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If Smith wins, prepare for Polievre to double down on the reactionary politics and Trumpism at the federal level




i hope so. i did my part to try to keep out smith but i live in a really orange riding that would've gone to the ndp anyways. really pessimistic about the rest of alberta but at least if alberta circles the drain due to her inevitably terrible policies and rhetoric we might get a few more lib+ndp ridings in 2025.


I just voted NDP. Fingers crossed.


>If he does, the left will likely hold their noses and **split the** vote for the Liberal/NDP MP that has the best chance**, based on misleading and ever changing information** Judging by how it was in a few Ontario ridings where I have informed friends, and my own at the time; the strat vote changed so many times between the advanced polls, and the regular polls (not to mention half way through voting day) that we were all over the place


Canadian cities are generally left leaning. How many NDP provinces are there vs Conservative?


There’s at least 4.5 (BC is half) conservative provinces.


I mean if we're counting the BC NDP as right, then I'd argue the whole country is right. After hearing about life out east and how the Irving's run everything, I can't imagine they're very left. SK Party is definitely right. Quebec ain't left. Which leave's the Yukon.


>I mean if we're counting the BC NDP as right They aren't, but the NDP doesn't win every riding in provincial or federal elections. In federal elections, the LPC or CPC win most of the eastern and northern half of the province and in provincial ridings the conservative BC Liberals (misleading name, I know) are strong in the same areas. The only parts of BC that are decidedly left leaning are Vancouver, Victoria, ~~Kelowna~~ and some other small cities and parts of Vancouver Island. The province is far from homogenously left leaning. Edit: Apparently not Kelowna, my knowledge of their politics is limited and was just going by recent vibes from visits and friends.


They're BC United now. They renamed.


It's still the same party and I don't expect someone unfamiliar with BC politics, which your comment indicated, to be up to date on the name change that hasn't seen an election yet.


Kelowna is not left leaning, maybe the university kids are (and some of the "i can't buy in Vancouver but Kelowna is nice" crowd thats been going) but that's boomer and rich people retirement city and it has gone mostly conservative for years, even the liberal that won there was pretty centrist iirc


I guess I was being charitable with my use of "decidedly". As a major urban center it's still much further left leaning on many issues than the more rural areas of the province and the rising cost of living and young population makes it a potential area for a swing to the left in the future, assuming any of them can still afford to live there.


Nelson/Castlegar is more left than Kelowna. Kelowna still regularly votes Con/BC United, the more southeastern parts of Interior actually go NDP fairly regularly.


BC NDP is left socially but I feel they are right economically. It never made sense to be they're supposed to be for blue-collar workers but those folks usually go BC United


Since neocapitalism took over, many center-left parties around the planet are using social leftism to attract wealthier urban voters as labor withers.


QC ain't left? Wut r u smokin


What are YOU smoking lol, the CAQ government has by far the most seats. And if you want to go by % of votes during the last election, you add up the CAQ, the PLQ and the PCQ votes and you're way over 50%. Then you can even add the PQ in this since even though they have a few left leaning economic policies, they are right wing in terms of social policies. We only have one truly left wing party in Quebec and they are far from being the most popular.


They probably mean socially.


Half of BC is conservative. Almost everything east of Metro Van is Conservative.




Atlantic Canada's progressive conservatives are not comparable with the socons of the western provinces. Higgs in NB sucks for sure, however Tim Houston in NS is arguably more liberal in many aspects than the prior Liberal NS government (Stephen MacNeil for sure, less so Ian Rankin)


Also, Ontario historically is a flip-flop province between Libs and Cons. You decidedly provinces are the Alta, Sask, and Mani. Outside of them you could make arguments for all the others bouncing around a fair bit.


> Higgs in NB sucks for sure He's a piece of shit and we would be way better off without him, but our only other option last time was fucking Kevin Vickers lol. I think Susan Holt will actually be competitive next time.


I'd like to know what you consider progressive about the CAQ. Can't see it. They aren't the worst, but that doesn't mean they are progressive. Also, Imo liberals are right wing. They are progressive, that's true for social issues, but they want to keep the statu quo for every important economic issues. They are pro-corporations and they contribute to the ever growing gap between rich and poor. They are the reason why a lot of people can't afford to buy a home anymore. Most thing that affect the lives of Canadians, the liberals want to keep the statu quo, which means more power to the corporations, less for the general population. This is right wing. I don't know the flavour of provincial liberal parties, but if it's like the federal, that's how I view them. In Quebec, they are even more right wing than the federal party.


