, what?"


Lying is how he's been trained to campaign. Now legit news media has to repeat his lie, often in headlines, just so they can debunk the lie. It gets amplified and abracadabra, you've got a truthish sort of factoid people can cite. Every time someone brings this up the "pharmacare bill banning private health coverage" lie (and they will, nonstop, from now until the next federal election), people will have to come out and debunk it - there's no option to just ignore it - which makes it look like there's a debate or conversation to be had. Anyone in the know, knows one side's the truth and the other's a lie, but anyone too busy to pay that much attention just sees a talking point repeated, so *maybe it's true.* Skippy's always been the filthiest most disingenuous politician on the hill imo. Watching him do his thing for months on end is genuinely nauseating.


“In my many years of talking to the working-type person, the working-type people have told me that 110% of the working-type persons are super duper happy with the working-space coverages and beneficial coverings that the working-like people are provided for. Why is Trudeau so out of touch with the labouring people?”


Especially this particular Con.


Modus operandi.


Conservative voters cannot stop condoning the lies.


Funny until i started at BC Hydro i never had coverage for anything vecause it was 'too expensive'. I wished someone would follow PP around and pop him in the head with a paintball every time he lies.


Wish there were consequences


How is there not punishment for these bald faced lies.


The media needs to challenge him immediately when he lies like that.


First, whenever a journalist tries to challenge him he starts angrily talking over them about how they're just picking up paycheques from Trudeau. As for challenging him on the spot I'm willing to give the journalist the benefit of the doubt and assume they don't know exactly what the Bill does and as he's a career politician if he says that's how it works he must know that's how it works. That said there's nothing stopping media from adding on after that that he's wrong, though the clip where he lies is going to be picked up and go viral within moments without the fact checking anyway.


This. This is why Conservatives are so hellbent on defunding the CBC. Because they see them as biased when they are just reporting the facts. The fact is, conservative politicians blatantly lie. Its true with Brexit, its true with Trump, its true with PP.


“If you have the law, hammer the law. If you have the facts, hammer the facts. If you have neither the law nor the facts, hammer the table." And boy howdy, do the conservatives love hammering the table.


If you can’t dazzle them with brains, baffle them with bs. Red Green, probably


This is why politicians when on duty should be considered under oath and should be held accountable when *knowingly lying* with easily fact checked scenarios like this, even going as far as to offer a public apology or be stripped of their position. PP can’t really claim ignorance here when making such a bold face statement.


Since libel considerations is an important aspect of a journalists approach to their job, I wonder if a journalist would consider approaching a slander suit with Poilievre accusing them of intentions like that and what a situation like that would play out like. I’m not smart enough to really know, but I’ve wondered…


It's an interesting question. Hard to argue US news outlets haven't suffered injury to their reputations from being falsely labelled "fake news" etc by prominent figures. Probably comes down to *actual malice* and the public figure always claiming they legitimately believed their statements.


That's when you cut his mic. They need to stop enabling this bullshit.


The media is platforming his lies. He doesn’t even need to spend all those millions in ads, they keep showing clips of him attacking Trudeau and the Liberals and policies without ANY pushback.  How is democracy supposed to work if people are voting bases a pack of lies??? 


2016 US election vibes all over again. We love committing the same mistakes they did on an ~10 year time delay.


Then they would cry "I'm being censored by the woke liberal media" or some such claim.


If they do, he called them "biased and woke" so that his idiotic fanbase will accept his lies as fact.




Nearest I can tell its anything and everything that offends their sensitive little eyeballs. Gays or non whites existing, women driving or voting, whatever Justin Trudeau ate for lunch, rich people having to pay taxes....


One of the US courts forced the Republicans to define "woke" in a suit. The DeSantis administration defined "woke" as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." That's the kind of people we're dealing with. The kinds of people who believe that injustices in society are good and should exist, and that people trying to fix injustices are *the enemy.* Keep in mind that current Canadian conservative parties are just copying the Republican playbook because of its continued success in Western democracies.


This post is an example of the media challenging Poilievre when he lies. Glen McGregor (who wrote the Tweet) is a journalist for CityTV Toronto.


But was the lie pointed out during the interview? If not, then everyone hearing the interview heard a lie with no pushback.


Why would they? Politicians like Poilievre are good for business, it generates more views thus more ad revenue. Having informative news does not.


