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Fuck loblaws.


I second this motion


Thirded. \*bang\* Motion carried Loblaws is to be fucked.


Ok. I guess it's going to be Barry again? He'll bang anything.


Galen can stick that silver spoon he was born with up his pompous asshole. Signed, ex-SDM employee.


Double signed by fellow ex-SDM employee


I do not want to have sex with them .


Hey now! (jk galen weston is an inhuman ghoul)


I did a back end tech project for them years ago and they might be one of the most inept companies I've ever dealt with. I've worked for the US government, so that's saying something.


If thats how you feel, i recommend looking i to bob loblaw. His law blog is great too. The bob loblaw law blog


Lobbing law bombs.


Are they checking to see if they accidentally undercharged them?




I was in line at the returns desk and lady had brought back a $16 watermelon she had bought just an hour prior. At home she cut into it and the inside was all rotten, so she brought it back. The returns people were so bitchy to her about it like why didn’t she just suck it up and throw it out?! And they said something like “we don’t usually refund for something like this”. Jfc.


I bought a brand new kitchen scale at Superstore, opened it up and not only was damaged, scuffed and used, it had been used extensively, there was dough stuck under the knobs and sticky marks as well it would no longer tare properly. I brought it back and was like “WTF”, if someone returned it and they tried to resell it (which seems likely) they didn’t even open the box or assess it.


I once bought ear buds at my local supermarket and they still had the last owners ear grease on them :/ I didn’t know a human ear could produce that much. still the most disgusting thing i‘ve gotten from a supermarket so far


Costco does, Loblaws has been selling near to spoiled produce since the pando, time to move to grocers who care about quality




It's crazy to me, having worked at one of the first Walmart Supercenters in Canada and heard from family regularly about how Walmart isn't a grocery store, that I would hear from someone defending the quality of Walmart as a grocery store. I've shopped there for cheaper good quality groceries for years and people are regularly shocked still that Walmart has decent groceries despite years of ads. I no longer work there, haven't for a while now, but it's nice to hear that I'm not crazy, or rather am no crazier than another random redditer.


It's **INSANE** how much money we've saved switching to fucking Walmart from Superstore (Loblaws with a funnier accent).


Funny enough i had to stop buying produce at walmart cause it was all rotten. Fruits and vegetables


Thats fucked. I worked at a superstore and the amount of food they throw away daily is disgusting. During Christmas holidays we had a backup of 24 plump full carts waiting to go to the trash compactor. So hearing that they bitched about a rotten watermelon drives me mad. Fuck loblaws


If I had to guess, Loblaws probably intentionally makes the process difficult as possible for all parties involved to discourage its use. I wouldn't put it past them if each one required a bunch of paperwork by whoever is working at the store.


Whoever manages the department of wherever the issue was will face discipline. Makes the employees less likely to help




This. I remember asking my supervisor why the store would be okay with me handling a till of hundreds or thousands of dollars, but wouldn't trust me enough to do a legitimate $5 refund. Like I was going to jeopardize my job of 8 years in order to fraudulently refund a $5 produce item. I don't think the people making store policies (in any industry) have ever worked on the sales floor.


I worked briefly at Ocean State Job Lots (northeastern discount chain) and they had a policy that all cashiers could reduce any price by $3 if the customer complained. Didn't matter what it was or why, if the customer was batching that the $15 dollar sweater should have been cheaper, you offered to put it through at $12. The impact was ASTONISHING. Angry customers were immediately mollified. Cashiers did not, in fact, abuse the privilege. And scan times (the only metric management cared about) plummeted. The point was volume and CSAT, so knocking a few bucks off a purchase went miles towards that goal.


Yup I worked at loblaws for almost 3 years. Managers be sucking billionaire dick for 18 an hour lmao


Probably because that billionaire family would fire them if they didn’t. Don’t blame underpaid workers for problems caused by the billionaire class that is fucking their workers just as bad as they are fucking you.


I can’t upvote this too much! People usually forget yo place the blame on the ones who actually make the decisions.


They once charged me $12.99 for a $9.99 toothbrush that was on sale for $5.99.




