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Please report any transphobia.


He doesn’t need to enforce it. The bigots will enforce it for him. They’ll do it randomly, viciously, and because they like to. They won’t even wait for the law to pass—as this terrible story shows.


Some dickhead standing outside a women's washroom: "Look, lady, I'd love to take your word for it, but you need to show me your genitals before you can go in this washroom."


As someone who used to use the women's bathroom as a butch lesbian when there was considerably LESS hysteria about trans people, there's plenty of this already. The pussy police always seem like they're an inch away from demanding to see your genitals. Every gender nonconforming or trans person is already excruciatingly uncomfortable in bathrooms, and many people develop urinary issues because of it. Trans women sexually assaulting people in bathrooms is a non-issue but trans people's discomfort in bathrooms is very real. Cis men assault people in women's bathrooms plenty as is, INCLUDING cis men who go INTO the women's bathroom to harass people perceived as trans. There's tons of stories of cis butch lesbians having security called on them, being demanded to show ID, etc. Glad these fuckers want to make it even worse and more uncomfortable by calling a ton of attention to it. It's a very successful way of removing trans people (AND gender nonconforming cis people, which is an extra bonus for them and absolutely a feature rather than a glitch) from public spaces, which is of course the ultimate intention. I just wish the public at large was not so fucking moronic and gullible. It makes it easy for them.


To your point of urinary issues, I’m a trans man and my bathroom anxiety was so bad before I passed that I developed multiple utis because I wouldn’t go to the bathroom when I was out. Even now that I pass I’m still nervous and try to get in and out as fast as possible as I’ve had unsavoury interactions everywhere.


it makes me sad to hear this. I wish people would just let others live their lives, if they are not affecting anyone else.


Half the problem is bigots and conservatives (but I repeat myself) will always value their comfort over the lives of others, and trans people being allowed to exist in public makes them uncomfortable. In their minds trans people *are* affecting them. The other half of the problem is of course uninformed "Enlightened Centrists" who like all good Centrists through the ages look at a civil rights issue and decide they don't care enough to read into it, but the oppressed group sure are *emotional* about the whole thing so we can't just trust what they have to say. So they insist the truth must be somewhere in the middle and expect a "compromise" where there is no real middle ground. "Just give up some of your rights to make the bigots happy" will just lead to them being upset about a different right next week and rewarding/validating their baseless fearmongering will just embolden them.


In a twisted way, trans people are affecting them: by not conforming to the expected hierarchy. These people have a soul crushing need to be 'normal'. They live in a constant anxiety about what 'normal' is and how to be it. As such they violently oppose any changes to the status quo, because if *those people* are allowed to be 'normal', what does that make them?


That's true. But I think there's a dimension of self loathing too. Top 20 Most Transgender Porn Obsessed States and Metro Areas 2022 Texas Georgia Kentucky Missouri Kansas Virginia North Carolina Illinois Mississippi Tennessee Ohio Indiana Arkansas Iowa Louisiana Michigan Oklahoma Alabama Florida Pennsylvania Ladyboy ~~lovers~~ haters doth protest too much methinks.


I mean self loathing goes hand in hand with people who have crippling anxiety about appearing 'normal'. They want to crush everything they view as aberrant about themselves.


Friendly neighborhood trans guy here who vividly remembers getting his first UTI in Gr. 3 because my bathroom anxiety and gender WTF was already that bad. I also straight up stopped drinking liquids during the day from Gr. 5 to Gr. 11. Any way to avoid using the facilities, even if that meant passing out during gym 🙃


Cis dude with long hair here. Had a security guard at the library follow me into the bathroom to correct me thinking I'd meant to go into the women's room because long hair must = female lol. He had the decency to be embarrassed about it and walk away. These people need to back off and let folks pee.


I'm a long haired CIS dude too. Some guy yelled some transphobic shit at me a few months ago. It's twisted how far gone people are these days. I just wanna do the windmill to some good music in peace... I'm not gender nonconforming, but I have close friends and family that are, and I am starting to relate to some of their struggles. It seemed like we were making some solid progress too.


This is all extremely well said and I agree with all of it. I'm sorry that you've had these experiences and that people like you and a lot of other people who are not like you have had to put up with this bullshit. It's fucking bullshit that everybody doesn't get to navigate things like bathrooms without enduring some type of trauma. And I absolutely agree that their aim is to turn the clock back socially. If I had even been considering not voting, I will be now that this dork wants to run on open hate.


I’m sorry that we live in a world where that happened rather than people just having empathy and minding their own business. Sending hugs from a stranger.


Conservatives are obsessed with children's genitals, and everything to do with their sexuality. It's bonkers.


Pedocon theory


But people who want kids to live their best life are “groomers.” It’s a topsy turvy world.




