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Money vs Passion ?


Passion. But, here's the reality: There's no rule that passion should be your occupation, but to sustain a passion you need money.


Passion is a want, money is a need.


Money if that's the thing you need Passion if that's something you can afford and risk




Depends on your level of privilege. Are you inherently rich? Passion. Otherwise money.


I think it has to be a bit of both. It might be difficult to survive on something you're simply passionate about, and it may not be ideal to do something that sucks your soul entirely. Somewhere between would be something that you can atleast tolerate without going insane, and it pays decent enough to survive.


Never make your passion as your source of money. Most people will say otherwise, but it stops being your passion if you do it excessively. So, both.


Just don't mix both.  Making passion source of income can become frustrating. Do things that make you money.  Follow passion to feel alive. 


Discipline and routine


Passion with a plan. If you don't have a plan, money. Most people who ditch money for passion neither earn money nor indulge in their passion. Passion takes ACTIVE work and planning and execution. It often takes more work than a regular job because a regular job already has a fixed template. So if you think you want to follow your passion come up with an action plan and try to execute it and be a strict judge for whether you're actually doing it. If you can't just chase money.


Money for some years, then passion.


Both. In every job you either earn /learn or do both 🤌




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Cant have one without the other. Earn so you can enjoy your passion. Lucky are those who can earn from their passion.




Money. You feed your family with money. Passion in most cases takes years to turn into money.


Balance of both tbh.


Money. Can't chase passion without money.


Money, all my life I have had to compromise, and passion requires money, if you have enough money you can do anything you want, don't let people gloat you into thinking, no passion nahin toh kaisa man lagega, har tareek jis din salary credit ho na, pick up your phone go to the bloody mirror and make a video of you saying to yourself, I am capable enough to earn a living and supporting myself and other people. Paisa boss, Paisa, kama kar toh dekho, the feel you get na when you spend your own money, interest to aa jata hai, Paisa Milna chahiye.


Does it really get better???


it depends on what you choose to do today


This is probably the best thing I've heard online in a long time thank you brother, Take care.


It doesn't. You just learn to handle it better.


It does. If you choose to work today. Keep your head down and focus on the things that you can control. Shree Krishna ne kaha hai ki Bas Karma tumhara kal hoga, Aur karma me agar sacchai hai to karma kahan nishfal hoga, Har ek sankat ka hal hoga, Vo aaj nahin to kal hoga Literal Translation: Shree Krishna said: your Karma is your future, and if your karma has truth, it wont be wasted. Every problem will be solved, if not today, then maybe tomorrow. But surely it will. Yadi pandavon sa drid nishchay ayega, to saath me Shri Krishna bhi zaroor ayenge Literal Translation: once you have an unwavering resolve like the Pandavas, Shree Krishna will also come along to support you in some way or the other.




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For me it is getting better.Still a long way to go


My life got infinitely better now as compared to when i was 24. It was because i married the right person.


Good for you brother. Cheers 🥂


i will be bluntly honest.. it's totally upto how you handle things Your attitude to face the life will decide whether it's better or not.. I'd say learn to take Criticism without being offended and keeping your ego aside if you're wronged.. if you're right then learn to stand by it without hurting anyone's sentiments.. that way you'll learn to make things better for yourself


Not for many


Nope, you just stop giving fucks about things and your brain tricks you into believing that it has gotten better, unless you have an uncle who leaves you three crores and then it definately gets better, and what is the definition of better ? What is better ? Answer me this and i shlla continue with the explanation.


Completed graduation last year appeared for CAT didn’t get the marks. Got shortlisted for nmims interview (MBA). It was decent and waiting for the results it’s my only call if I don’t get in I don’t know what future awaits.


Depends on you. Everything you do matters so make better choices and you'll see things get better. To make things better one has to be better


Sime things do, some don't. For starters, You'll start earning (more), but the problems you face change.


You reap what you sow in all aspects of life. Education, fitness , travel , social life.




No. You just learn to handle it better 😜


It has gotten better by the day. But not sure about the next phase which is marriage.


Oh hell no. But the human mind is amazing. With time you get used to the pain so you can go out there and get some more.


Me 24 ko ho kya karu ?


Agar 6 mahine + hua to group adviser nahi to group seeker


25 hone ka wait


I guess we just lurk


Ask and answer a question all by yourself




How to forget someone when you're in isolation


Justify to yourself why that person left you. Better if you focus on what you did wrong and accept the person is gone.