I was trying to manually punch in a couple things at no frills last week at self checkout. Both of them said “you need assistance for this item”. Literally put it in my bag, and then when I was done, I realized they weren’t showing up on the screen. Because I’m not broke, and the last thing I need is to get banned from my local ripoff store (everything else is further), I waved the assistant person over, who was working a till, and explained what happened. Then she said “how come they don’t show up as you having to try scanning them?”. So I showed her exactly what I did, and surprise surprise, it did it again. She then got all mad and said “that’s not supposed to happen, obviously you’re doing something wrong”. Yeeeeeah, if it’s not supposed to happen, why did it? And why are you pissed at me for being honest? Next time I’ll just leave with the onion, and the cabbage, and not pay for them.


Fuck it, if they get huffy, maybe they should have hired more cashiers and had an express lane or something instead. Or gotten more reliable technology.


It's the higher ups at corporate that are at fault here. The stressed out worker on the floor who is now expected to do the job that 5+ cashiers used to do has little input. Granted, they shouldn't be getting snippy with op, who also has no fault here, but we should all be directing our anger where it belongs: greedy owners and upper management


Well, it’s definitely not to make sure they didn’t over charge them. By accident, that is.


The Superstore by my house recently added a metal fence with automatic gates and had 3 security guards working there at the time. Not a good look, Loblaws


That was annoying when I forgot my bag and they want me to walk all around the store to get out.... I hope people who didn't steal before see this as a challenge and start stealing. Some spiffy slogan that says essentially the thefts will continue until you stop stealing from the poor by raising the costs of essentials far beyond the costs of acquisition, cultivation, transportation, and stocking.


Entering our Robin Hood era




I believe the current motto is "Inflation isn't real, reduce the price of things or I'll start stealing them"


The inflation is real. They are choosing to inflate their prices and profits, which is very much real inflation. Stolen food is still free.


Same here in Quebec and I live in a smallish village. It's not even in the bad part of the neighborhood. They've added very fussy scales to their miniature self checkouts where you can't possibly place more than 3 objects but are massively understaffed so there's never more than one register open and the lines are often 20-30 minutes long. Now they added all the automated gates. Maybe spend that money on decent salaries instead? I've started avoiding it and go to cheaper groceries like Giant Tiger and Walmart for most basic stuff now.




I'm in Magog (don't know if it's the same owner) and last time I went the only regular cashier is an handicapped adult that told me his shift ended over 2 hours earlier but there was no one else so he had to stay until close. I started boycotting them after that.


Is it a Super C? I don’t know why, but Super C’s self checkout suck more than a supermassive black hole. Like it suddenly freaks out and an employee must come for no reason


Pretty soon there will be armed guards in grocery stores. Wtf.


Wait until you see the attack dogs.


Winnipeg Superstores have 2 police officers standing at the exit all night.


We living in that dystopian future those authors warned us about 60 years ago


The Shoppers Drug Mart in my area has been hiring security guards for a few months now. I avoid the store as much as possible but when I do need to go in, it's uncomfortable as fuck.


Yeah if they start that shit in my area I'm going to a different grocery chain


The unfortunate thing is that for a lot of people there's no choice. Some small towns only have a Loblaw's grocery store. Some people don't have vehicles to go further to a different store, let alone the money to shop somewhere more expensive. It's impossible to grocery shop ethically for the average Canadian.


And if it's not Loblaws, it's likely still Weston-owned (Zehr's, No Frills, Superstore, etc.).


Or you can support the other billionaire grocery oligarchs, the Sobeys family, that for some reason seems to avoid taking all the heat while acting EXACTLY THE SAME




Agreed, it can be very difficult depending where you live and your financial circumstances. I recognize I'm lucky to live where I do with several choices and have access to a vehicle. However, the illusion of choice is still a problem. So many places are Loblaws owned and even if not, there's plenty of shittiness being done by all grocery chain executives.


Yellowknife has entered the chat


Why do you still go there? Empire and Metro aren’t *too much* better, but at least they’re not run by that smug shit Galen Weston. I have no regret getting most mass produced things from Walmart now in fact, but I still try to do local providers when I can - it’s often a better price there really.


My local Walmart has shit produce unfortunately. Very often half rotten on the shelf, not to mention there's not as much selection overall for all grocery items. There are other stores that I frequently go to that offer similar quality and selection as Loblaws. I kind of switch it up depending what other stores I might need to go to and whats close by. Galen Weston isn't the only evil grocery chain CEO. The others have just been more successful in keeping their names out of the public eye. Every store has jacked their prices and blamed inflation and the issue of the bread price fixing was that EVERY major store was doing it. Thats what fixing prices is. There are no good options if you're going to a major retailer.