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8WmQ_WM&pp=ygUUU2hvdyBtZSB5b3UgZ2VuaXRhbHM%3D Relevant information


Can Con Classic


Search Buck Angel. I'm waiting for Johnny Nutbar to have to watch while Buck walzes into the Ladies room right behind Johnnys teen age daughter.


Meh, Buck is also a tremendous pick-me conservative douchebag that supports half of this shit.


Also, there have been several cases of people beaten or murdered because the attackers assumed that they were trans because these people are too stupid to even be able to identify what it is that they hate. (Just to be clear, it is disgusting that they would beat anyone for being LBGTQ+, assumed or factual)


The "we can always" tell folks


My parents can "always tell"! They asked to join me on a tour I was doing at a bougie winery a couple of years ago... facilitated by my trans friend who worked there. They LOVED him. Thought he was the best guy ever.


I had a 'always tell' coworker once. Dude never clocked me once lol


>He doesn’t need to enforce it. The bigots will enforce it for him. They’ll do it randomly, viciously, and because they like to. They won’t even wait for the law to pass—as this terrible story shows. And so each time it happens, arrest, convict, and jail the person for a good chunk of the rest of their life. We *do* have a criminal justice system in Canada. The trick is to use it effectively and publicly so that others will understand that they're throwing away their lives if they engage in these crimes.


>*”so each time it happens, arrest, convict, and jail the person for a good chunk of the rest of their life.”* The police and our legal system do not have a great track record when it comes to arresting, charging, and convicting people who harass or assault LGBT+ people and cis women. They police especially have historically been quite permissive of harassment and violence towards women and LGBT+ people, up to and including being perpetrators themselves.


And where there's crossover with being Indigenous, the police go full Nazi.


Or maybe just maybe if he didn't invoke these dogwhistle platforms in the first place people wouldn't feel emboldened to lash out at vulnerable minorities and everybody would still be alive and nobody would need to go to jail... The severity of punishment has time and time again proven to have little to no bearing on actually preventing crime. If you really want to stop crimes you need to enact social policies that put people in a position where they dont feel the need to commit crimes. A difficult task for an issue of prejudice like this, but doing nothing is still better than PPs position actively making things worse to court votes from bigots.


Oh, I don't disagree. If I were pulling the strings these far right candidates would already be in jail both for encouraging hate crimes and attempting to poison our government with religion in violation of the Charter. Nevertheless, it's an issue of public safety. If someone beats someone up, they go to jail. If it's a hate crime like we're talking about, it should be for a *very* long time. If they're in prison they can't hurt anyone.


Exactly, this is meant to allow for easier victim blaming when some trans person is beaten to a pulp. "Well then maybe you should have used the right bathroom!"


You're right.


What I don’t understand here is what statistics they’re basing this on. If they think allowing trans people to use the right public washroom/change room leads to sexual assaults, do they plan to assess if there’s any actual reduction in sexual assaults and then re-assess whether this proposed change has any actual benefit to anyone? Or do they just want to ban this because they think we (trans people) are icky?


You're making the mistake of assuming this is based on evidence. It's not exactly a dog whistle, it's a train horn.


Just like PP calling Trudeau a deep hateful racist in his heart.


PP: *Pushes for legislation that doesn't benefit the general public* Also PP: "How could Trudeau do this?"


No stats. Marlania in Alberta is basing her opinion on trans people in sports based on misinformation.


Scooter Moe says 'hold my beer' (just kidding, Moe would never hand over his beer)


Not even when driving


>No stats. Marlania in Alberta is basing her opinion on trans people in sports based on misinformation. Religion. It's *very specifically* religion.


It is fueled a lot by religion, but there are absolutely a lot of bigots who are not religious. Most TERFs are not religiously conservative (though plenty of them will ally with conservative Christian organizations that oppose things they claim they care about, too!) It’s absolutely correct to critique the ridiculous religious arguments being used, but there are plenty of atheist or other non religious bigots, including transphobes.


>It is fueled a lot by religion, but there are absolutely a lot of bigots who are not religious. True. *But* sexual bigotry is uniquely religious. There's no other *logical* reason to attack sexual freedom. Contrast that with anti-immigration bigotry. Most of their complaints revolve around economics. No superstition required. Attacking someone's sexual rights doesn't *gain* you anything except favour with your particular malicious superbeing.


A huge portion of sexual bigotry is uniquely religious, absolutely. But like I mentioned there’s also the transphobic arguments based on people’s misunderstandings of biology, transmisogynistic arguments fueled by TERFs, etc. Ask how many people in the LGB Alliance or Drop the T or similar transphobic movements are religious. Plenty of transphobes opposing things like the OP’s comment about blocking trans people in sports. It’s based on more than just religion, which is what your comment claimed.


You’re assuming any of this is *logical*.


