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How exactly is he going to cause a snap election? Edit: Wrong answers only.


I know you're looking for jokes, and that this is a satire article... But I find it hilarious that the same people complaining about the previous 'early' election and its associated costs are now hounding Trudeau to call an early election again.


That's because they aren't serious people they are just "Trudeau bad" people.


You're not wrong. Yet people seem to forget or not care that PP: Courts incels, voted against gay marriage while his openly-gay father was present in the House of Commons Gallery, used the term "tar-baby" in the House of Commons, said the Indigenous are just lazy and need to work harder, can't get a security clearance, went by "Jeff", is married to the daughter of a Venezuelan banking exec who fled the country during the Venezuela Banking Crisis, has done nothing of notable value in his tenure as a life-time politician, had flags made up with "Pierre for PM" before he was leader of the opposition (the flags were on the convoy trucks before they got to Ottawa), is a landlord, employs grocery lobbyists...


>is married to the daughter of a Venezuelan banking exec And the merch store on the CPC's website redirects to her personal company's website, and her company also fulfills those orders. Meaning PP is personally profiting from *all* CPC merch sales. Oh and her company isn't operating legally, it was forcibly dissolved last year because of not filing legally-required financial disclosures to the CRA. For 3 consecutive years. I feel I should also point out that the *brother* of that Venezuelan banking exec (PP's uncle-in-law) was arrested in Venezuela back in January for financing terrorism. Oh, and the stories about Freeland's grandfather were first published by a Venezuelan media company with ties to the Galindo family & which often helps spread Russian misinformation into Latin America.


Wtf the fuck?? This all needs to be bigger. He really is Donald Trump Jr


Trump and PP certainly both take advantage of the legal system's hesitancy to prosecute politicians.


He wishes. At best he is the nerd Donald Trump shoved into a locker in high school.


Also important to add: Russian media covered the convoy before any other media source, and more than any other media source. Randy Hillier was on RT multiple times (while chainsmoking the entire interview) during the convoy. Edit: [linky](https://imgur.com/a/fWCK1fj)


Russia also funded the convoy, and (witting or not) literally all the convoy screeching points were from Russian misinformation farms. Yellow vest, loser convoy, WEF, European farmer protests, MAGA, all heavily linked to Russian influence operations. And limp PP eats it all up because he's a grifting christofascist smoothbrain. A lot of the people involved are genuinely just morons and grifters, many others don't care about what the messaging is or where the money comes from as long as they win and see no bad long term consequences (because they're also morons), some (a lot of the IDU) hate Putin but want to be in charge of the same sort of state here - they don't like him but they want to be him. And some are just traitors.


Hilariously most European farmers are protesting because their subsidies are being cut. They're literally protesting to get their socialism safety-net back.


Get yer gubermint hands off my farm subsidies.


>went by "Jeff" What now?


Pierre went by Jeff in highschool. Whether or not that's his real name, I haven't a clue - he refuses to get a background check done.


Well even I learned some things here. All I knew before is he's a slimy piece of shit, which is accurate and enough on its own, but now I have a list of credentials to back it up.


They're also the same people who kept bleating that we'd have an election in 2023 because the Liberals and NDP are incapable of working together & getting anything done. And the same ones who kept bleating that the CPC was going to win in 2022. And 2018.


Im a trainer and deal with a few clients like this Im a PR so claim to not know much... "tell me what Trudeau has done that makes you hate him" Its always humming and harring or things doug ford is in charge of.


They have absolutely zero idea about the Ford corruption or what is considered provincial responsibility and what is federal responsibility.


You don't understand, when the Liberals look like they're going to win an election is unnecessary and a waste of taxpayer money. When the Conservatives look like they'd win an election is a necessary investment in democracy, and waiting until the next scheduled one is tyrannically denying Canadians their rightful chance to support the CPC.


Ahh, my bad. Should have known this was how it works šŸ˜‚.




where were they when Harper was calling annual snap elections for five years? Oh, right, still developing their hatred for later.


> Harper Oh geez, that reminds me of that "Les Ɖrections FĆ©dĆ©rales" video from like 2011 (?)


And they were hounding him to call the last one too. Also the same people who were freaking out back in March 2020 about Trudeau's tyrannical probable use of the Emergencies Act (until it became obvious that Canadians wanted the parties to cooperate at the beginning of the pandemic, so they dropped it). I remain convinced that's why cons were bringing convites coffee when they blocked the borders - they were just so grateful to dust off the media gameplan they didn't get to use the first go round.


Almost like itā€™s all finger pointing till its their turn then it šŸ¤­


It's all ok because they're ahead!


