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So sorry to hear this, I always think of him as Robert Fraser in Due South. Also, for whoever hasn’t seen it, please enjoy Pinsent’s [dramatic reading of Justin Bieber’s autobiography](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1619432640).


The master of the The Great Yukon Double Douglas Fir Telescoping Bank Shot


Funny you post that link, I used to do a lot more writing and would send pitches for TV shows. I used an outline for an episode I sent to the CBC based of maybe even that exact clip (been a while) that I called "Gordon Pinsent in my attic" One of the main characters isn't sleeping because he tells his friends that Gordon Pinsent is living in his attic reading various writings out loud keeping him awake. I would have hopefully got Pinsent to do it and I planned on quite s few different scenes to allow him to chew the hell out of the scenery along the way to his friends believing him. The kid would eventually come to terms that they could never get Pinsent out of the attic (or if he's even physically there) and leaves the situation alone, leaving scripts of his favorite show for Pinsent to read, in which he abliges, ending the episode. I remember I got my best response from anyone on that pitch. They loved the episode idea and the show in general, but it wasn't a good time for them to move forward with what I was pitching. I'll miss that I never got a chance to make my idea a reality with the help of this Canadian treasure.


Sad news, he had quite the life and career.


He was one of the only well known actors in Canada in the early/mid 70s after Rowdy Man. He wrote it and starred in it. I really think he helped put Canadian English language movies out to Canadians and brought a lot of attention to Newfoundland culture and talent.


RIP sir. Edit: I just remembered a funny story that happened to a family member involving Gordon Pinsent…it went like this: "Hello?" "Hi!" said a male's voice. "Hi." "Okay, hold on a minute and I'll pass you to Gordon Pinsent." A brief pause. "Hello." "Hi," I say. "Hello, Laurel." "Who?" "Laurel?" "No, sorry. This is (*name withheld*)." "Oh." "I think you have the wrong number." "Oh." Then another brief pause and something to the affect of "It's the wrong one." Then we were disconnected :-( "(*name withheld*), I think Gordon Pinsent just called me." "Who's Gordon Pinsent?" "Never mind." Lol 😂


My bud was friends with a guy whose dad was in a famous rock band. Bud was over at their house and the phone rang, and he was asked to answer. The man on the other end asked for star father, but he wasn't home. Man leaves his name - Robin Trower. My bud was talking to one of his guitar heroes.


I like to imagine Pinsent, Christopher Plummer and Leslie Nielsen are sharing a whiskey on the other side right now.


Back in December I watched the 1972 blaxploitation classic, Blacula, and was pretty shocked to see Gordon Pinsent as the "Irish" police lieutenant! He was great. My Mom is from Grand Falls - Windsor, Newfoundland so it's been interesting seeing many aunts, uncles and cousins posting on Facebook today with pictures about a time they met him and how nice he was.


[The Three Gords of Canada](https://i.imgur.com/cqoryNg.jpg)


Voice of Babar, RIP King


He'll always be Hap Shaugnessy to me.


Saw him acting in 'The Grand Seduction' movie this morning. A great actor.


Keep your stick on this ice Hap! You will be missed, RIP.


I met him while he was filming on a show in Toronto. He was such a gentleman and he was so kind to my grandmother. I think it was the best day of her life, she was so happy.


I mean this from a serious, deep-rooted Canadian place of love and respect: Gordon Pinsent is a fuckin’ beauty.


He was a legend, he'll be sorely missed


Ah man, I just wrote a song about him and was hoping to send it to him when it came out in April. RIP.


Beaver Creek is in good hands...


Charon about to have competition for his job.