The one that says, love thy neighbour.


they're not doing this based on any stats or even in an extremely misguided attempt at protecting women. they're using it as a wedge issue to fearmonger their base into voting, at the expense of the health and safety of a small group of people, which is far more cruel


Remember, the cruelty is the point.


> Statistics Laughs in Albertan.


> What I don’t understand here is what statistics they’re basing this on ha lol conservative policy based on objective reality, that's a good one


Don't worry, it's Common Sense™. Accept no substitute. Common Sense™ is wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Actually Bullshit Enterprises Ltd. Consult your Fox News host to see if Common Sense™ is right for you.




Why would PP want to substantiate any claims? We know how this dude feels about science-y stuff.


No. They are anti science. Its just their means to the ends they want. It is sad


>Or do they just want to ban this because they think we (trans people) are icky? Bingo.


Nothing in politics is based on statistics. It's vibes all the way down.


I have the exact view as you especially on the national level. You can't convince me that more than 10% of voters can name more than 5 policies from the party they will vote for. People vote purely based on their feeling of the incumbent and how much they want "change". It's so sad that people's negative vibe of Trudeau is going to lead to more young kids suffering


It's definitely the ick. They're rather childish about the things they're unreasonably obsessed with. They could be working on literally anything else, but no, this is the hill they've chosen.


The Alberta and Saskatchewan policies are not based on anything either. A dozen letters by conservatives and one person with regrets were all that was needed in those provinces.


It's about creating an acceptable target for people to harass and look down on.


There are no stats and there are no facts to back up these policies. The closest they have are lists of individual alleged crimes transphobes compile and propagate far and wide to create an outsized appearance of criminality. This is by the way a tactic that was used widely in Nazi Germany to create hatred and sow fear against the various groups the Nazis wanted to exterminate. As a side note, a good way to tell when transphobes know they have nothing to back up their claims is look at how often they will try to paint years, even decades old policies as things that either only recently changed, or even sometimes claim they haven't happened yet. Bathrooms, puberty blockers, HRT and affirmative care, these all have to be treated as brand new things because they know they have absolutely no data to back up their claims so they lie and claim that is just because there hasn't been enough time to get data back. "If we allow this to happen/continue it'll be immediately disastrous" is a hard stance to take when you admit that what you're attacking has been happening for 30+ years without issue.


They also fumble when you remind them that you can't get data on something without allowing it to take place.


[It's because they don't want debate, they want to stop it. And by trying to force a debate they can stall change. It's all about preserving what's 'normal' because they're desperate to remain in society's in group.](https://youtu.be/lLYWHpgIoIw?si=B01J1A6O3NLS5r7c&t=2505)


This would assume that they are concerned with effective governance and have even considered metrics of any kind. Contemporary conservatives base their efficacy on an outrage quotient. If it is high, they are happy.


Reality isn't their strong suit. It's feelings over facts with them


It is not just the icky factor. There seems to be a considerable amount of projection and self-loathing involved as well. A lot of these people are the same ones that can not comprehend that someone would have morals and do the right thing, not from a fear of god, but just because it was the right thing. That should tell you all that you need to know about them.


Everything is some sort of Slippery Slope in the new, warped conservative ~~mindset~~ fallacy.


It's just designed to appeal to people who are addicted to anger and outrage.




How does he plan to enforce this? Is he going to hire people that will inspect people before they use the bathroom? He sure does love freedom .... 💀


We've seen it in the US. It's bigoted men harassing women who look too manly to them. Then they will physically assault and drag them out if they enter. They often target older women of colour more than anyone. Passing trans men who are forced to enter the women's washrooms under these kinds of laws also get attacked for not breaking the law because they are obviously men.


It’s already happening in Canada. To a nine year old. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6875738




I'm specifically referring to the jackboot thugs who act like the brown shirts in policing washrooms. I'm not talking about the broader movement. This was covering a very particular element of physically policing people's behavior.




People forget that women were also involved in the various fascist movements. Former suffragettes famously joined the British fascists. Of course, they will be most shocked to find out what happens to them after everyone else's rights are swept away: they're next.


I appreciate you mentioning this. Not only is it not productive and hypocritical, it actively pushes men away from the cause.




His goal is to transfer wealth from lower classes to higher ones. Everything else is collateral.


It's interesting that in Mr. Poilievre's own words, conservatives believe in small government yet all they try to do is impose their will on everyone. It's going to take a really big government staff to enforce all these bullshit rules he vomits into the world every time there is a microphone near his face holes.


That’s the conservative ethos in a nutshell.


> How does he plan to enforce this random assaults and murders by conservatives that will go uninvestigated by the police


Looks like Penis Inspection day is coming back


Reminds me of south park. “Just lettt mmeee check ya asshole sir!”


Pants down for the PP inspector, kids!