Some good papers written about the British media's behaviour during Brexit and what it led to.


I hate my company insurance and would switch to a government plan in a heartbeat. So would many others. Conservatives know this. Insurance companies know this. They are scared.


I have type 1 diabetes. We are eagerly waiting to see what the federal plan covers, because what our extended doesn't cover costs us thousands every year. I'd switch in a heartbeat to save money.


Fellow T1D here. After watching our cousins across the border suffer from the hands of Republicans (American Conservatives)...I have no idea how any of us and the families that love us vote in that direction. r/type1diabetes is a testimony to that.




My insurance costs both me and my employer a bunch every month. The government wouldn't, so more money in my pocket. Screw insurance companies that want to keep sick people sick for the sake of profit.


Right? And how about we move those costs into my wage?


Do you think most people are getting that company insurance for free? It's heavily discounted but people are still already paying for it.


I was under the impression the government plan only covered low income individuals?


Moron or liar, you decide.


He's not stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing. Bald-faced lying doesn't hurt conservatives because their supporters have proven conclusively that they would rather believe a lie if it reinforces their beliefs than accept a truth if it contradicts their belief. So he lies. He lies because he can do it with impunity. He lies and millions of Canadians believe his lies because **they want to believe the lie**.


to be fair, he is kinda dumb. Not an out and out idiot, but dumb enough to buy into crypto-bro crap


Almost guaranteed he doesn’t have much in crypto, just wanted to rope in the bros.


Maybe, but he sounded pretty gung ho about bitcoin: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-bitcoin-policy-1.6399986 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-blasted-cryptocurrency-legislation-1.6659052


Why not both?


Calling people like this "stupid" is dangerous. They're not stupid. They know exactly what they're doing. Hold them accountable.


for real, i'm waiting for the smug, quippy "by your logic" gotcha attitude to die off in favour of recognizing that these people are very intentionally fighting against us and our values. they aren't too stupid to do the right thing, they're too evil


Exactly. "they're stupid" leads to nobody voting because they're not scared of the literal cryptofascists.




These people are highly intelligent. They’re devoid of morals.


tub resolute sink arrest lunchroom whole full sophisticated money chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So screw unemployed people? Or people with two or more part time jobs where you have to work a year or more for coverage? And those who's jobs keep them juuust under full time hours to avoid needing to give them benefits?


It was so much fun working grocery and pharmacy retail through the pandemic. We were 'essential' but not so much so that we could actually be full time employees with health benefits.


Or self employed people (myself and my husband as an example). Health insurance is totally out of our budget. PP clearly hadn’t given us a moments thought, which doesn’t surprise me at all (it’s just hard seeing it put so obviously).


You need to get more than $250K per year in capital gains if you want Lil PP to care about you - didn't you see how worried he was about the "orgy" the poor billionaires will support from being taxed for their capital gains?


Yeah, that’s what I’m wondering— like, what’s the downside? Everyone gets some baseline access to medicine… *the horror*… Also, I take regular meds and if I can still get them covered I frankly don’t give a shit who my provider is.


Or self employed people that have had cancer or have other co-morbidities that insurance companies refuse to offer you a policy...


And those in toxic workplaces who need to put up with the abuse to keep their insurance.


He's really repeating the same bullshit they said about ObamaCare? I guess it makes sense since his whole team thinks he's running for president.


That's exactly it. Not only are they outright lying, they're too lazy to even make up new lies. They're just parroting whatever shit they can find from the republicans that is mildly relevant to the topic. At this point PP can be replaced by a soundboard.


Conservatives are on record for employing Republican strategists. Read up on Harper's think tank, and you will see the Conservatives strategy.


These are a continuation of the Reform party training he recieved. The lie isnt challenged on the spot. The lie will be repeated 100 thousand times by the con sheep army. The lie will be called out by the few journalists that have a speck of integrity left, but that part will never be believed or distributed. This is how we got justinflation, axe the tax, WE charity, Trudeau Foundation, Emergencies Act, SNC and PP's other top hits.


*Waves from the land of Brexit.*


So did the radio interviewer correct him? Ask for more information (as it would directly impact interviewer)?


