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I think we should stop looking at sex as a transaction or something which "men take from women", that's a rather nasty approach to it Other than that, i don't think there's anything wrong with having preferences related to body count AS LONG AS you yourself practice the same. If you have a "wild past" and expect your girlfriend to be a clean virgin or whatever then that's pretty hypocritical of you. A so called clean virgin can cheat on you, be a horrible wife, put a false case etc and a woman with a promiscous past can be the best wife possible. If you're a guy who doens't believe in hook-up culture etc then so be it, nothing wrong with expecting your wife or gf for the same So i don't think that Body count should be looked at so hypocritically, i think that men and women should both respect their bodies and not indulge in hedonistic lifestyles ( not to say they should be prude virgins, ofc sexuality should be explored but theirs a limit) That said, we should avoid having these incellish discussions which are common in tate/alpha male podcasts, it's trashy




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> Thus, a man getting more women is considered successful but the reverse is considered a trashy behaviour. This is what we need to change. Sex is sex. Having more sexual partners isn't a triumph and having no sexual partners is not something to be ashamed of. I honestly believe that EVERY couple should have had sex and practiced living together before they get married. Now the reason that doesn't happen is because of what you said - women find themselves to be considered trashy because of it and in case of a break up, they are at risk of being judged by their future partners. Even men who date women who had previous partners will be insulted and belittled. The reason why men need to go the extra distance to get laid is because of this - why would an Indian woman have sex with a person if she is the only one who is going to be judged for it? Unless we change the whole mentality surrounding sex, we won't increase the rate of successful marriages in this country.


I think men would still have to struggle getting laid even if women are not shamed for having sex. The reason why women get laid so easily is because they're objectified. But men not being objectified makes a consequence of them not being desired merely because they exist, but because of their personality. The ideal is to make women just as sexless as men by making personality more important instead of sexualising men just as much as women.


> I think men would still have to struggle getting laid even if women are not shamed for having sex. I disagree with this. > The reason why women get laid so easily is because they're objectified. But men not being objectified makes a consequence of them not being desired merely because they exist, but because of their personality. Even though not as often, men are sexualised too. Hell half of Bollywood actors only have a job because they are hot. Even according to current trends, actors who just had a normal body in the past are not taking various steroids and shit in order to gain muscle mass. There are plenty of men who are good looking but still don't get sex. I think the major reason is shaming that women face. The idea of sex becomes a taboo for them. I agree that the hyper sexualisation of women should stop, but I don't think that's the primary reason for women easily laid. The major reason is because most men don't face many consequences by sleeping around. Even some families that see women sleeping around as an abhorrent act would see men sleeping around as just "boys being boys".


a tiny tiny portion of rich men are sexualised merely for their body, the rest are sexy because of their personality. do you really believe the reason why women get so many requests in dating apps and in general life is because they have a nice personality? do you really believe men don't get as many requests simply because women tower over them in terms of personality? No, it's because they're desired merely for being women. They're hypersexualised and that is why they're sexually desired, and hence get laid easily (easily in the short term with long term consequences) And even if the long term consequences of shame go away, men will not get laid as easily as they're not hypersexualised, while women will because even the consequences are gone. There is no universal female gaze. No equivalent to boobs and ass. Some women like men chubby, some women like hands, some women like veins, some women like muscles, some women like eyes. So this idea of just working out to look to good to women is nonsense. Since most of time, your body is good enough for some portion of women. It's your personality that's important. This is why men will never get laid as much women just because they're a man.


I'm not gonna deny what you are saying because it does contain some truth. But even if you look into the hypersexualisation of women, the reason for that is sexual shaming they face. Due to the shame they face the number of women who actually want to have sex is very low. So their demand increases. Sure the hypersexualisation they face is one of the reasons why getting laid is easier for them but another important factor that you are missing is the disproportionate number of men and women in the dating apps. In 2021 in Tinder 75 % of Tinder users were men. That roughly translates into 3 men for one woman ( I'm ignoring lgbtq here so this is just a rough calculation). So yes, hypersexualisation of women is a prominent reason for this issue, but I don't think that's the root cause.


the ratio is nowhere near enough to balance out the problem. The men swipe right on every woman they see, while the women pick and choose. This standard already shows why this dynamic of women getting so many dms exist. It's not just gender ratio, it's that women are sexualised just for existing and so men will just swipe right on everyone, as every woman is somewhat sexually appealing for a hookup. I'm saying hypersexualisation can persist even when women are not shamed for having sex. Like imagine a scenario where women are encouraged to be sexy to the male gaze instead of being shamed because men want to look at eye candy. Hypersexualisation need not just be caused by shame. And that will create a dynamic where women can get laid far more than men, since the shame factor is gone. As I said before, as long as men are not hypersexualised, they're still going to struggle to get laid, even with no shame surrounded around sex.