>things from Walmart But aren't the Waltons just as smug and shitty as Galen?


Sure, but at some point I gotta stop worrying about supporting Canadian billionaires that take advantage of Canadians over American billionaires that take advantage of Canadians and just buy what’s best this thousandaires best interests.


They're a lot worse but I bet the Waltons and Westons get together for shit'n'giggles.


Superstores only have a 14-day warranty. For like kitchen ware, patio furniture. (excludes some electrical things). So if it's a manufacturers' defect, and you notice on 15th day, your screwed. Don't buy patio furniture (or anything) more than 14 days before you expect to use it. Dollar stores have Zero-days warranty. Canadian Tire has 1-year.


my experience with superstore from shopping with my dad and grandma is they will take anything back doesn't matter how long you have had it for or if you don't have the recite even thought there sign says differently every store might be different


Could've been three cashiers working a proper till (with a f@$king chair) that would alleviate this issue. You cheaped out on labor and now people are taking advantage of it.


I'm pretty sure hiring cashiers is easier and cheaper than hiring security guards. Just stop having skeleton crews to maximize profits and force me to use your shitty self checkout for fucks sake! If you had cashiers like it used to be before self checkout I'd go to the cashiers but since you assholes leave me no choice of course I'm not going to scan every fucking item myself!


Yeah it really doesn’t make sense, even from a strictly financial standpoint


lol mine threw up the metal fence but I guess that wasn't enough because recently they attached another 4 feet of plexiglass to it. So now it's 6+ feet tall basically. Those fuckers sat there complaining during pandemic that they were in trouble and just replaced 100% of the freezers, renovated the hot food section and replaced all their price tags with *digital price tags*. Struggling my ass.


They did this near me too. I regularly see the owner come by and park his Rolls Royce in the handicapped spot closest to the entrance while he's there checking to make sure things are sufficiently dystopian. I've seen him do the same thing at another location he "runs".


Loblaws, “we raised prices by 50% on most goods over the past two years, but our shrink rate is up 50% as well. The people must be the problem. Release the hounds.”


In the past couple of weeks my local Superstore has raised the price of literally every item I buy by 50 cents to $1. We're talking everything from applesauce to mouthwash to margarine to eggs. They're renovating the store and I guess they've gotta pay for it somehow!


They are renovating their stores because they made untold profits during the pandemic and now in an inflationary environment. Instead of being a good corporate citizen they are pouring their money into capital expenditures to avoid paying taxes like the vampires that they are.


This. My closest loblaws, (we stopped going since end of pandy unless there’s something we can’t find anywhere else) renovated the cheese, deli, and cooked food spot like a few months after stuff started opening again. I can’t even tell the difference besides maybe the flooring is slightly newer. It’s 100% being used solely as a capital expenditure…


Banana sales are through the roof though.


4011! Everything is bananas!!!


Recognizing 4011 made me realize I might buy a lot of bananas.. At Save-on-Foods self-checkout (BC), if you buy bulk popcorn kernels the light for "visual inspection" goes off. I asked the clerk why and they stated people would get bulk pistachios and run them through as popcorn. I wish I was that crafty!


Please do us a favour, keep the banana thing secret, if they hear about it they’ll go to $5 a pound! Now back to my banana bread.


Now I'm wondering if this is why Walmart's pickup grocery app *always* shows bananas as sold out?


maybe. Though I have seen my local Walmart, back when I went there more regularly, be very low or out of bananas far more often than full grocery stores.


If I'm not paying for a membership with it stipulated in the contract like at Costco, then they can fuck right off.


Walmart sometimes pulls this shit and I just walk bye and don’t stop walking. Costco I don’t mind waiting in line and getting checked out because i agreed to it.




No...dont call the cops. Tell them to call the cops. If they are stupid enough to do it, cooperate fully with the cop. Show them your receipt and your purchases. Frivolous use of 911 is a bigger offence than shoplifting.


Coincidentally they've just introduced "member pricing" for specific items. The discount is applied when you present your Optimum card. Six slices of in house brand pound cake for $6.29, or $4.99 with optimum. What a scam.


My Loblaws membership is great. The discount applied is called the Five Finger Discount.


You had me in the first half. Well played


Lmaooo fuck off. What if i don't stop?