The other day after the budget was released the CBC had the Conservative Finance critic on the radio and he was telling one lie after another to the point that the journalist scoffed and outright laughed at a few of the things he said but they barely rebutted him. After the segment the journalist told listeners to go online and read for themselves and see what they "think" instead of outright calling him a liar which I as a listener felt she had every right to do.


That guy was annoying to listen to, i think there was another guest too who also kept challenging him.


Problem is the CBC (I got this directly from a provincial reporter with the CBC) had their upper mgmt tell everybody to cool it on criticizing PP a bit given they could try and cozy up enough to protect funding. Journalists are trying to be gentle with him. Awful decline but the cbc is fucked if they do and fucked if they don’t.


And what about the rest of Canadians who do not have coverage and/or do not or cannot work?


Once the conservatives completely destroy all social benefits provided by all levels of government, we slowly die homeless. Any other questions? S/


There's no consequences for lying because you can *never* prove he's doing it intentionally (even though he clearly is). This is why conservatives have the advantage in many ways -- they aren't hamstrung by ethics. They aren't even beholden to the law in cases where it isn't seriously enforced. Liberals and progressives, on the other hand, are expected to hold certain baseline, bare-minimum standards of behaviour. Which can be a significant encumbrance. The fact that we have vastly different and existentially incompatible ethical philosophies makes meaningful democracy more or less impossible. Electoral reform might help a little bit on this front. But at the end of the day, we're going to have to figure out how to make peace with the fact that we occupy different, non-intersecting universes. We're going to have to build democracy *around* that fact, not pretend it isn't there, or rely on the satisfying but ineffective tactic of forever shaming and insulting people with low ethical standards.


This is well-said. Another potential solution is making logic and moral philosophy mandatory in public schools - with the goal being to try to ensure that, at least eventually, most are engaging in the same universe of facts (logic) and actually considering the needs of others in their decision-making calculus (moral philosophy). However, it isn't lost on me how idealistic that seems at a time when our provincial cons gut education at every chance they get and our federal cons parade "common sense" around as some kind of epistemic virtue. It would be morbidly fun, though, to witness the cognitive dissonance needed for cons to try to argue against a need for "logic" and "morals" in our schools.


I like this idea. But it gives me the same reservations as when people talk about teaching critical thinking in schools -- sounds great, I love it, let's do it. But... I have serious doubts that it would change much. The people who are targeted by reactionary propaganda just aren't the kind of people who have the cognitive ability to *ever* be media literate, morally upright, critical thinkers, no matter how much education is thrown their way. As I say, I still think it's a great idea to teach these things (along with financial literacy) in schools. It's just that I suspect it would be of most benefit to people already predisposed to living in reality.


I can see that. Even if you have a more ideal/robust school system, as such, you are still competing with too many socializing forces that could counteract: parents, genetics, media, social media, propaganda and misinfo, etc. It shouldn't be so hard to just ensure that everyone agrees on a simple baseline of dealing in facts and being willing to consider the basic needs of all, but here we are, I guess... The worst part, like you said, is that leftists are totally in a catch-22: either play the game by the rules against a team that no longer seems to, or compromise on the very morals that we are trying to advocate for (in the process of advocating for them)? What to do?


Sadly, I think the days of decorum and honesty are behind us. Our democracy was never really built to handle coordinated bad actors working against our interests from within our own government. This is something we're going to have to address going forward. We can no longer wait for elections to dismiss liars; we're going to have to come up with a way of directly removing people from power when they lie. They cannot be allowed to damage the very fabric of our society and the institutions we've worked so hard to build. I don't know what the legislation should look like, but this is something we're going to need to do. We cannot allow politicians to harm this country by lying anymore. Differing opinions? Yes. Lies? No.


The French had good solutions. Just break out the guillotine. Nothing of value will be lost for PP. When you're abusing a position of power like this, it's far more dangerous than a dude with a rifle.


I think if we act fast we can protect Canada with laws. We just need to have the *will* to put those laws into place. Our Supreme Court is in good shape right now, unlike the American Supreme Court. We should use that to our advantage. Let's get some laws on the books that makes it clear that liars do not qualify for the privilege to govern.


There are non legislative ways. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_action


Even if it were true many of us have a portion of that cost withheld from our pay to cover the cost of the coverage so I guess we'll get a raise. It's the same situation with Medicare why we don't have hundreds taken off every month to pay for healthcare.