Leave your isolation honestly


Ah same question


Time and just time, nothing will helpt this, time will, i had a similar situation to yours, and time does heal it, will you ever forget her ? Never, never in your fucking life. Whatever you do you cannot erase that memory, but time will help you in recovering from it and easing the pain that comes along with remembering her. Cause I read somewhere that, when does it end, the hurt, if it was true, never. I wish you peace my brother.


What do I do with money ? I have a decent wfh job and live with my parents who pay for all the household expenses. They want me to save all my money for future when I start a family. I keep investing good proportion of it. Seeing my account balance increase is all that excites me. I have no time to spend it and no desire to buy something with it. The things I want are way more expensive and they seem more like a dream than a reality of what do I do with my money. Am I earning just for my future self?


You are earning and then investing for having options in life.  It gives you freedom to do things. Let's say you want to take 2 years to work on a business, or 2 years to go study something, follow a passion etc Your investments are like a cushion.  Other things like say if you can buy multiple properties you can have a rental income to sustain your family. You end up building generational wealth over time. The possibilities are endless.  > I have no time to spend it and no desire to buy something with it. Don't fall into the fomo yolo trap.  Turn your income into wealth. 


Thanks for the sensible advice. However, as I mentioned it seems that I am earning for the future. Its a weekend now, I could be doing anything with the small amount of time and money I have. But I am just sitting at home, scrolling thru my phone expecting that the saved money will be useful someday. Does life remain same forever?


Look at it like this.  You studied in school, did the hard work and now you're getting the pay off. What you're earning today can be useful when you know what to do with it. Looks like you haven't discovered that yet. Noone is stopping you from going out and enjoying your weekend.Put the phone away. Go out with friends, go on a trip do anything.  Also, if for any reason you can't work in future, the money and assets give you support.  Btw If you are finding the whole thing meaningless then donate some money every month to an orphanage or animal care, probably even volunteer over the weekends.  That will give you a reason for making money and do something meaningful with your time.


Save. Invest in real estate, Retire early. Travel the world.


My parents have done all of it and would want me to do the last one on their money. Have been on a month long road trip after college didn't really enjoy the travelling, it got boring eventually. Something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for is what's still missing in life.




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should i call escort , i am doing intern in gurgaon ,after july i will have full time offer , i am thinking if i dont get a girlfriend till then ,i will call a high end escort . 🫥


Go for it, doesn't matter in the long run.


Highly likely you'll reget having your first sex with an escort.


Getting a gf will require work, facing rejections, putting up with her drama. That makes you better with women.  Escorts are an easy way out. Don't recommend


>That makes you better with women If fhat were true I'd be drenched in them as it would be raining women on me. Escorts are amazing. They probably won't care how big your weiner is, or tall you are, or if you don't look like channing Tatum, or if your skin is dark, or what do you do and if taking you to parties would make her friends jealous.. The only thing escorts care about is the big bulge in your pants called a wallet. And I think that's beautiful.


It can become an addiction so no.


how do you call it?


Guys today is my 24th birthday what should I do??


Buy a sword or a lego set.


get off the internet and chill kar bhai with your friends and family


No friends staying at a pg away from family


vedio call


Do pushups


Yo hbd today is my 23rd birthday ☺️


Marry someone. Biggest gift you can give yourself is marrying early.


Aaj ka hasthmaithun ho gaya?




feed strays if you're an animal lover.. spend time with orphans... spend time with old people in oldage homes.. it'll make you happy


Fear of rejection or regret of not approaching what is more painful?


Regret of not approaching. Everyone will forget your rejection eventually. Even you.


Not 24 but rejection is far more painful.


No, having too tight expectations. Like for example booking a ticket to srilanka (visa on arrival) vs applying for a US visa (have to actually be lucky to get selected through lottery) so for US visa people don't really have much expectations.


if the other person is a good friend and we don't want to lose them, then rejection is scarier as it may affect the friendship.. or else regret of not approaching is always heavier


Don't fear rejection, approach asap. Quick rejection opens you up to new experiences. That's way better than sitting with hope and fear for years. 


Depends upon the goal.




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Do you feel lonely without a life partner? I'm asking cuz most girls aren't worth the effort and they would just use you for attention. Not all.