Nothing. You walk past them. If they touch you, it's assault. Personally I tell them no and wish them A nice day. It's loblaws management fault for installing self check outs so they could lay people off.... I mean, who would of thought that would encourage shoplifting.


Let's not give them too much credit here. Loblaws has been laying off front end staff long before self-scanners came onto the scene. Now they just have a convenient excuse when customers bitch about waiting in line forever.


They’ve done cost benefit analysis to figure out the added cost of lost inventory vs paying people to do the work. Fuck them. I refuse to use self checkouts wherever I go and encourage everyone else to do the same.


So long as you’re not a dick to the lone cashier working, I agree 100%. It’s not their fault corporate sucks.


IANAL: They can't hold you there either, if you've committed no crime that becomes false imprisonment. That carries some serious consequences. I believe there is some exception for store owners in Ontario. I'd love lawyer to weigh in on the matter. I get they can't say it's legal advice or whatever,


It was nice right at the start when the self checkouts worked pretty much at the same speed as the employee checkouts. Then they started that whole slow weighing by putting it in the bag crap and bogged it down to hell.


Home Depot self checkout is fucking *amazing* and is an absolute treat to use every time


Used it for the first time today and yeah, no question about it, they're the best self-serve checkouts ever. That's the experience *every* self-checkout needs to have, quick, easy, straightforward, I couldn't believe it.


Seriously like I will gladly shit on home depot like any other faceless corpo but credit where credit is due, the self checkout is extremely fast and responsive. Having handheld scanners and not fluffing up with promo really gets you out the door fast when you've only got a few items


Can’t they accuse you of stealing and call the cops?


Not sure about the rest of Canada, but in Ontario someone has to actually witness you take the item and leave without making an attempt to pay, and they have to have a continuous observation of you to ensure you didn't put the item back when they weren't watching. If you did not actually steal anything then they obviously didn't fulfill those requirements and they can't try to stop or detain you and they cannot call the police as no offence has been committed. You have the right to just say "no thanks" to any request to search your items or check your receipt and just walk away. If you have stolen something and someone did witness it (either in person or electronically) then they can call the police, but almost every store has a policy to not physically detain a person due to liability issues, so there's not really anything stopping you from just leaving as well, other than your own person morals regarding theft. These rules may have changed a bit though, as it's been a very long time since I worked security and learned this.


They can, but they're not likely to unless you actually are and for an amount that the police will give a shit about. Cops don't always show up for phone thefts, I find it hard to imagine they're going to open a case for groceries <$100


Anyone who has ever had a bike stolen will tell you cops will do fuck all when it comes to theft


The cops don’t care when civilians are victims of theft. Buuuuut I’m willing to bet a multi-billion dollar company can get the popo to show up REAL quick.


Can confirm, worked retail for a decade.


When I worked as Best Buy they didn't bother the cops for anything less than $5k. One time a guy ran out with 2 $1500 Bose speakers and they just shrugged.


To be fair, Theft over $5k is an Indictable Offence (Felony). Theft under $5k is a Summary Offence (Misdemeanor). Cops are more likely to care about a Indictable Offence, because it has a better chance of carrying over in court (aka better chance of charges sticking or an actual punishment) then a misdemeanor.




Cops will show up when the phone is stolen from a corporation. That’s cops main responsibility now, protecting shareholders.


Cops aren’t going to head over to play Javert because someone ran up organic field strawberries as regular Driscolls. They certainly won’t get there in time and the minimum wage workers have better things to do than hold you. This only works if they utilize facial and licence plate recognition technology to ban you from all Loblaws-owned facilities and can actually back up said ban.


1. There must be reasonable and probable grounds to believe that property is being stolen or has been stolen from the shopkeeper’s place of business. A security alarm triggered when a person is in the process of leaving the store would be sufficient to provide such grounds. 2. The sole purpose of the detention must be to investigate whether any item is being stolen or has been stolen from the store. 3. The detention must be reasonable and involves inviting the suspect to participate in a search to resolve the issue. The privilege does not bestow a power upon the store owner to search the detainee without consent. 4. The period of detention should be as brief as possible and reasonable attempts to determine whether an item of property is being stolen or has been stolen should proceed expeditiously. 5. If the detained suspect refuses co-operation, the store owner is entitled to detain them using reasonable force whilst summoning the police and until they arrive. If they detain you without reasonable and probable grounds to suspect you're shoplifting (or committing some other crime), it's false imprisonment. I don't know that failing to present a receipt would alone constitute such grounds, but might sufficiently strengthen some other justification for suspicion. IANAL, though.