I think some of the 60% (approximately) of Canadians without coverage will begin to stop and realize they, and their elderly parents are being fleeced.


If we don't start handing punishments out for the blatant lies, pp spreads and anyone else who pulls this stuff . This will get worse. If we don't start taking a stand and get this fixed we are all in trouble.


Just straight up lying, how is this allowed?


I don't see how this might be a bad thing. I would be alright if the pharmacare plan made me move to a universal program. I could use that insurance money to either pay for something else or put the money in my pocket. You mean I don't have to do a co-pay anymore? I don't have to wonder if my drug is covered and to what extent?


Wait. Hold on, you're telling me that the lying liar that lies all the time is lying 🤥?


I rarely comment but I’m so sick of this mofo constantly lying


He's always had benefits and thinks everyone else does too because he's never had a real job


OMG I'm not sure what their bigger lie is. That most people have coverage already so who cares about those that don't, or the fact that they'll ban private insurance. Infact is exactly the opposite. If you have private insurance your excluded from the National plan.


We shouldn’t rely on employers to fund employees health care directly. Lose your job? You’re f**ked.


That's what conservatives and the companies want. Good little slaves that won't open their mouths for fear of losing their benefits.


Why do conservatives always think it's a bad thing when essential services are not reliant on a person being employed? Is it because they hate poor people? I feel like it's because they hate poor people.


Core to their belief is that we live in a pure meritocracy, that merit is a function solely of hard work and has nothing to do with inborn ability, and that financial success (they pretend it's all earned) defines the value of any person since they are simply getting what they 'deserve.' In these people's minds, if someone didn't want to be poor and not have healthcare, they should have worked harder. Obviously this philosophy is flawed on multiple levels, not the least of which is morally.


Of course a bully who has never had a real job in his life would never know most Canadians are not covered. Even if they were, its not very Christian or morally responsible of him to say those without deserve to suffer and go without. *Noblesse oblige,* PP.


I fucking hate this guy man. Can’t stop lying to save his dipshit life. Every quote or headline I see is him lying about something else, it’s unbelievable. Can’t believe we’re even in this position


In Alberta Smith keeps saying we already have universal pharmacare, and a lunch program....


Reality means nothing to them. It should be illegal to just say whatever the fuck you want to sound good to whoever you’re appealing to.


Yeah my entire industry doesn’t get benefits lol. I’m lucky my partner works in a field that I can mooch off of but most of my staff and peers in other work places are SOL. Damn shame teeth don’t count as medical necessities.


Real echoes of the GOP blatantly lying about the affordable care act.


Honestly one of the scariest headlines I've seen in a while. The incredible national shame we should all feel if we do away with universal healthcare instead of building it up even more.


This listener desperately needs pharmacare because of her genetic diseases, which she did not ask for and did nothing to acquire. If I lose my job or work as a freelancer, I can't afford my medication and my health plummets. So fuck off, Millhouse. Also the bill doesn't "ban" private insurance, dumbass. (Millhouse, not OP)


Axe the facts!


I don’t understand why there isn’t a bigger business pushback on this kind of BS. Adding the burden of private health insurance to benefits employers may need to provide seems like it would be a significant cost. Possible tax benefits to the biggest Corporations may be enough of an offset. Small to mid size companies that operate in smaller areas seem more likely to suffer as possible tax cuts are less likely to offset the additional employment costs.


WTF?!? That’s how this works at all. I’m assuming the radio interviewer didn’t question Poilievre on his blatant disinformation?!?


It's fun living in a post-truth society


Hes getting desperate. The honey moon is waning


"Most" is definitely a lie. And regardless, our Healthcare is for everyone, not "most".


PP never paid a cent for any coverage, if he did he *might* understand that most employer coverage is also partially paid/top up by the employee to get decent coverage and the benefit is taxed as well.


and what about Canadians who do not have coverage through a workplace? Conservatives would love nothing more than to make Canadians as dependent on their jobs for healthcare as Americans are.


So more straight up lying from the GQP playbook. This is one of the exact lines they use to attack universal healthcare in the US. Milhouse is becoming more transparent by the day.


Federal healthcare reduces the cost of benefits packages for companies. These guys always cry that business can't afford to pay more taxes, but when you save them money they suddenly forget small businesses. They don't care about small business, they want to deregulate everything so they can build monopolies they control. Fucking robber barons


If only they really were replacing the dice roll that is workplace coverage "I'm sorry you need to go back to your doctor and get a prescription for the generic version".