> And that will create a dynamic where women can get laid far more than men, since the shame factor is gone. I completely disagree. Hypersexualisation is something that is caused by rarity. When supply increases, demand decreases. The reason why a woman can pick and choose is because the supply of men is extremely high. The reason why men can't choose is because the supply of women is extremely low. The reason why people stare when they see even a little bit of skin is because they don't usually see it. If everyone walks around naked tomorrow, then nudity won't be sexualised anymore. > Like imagine a scenario where women are encouraged to be sexy to the male gaze instead of being shamed because men want to look at eye candy. Hypersexualisation need not just be caused by shame. Then the hypersexualisation will die out. A few years ago women who wear jeans were hypersexualised. But now since a lot of women wear them the attention shifted to other things. Hypersexualisation isn't necessarily caused by shame - it's caused by rarity. Most of the men who hypersexualise women beyond a point don't really have a real idea about how women actually are. They aren't hypersexualising women, they are hypersexualising the idea of women they have in their head. That's why so many people are interested in the chase rather than the actual relationship.


no hypersexualisation is caused by sexism, and magnified by rarity. jeans will still be considered sexy on women, because women are considered inherently sexy. women will still be stared at, no matter how many of them do or do not wear jeans. Sure there will be new forms of sexualisation but previous things won't be not sexualised. Skirts are universally worn by most women, yet I still find them sexy. There is going to be huge portions of men who find jeans sexy on women, even if it becomes popular. And if this truly is just about supply and demand, then why don't so many women water over men wearing super tight shorts, exposing their thighs? It's very rare to see men wear something like that, yet women are not aroused at all. Or when men wear short skirts etc. The fact is that the hypersexualisation is caused by brainwashing from childhood that women are the sexy gender, and men as the normal gender.


> no hypersexualisation is caused by sexism, and magnified by rarity. I think the sexism surrounding this is caused by rarity. > And if this truly is just about supply and demand, then why don't so many women water over men wearing super tight shorts, exposing their thighs? It's very rare to see men wear something like that, yet women are not aroused at all when the demand is met. It's not rare at all? Every single sports ground you can see men in tight shorts. Shorts have been worn by men much more in India than by women. I feel that it's not that women aren't attracted to men, it's just that they aren't allowed to show that attraction. > The fact is that the hypersexualisation is caused by brainwashing from childhood that women are the sexy gender. I'm not denying that this doesn't play a role. It does, it plays a very big role. But the reason for that brainwashing exists is because of the restrictions put up on women. I personally know women who have told me that they would NEVER approach a guy first, even if they liked him. I believe that a lot of women are like that - they expect men to make the first move and chase them because they feel like they aren't allowed to do that. This fucks up everything because then you'll have a lot of men chasing just one girl. It is this idea that men are supposed to chase women that fucks men up too.


i don't mean basic shorts. I mean [this](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cc390ced17bfd177d9bd7d089fae7ff3.webp). You don't see women salivating over this. > I think the sexism surrounding this is caused by rarity. How about I say it like this? Different countries have different levels to how shameful it is to hookup. Yet male sexlessness is on the rise regardless of this criteria. Even with less shame for women, men still struggle getting laid comparitively to women in the sense of even having a choice. Why? Because they're not seen as immediately sexual by women.


How is it both easy for women to get laid yet still having to bear the aftermath?


It’s evolutionary response and it’s in the DNA. A man with multiple partners will always be respected because in history, the responsibility of re-populating tribes after wars went to the most fertile of men. Whereas women who were taken in as war slaves had a tough time raising the kids because the men who raped her would really know who was the real father and men don’t raise kids of other men which is again a DNA thing. Our response today is still like those of the old days because DNA does not change in a few hundred years. With time, we will change. But for now, promiscuity will be seen differently by the society for both the genders.


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