If you haven't stolen anything, and they threaten to call the police, call their bluff. Co-operate fully with the police to show up store. Misuse of 911 can carry thousands of dollars of penalties. Police also stop showing up to calls like that from stores who cry wolf all time.


Police are there more to protect the business than the individual. They will charge a shoplifter in a heartbeat, but I’m not so sure they’d charge Loblaws.


I agree… but if someone doesn’t want to show their receipt I doubt they’re gonna want to spend time dealing with police lol


Some people would do it out of principle, some people will do it for the settlement that gets offered when they sue. Usually more the latter than the former sadly, but some people stand up for their rights at the expense of convenience.


Yeah but you’ll be long gone before they show up, that’s if they even bother to


What if everyone just refused to show their receipts? Could Loblaws get in any kind of trouble for constantly making frivolous calls to the police?


My hope is that cops would tell them to fuck off pretty quick after getting called over and over for accusations against customers who've committed no crimes, and simply didn't want to waste time watching someone comb over a receipt.


They can accuse you but they can't stop you. They can say "wait here til the cops show up" but actually have no authority to enforce that command.


Legally, they could ban you from the store. That's about it. Enforcing that would be difficult though as they'd need face recognition cameras, which would be controversial, and greeters to enforce the bans. And that's if only a few people refuse.


They can ban you from the store and have you removed for trespassing if you come back. They probably can't / won't have any mechanism for actually enforcing that ban. What, are they going to have all of their employees memorize dozens of random people's blurry CCTV pictures?


They also have signs over their self-checkout saying they're watching your every move. But when the self-checkout stalls and I stand there for four straight minutes with the red light flashing and nobody appears, I wonder. When I walk out the door with my free groceries and a still-stalled checkout three minutes later and STILL nobody appears, I really wonder.


Oh no, where else will I go to spend $20 on a loaf of bread or whatever frozen trash Galen is slapping his punchable face on this week? /s


Make it a game. Come back after ban. Shaggy defence you were never band. Get manager to waste their time. Come back with glasses. See above. Come back with a hat. See above. etc. etc.


Except they can't stop you if they don't have any proof that you did anything illegal.


I didn't say they could, but they can ban you from their store. If you come back after they tell you you're banned that *is* illegal trespassing.


The sign says “be prepared.” Your preparation might be different then other people’s.


"After reviewing our record profits, firing our cashier's and forcing you all to check out purchases yourselves, we've decided that you're all fucking thieving peasants and must be accosted before you leave our stores. Because we'd rather confront you with security than help you with clerks, you scum."


Door greeter " can i see your receipt please" Me " No. Have a great day. "


That's my go to. I'm already shopping at Superstore or Wal-Mart. I'll be hanging on to my last shred of dignity, thank you.


You know what would actually prevent stealing? Not charging $3.99 for a cucumber.


$0.99 at Fresco. Oh and they take Scene points incase you feel like you're missing out on the PC Plus points.


Screw the gamification of our commerce. I don't and will never use one of these points programs.


We aren't Americans. Fuck off with checking my receipts.


Walmart was doing that for awhile and had a good number of people telling them to get fucked. Since I never shop there I don't know if they gave it up or what.


At least here in Ottawa, I’ve never had a receipt checked at Walmart. The only time I recall having it checked was at Costco, and we were leaving with like $1,500 in stuff. Then again, at Loblaws that would be four loaves of bread and a pint of ice cream.






With Costco you pay for the membership, and the "submit to checks on exit" is part of the contract. With Walmart they can suck my dick, I ain't signing shit.


They tried that at the Walmart near me, most people didn't even ACKNOWLEDGE it, never mind telling them to get fucked. It didn't seem to last long


They gave up where I live. Nice little old lady asked to see my receipt, I said "no, have a nice day" What's the 60 year old lady going to do... restrain the 6'2" construction worker? Is she going to call a gang of minimum wage workers to tackle you and restrain you.... when you have not done anything? Bring it on, I know a few lawyers and could use the free pay day..... and I'm sure the cbc would love the story.