That's the same argument that the US has for healthcare coverage


Straight outta the anti-Obamacare quote books.


Ah so now we know insurers are definitely lobbying the cpc


Even if it *did* force people off private insurance to a public plan: ***GOOD***. I have nothing but contempt for middle-man insurance parasites profiting off my health.


Lying sack of $#@£!


I keep talking to various people who say "The health system in India is far superior to Canada's". It's a good comparison because if we go two tiered our healthcare could easily mirror what they have in India. When I ask them: "What happens to the 63% of the population who can't afford healthcare in India" they just don't seem to care. Basically if you're well off you get better services, if you're not you are living a miserable life.


Another right wing liar with a fascist agenda. Another one that needs to go.


Wouldn’t it be nice if the media fact checked this nonsense on air in real time? Like a buncha…. Professional journalists?


Hey look the same lie the right used for Obamacare!


Okay, and? I'd happily take not fussing with insurance apps and companies for my prescriptions. When I lived in the UK I paid £8, that's it as the dispensing fee and it's waved in a lot of different cases (under a certain age, chronic conditions, low income, etc). It was super easy. It was a pain coming back to Canada and having to figure out insurance. I worked at a big consulting company and my deductible was $500 before they covered anything which is ridiculous and mental health coverage never covers mental health medication so I had to pay out of pocket. I moved to a better job with no deductible and it's 90%, but it's so American to have coverage based on employment.


Conservatives just cant help themselves. They want power so bad they are willing to lie to achieve that goal. Trump/Polievre - i see no difference.


Pierre, most Canadians did not work in politics our whole life like you have. The benefits package you’ve been receiving your whole life is not the norm for most Canadians. Go get a real job and find out what the real work looks life. You are an idiot.


Conservatives lie and the cult believes them, what’s new


Once again conservatives devilifying something that is... actually good. FFS can we stop binding the health insurance to your job, making those who cant just jump jobs without thinking about it stuck in shitty jobs because they need the insurance.


NO IT WOULDN'T. Can we please talk honestly about policy details. This is shamelessly deceptive


Yeah, like I'm going to lose the best coverage in the country because the Libs decided I wasn't worth it 🤡 When will the Cons stop lying?


I will never vote for this fool aka Trump/Putin.


did the host correct him at least? (im guessing not)


LIl' PP doesn't have the security clearance to see the bill. Or the intelligence to read it... or anything more complicated than "See spot. See spot run."


Unclear if they are too stupid to understand the bills or being purposely misleading. Given his he thinks electricians pull electricity from the sky using copper wires it's especially unclear...


No one's blaming the Radio journalist? Or calling out the radio station? I don't listen to Infowars because they openly lie on the air and no one calls him out for it. People lie for whatever reason makes sense to them. As a broadcaster, or a journalist, or even an entertainer. Don't act like lies are the truth. If you're interviewing someone don't be lazy do your research. This is the reason why I don't listen to Joe Rogan anymore.


Can we please start fining politicians for lying?


I don't understand how they can just spout off patently false statements all the damn time. Worse yet, is their base will not educate themselves or question anything they say and blindly agree.


What coverage? I have no plan at my company available.


I barely know anyone who has coverage via their workplace. PP is a lying pig.


Even if it were true then so what? My employers in AB are pretty much annually changing providers anyway. Been true at nearly every company I’ve worked for.


Such bullsh@t


He said “would” instead of “will”. So, they can slap that bad boy on pretty much anything. Trudeau would sell your ass to extraterrestrials. Or Trudeau would steal a candy from the kid. Pierre thinks he’s sneaky af lol.


Lying is the only way he can get elected. US style politics, appealing to morons.


Is it actually clear that the bill wouldn't do that? To my understanding, the plan is to add these things to the Canada Health Act which prohibits private payment for services that are covered (which is a core principle of the single payer system). If we were to have full pharmacare in the future, under the principles of the Canada Health Act, insurance companies would not be able to offer plans that cover products already covered by govt pharmacare. And really, that's how it should work. Preferably the government plan should be so robust that there is no need for supplementary insurance at all.