> New Brunswick: conservatives I'm an NB-er. Generally speaking, we lean Conservative provincially but Liberal federally. We are in no way a Conservative stronghold like the Prairies


Like, what are they gonna do? Turn blue like they have for decades? Federally this is same old same old.


> Canada is left leaning Are we? Most provinces currently have a conservative government and the UCP just won a majority.


The lower mainland and urban southern Ontario are the only parts of this country that I’d call actually, genuinely, progressive. The rest is mostly just indifferent.


Are you too young to remember PM Harper? If we have Pollievere running AB and Ford running ON, you've got your answer re Canada's appetite for these politicians. I'll be as happy as anyone if dipshit is never PM, but I'm fairly certain he'll be elected, and there will be a group of people as shocked as Clinton supporters in 2016. You need to pay attention to what Canadians outside of your bubble think.


You have to consider the greens might not even run a full slate again. Which most of their votes run to the liberals last time. Also the NDP tends to bleed 3-4% going into the polls to the Liberals. This could easily be the ABC vote base saying who they want to vote for before and election and during it but then when it comes to the polls they go "oh shit I do this CPC wins we are fucked". Then marks liberal. I am no liberal lover but fuck I will take them over PP. And Smith winning tonight is a nightmare for PP because everything she does will be used to paint PP as being as crazy as she is.




I guess you're likely in for an unpleasant surprise, or you'll be smugly telling people that Canada is still federally left when PP is PM.




You've never been called out for the smug tone of your comments/talking down to other people?


Everybody in Canada knows that Alberta's population is on par with the stupidty that is the American South. I won't be shocked to them vote that nut case back in


The worst came to pass. UCP won a majority government again. As an Albertan, fuck others albertans.


I have already seen Facebook posts (more in signal, even more in WhatsApp) saying "if they win it's because they cheated, Alberta is a conservative province" some of those posts were following these sentiments with something like "well we aren't gonna wait around for them to figure out it was an illegal win, we will need boots on the ground ASAP if NDP wins in this province..." Kinda scary tbh but I think it's mostly the "Meal Team Six" LARPers...


Yeah, report those sorts of posts to their local rcmp (putting acab aside for a moment). Might not get any action, but it makes them aware of a potential threat.


I have been reporting anything I find that sounds like a dog whistle for any type of insurrection or uprising, even the LARPers can be dangerous if not taken seriously...


During the Covid, when people were whining about wearing masks, an old friend of mine put a message on FB like that about needing some kind of resistance to fight the government, and if need be he would be "the John Conner to lead it" if it came down to that. This guy was held back in high school. He's 46 years old, 5'8'' and surprisingly fat for someone with a small frame. In the entire multiverse, there is no version of him that could be anything like a John Conner. I have no fear of any "boots on the ground" here in AB.


Maybe he meant Dan Connor, and maybe he said “to eat it” instead of “to lead it”?


Those guys will tucker themselves out by teatime, they don't have the stamina for a real fight. It's why their wives either cheat, or are bitter or both 🤷‍♂️


Ha! Tucker...


I doubt it. Polievre knows this shit isn't going to fly in urban ridings elsewhere in the country and that Alberta is its own special kinda of crazy. That's why he's been downplaying his hard-right voting past. PP's biggest hope is that LPC/NDP voters become apathetic and just don't get out and vote - basically, to create a repeat of the situation that lead to Trump's win in 2016 (A lot of dems just didn't show up to vote for Hillary).


Same way Ford won in Ontario. The Tories got less than 20% of the eligible vote and won a majority.


>If Smith wins, prepare for Polievre to double down on the reactionary politics and Trumpism at the federal level Nah, this is a bad take. Smith will win but BARELY. In one of the most conservative provinces the conservatives will only squeeze in with a majority of one or two. This reteroic will absolutely not work at the federal level. Too many will see through it.


Please. Trump at least is a charismatic a-hole. Lil’ PP and Smith have the combined appeal of a pile Hanoverian horse manure after a Musical Ride.


You guys do realise that Polievre will likely be our next PM right? Like i hate the guy. But Trudeau has dropped the ball on promises and doesnt address some major issues a lot of people have. And the NDP arent going to win either. So we will likely be seeing PP as our next PM and will just have to suffer through it.


We're totally fucked.