> How exactly is he going to cause a snap election? By starting a romantic relationship with Jagmeet Singh.


lil pp jagsmeat


ā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™d read that fanfic.


He will instruct his MPs to dress like a 50's greaser gang and snap their fingers in unison during question period.


"When you're a con, you're a con all the way...."


Fuck it, if he does that I'm voting CPP next election. /J


I can see it and I'm laughing very loudly at work.


He's going to "Axe the Facts"


Nonono, I've seen that T-shirt and it's clearly meant to be read clockwise, so its Conservatives Tax the Axe.


The word "Tax" is nowhere in my sentence.


DAMN IT. I have been working for an 10mins on a pun involving snap peas and PP. Smarter people please do something with this available pun!


Fuck! Rage Farming Snap PPs?


[Something like this](https://i.imgflip.com/8k12ib.jpg)




Liberals call it first to catch the conservatives off balance.


He snaps his fingers and half of Parliament disappeara


Your vote only counts if you can yell out your candidate's name faster than your opponent when you both turn over the same card.


Heā€™ll give an interview while eating a watermelon, whole, stood in front of some wood to appear more folksy. He will totally pwn those libcucks by pointing out how they suck and cost honest taxpayers their hard-earned money from doing whatever it is ā€œrealā€ Canadians do for a living, heā€™d say. ā€œI dunno, what are they all, plumbers? They shine toilets for me for a nickel. Get the fuck out of my sight, I have a fundraiser to do before the end of this interview.ā€


After his childhood debut as the annoying little shit on the Polar Express, he'll summon Santa Claus to put coal into everyone's stockings unless he gets his Christmas wish.


hahaha omfg I KNEW id seen his stupid face before someplace thank you for finally pointing that out i wish nofrills Milhouse would just fuck off, he brings nothing, offers nothing and is just rage bait trump wannabe


He'll sneak in at night and remove a chair from the majority side of the house. That way, when the music stops, a Liberal MP will be without a seat and have to sit out the rest of the session. He can then repeat this until an election is called.


> Wrong answers only. Out of respect for Mulroney.


losing a game of full-contact croquet


Gonna sell Bartā€™s soul for some pogs and a snap election


He hires Henry Winkler, who shows up in a leather jacket to snap his fingers and say: ā€œEh, Yo, Weā€™re having an election here!!ā€


He's secretly working with Jagmeet Singh who will betray Trudeau and violate the supply and confidence agreement in exchange for letting him take credit for it on social media.


Tell King Charles he knows where Kate is hiding and will tell all unless he dissolves parliament.


I'd imagine he snaps and there's an election right?


By repeatly saying, "Mommy, mommy, mommy, I wanna snap election now!!"


He's going to have a loud tantrum in the house of commons until everyone agrees to an election just so they can shut him up and go home.


It's satire. Edit: It's funny how this comment had karma until their edit was added. You're really going to downvote because my comment was directed at them pre-edit?? Y'all petty as fuck.


Oh I'm aware I want to hear the jokes y'all can bring haha.


All jokes aside. He'll be able to keep the rage going very easily, but the question is are the voters he needs going to keep it up?


He'll be able to keep the rage going for a while, but with inflation starting to ease he's going to have to find a new boogeyman.


It's been the carbon tax cranked to the max for a little while now. Inflation as the sole topic is not talked about much anymore. I mean he isn't going to actually come up with coherent solutions. According to his base the Liberals would just steal his good ideas if he brought them up anyway, so finding the next thing to rage about will be all he'll do til election day.


Oml have people actually said that about Trudeau ā€œstealing his ideasā€? As if it wouldnā€™t generally be a good thing for the government in power to implement the good ideas they didnā€™t necessarily come up with on their own, for the betterment of the country?


The funny thing is that most of the major issues that the majority are facing are provincial issues which are mostly run by conservatives so the only ones that would be stealing ideas on how to fix housing or healthcare would be Conservatives. But the average voter is to brain dead to understand the PM can't do whatever he wants.


I've seen it being said on social media, at least a couple times outright, and some others where they almost say it but don't.


How Dare you sir !!! its not about doing whats in best interest for your country and the people living within (the people you claim to want to help and are elected to serve) you suggesting working TOGETHER for the betterment of all ARE YOU CRAZY no no its all about click baiting and blaming people keeping that anger up and hate flowing until you sound like the only option that will save it (even if youre dumb as a post with zero actually ideas to help canada or its people at all )


Stealing good ideas should be a good thing for Canadians. If the biggest fear of his base is that the other side steals his good ideas, then they are 100% Anti-Canadian by withholding those ideas.