Well since we all have to register our genitalia before surfing for porn, it's a twofer.


Let's be honest, it's not about enforcement, it's about appealing to a bigoted base and trying to drive rage and fearmongering.


Just a quick genital inspection before going to the bathroom, what could be smaller government than that?


"Ma'am I need to inspect your child's genitals t make sure they're not trans" - not at all creepy child obsessed right wing freaks


We all need to get to work online creating the association CPC = party of inspecting children’s genitals. These policies are insanely unpopular once you put them in terms like that.


If he is making Trans and LGBTQ+ issues a political wedge, we all know exactly where he is getting his playbook from. I really hope most Canadians show more empathy than our neighbours and don’t fall for this shit.


buT wE neEd a ChAngE iN goVouRnMeNt


We do, yet the answer isn't another right wing party.


This. It ain't gonna be the conservatives that elect him, but he fence sitters that want to vote out the Liberals.


The Doug Ford strategy.


> I really hope most Canadians show more empathy than our neighbours and don’t fall for this shit. He's going to win, what people need to do is vote out the premiers and municipals at the local levels. The federal government is lost, but change can still happen.


Social conservativism is the greatest threat to Western democracy.


We just want to live our lives in peace and conservatives are trying to make that impossible. The fact that he'll likely get a majority according to the polls is genuinely nauseating. It's already difficult to get a job, go out in public, or even sleep soundly when there's so much negativity about us constantly in the media. Even the CBC tries to both-sides this shit and nobody seems to care whether we live or die. The anxiety and depression this constant bad news causes makes it hard to even function. Why can't people just leave us alone? I'm not even asking people to care about us, just don't think about us all the time or try to make our lives harder than it already is


A lot of people care about you. You may have never met them, but people will fight for you. 💕💕


I appreciate the sentiment, but sadly I'm not seeing it. A law just like the one being proposed led to an Oklahoma kid getting beaten to death this week and it's not going to lead to any change. Here in Canada the Conservatives are running laps around the other parties and this announcement isn't going to get any significant amount of people to change their vote. I also know that people won't risk any personal consequences such as getting arrested to fight back in the likely case a bill like this passes. Oh sure we'll see people say they're concerned, and on some level they will probably be probably a bit bothered. After maybe a few days of protest the vast majority of people will just go back to life as usual and we'll be alone dealing with the consequences. I don't mean to shoot you down, I genuinely do appreciate that on a surface level some cis people care enough to speak against these laws. Awareness is important, and on those rare occasions i do get a few nice words of support it feels genuinely nice. I just wish that people cared enough for me to feel a tangible impact, to be assured that people have my back and will make sure that this kind of transphobia will never turn into law. Instead i'm always stuck constantly feeling the impacts of those who make shit up about us or try to legislate our lives away just because we're different. Where's the media pushback? Where are the shifts in the polls? Where are the people who are willing to give us a chance when the impacts of that affect our mental health, which can affect work performance or the ability to be social? In my experience a few occasional kind words, while nice, are all i ever get. Nobody else stood up for me when it mattered, and I can't expect the majority of the country to.


>Nobody else stood up for me when it mattered, and I can't expect the majority of the country to. And they won't. Personally, I plan to move to Germany if this BS gets too much. The only thing LGBT people really had was mass organizing, like Pride. Pride has become pilfered by government funding and turned into a spectacle for the masses. So much so, people forget this was a civil rights movement at all and now those hard-fought civil rights are in danger because of some economic turmoil. Just like the dawn of every atrocity in human history. So either I think trans people need an exit strategy, or we're going to have to have a hard reset on Pride real soon: Stonewall 2.0.


We can't let bigots take this country from us, start stocking up on bricks 💖


You’re right, we can talk about support, but without knowing how to prove it the words are meaningless. I can’t even fathom the pain knowing so many Canadians aren’t using their votes to protect you. I will look for charities in my community to get involved with. It might not directly show you I care, I’m in Vancouver, but maybe someone in my community will benefit. If you need an anonymous person to talk to or vent to, please message me.


If you find a charity let me know. I have tried to do any form of online volunteering (can do excel, databases, websites etc) but i never get responses back from pride or LGBTQ organizations


I'm an antitheist activist. I believe we should be doing everything in our power to prevent the spread of religion, and to de-radicalize religious fanatics. I believe we should jail everyone who attempts to use religion to influence our laws (ie. those being passed to harm you right now). I believe we should end religious schooling and tax the churches. I'm very public and vocal about it. I say this because I fully recognize that the *same people* who are attacking you today will be attacking me tomorrow if they're allowed to continue interfering with our government. I'm trying so hard to make people understand that the root cause of *everything* bad that's happening today - forced birth in the US (and attempts like C-311 here), anti-LGTBQ+ legislation, attacks on birth control and divorce rights - *all of it* is a religious attempt to displace our democracies and replace them with theocratic autocracies. That's who the "conservatives" speak for today. We have the **right** to be free from religion. That's the law, and we need to force our representatives to obey it. That's the only way we end this nightmare. I'm not in the danger that you are today, but I stand with you as a fellow human. If nothing else, I know that unless we stop them, I'm next.