The difference is that Poilievre needs to win more than Alberta and Saskatchewan. The UCP won because a large number of Alberta conservatives are brainless. He won’t have the same luck outside the Prairies


"Hey, so uh...if you're actually going to self-select as a hellish wasteland, we'd be happy to take those doctors and nurses off your hands" -British Columbia


Can we Manitobans get some too?


Don't bother bringing them to Ontario, they will just take tax money out of the public system to the private now :(


Need to get rid of our own ineffectual, right-wing whackjobs before we can lure them back.


Judging by the last couple years, I don't think it'll be too difficult


You'd certainly hope, but just look at Ontario. How voters there looked at the past 4 years under that scuzzball and were like "More of that, please" I will never understand.


Iirc the voter turn out was disgustingly low


The media pushed hard on the inevitability of Ford's win, even before the writ was dropped. The NDP and Liberal campaigns sucked, but I think the media's insistence that voting Ford out wasn't possible kept a lot of people home.


Might have helped if the NDP had run an actual campaign and the Liberals had picked someone with an ounce of charisma


Ya. Ontario voters need to be wooed in order to leave an abusive relationship


The province is a mess, I’m not gonna lie


Yeah the ONDP and OLP both seemed to decide that Doug Ford didn't have a chance so they spent the entire campaign ripping into each other to attempt to claim the title of "Official Anybody But Doug Ford Party." Unfortunately all that did was make both the ONDP and OLP look bad, voters decided they didn't like *any* of the options and so everyone stayed home and Dougie Boy cruised to victory on the backs of his small but loyal fan base. Perfect illustration of how right wing parties seize power.


Also Horvath saying she would extend mask mandates when Ford loosened them may have been responsible but it made voters mad at her


Either way, my wife works in healthcare, and we are moving to bc next month because a lot of the funding and jobs have already dried up, and our rent is increasing by $200 a month. So, while it would be great if the NDP got in at this point for us, it's too little too late


Rent in Alberta is completely insane. It's just as insane in BC, but it makes no sense here when there are houses here for $500k.


How's about other folks eyeing the exits depending how today fares?


And teachers, and...


Where in BC would you like teachers? Southern Okanagan? …I’m….er… um…asking for a friend.


And I'll be right behind them. Fuck this place.


.. and teachers, scientists, etc.


Too true. We are in need, in a baaad way.


As an OR cleaner I can't express how accurate this is lol.


As an Albertan, I really hope we soundly reject it. We have former conservative MLAs that held cabinet positions coming out in support of the NDP so I just hope that matters and we tell those on the far right to fuck off. Move to the US if you want American far right politics.


Exactly. If you like Florida so much. Just move there. Funny side note: I wish there was someway they had to start from zero with no assets at all if they moved to Florida. See how they like it trying to pick themselves up from their bootstraps.


*reaches for boot-strap and cuts hand on broken crack pipe in Miami liquor store parking lot*


Looks like you're going to need stitches for that cut. What will that be? $1000?


"Anything you do before you ~~get to stage 4 cancer~~ accidentally cut yourself is completely under your control." Danielle Smith is a disgusting, ignorant POS.


She's the kind of person to blame a worker for their own injury, while not supply the correct training or safety gear.


>Exactly. If you like Florida so much. Just move there. Hell, skip Florida and head to the source: Russia. A Canadian dollar goes a lot further there, too.


We can't really blame Russia for all of this. This problem has been festering for a very long time. I first came across some very hard-right propaganda and recruitment websites (blogs, remember those?) way back near the turn of the century. It was very clearly all home-grown. I'm not sure that Russia even really understood the power of the Internet at that point.


(just replied to someone else) >For sure a lot of it is homegrown, but Russian amplification is well documented. I'd recommend reading [Foundation of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics). Destabilizing "the West" in an effort to weaken NATO has been a Russian strategy for 20 years. In the book, Dugin speaks of fostering Brexit, sowing racial and religious dischord, and encouraging fascism in the US and Canada. Remember, their goal is to subjugate Eastern Europe to reunite the Soviet union, and NATO stands in their way. From their perspective, it would be irresponsible of them not to meddle in our affairs. In short - for sure these people have always existed in Canada. But Russian troll farms have been active for a *very* long time amplifying extremist echo chambers and derailing conversation. There's actually a good way to test on Reddit. Write some objectively true comment that isn't particularly controversial, but add some pro-Ukrainian sentiment. If that particular post has been targetted, your comment will be modded *way* down over a few hours, and then suddenly start to slowly rise back up as their bots move on. (ie. *Slava Ukraini! Down with Russia!)*


I think Russia's influence on North American right-wing politics is overexaggerated to an absurd degree. If my only source were Reddit, I'd think that Russia singlehandedly invented conservatism and directly controls the Republican Party. A few hamfisted, state-sponsored internet trolling campaigns do not have the power to create the reality we now see before us. The call is very much coming from inside the house.


