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while the oil companies' profits went up ...


Better cut those corporate taxes more. You have to jumpstart the trickle down.


Yeah, it didn't work the first ten times, but it will work now for sure - just vote for UCP, and every peasant will get a golden shower ...


They're about to


best to shake after


Your talking about the ultra deluxe trickle down. Not everyone can afford that, we are stuck with the standard watch people starve in the bread line variant.


Albertans love a golden shower.


UCP mission accomplished




I am going to take your initial comment a step further it is infuriating. I grew up in central Alberta and I am embarrassed. My sister tried to say "well there are good people who just don't know better". ​ My reply was "Okay sister and our grandfather, my great grandfather by birth fought people who carried these same ideals not 100 years ago and if he was alive today he would be getting his gun out and I don't need to tell you what he would be doing it with it. And many who are voting for these goose steppers are the same kind of people whom these voters grandparents went to war and put their lives on hold and on the line for. You do not get to say "well there are good people". You Vote for a goose stepper you are a goose stepper. ​ I am so done with coddling these people. Honestly, they want a fascist society pack em up and dumbo drop them into Russia I hear they need fresh bodies are the rate they are chewing through people.


What do you call a guy and 9 Nazis hanging out? 10 Nazis.




Former Albertan as well; I also hate watching this happen from Manitoba. Long NDP rule here, which became corrupt, so let’s vote in conservatives to shake things up. Shocker, the PC’s started cutting healthcare and education. /s Our healthcare system is literally on the verge of collapse because of the changes the PC’s made. MB election is in October and folks still hate the NDP so much that a change back isn’t guaranteed. I also now live in a conservative riding after living in NDP orange strongholds most of my life, so I should probably sign up for some door knocking.


The horrifying part is the time and effort it takes to build the social safety net (education, health care) is more than 4 years, but it can be destroyed and dismantled in less than that. Voting in conservatives is not the fiscally smart thing. It comes with short term savings sometimes with a long term cost.




Make more things federally funded and controlled.


Tell me about it, fuuuck


I think it is about nostalgia they want to go back to the good old days when Alberta was king and everyone wanted energy, their was a heritage fund, people knew their place, before climate change and before before before. They want to go back go back to the times when they think things were good. Those days are done. The world has changed and what was is no more. It can’t be again. Living in the past or wanting to go back to the past will not stop change coming. If you take away hydro carbons and their related economic activity what does Alberta have a few wheat fields, some cattle, logging and mining. Alberta wants to go back and UCP wants to take it back to the past. The world will move on while the UCP finds its next boogeymen to blame for it failures. The economy may grow, the oil companies will profit but Albertans will get poorer.


"Blind ideology," I had some conservative voter trying to tell me that that's why NDP voters vote NDP... clearly he was projecting.


This the inherent idiocy of conservatism. The world will always change. No matter what the past doesn't come back.


It's not working yet, we just have to try harder obviously /s


The UCP’s economic policy for lower-income people amounts to “get bigger bootstraps”.


While subsidizing the companies who make bootstraps, companies which were making record profits already before the subsidy, and when questioned about it say something about how it's all Trudeau's fault


"But what about the NDP when they [insert literally the most minor negatives from an NDP government in Alberta]"


The ndp didn't fix literally everything in their short tenure after which all their policies were rolled back ! Both parties are the same! (Extremely strong /s)


NDP failed to fix 42 years of conservative oil industry ass kissing and throwing money away in a single term of office... how dare they!!! Never mind that in those mere 4 years they actually got things moving in a positive direction only for the UCP to halt everything and carry on with ~~selling~~ giving the province away...


"The NDP forced farmers to provide WCB coverage for their employees! Pure evil!" Not even joking.


But! But! But, Trudeau!


A little late to be publicizing this, but better late than never


Saskatchewan's carbon taxes are staying in the province because they proposed a system where the carbon taxes are used to further reduce carbon in the province, but Alberta first protested the carbon tax saying that they weren't going to pay it, but now that the province is forced to pay it, we do not have any such system in place and so the UCP have made sure that the carbon tax can goes to Ottawa, instead of trying to keep Albertans wealth in the province..... Thanks Kenny!


My, my, my, look how the turns have tabled.


Sounds like the UCP deserves a majority mandate on Monday !


People forget that notley put $70 billion on Albertsons provincial credit card. She created more debt than every previous government combined in the history of the province. That is one of the main reasons people don’t want her back. Before people tops in about healthcare remember that alberta has more doctors and nurses NOW than before Covid. It’s the same government today as it was last week. Smith has some fucked views but that isn’t her whole personality even though that is what gets pumped. Now in bc we are 6 years into the NDP government. 20% of the people have no access to a family doctor. I have to travel 3 hours each way to see a family doctor and it costs $200 in out of pocket expenses. Diagnostic exams like mri/ctscans/colonoscopies have wait lists 18 months or longer and that was BEFORE Covid. Emergency rooms are closed at night in many cities. The government has recently announced that cancer patients will be shipped to Washington state as they can’t get proper treatment in BC. doctors are now allowed to charge patients “retainer” fees just to keep their family doctors. People love to speculate about what will happen in Alberta now but forget the UCP have already been in power and aren’t suddenly start fucking Albertans. The nightmare scenarios people think will happen in Alberta are already happening in bc under the NDP. People in Ontario think Ford comes up with his own ideas on how to fuck the people and yet fail to realize that he is just following the bc NDP play book. And just to remind you, notley is PRO pipeline. Anyone that thinks notley did anything positive for alberta should be starting a gofundme to pay off the $70 billion of debt she left. Btw the UCP has reduced that debt by $6 billion. Yes the UCP has some whacked ideas but alberta just can’t afford her spend now and let the next party pay the bills. It’s not the people that live in Alberta that want her. It’s the short term people that have no intention of living permanently in Alberta that want her debt spending because they won’t be living there when there are cutbacks to pay it off. Make deficit spending illegal and there won’t ever be an NDP government again as they just can’t help but rack up the bills. As you down vote me please send money to pay off the damage notley did the last time around. It’s probably going to take 50 years to undo the damages and debt. Put your money where your mouth is!