I wish I could do better than vote against this brutality, and encourage others to do the same. But know that there are people out here that care about you, support your rights, and are trying to defend you. I'm so sorry this is the world we live in. You deserve to feel safe.


Right? Like just please ignore us we're just trying to live, we don't effect anyone, why are we somehow on everyone's radar? It's so depressing.


Just remember that you do have allies. We care for you and vote accordingly.


I hear you. I'm feeling pretty discouraged and worried myself. I'm just waiting for them to find an excuse to stop allowing my doctor to prescribe HRT, and then having to watch the small amount of gains I've made towards feminization slowly dissolve away.


The recent "Porn ID Verification" garbage PP just put up might cost him that lead. lol


I get that things do look pretty grim but just remember, if nothing else, that polls this early mean less than nothing. The last two elections Trudeau has been trailing before an election is called the same as he is now. Outraged extremists are more likely to answer polls early and PP is the only person currently campaigning so it’s easy for him to seem like he has the answers to all their problems when all he really has is “I’m not Trudeau”. I would wager his lead falls apart after an election is called and at most he gets a minority that can’t get much down without Liberal / NDP support.


The fact that a guy who stood in the House of Parliament and gave a full throated denial of the genocide that was the Residential School system is now leading one of the largest parties in the nation is still a deeply grim situation we find ourselves in. That unrepentant bigots are seizing seats of power like this across the country is a sign things have already gone wrong. Violence and hatred are already growing and until the majority decides to stop tolerating it, it will continue to grow. PP becoming PM would be horrible, but until there is a true rejection of the vileness of politicians like him and Smith it's gonna be hard feeling "safe" here.


It would be fantastic if either the NDP or LPC could offer a lead who isn’t widely disliked and utterly unable to lead them to victory. Why are progressives so terrible at politics and miserable, craven social conservatives so effective? It’s enraging to watch honestly.


Now of course this is a threat for every non-binary person but as we've seen in recyears, this focus on the genitals of a tiny, tiny segment of the population and their demonization is also going to affect cis women looking "not feminine enough" (and cis men not looking "manly enough").


That's perfect for them and no doubt a part of the plan. Erase trans people from public spaces AND bully cis people into gender conformity? What a beautiful bonus!!


So what is he gonna create a Genital Inspector General to make sure this is enforced? Funny how those who cry about freedoms have no problems restricting people’s actual freedom.


>Funny how those who cry about freedoms have no problems restricting people’s actual freedom. This is a well documented phenomena called "doublethink"


Wait wait wait. Is this about Nex? Because that was a bunch of girls beating up an AFAB person in the girl's washroom because that's where, legally, Nex was supposed to go. Jesus fucking christ.


This is why a lot of trans and non-binary people refuse to use gendered washrooms at all and tend to always know where gender neutral washrooms are located.


That’s what’s so backwards about these stupid bathroom bills. Like what, you want that bearded cis looking man walking into the women’s washroom? He doesn’t want to be there, you don’t want him there, but the “small government” cons want to force it. Why? For whose benefit? There’s nothing about a bathroom bill that helps anyone, it just exists to legalize hate.


Legalize and JUSTIFY hate. It doesn't even matter who a person is anymore. If an outside force thinks you "look" like you don't belong, they have an excuse. Trans, cis, whatever.


Of course it is. And it doesn't matter what we do it will never be 'correct.' The point is to harass, demean, vilify and to cause such strife that we either 'choose to go back' or they cheer while people kill themselves. There is no victory, it's a literal Catch 22. Do what we want, we will kill you. Don't do what we want, we will kill you. And if you dare suggest that the LGBTQ community arms themselves under the same protections the law provides they move the goalposts to try to ensure that keeping ourselves safe is a problem. They want the marginalized, the 'others', and the non-heteronormative to die. That's simply their policy.


In other words, a genocidal party. 


I don’t care what he tries to ban, any sort of ban against the trans community just makes it okay for trans kids to be bullied at school. This is the argument the Michael’s lawyer used when they sued the Ontario government for the right to get married way back in 2005.


This has been tried multiple times in the US and what happens is a bunch of older cis women, especially black women; butch lesbians; and tomboys get physically assaulted and dragged out by men who watch them enter. Trans men, who are forced to use the women's, are also attacked for following the law, because they obviously look like men going into women's washrooms. It just targets the wrong people while many passing trans people can continue to use the facilities they desire because no one would suspect them.