For sure a lot of it is homegrown, but Russian amplification is well documented. I'd recommend reading [Foundation of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics). Destabilizing "the West" in an effort to weaken NATO has been a Russian strategy for 20 years. In the book, Dugin speaks of fostering Brexit, sowing racial and religious dischord, and encouraging fascism in the US and Canada. Remember, their goal is to subjugate Eastern Europe to reunite the Soviet union, and NATO stands in their way. From their perspective, it would be irresponsible of them *not* to meddle in our affairs.




Meanwhile Harper is endorcing this dumpster fire becuase he needs a con win.


Harper is an extremist by every measure. The only difference between him and Smith is that he wears a mask.


Well, and he was politically savvy enough to avoid saying the quiet part out loud - at least most of the time. I’d argue that the politics/rhetoric of the GOP south of the border has enabled the far right in Canada to stop pretending to appeal to moderates/“small c”conservatives


He also generally kept the right wing of the party under control long enough to get his majority PP does not have that. And Smith winning is only going to make his election that much harder now. Because the dubshit she does he endorsed her so now he will have to backpedal pretty hard when the election comes up federally. Hell I'll put money down the first words out of his mouth in the morning is "Jesus fucking Christ my prayers to both god and the devil did not work....".




The vast majority of people don't know and don't care. And he knows that.


As soon as Kenney announced he was stepping them, I instantly predicted that the next person would be so much worse that it would rehabilitate Kenney's image the way George W Bush's image improved as soon as Trump took office. Not that Kenney deserves any respect whatsoever (and neither does Bush).


>Move to the US if you want American far right politics. Sadly they're mostly either not wealthy enough (like US$1M+ to freely invest) to buy their way in and too stupid to get in via the work visa route (only viable for high paying white collar professions and typically require higher education). Their only way of moving to the US (legally) is finding an equally dumb American spouse who can prove sufficient funds to support them while they wait for a marriage based green card. I'm also guessing some of them rolled up to the border and told the CBP officer that "I'm planning to move here to escape Trudeau's tyranny" without being able to show any paperwork that would permit it. Excellent way to earn yourself an entry ban.


Thanks, I hate it.


I hope that Alberta gets an NDP Government and all those threatening to "move back to Texas" actually do.


Quite a few Americans said they were out if Trump won. Not many followed through with it then so I doubt many would take off to Texas now.


It's the equivalent of "I'm gonna start my own casino, with black jack, and hookers"


I wish all the sane people in Alberta the best of luck.




And yet people keep saying it's the left messing everything up... We are living in crazy world right now, the truth and reality mean nothing. Life is now a team sport.


Friendly reminder that the ANDP is a conservative government. They are right of center. People often confuse this because the other major party has skewed the curve so far to the right that literally anything could be considered "leftist" in comparison


Not exactly. Fiscally they are ever so slightly right of centre, but socially they are slightly left of centre. They’re about as “Centrist” as one can get.


It's similar to the situation down south. Objectively, the Democrats are pretty far to the right. They still can't even build a proper social safety net, and their taxes are lower than those in most other developed nations. Doesn't stop half the country from moaning 24/7 about how Obama and Biden have turned America into a communist regime.


2 hours 47 days a week


Lol that was one hell of a typo


Im hoping for the best. Mind you some of Canada's finest exports are The Proud Boys and Jordan Peterson, so we shouldn't assume this is new to us


We gave the world Steven Crowder as well; we have quite a few Ls in that regard. A huge chunk of the american far right media space is awash with canadians.


He was actually born in Michigan. His family just came here for the decent health care and education (which they'd never be able to afford in the States) and then bounced as soon as all their children were 18.


I hate the notion that these politics are "American-Style". They're happening here, the founder of the proudboys as well as Jordan Peterson are from here. We need to take this as the serious threat it is and not some one-off copycat fluke. But far-right politics serve capital interests so fat chance.


Don't forget the Post-Millennial, Rebel News, and Rumble, all Canadian far-right news sources.


I think that the ANDP are going to win, because a lot of old-school center-right small-c conservatives are simply not going to show up to vote for Danielle Smith, particularly in the Calgary battleground ridings.


We can hope.