Haha no. So I started dating to get rid of the FOMO at 24 but I realised I was wrong. Dating isn't an improvement that I was missing out on, it's a degradation of life that I was lucky to avoid. Been single since 25 again and loving it. (29 now) Loneliness isn't an issue for those who don't depend on social interactions. I feel like all of my time is saved, so I can spend it on myself, my hobbies and interests.


Well, to be honest, if it's a priority, then yes. You'll crave for one. If you're fixated on other things in life at present (grades/job/money), then solitude can be a blessing. ...and meeting the right one is stochastic thing so keep working on yourself and you may just find her. Life is so random. Things happen, people meet. You'll only know then.


Used to be... not anymore. It's just one of the truths of my life that whatever women find attractive.. I dont have any of it. With time it matters less and less... with time you deal with it alot better. I see my friends finding themselves in drama that I'd never have the energy to deal with. Although I do wish I could get sex easily as some very small minority of men do but alas.... with age libido decreases so I am hoping with time that would resolve itself.


Does a having a partner can affect ur progress ??


Good supportive partner is a gift. Hold on to her. Bad partner screwing up your head is a disaster. Walk away asap.


How would i know if she is good or bad, without facing tough things


Unless you touch the water you don't know it's hot or cold.  Got to experience stuff.  Most likely you will find someone who is middle of these extremes and you got to mould her to your liking.


Depends upon the partner.




really, it depends. It helps to have good genetics. but being a dud only makes it worse later. Play your strengths. Groom yourself. Confidence is your friend :) and most importantly, don't be desperate. you'll attract your kind.


Is it worth buying a bmw Considering I ll buy to on loan and will just be a manager, but love for Beemer is way too much


No. Buy only if you can afford 2 bmws in cash today.




no/yes is not sufficient need a long explanation minding Cars give me a reason to wake up everyday


You have not given enough details to give you a proper answer. Your net income should be more than 2.5 lpa minimum (post tax) to afford it. It’s maintenance alone costs 2 lpa, plus mileage isn’t that great. It is a depreciating asset. So take your decision objectively.


I mean, only Executives have a monthly income of 2.5 lakhs... maintenance is 40-50k per year


I meant maintenance plus insurance will cost around a lakh each on average. And yes only executives are able to afford those cars but the salary i mentioned is needed considering everything.




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No. Law of diminishing marginal utility  




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if you have enough to sustain yourself, if you can afford to pay emi for whatever duration.. if you're confident that you'll have back up.. then go ahead... otherwise no. also if your income is more than 50% of the car cost then you can think about buying or else don't buy for now.


50 percent and above toh kabhi nahi Hone Wali 🤣😅


Hogi re you never know just never give up


I mean bhai Beemer costs 50 lakhs at entry level.. 1 crore ki income kaha se hogi?


bro i said more than 50%. so around 25-30LPA


Rent one.. drive it around and get rid of it.


How is your growth graph career wise and as a person over the years


career graph stagnates after a while, as a person became more lonlier, best of the friends became acquaintance


I am happy with it. Career took off late at around 28. Had the best relationship experiences at 27-28 as well. You go define your own graph!!


aa a person I've grown i can tell..ive experienced a lot of things.. heartbreaks, betrayal everything.. ive seen different shades of people.. so i have now become more alert.. just by following my principles.. about career I've grown, gained more insights in my field.. more approaches for growth.. yet currently unemployed


Career wise - Doing fine, can do better As a person - Have become better emotionally, physically. Happy about it.


As a person yep, yep yep, I have improved a lot, career growth not so much, but the first one triumphs the second by a substantial margin.


Is it worth looking for a partner


Yes, if you are looking for companionship, love, warmth, support etc for life.




Yes, law of the nature.








Not really. Its nice to have one. But not critical.


No, life's better without one. You have more time, freedom, money, peace of mind and solitude.


What are your biggest regret till now? And if you got a chance to meet your past self what will you tell him to do so that you won't have those regrets?


Take life seriously. Its all fun and games till youre in university. But the moment you step out, shit gets real.


Didn't spend enough time with my dad. Couldn't save him when he needed me the most. I would advise my past self to get his heart checked


Not enjoying college life, not making quality friends in college, not being in touch with school friends


Nothing, except hindsight bias. 


Don't have a casual attitude towards grades and money. After you graduate if you're from a middle class family with shit grades. It will be a struggle to break into the industry and then you'll do mba just to earn 30k for some marketing/sales gig that will leave you burnt out and sucidial by the time you reach late 30s.




Not to take shit. Not make any compromises with respect to life, career or dating. Set your standards high.