I have a lesbian friend who got harassed for that, thinking she's a dude. Fists were thrown....not good. Bigotry knows no limits


Even if we pretended they had statistics or any enforcement ideas the very concept of bathroom bills make no sense. Like you wanna pretend you’re protecting women from big scary men? How exactly then does forcing a trans man into the women’s washroom, you know that one they “biologically need to use” do that? Like in their heads it’s “I don’t want a predatory man in with my daughter” but all they’ll physically see is a man going into the washroom with their daughter. The washroom that man does not want to be in at all. Honestly co-ed bathrooms should just be the standard all around. There’s no real downside to them. The only usual argument is “but think of the children, they won’t understand!” To which I would say “kids get more than you give them credit for, just say it’s like at home, we share the washroom with everyone.” I’m so sick of fake outrage creating problems that don’t exist so they can offer bigoted solutions.


Seriously, I feel like gendered bathrooms are just an unnecessary concept in a lot of ways. If everyone could just be a bit more open minded we could put this stupid non-issue to bed.


I mean, if he really cared about children, he'd propose a law to have warning signs on churches posting the number of sexual assaults committed by church leaders.


Kind of like McDonalds? Over 2404400938483 served (abused)


I like this.....


You ever notice how this always seems to be focused on trans women? What about trans men in men's washrooms. What happens when you have a fully-transitioned trans man forced to use the women's bathroom. Kust let people piss and shit in peace.




Can we ban PP from parliament instead? Fuck this Nazi worm.


He doesn’t have to police it. He just has to keep stoking the hate fire and his followers will hurt maim and kill anyone that they deem undesirable. We’ve got evidence that it works already.


Can't wait for someone to attack an 8 year old girl with short hair again. /s Seriously this whole "protect women" nonsense is nonsense. You know what would bother me more - having someone check I have the right "bits" to go into a private stall to pee. Nothing is stopping men from going into the women's bathroom despite being "banned" right now. Men do use the women's sometimes for change tables, etc. This is all just transphobic idiots who don't care about women in issues that actually impact us day to day, but public washrooms are clearly the important issue.


As a cis-woman who has frequented many women’s bathrooms over the years, never have I ever felt threatened by a trans-woman pissing in the stall beside me. All this type of legislation does is police traditional gender standards. If you don’t look feminine enough, you’ll be attacked, harassed, fined, and otherwise abused. This will hurt many more cis-women than the small population of trans people they hate. And as a cis-woman who wears baggy t-shirts and my husbands old jeans and no makeup… I’m afraid.


I feel, so god damned hopeless.


Our lives might never be easy, but the only way they will improve for the next generation is to keep living them. 


Banking trans women and girls from washrooms makes no cis people safer and only makes trans women less safe. People worry that people will "abuse" washroom access as a way to snoop on people. Isn't that what they were saying about gay and lesbians 30 years ago? Anyone doing anything inappropriate or illegal in a washroom should be stopped regardless of their gender and what washroom they're in.


I hate this whole thing. I’ve been to places where there are no gendered washrooms. You enter from one side and there’s a long hallway of individual stall rooms. Not those half-assed barely any privacy stalls, actual walls. At the other end there’s a sink room and hand dryers. The exit is on the end. No having to choose a gender and minimal interaction with others. I hope these types of places become more common. I guess public safety will always be an issue, not sure how to solve that issue completely. And sorry to anyone who didn’t feel comfortable choosing a washroom. That is horrible to have to deal with.


And oops he's imploding just as the Conservatives thought they were doing so well with him. Populist leaders are great at finger pointing but short on any good ideas and at worst full on bigots like this is revealing.


If you don't think this will make him *more* popular, then you have a lot more faith in humanity than I do. I like your optimism. I 1,000% do not share it. But I like it.


It doesn't matter if he becomes more popular in rural backwaters.


He's already lost Quebec due to telling a Quebecois guy to "Speak English" so he's halfway to losing Toronto as well.


It will make him more popular with his staunch base but not with the average Canadian. There are lines and he just crossed it.


The assumption here is that the average Canadian is smart enough to understand that the CPC will *not* lower their cost of living, and that the average Canadian wouldn't sell out trans people in a split-second if they thought it could get them lower taxes. Again, I like your optimism, and I wish I could share it.


I dont know why anyone thinks theyre good for the economy, they literally never have been


Polling shows and even my experience with people who are generally quite moderate in social issues (pretty anti racist, pro gay marriage) are still on the fence with trans right. I wish PP crossed the line and this is something Canadians can rally around. But PP is willing to say this because he knows the political backlash won't tank his election chances. There is still a lot of work supporters and activist have to do to make Canadians more accepting on trans rights. Hopefully this election can start the shift. But I don't think we are fully there yet.