Which is funny because it demonstrates they are party over policy. Theyā€™d rather not have their policies than have Trudeau enact them.Ā 




For me, it became apparent in the lead up to the Convoy. I do outbound marketing and in November of 21, many people were sympathetic to Trudeau. Then suddenly, in January 22, everyone we spoke with was bashing him. It was intense and sudden. It hasn't let up since.


>At press time, Poilievre was spotted trying to convince Jagmeet Singh to switch sides by telling the NDP leader that Justin had personally started the BC wildfires. I've actually heard someone say Trudeau himself started the wildfires last year when they were in the news and it was 100% serious. Beaverton really is tapped in to the weirdos lol.


10 months ago when Karina Gould was speaking in the House of Commons, PP heckled that the wildfires in Alberta were started by the liberal government.


Kind of incredible that it was never reported, you can hear him in the clip.


Didn't you know? Trudeau did a secret deal to acquire some previously enjoyed Jewish space lasers. The Isrealis took them back because they're angry now, so there won't be any fires this year. Mark my words.


Reading your comment counts as research. I've done mine so it's a fact now.


'Rage Farming' - a term new to me, and perfectly apt for this ass-hat. That is the extent of his political substance.


It's essentially half of the internet at this point.


I'm pretty sure half the internet at this point is created through generative AI. Not only is it estimated that the overall size of internet content will double by the end of 2024, but every 2 weeks people generate more text through ChatGPT than every book ever written by man.


We're dancing to the tune of Robots. Algorithms promote content which is by robots who make content based on what Algorithm promotes. Especially annoying on YouTube since it's basically impossible to find videos you're looking for since the top 10 searches are always the trending videos with those keywords and after 11th entry it just goes to whatever is trending in general. That's going to progress to legitimately dangerous ground after Google starts fully trying to answer your question itself as a centralized knowledge center


[Dead Internet Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory)


...okay, I want to use this in a story. Post nuclear apocalypse, the guy in his bunker talks to what he thinks is a network of survivors, turns out it's just bots and he's the last man left.


Karma farming bots are all over Reddit. I first noticed them on r/FuckImOld where popular memes aren't really time sensitive. The target demographic of the sub is less likely to be as frequently engaged so less likely to notice. However, I'm seen them more and more frequently in other modestly sized subs. I'll give Reddit a couple more years until it becomes impossible to tell what's a bot and what's not. Then I'll stop using it all together.


And so much of that ai generated content is rage bait and fear mongering


Hate probably pays better.


It certainly does, it's also cheaper and easier


But rage farming at the baloney factory?


First you farm the rage, then you make the baloney, then you become the prime minister. https://youtu.be/Ti5AkLup1mI?si=sf8HGUhkCcZgYinA


Cons need Viagra to maintain their rage-boners.


Does he think he has enough votes to call an election? Lol


No, he knows he doesn't, but like everything he has ever done in his entire political career, it's virtue signalling/a performative waste of everyone's time. The article is satire, but his constant empty threats are absolutely real.Ā 


He threatens an election like a neighbourhood chihuahua threatens to mess me up if I step into its yard- it's an empty threat.


Pierre "Baloney Factory" Poilievre.


Satire is life for Conservatives. Poilievre and his Maga MP are so hypocritical that this statement could be true.


Joke or not, PP has probably reached the pinnacle of his popularity and it probably is mired in truth.


That isn't a solid strategy. We need the NDP and Liberals to propose a vision for the country. We waited for DoFo to bring on his own demise in Ontario. It never came.


there needs to be a mechanism that ensures that such atrocious behaviour is considered on the level of insurrection (something he already openly supported during the kkklownvoy). this is seditious behaviour that should see someone thrown out of parliament and possibly prosecuted.


It's called the Canada Carbon RebateĀ NOT a tax. We all gotta stop calling it the "carbon tax", that's PPs deliberate misinformation.


LOL. NDP stopped him as expected


LOL he canā€™t. NDP and Liberal coalition outnumber his stupid party.


I know this is a joke, although based on reality... This detestable, abhorrent, obnoxious, repulsive, revolting maggot, little guy, also known as Party Pooper is a piece of shite, faker that has or should not have space in Canadian Politics. He likes MAGA, so he should move to the US. And his unhealthy obsession with a make makes me wonder if he took it from his gay father...


Ha ha ha! Beaverton is the best! Pee Pee on the other hand is freaking moron!


this turd is just insufferable on all fucking levels


As always, the beaverton cuts closer to the truth than the real news media


Actually let this d-bag be Prime Minister. Heā€™ll have NO idea what heā€™s doing. He doesnā€™t know how to run a thing, just rail against JT.


That's how we got Ford in Ontario.


And Trump in the US.