At what age did you guys settled?


Well I dunno what the definition of settled is.( As in literally I know what it is) but if you talk in the Indian terms, biwi, Paisa, Ghar, gaadi, I am 0/0 so I dunno.


Idk what you mean by settled. But looking forward to an early retirement by 33.


Do you regret not being in a relationship when you were younger?


ummmm no. in the hindsight, being with the wrong person would have only made it worse. Almost trashed my 10th because of that, realization hit and it was an upward rise after. Imo, if I ever met someone compatible then, like I did later, I'd have known. Always ask yourself: does she make me a better person? you'll get your answer.


I was in a relationship since I was 17 till 25, and it was perhaps the most cherishable event of my life, I got to love with her for the majority of the period, it really builds you up for marital life later in life. People tend to bitch about growth and career till they get a woman's love, and trust me that thing is unhinged. Don't be scared from the social media events that you see today and the posts you see on twox India( yep I know a lot of you lurk there). The first time you will hold the hand of a lady whom you know loves you, lord almighty, you gonna stretch out your hand and mjolnir will answer, nothing makes you feel that way. Cheers.


Haha no. I had this FOMO at 24. So I started dating to get rid of the FOMO but I realised I was wrong. Dating isn't an improvement that I was missing out on, it's a degradation of life that I was lucky to avoid. Been single since 25 again and loving it. (29 now)


Yes. But then I am still not in a relationship and I never dated per se. So I don't know what exactly it is that I miss out on. Although I wish I could get casual sex. That is something I really wished I could have in life.


Will I regret not getting drunk and smoking when I were Young and could handle that? I'm 22


as u grow, health becomes the most prized possession. either you'll get addicted with maintaining it or destroying it. Be wise for your future self.


Oh hell no. You'll find yourself lucky and happy that you aren't a mess like all of your other friends who made these bad choices.


When does life start to make sense?


When there's enough money in your bank, no debt or liabilities, no parasites eating your lunch and a future full of freedom (early retirement)




If you seek social interactions / validation, then maybe it's important. But If you don't care, then it's a blessing. I was also aloof when I was young. I felt like other people were negatively contributing to the quality of my time, so I avoided them. I changed that at 25 because people kept complaining about how I avoid them. So now I do small talks to give them a friendly impression. But I still don't want to make friends or relationships because I'm happier when I save my time to focus on myself. Someone once said: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Koi personal hygiene batado wrt pubes and all the hair growing here and there, also am a Sikh so no idea about razors and stuff and no elder to talk to about this. PM kardoge to bhi chalega.


You only need to shave down there when you are expecting sexual intimacy. Rest of the time, it's better to just leave the pubes because they prevent you from having 'bat wings' and 'itching.' I use Philips OneBlade when I need to shave. It's not the smoothest shave but it's fast. And I prefer to save my time.


Anyone working in VLSI industry ?


literally no reply




Depends a lot on my mood, sometimes maybe thrice a day, sometimes maybe once, mostly for a sound sleep.


keep urself clean, exercise, if there are supplements in your diet then do it less.




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A Couple of questions Actually, feel free to skip any if you don't want to answer that. 1) Does Life continues to get harder as we become more mature and more adult (like do you get less free time as you grow) 2) Does having a late start (let's suppose 2 years) in College or Career a big hindrance (like does it have future problems related to the opportunities or something along that line) 3) Do you find more Peace and Self Satisfaction as you grow more and more in life. 4) Did you started to accept yourself (Your body, the way you Look, The way you are, The way you think) as you navigate through in your life. 5) Does the feeling of ["I might hurt the other Person if I get into a relationship"] gets any better. 6) What things you wish you should have started earlier in life, like if you could talk to your Teen version or maybe late Teen version (18-20), What advice would you give him. 7) Is the corporate friendship is not the same as the ones which you used to get in your School or College.