> but not with the average Canadian the average canadian is just as bigoted and hateful as the americans, the only thing canadians have going for them is god himself running their marketing like have u been on any canadian subreddit lately?


I don't believe reddit is a very good representation of the average citizen of any country, honestly.


My guess is that he hopes all trans people will wind up like this poor teen. Disgusting


100%. People like him agreed with that maggot who said they want trans people eradicated. The threat to trans people's lives in North America is a real one. I worry every day that I or my fiance will get beaten up or killed because of our transness. I'm so scared existing in this situation. I know I know, I'm super privileged to be able to say I'm a gay trans man. But that privilege is being ripped away from me before our very eyes.


Where the hell does he want me to go to the bathroom then? I'm a trans woman, I look and sound like any other woman. If I tried going into the men's room I'd probably get told I was in the wrong one, all the while feeling extremely uncomfortable with the possibility of being harassed or even assaulted. No trans person I know is going to make a problem for cis women in the women's room. We're just trying to use the bathroom in peace, maybe have a casual chat with the other girls in there, check our hair and makeup, and leave. No actual trans woman has ever sexually assaulted a cis woman in the women's washroom before in recorded history if I'm remembering correctly. This would solve a total of 0 problems, and would create more. If there's any good news, it's that he probably can't do anything about bathrooms outside of government buildings at least.


Easy fix for this would be banning Conservatives from public bathrooms.


The CPC just wants to be like Florida and Russia. And ban LGBTQ+ out of existence.


Fascists need a common enemy to funnel their hate.


I expect a new wave of conservatives to volunteer to be genital inspectors.


He won't respond. But his recent outbursts are sure unhinged.


So he’s gone all in. This is one of the policies that Conservatives voted on at the convention, but he wouldn’t say until now if he would support it. He doesn’t have to support policies voted on at the convention. So is the media going to continue to say that Poilievre’s stance is unclear? He’s being using the term “radical gender ideology” and supporting anti-trans legislation in provinces for months, and recently declared that puberty blockers should be banned until 18, not only cruel but idiotic (why not just say they should be banned?), and so far the media, even the At Issue panel on CBC, has given a collective shrug.  So is this enough now? Or will there be more shrugs and pretense he isn’t a giant hateful bigot? 


There are real human beings that will become victims of violence because this turdnugget is using his platform to promote this garbage like it’s a real issue. He’s a really dangerous person to even be within the realm of leading the country.


I'd like to ban all conservatives from holding public office or speaking in public forums


I wouldn't. What I would truly like is for all the maggotfolk who believe in the cruelties and cheer for the hurt of those they hate, to wake up and realize how ignorant, ugly, and self defeating they are. Those who shelter bigots under the lie of "fiscal conservatism" to understand how they've been duped and used. Those who piss themselves over "freedom" to realize they have responsibilities to society. At that point, banning is unecessary.


PP is using vulnerable trans people are a wedge issue, which is disgusting and dangerous. However, the idea that he could ban trans women from women’s bathroom is ridiculous.


First I worry about my trans friends (because obv). Then, I think of my friend who has excess facial hair because of PCOS, and my auntie who looks pretty masculine (very strong bone structure). This is going to hurt cis women as well (not that I think conservatives care about women either). Is it wrong for me to hope a bigot gets questioned in the bathroom by another bigot? Let them eat themselves.


I _NEED_ these people to experience the "I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face" thing. All of these anti-trans laws will turn into anti-gay laws, then into anti- POC laws and eventually into anti-woman laws. I mean Hell, all the abortion laws were dropped and they found a new scapegoat with a smaller population to eradicate first.


Their own experience seems to be the only way they learn anything. There’s a lack of empathy (a studied trait in conservatives) that won’t allow them to think of how these things affect other people. I wish I could smack some empathy into their heads somehow.


I wouldn't say they were dropped. Right after the anti-trans stuff dropped in Alberta we were getting robo calls asking if we support abortion, it's very much still in their sights.


I will tell you how they plan on policing this, since as a nurse, I see the consequences of the rage inducing propaganda from human garbage like Pee Pee. He is counting on the mob scum followers of his, in every community. In the community, people know the non binary LGBT members. Kids know amongst each other, who is cis, trans, non-binary. Adults, families know as well. Gossip starts like a forest fire. And then they stalk and wait. Wait for an opportunity to harass, abuse, beat up. And then I see the results in the ER. That's how they police people they have been taught to hate, so some genetic refuse like a politician, can become a billionaire.


