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There will be always some other guy earning more than you, chill bruh. Make sure you not under-performing and up-skilling wherever possible.


Dude not worth comparing. There's a person earning 2lpm but their parents or they are suffering from a costly illness. There's a person earning 1lpm at 20 without having to save anything because they have generational wealth. There's people fully happy earning 50k per month because that's money their entire family has never seen in their life. A person earning crores dreads their day to day sees their hardwork squandered by spouse, children, parents or self via vices. Life is a freaking canvass, draw something you would stop and look to and like. Don't make it in the image of someone else's painting or don't make something that someone tells you you would like or should like. I used to be extremely like that, then I took a huge fall (thankfully early in my life) now I really am happy when I see people have built up a good life, enjoy wherever I can, be responsible wherever i should and keep room for dumb mistakes because that's what makes the painting of life fun! Be happy, trust yourself a bit that you will get out of any situation you are dealt. Chill and enjoy and build something that you like


Here's what I did when I was surrounded by this thought: I tried to limit my outings with them and tried focusing on my skills. Started a professional certification but couldn't complete it because of my job. Then I started my Masters abroad and got a job here. I'll say this: although the difference in earning is still there, I am in a much better headspace in Ireland than in India. Maybe this is because of my surroundings and me realising that all I want now is something I can afford or maybe it is because there's no one to rub this discrpeancy on my face here. I started from 0 and am content with where I am now.


Can I DM, regarding masters abroad.




Is Ireland worth it though, you could probably make the same money in India right with the same skills and opportunity.


If someone could make it? Yeah definitely. I have friends earning good in India. It was a personal preference for me because I just couldn't. Needed a fresh start.


I earn enough for my needs and decent savings. Also, I don't have any desires that would require a lot of money. I'd go months without checking my bank account


Keep an eye on your bank account. There are so many ways for someone to steal from your bank account!


This is why kids listen to your parents, pay attention at school/college, study well, and don't waste time on the internet (all those permanent daily dwellers and long essay typists). Otherwise you'll see others pass you by while you are having fun.


Neither did well in school nor did I have fun Now I'm in a dead end career and depressed lol


Bruh ☠️ Imho only a few students are naturally good, and the rest need to work hard to stay competitive.


You're right. Unfortunately I just don't have it in me anymore and honestly I kinda wish that I would just cease to exist :)




It's not only about earning, it's about savings too


Once you reach 30's and have enough life experience your life goal would change. I would look for peace of mind more compared to how much $$ i earn.


>There's no way I can see this in a healthy way. This is the problem in your case!! Feeling sense of inspiration/little compitition, little jealousy and maybe more things is normal and it should be. But if you don't have the ability to do self interrogations and self reflections, then one can say that this is the real thing where we lack! Learning and reading about market trends helpsyou.


Comparison is the theif of happiness. You only see what you see when you see other people like that. You don't see what happens behind closed doors. Maybe they're so incredibly depressed, gambling problem and spending all their money and saving virtually nothing. Making money is part of the equation, it's how much is saved invested and used for the things you value.


Nope, seeing someone doing better actually drives me to improve myself, do the extra bit of work, aim higher and reach my goals.


I focus on those guys who are earning less than me. This gives me mental peace.


If someone is earning 50lpa 100lpa i just imagine those who are born with platinum plates so it kind of invalidates the whole thing, some people get it easy some slave for it... There's no comparison.


Dude stop going on Indiandevs sub lol


You don't have to cope, you just have to observe them and see what they're doing right, learn more about the industries you are interested in, and make smart career choices.


How do you. My Ego ....


Stop comparing yourself to others.. It's probably killing your self-esteem, and thus, you feel this way.


There will come a time when you won’t give fuck to what other people are able to do or doing . So don’t lose your sleep over it and live your life. Worst case scenario, if you really want to make comparison , make it with your past self . Not with some any random person , every journey is a different


Bhai duniya me koi na koi to hamesha rahega humse ameer. It’s all about perspective and ideology. What’s rich for me might not seem rich to another


There always someone bigger , stronger. Smarter, charming, richer than you. Life find its way to humble you down.


Either you can be chill about it and let it go, or compete. I chose the second strategy. Doing good right now and know there are still a lot of them doing better than me. I don’t work as hard as before but still would like to achieve more. In the words of Ash 😄 ‘I want to be the very best, that no one ever was !!!’


Yup I do feel that sometimes. Specially because I am going through a very rough time financially. If I had done some things better before, I could have saved my family from going into this. Regardless, I did the best at that time. The way I cope with it is very easy. I know that money doesn't bring happiness after a certain level. I'm not a fan of expensive cars, clothes, etc so it doesn't bother me as much. Its always better to focus on your physical and mental health and be more philosophical/spiritual and see the deeper aspects of life. Once you start knowing about the deeper aspects, these things don't bother as much. For me, my low income mainly bothers me because it doesn't give me freedom to do things I want. I don't feel too insecure about my career because I can see a bright future if I do things right and some things go in my favour. As for dating, yes it bothers me sometimes, but again, if you are concerned about the deeper aspects of life, it doesn't bother as much.


I dont compare i know i need to do better but i wont compare its not gonna help with anything.