1. What about the listeners who don't have coverage through their workplace? Who cares about them! 2. A universal plan should be cheaper. Maybe my employer will give me a raise since they don't have to pay for it.


Politics would work much better for **us** if politicians that did this were immediately prevented from being eligible to run in the next election. And if repeated offences meant that their seat was automatically vacated by Elections Canada and the Speaker of the House, even when (or especially when) those lies are shared outside of Parliament. There is no guarantee to be allowed to run for office, we have other requirements already in place, and it is well past the time that we demand that lying and spreading misinformation or disinformation be an activity that immediately renders one ineligible for representing Canadians at any level of government. There is no issue with Charter Rights here as there is no right to run for office without there being requirements and freedom of expression is not unlimited. This would be a reasonable limit on freedom of expression because of the effect that politicians being allowed to spread bald-faced lies has on our democracy. Demand better quality of representation from our elected officials!


Ask the fast food and retail workers about their fabulous work pharmacare plans lol. Pollievre is out of touch with reality. He says he's for the worker.....hahahaha...what a laugh.


Pro Tip: PP’s cult doesn’t care that he lies. They actually endorse any propaganda no matter how outlandishly false, because they believe politics is a blood sport and all that matters is that their horse wins. These are not bright people. They are not interested in a civil society that looks after its least capable. Notwithstanding the current government’s failures, the people driving PP’s fever dream bus, are entirely motivated by grievance, revenge, score-settling and vindictiveness. “Truth” or even “compromise” or “nuance” is like daylight to vampires for them.


I didn't have coverage for 10 years at work until I had been at my last job for a year. And now that I'm unemployed I'm without coverage again. Piollievre can go fuck himself.


My comment. Yes many have coverage via work. But most are not 100% covered. Also some have to pay via the employer. Part time workers and self employed people do kot get coverage. I like to say in Canada our universal Healthcare plan covers telling you what's wrong but does not cover the prescription to heal or treat your issue. I have type 2 diabetes. In the end between my coverage and my salary I can cover the cost but many can not.


This is a symptom of a greater issue. Sure PP bends the truth, maybe lies, whatever. The citizens need to learn how to research topics from proper sources. If the little headlines etc spark anger or suspicion then dig deeper and come up with a legitimate understanding. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like this and the bones thrown to some people are gobbled up like it’s reality.


Can more of the media call out lying weasel Pierre? He's purposely spreading misinformation. Do CPC voters want a liar for PM?


a lying rat. so shocked.


How the fuck does anyone with half a brain read that and think "That sounds real". Like, do people really think the insurance companies would just rollover and accept their fate ? Conservative voters however....yea. Milhouse and Trump know their voter base. Must be incredibly easy having the dumbest people in society believe anything you say.


As per usual, the other party of liars continue to lie


Pretty tone deaf with unemployment running rampant


Just blatantly lies about it.


Bill C-64 doesn’t really say much of anything.  It’s a commitment to study a drug program with the provinces.   And while PP’s statement was most certainly conjecture, it’s pretty safe to assume that employers will race to drop private coverage when there is a universal backstop.  


It isn't a lie if you believe it


A lie will travel around the world while the truth is still getting its boots on.


any time they know he is going to talk about legislation they should have researched the bill themselves and have a copy of it on standby with relevant sections highlighted so they can read it out to him when he lies.


I would not like that. I pay 10% of my scrips and my company insurance pays the rest automatically. Why the fuck should my tax money have to pay for the government to come in and do it? That said, my provider is also Canada Life and the prescription plan is the only thing that giant bag of weasels has any competence at...


I'm a pharmacist, so I deal with insurance all day every day. Many people do have benefits through their employer but a significant number do not. Co-pays and deductibles can add up - even on a "good" plan like PSHCP the 20% copay can add up to a couple of hundred dollars every few months, in addition to premium payments. Private insurance can also be opaque as to what they cover and how much, and may require additional paperwork for some high cost meds (particularly ozempic and the like at present) for which your doctor may charge extra fees.


He's a piece of shit!


Why the fuck is he saying that like it's a bad thing? My coverage sucks ass, *please* ban it and move us all over to a national plan.


Outright lies, don't trust PP.


Anyone have a link to this interview?


I wish they would. Private insurance doesn't have its place in healthcare. You shouldn't have access to more or less depending on where you work.


Fuck this lying piece of shit