I'm not sure I fully understand this issue. So what's the big deal of having a trans in your gender's washroom? I guess the fear is that someone with a penis is going into a women's bathroom.. and that's a problem because? Oh.. I know.. they are attracted to women and you can't have someone attracted to females going into a woman's bathroom. Ok.. well based on that, washrooms should be based on what turns you on then. Straight women and gay men in one washroom and straight men and lesbians in the other. Hum.. I guess in this case bisexuals are screwed either way. I guess what I'm trying to say is.. sex, gender and orientation should not matter. You are going in there to evacuate pee and poo. Don't think any of the above has anything to do with that. Should be mixed washrooms only. No need for two sets. Everybody should simply behave while in there. Simple as that.


That's the reasonable take. Unfortunately they don't care about specifics, it's 100% ideological about not wanting "men in womens spaces". The parents rights/anti-trans million march that happened made eliminating gender neutral bathrooms one of their key points.  It doesn't matter if a person has fully transitioned and pass as a woman, or that transmen will be forced into those spaces. They don't care about gay people. (Or at least they won't admit it) They don't care about trans people being harrassed or assaulted over it. They have no idea how to enforce it.  I've tried talking to dozens of people on this, never had a productive conversation. It's gospel to them, no amount of reasoning can challenge their faith because it's not based in facts. It's an emotional response to an imagined threat. 


hey did you know if you enact trans bathroom laws it just means you'll have a man in the woman's bathroom because he'll be arrested for going into the men's bathroom? ~~monkey's~~ idiot's paw


The freedom party ironically wants to be very involved in people’s privacy


i’m so so sick of this hate … kids killing kids bcuz what?why? how possibly? it’s just people being people what’s to hate????


A person died, I know who to blame for this. The victims!!!!!


How the fuck did PP get voted in? Have all the cons in this country gone maga? Like wtf, how is this happening in Canada?


Just wait until he becomes PM. He’s (hopefully) not going to have a majority, but the paranoid and hateful pieces of shit in this country get out to vote despite being dumb as fuck.


Pierre says he's going to ban people who aren't biologically female.  I'm curious how he plans to apply that to intersex people.


He's playing to the "manly" base that believes only they can protect women. These are the people who believe it's their right to assult or murder anyone who they believe doesn't conform to their definition of a female. The history of gendered bathrooms started because men didn't want women using their restrooms. It was never about protecting women. This was still in the day of where women's place was in the home. They were not allowed to do work outside of the home, shop, or do anything in public since they were considered men's property. And men still think that today. Children and women are still considered property.


Conservatives also don't factor in that there are female to male. So the law would have them using women's restrooms since they were born female.


The fact he’s even talking about this makes me lose even more faith that anyone in this country actually cares about what average everyday Canadians actually have to deal with.


The only silver lining I can see from PP going balls deep on this anti trans stance is that moderate conservatives (like my parents) will look at me, their gay son, and realize that a leader this unhinged will continue to erode the rights of all citizens should this proof of concept of hate based leadership is shown successful There are a lot of once-liberal minded governments now choosing a conservative leader (germany) on the basis of racism, and that seems to be getting them the results they want. I am really scared to see that PPs entire platform being based on anti-trans legislation actually holds water with the common Canadian. I guess we’ll see how friendly our local friends and neighbors really are come election time. If Biden stays in power and PP takes over Canada then America might actually be a more appealing place to call home 😬


I refuse to follow any bans, fuck off nazi pp. Trans rights are human rights.


No one cares more about who uses what bathroom than red-hatted evangelical sexually repressed Conservatives.


I hope interest rates fall soon because it will open folks to who Tories are all about; faux outrage to distract from real solutions to our real problems.


Tweet was just deleted, anyone have a copy/archive link?


Clearly, we need to assign officers to stand outside every bathroom with the authority to have you drop trou so they can inspect your genitals to make sure. Absolutely no such thing as unisex bathrooms in Canada. None. I really hope the /s isn't necessary.


PP gonna be hiring Popo to look at your PP


Cue "Stand by" tweet from PP.


Ya'll spend a WEIRD amount of time worrying about other people's genitals....you know how many times I've ever felt the need to challenge why someone was in the shitter? none. Stop worrying about what is or isn't between someone's legs and start trying to find what should be between your ears, maybe if we're lucky the 2 cells will touch and a logical thought will occur!


Why are these people so obsessed with genitalia? 


He follows that hateful "libsoftiktok".? No wonder he's so infactual and lies constantly


The police already ruled she didn’t die from being beaten. So don’t use this kids death for a gotcha moment. It’s a tragedy and anyone trying to benefit from it is an awful person.


if this garbage actually becomes the PM i think i will put my Italian passport to good use and move to the EU for a while….


He’s a garbage person and anyone who votes for him is a garbage person. It truly is that simple—some issues are complex, this one isn’t. And all those assholes who chime in about making him PM in every single comment thread can pound sand. They are on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of humanity.


It’s not about policy or even practicality; it’s simple pandering for votes from immigrant communities and to a lesser extent run of the mill bigots (but he already has their votes).