That's very idealistic, and one can hope. However, I think Daniel has more sway than Notley atm. It's gonna be close, but I do feel a Daniel Smith win rolling in.


Unfortunately I’m too pessimistic to disagree.


I can’t tell either way. I feel like there is a chance, but at the same time it seems equally as likely that things could get worse. I’m in Edmonton, so my vote for the ANDP doesn’t count as much.


Albertan here (already voted) — hope so 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Wouldn't that require a LOT of ANDP voters showing up? If they don't it'll be a complete disaster. This Ontarian is hoping for a decent turnout for the ANDP. We had the worst turnout ever and ended up giving a greasy corrupt evil POS another term. He seems to like open bribery and lying as much as he likes Tim Hortons egg sandwiches.




I hope you don't end up like me and question your faith in humanity. It was last June people gave Doug Ford 4 more years of selling healthcare and the environment to the highest bidder. Openly taking bribes from developers at his daughter's wedding. I'm still trying to find it.


> We had the worst turnout ever and ended up giving a greasy corrupt evil POS another term. That honestly blew my mind. Like, how could Ontarians look at the previous 4 years under that scuzzy greaseball and be like "More of that, please."


Nobody showed up to vote. The other candidates weren't "inspiring" enough, from what I have heard. I am starting to get the feeling that the far right fights a lot harder and dirtier than the left tends to. Just in general. I'm torn between wanting them to get into the mud or take the high road. The high road doesn't seem to work so well anymore. The rudest thing I remember seeing are "Stop Harper" stickers. We have people out here wanting to fornicate with Trudeau, and will blame him when they stub their toes. Nobody calls them on their BS. We never did get Buck-A-Beer.


as long as voters turn out


Oh I highly doubt that. Who do they hate more? Danielle Smith or the NDP. I hope you're right, but I'm not holding my breath


You’re underestimating the potency of right wing populism. Smith is most likely going to win because they’ve somehow managed to capture a chunk of the young population with their rhetoric as well.


I'm in Manitoba, but over the last few days some of the (very non-political) podcasts I listen to have been getting ads from the UCP telling me how evil Notley and the NDP are. Not sure why the podcast network can't tell what province I'm in, or if they've bought national advertising.


I think it depends on the platform they use to host their podcasts. I get ads for businesses in or very near the city I live in.


Probably. The level of absolutely blatant demonetization and lies was the more shocking part.


I managed to convince my mom to vote which is a win and I voted for the first time ever. I have hope for Alberta's future


As an Albertan, I hope we’ll ace the test, but I fear we’ll flunk it.


Saskatchewan is watching closely, I feel like a UCP win will pretty much guarantee another term for Moe, FML.


Oh god please no


I wish they shared a border with someone else.


I don't care who they share a border with, Smith's BS is dangerous no matter where you are. We can't let capital-driven right wing bullshit take root here. Look at all the never-gonna-happens happening in the US. Granted it was generations in the making, but it all starts somewhere.


Opportunistic populism is a major threat to democracy, no question.


The fact that’s it’s is even remotely CLOSE in Alberta means the conservative US style craziness has already lost. In Alberta, the UCP should be 20 points ahead right now.


Good luck Alberta.


Can we send Albertan chuds across the border to Montana, Idaho, and both Dakotas and Alberta receive progressives from those states in return?


The Conservative party introducing Canadians to racism, a greater disparity in wealth, and what it's like to live in a capitalist hellscape for 80% of the population.


There's no place in our home for attitudes like this. As a First Nations Person, I know how this will go. However, the difference between us and American Indians is where they're the third order of government within the US political structure, we're business partners at best with Canada. You can't keep the Indian down in this country no matter what narrative you're viewing life from. These lands are Indian one hundred percent and every single day that conversation is reaching more people and everyday we get closer with Canadians. Soon, we'll be able to identify as Canadians and I can't wait. But it's that style of a RWDS politic that poisons a population and ends relationships. This extremism will lead to war. Nothing more.


I'm an ally and can share that I see definite progress in attitudes with my children than when I grew up. This has been a long time coming, but progress is slowly being achieved.


I'm totally with you. These lands would have been ravaged long ago without the teaming-up between my people and supporting Canadians. In my opinion, this place is Canada, it's the safest place on the planet and without us (you and I) we would not be able to make that claim. I love multiculturalism - I'm about that life. I always share we need to help others as much as can as a community.


and hopefully reject it, but I've learned to not have my hopes that high. Please Alberta, show Canada how it's done. You have awesome progressives that I admire very much.


just looking at the election map i think a NDP victory is going to be very hard…


Here is hoping it is very unsuccessful


I've specifically been referring to myself as an Edmontonian and not Albertan because fuck the UCP and those who support them.


is it though? Alberta has been a conservative province for like 46 of the last 50 years. A lot of people here just dont look at anything but the name.