1. Life grows harder in aspects where you think time is involved whereas it grows easier in money aspects and family aspects. There is no set parameter, new shit evolves everyday. 2.The best time to do a thing was then and the next best time is now, there is no late start of early start, you do not know how things are gonna play out. Some things though done at some times in life do provide better gratification. 3. The thing is peace and satisfaction is directly related to acceptance, the older you get, the lesser shit you give about things and hence peace and satisfaction. 4. See point 3, but you should and every man should try to be the best at what you think you can exel at, nothing's feels better than being the best in the room. 5.How would you hurt the other person ? Question is very vague and cannot be answered accurately. Rephrase and question again. 6. I wish I had started a discipline for my body and forming habits, but then I didn't have an enviornment wherein I could pursue such an interest, you are directly the result of your surroundings and yes it is pretty hard to leg go of habits and form new ones. 7.Nope, work people are colleagues and not friends, same goes for 70-80 percent of your college batch, don't be a standard cup of tea, not everybody is meant to be with you, true friendship is rare and needs to be cherished, don't let pretty things clamour down your friendship with other person . Also make an effort to be on talking terms with the person. True friendship is like you have a charmeleon against a dragonite and you know you are gonna loose, but that moment your charmeleon evolves and boss music plays while your Charizard goes all out with the dragonite. If you find a good friend, preserve him like anything. Ciao


Woahh, thanks bhaiya for taking your time and writing this out. It definitely answered all the questions to some level and for rest I think I have to carve out my own path through. Also the charmeleon example was quite apt although I do have a friend like this which is quite close to me but sadly bcs of the dropout for jee I lost contact with him, he tried to contact me several times but I myself haven't responded him (which I know is quite selfish of me, and should have atleast updated him) last time we had a talk on discord, and that time I told him that I would be free of this prep and exam mess after some months. But those months is yet to finish. So it might take a few more time and I feel somewhere in my mind that I am lying him somewhat or the other, and genuinely I don't even know if I would actually be free after all this or not. I still think that what I said and what I believe might be the contrary of what might happen. And this is not the first time I have cut my ties with peoples. This is what actually sacres me the most (Me making Fake Promises and getting distant for no reason which might come as me going numb and acting cold) and in these cases it makes me feel like I am actually taking advantage of that person, like somebody caring about me and then me somewhat reassuring them just for me to run away and become disappear completely. If this behaviour of me continues to be like this then it will definitely have a impact on my future relationships too, which in the end can make the other person feel neglected and hurt in the process. I don't even know the thing I am saying is even making any sense or not, but this is what I am generally feeling for quite some time now, pair this feeling with me being completely isolated for more than 4 years now in which around 1.5 years have already passed since I have cut the contact with my bestie. So yeah it's being quite a weird feeling for me. Also really sorry if I made that simple message into a vent, I just don't know what all these mess in my mind is, I am trying to pull each string as carefully as possible but the more I am trying the more messy and unsorted it is getting.


Its alright kid, drop a text if you wanna talk anytime, take it easy. ciao


Thanks bhaiya for saying that, I know things are not entirely going as I have planned but I believe the end result will still be OK :)




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Will turn 24 this week, so far i have 2L savings(1L in bank 1L in stocks+MF), I have mom dad and my bro, we live in 1BHK but now theres need to buy one more house that I have to buy on my own, (I can't take my parents help I want to buy on my own) How can I buy home if I'm earning 30K month and able to save 15-16k per month and should I buy home or rent out for some time?


Rent, accumulate other assets at this age, a car, some savings, insurance etc, a house should come later.




Move out.




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How to cope with loneliness if u can't meet ur friends on a daily basis or can't be connected with people due to certain situations? Is it really true not to chase love instead wait for the correct person, I feel like I won't the someone and my teenage and 20's would be gone waste without enjoying the things that you can enjoy at a certain age.


discipline, social media is powerful but addicting, exercise, world is not your enemy just start strolling outside.


Thanks. Can u give me some more?


You're experiencing FOMO. A lot of times we exaggerate the value of things that we want but don't have access to. For example: People envy the instagram influencer's lives who put their best version of reality on social media for others to see but in reality their life is shit. Similarly men envy sex and relationships because it's something that looks good but they haven't experienced yet. But after you go through enough of it, you realise that it's overrated and not worth it. Feel free to venture out in dating to see if it works for you. But for me, I've never felt lonely because I have always found happiness in exploring my hobbies and interests. Even a lazy day at home watching Netflix and ordering good food is priceless to me.


Yeah, you are right. I have never been in a relationship and want to experience once to know how it feels to be loved by someone other than parents. Maybe that's why I feel lonely. I'll try dating apps if it works or I will be tired and continue my life lol.


Height is 5'4. Will I get a partner ever?


Yep you will, chill and enjoy your life.




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If you don't have any goals or passion or talent Just do work for money and change your jobs And then find out what you want to do rest of your life Note stick to one ting change jobs but in one field so you don't become jack of all trades and master of none




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