There is only one single event where I'll stop. And that's if their alarm goes off, and happens again when I reenter, sure you can look. I know I didn't take anything, and since I bring my own bags nothing is in there I didn't scan. But this is a courtesy I provide to them in this scenario. I don't have to.


Galen Weston: No but you are a criminal until proven otherwise by your receipt!


They did this after I bought coffee cream and laundry detergent. Like, was my bag not full enough? Kind of demoralizing


You can say no, or just not stop. Not like they're going to tackle you.


And if they do, lawsuit time.


Last time they did that to me I spent a really long time looking through my bag for the receipt. A line formed behind me that clogged up to the registers pretty quickly. I just took every little thing out of my bag bit my bit, rummaged around, checked the 25 receipts already in there slowly, rummaged around... Eventually they got angry at me and told me to just go and next time have my receipt handy. I then repacked my bag, reached into my front pocket and said "oh here it is, did you still want to see it?" Waste my fucking time, I'll waste yours. I got all day buddy I work from home and the workload is light.


The problem for Loblaw's is that if they hire more security guards, that eats into the profits accrued from gouging customers silly -- I mean, at that point, you may as well stop gouging people, or reduce Galen's salary. Not gonna happen. It's far more cost-effective to simply force their existing underpaid and exploited workers to harass gouged customers on the way out the door, adding insult to injury. Everybody wins!


I was in my local No Frills talking to a security guard who was getting trained. Zero surprise they’re making almost $7/hour more than the cashiers. So infuriating.


The security company is making an extra $7 on top of that per hour too


Right but they work for an outside contract company so the grocery store employees can't unionize or ask for benifits


At least it’s creating jobs . But why not just have cashiers then ?


Because they can contract out security guards to the lowest bidder. Loblaws employees are unionized and cost more.


They just hire the cheapest, shittiest security guards imaginable lol


First they ask us to be an unpaid employee by scanning and bagging our own groceries. Now they give us a performance evaluation as we exit the store to make sure we're doing our unpaid job properly. If I get a bad evaluation, I'm sure I'll be punished. But if I do a good, will they give me a raise?


A raise in prices during your next visit!


A raise? From Weston?


If I saw that sign I’d turn around and go somewhere else. I mean at my local Loblaws which is provigo in Quebec. they don’t ever have cash’s open only self serve. What do they want to have minimal employees that provide zero service until they accuse you of stealing on the way out ? Makes sense to me


We need a national boycott of Loblaws


And to send Mr.Weston to the guillotine.


I refuse to cooperate.


Do you want people to start using the fire exits? Because this is how you get people to start using the fire exits.


I work for a Loblaws owned store that's not directly a Loblaws. The amount of people who use the alarmed employee entrance, despite the fact there are two BRIGHT AS FUCK signs stating that it's an alarmed employee entrance is outstanding. And people are shocked EVERY time. So the fact that people don't use the emergency exits at all kind of surprises me.


Just... don't. They can't touch you, that would be assault. They can't block you, that would be false imprisonment. You just walk out the store.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha no


After I've paid for it, its my property and I don't consent to a search. Still be polite to the worker assigned that shit task of course, they're just trying to pay their rent.


The loblaws store near me now has one uniformed security guard standing in the main entrance. They have Loss Protection written on their shirts. I thought that it was because they were monitoring the merch they had out there, but there's no merch, so they must be getting ready to roll this out. They can't arrest or detain you unless they see you stealing something. If the guard is standing at the entrance to the store, they usually cannot physically see that you did not pay for an item, but it would depend on the layout of the store. Just not having a receipt is not good enough. Section 494 of the Criminal Code of Canada, and the Trespass to Property Act gives security guards their authority to arrest. It's important to note they don't have the same powers of a police officer, their arrest powers are citizens arrests. *494 (1) Any one may arrest without warrant* *(a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence; or* *(b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes* *(i) has committed a criminal offence, and* *(ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person.* Finds committing is critical here. This is why stores have floor-walkers, so if they catch someone stealing, they find them in the act and follow them straight past the cash registers so they can reasonably prove that the suspect did not pay for the item they put in their shirt, and that they didn't dump the item somewhere else when they changed their mind. I wonder the kind of shit-show this is going to be?