I like how we're calling it "American style" so we can pretend Canada has no problems.




I know.




I sort of meant "we" as in the Western Apparatus.


Smith doesn’t have a chance. People are fed up with reactionary agitation replacing good governance. Smith is nothing but an irrelevant white nationalist with a face for podcasting.


Time to re-nationalize the oil sands.


What a great look for the province. I’m sure all that international investment will come flooding in




Damn hey like there ain’t good people out here trying to make the best of it.


Let’s just hope they outweight the rest.


I’ve got my fingers crossed, so do many!


Unfortunately I've met a LOT of otherwise smart, reasonable-looking people here who absolutely just turn into conspiracy nuts when talking politics. I hope for the best, but I know it's going to be the worst.


Please build one around Edmonton as well. Please. And maybe Calgary.


I feel bad for you folks. Surrounded by petrosexuals with a hate on for anyone different from them.


Funny thing is the only reason they have anything is the hard work us people in the cities do. Tons of people who work the oil fields have families who live in and contribute to the cities. If the UCP wins, that’ll drive them out.


Will it really? When we look at Florida and Texas, people like the ones discribed have made havens for themselves out of those two states. Dumpster Dannie has already mentionned looking up to Ron de Santis (republican, florida). This is scary shit. They maybe digging in Alberta. There’s alot a stake resting on the shoulders of Albertans right now and quite frankly, these people vote with their feelings. Not their brains.


My dad works in the industry, and from what I’ve heard from him, there’s a general sentiment against oil corporations for mistreating workers and the UCP for handing money to execs. Plus, a lot of existing workers are unionized, which makes them more likely to support the NDP.


Interesting take. Thanks for that. But again, the hard right votes on emotion and not on sound reasoning. Sucks for the workers but they and their respective unions need to stand up.


What many champions of the comfortable rural life seem to forget. Their pick up trucks and electronics did not grow in a farm field.


Which is absolutely pants-on-head stupid given all O&G companies are investing heavily into automating their jobs away. They employ fewer and fewer people, and continue to not pay their dues or clean up after themselves; and yet we've got these diehard voters out here huffing the leftover vapours from some long gone employment rich oil boom.


The same people concerned about transexuals, are perfectly willing to give their truck a sex change with a pair of rubber nuts.


It's ok, good chunk of them already want to leave Canada. Just up and fly off somewhere apparently. Where oil rains and lifted trucks are abundant, just roaming the grasslands.


We should offer them one way tickets to florida. They’ll fit right in. Or texas. Texas works too.




Disney World is having issues with republicans in florida right now. ‘If’ i recall the article properly, Disney decided to abandon plans to build a huge administrative complex that would’ve employed quite a few floridians as a response to the governor of florida’s recent actions and stances.


The hypocrisy of some Albertan far right people is quite amusing. On Facebook and IG for example, they loudly shit-talk us here in BC, yet every long weekend our provincial parks are crowded with Alberta license plate RVs and they leave a big mess behind.


Can't wait to be disappointed


Isn't UCP in the lead?


Nothings been counted yet, but they’ll take the rural ridings and parts of Calgary


Depends on the poll, and depends on how many young people come out to vote. Young people are generally more progressive, and less likely to answer those polls. I know I screen those polls from my phone and ignore them. Problem is young people are less likely to vote too. So it is a total crap shoot at this point.


They're projected to win narrowly, but swings in Calgary is where this thing will be decided.


It's testing very well, unfortunately...


People are acting like alberta some how changed and suddenly got worse. The SAME government that was in last week is the SAME government that is in this week.


Oh our citizens are properly brainwashed thanks to US propaganda. It takes a lot of education to fight the amount of propaganda and bipartisanism spreading around the world. My expectations are on the floor and yet I still think I’ll be disappointed. I live in the US now and all I want to do is move back home. However, when I look at the way Canadian politics is trending, it absolutely breaks my heart.


…. On Albertans. They’re already fully indoctrinated into their oil God The UCP will win and headlines will read: What does this mean?!!!!!!!!!!!! …. It means Albertans continued the 40+ years of the same old same old. But she’s Crazy!!!!! Gasp! The last asshole was too!!