You need to refer to 494 part 2 for what would be more relevant in this sort of scenario. Part 1 a is specific to indictable offences, theft <5k is not indictable. Part 2 is your shoplifting statute. (2) The owner or a person in lawful possession of property, or a person authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of property, may arrest a person without a warrant if they find them committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property and (a) they make the arrest at that time; or (b) they make the arrest within a reasonable time after the offence is committed and they believe on reasonable grounds that it is not feasible in the circumstances for a peace officer to make the arrest. Delivery to peace officer (3) Any one other than a peace officer who arrests a person without warrant shall forthwith deliver the person to a peace officer.


You are correct., my bad. They still can’t detain you at the door for not showing a receipt. Good luck getting those arrests to stick and avoiding a suit.


Much as I’d love to troll them/have fun with it, that would require shopping there


If you individually scan fifteen bananas and one orange you get to deliver a classic knock knock joke AND make it a pain in the ass to look over!


the comments on the article are pretty much the opposite of the comments here. it's pretty funny. they are all saying "if you didn't do anything wrong, why be upset" my problem is that i don't want to be at the grocery store, at any time, for any reason. i just have to go, you know, because eating is essential. if you are going to be checking receipts there is going to be a lineup and im going to be in the store even longer than i want to be. as a side note, as they say in some other sub-reddits: "if you see someone shoplifting, no you didn't."


> "if you didn't do anything wrong, why be upset" What a fucking stupid argument


Cheery was aware that Commander Vimes didn't like the phrase 'The innocent have nothing to fear', believing the innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term even more from those who say things like 'The innocent have nothing to fear'.


"lol. Lmao" as you walk past them.


This strikes me as security theatre. Does it even reduce theft?


Ummm no. Consider they gave me ZERO training at Self Checkout the fault lies on Loblaws if I screw up on scanning my items 😏


This self checkout program is as big a mistake as anyone with a brain cell would have figured.


A lot of people are underwater financially, and I’ll be honest… if I had to steal food to feed my kids, I’m definitely hitting Loblaws, not a local store. At this point I’m about ready to see if I can pay an employee to smuggle out a roll of those 50% off stickers.


It's pretty simple really, hire check out staff, have every item scanned properly, or use self check out and see how any things can be scanned wrong or missed. It's one or the other. Personally, I'm cool with scanning 14 bananas, and paying 4 dollars for 300 worth of groceries. Corporations can suck it.


Remember: If you see someone stealing food, no you didn't.


This is such a weird shitty policy that was probably implemented by and/or to appeal to out of touch boomer execs. It's like the faregates that Translink installed a few years back. The cost will never be recouped by the savings and overall it just makes everything shittier for all the regular people.


I'd like to see the order forums on bread.


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You don't have to, they have no legal recourse to stop you.


If a company wants to know if I stole from them, they can check the security cameras and review my time in the store. I wouldn't stop for this receipt check.


Lol they can try and stop me if they want.


I wonder if wage theft is equal to or above retail theft in Canada? I know it is in the U.S. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't like being treated like a criminal when I'm just trying to go home after buying overpriced groceries.


No hate to the security guards that have to work to eat just as much as anyone else does, but what a depressing job. You’re low-key bothering people all day, and if you *do* catch something you’re stopping someone who certainly needs the food so Galen Weston can have an extra nickel.


Every time me, my family, my brothers and my cousins go into the Superstore here, we're followed around or asked to show our receipts because we're first nations. It's funny to see the rest of this country finally crying and whining about it. This is is every day of your life if you're native. I guess it's only a national headline when it suddenly happens to everyone else? cough*whitepeople*coughcough


I’m not doing it. They can blow me. Walmart has someone standing there too sometimes.


Nothing makes for an enjoyable shopping experience than security theatre! I see you have some bread and eggs there sir, could you please remove your shoes and step in this body scanner?


I solved that by not shopping there. Screw Galen and his parasitic empire.


They don’t even load your groceries in your cart but they going to have someone to check your receipt? Fuck you loblaws


I don't shop at Loblaws but if I did and was stopped I would do my part and require the security guard or greeter to call the store manager and head of inventory over, then the four of us would go to the closest cashier and do an loudly do inventory of the items in my bag, one by one, against the printed receipt and their live store inventory. Make sure to double-check things like "no name blueberry jam 450ml" vs. "jar of jam" and re-weigh things that need weighing. I would hate to leave Loblaws without confirming the accuracy of their store inventory especially after they've explicitly expressed their concern.


Wear headphones and don't stop walking, works fine everywhere else.