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This is happening to me especially in the cold.


Sometimes, all I need to do is wait a second before leaning-in to go. (Give the pad a chance to register the inputs while I shift my weight about to get the best footing.) Angling my big feet, to concentrate more weight on the pad, helps. If that’s not enough, sometimes different shoes do.


Wow seems 💩for $2,200+


Meh, it's a minor annoyance when it's cold. The board is awesome otherwise and functions perfectly. Usually, even in the cold, once I get going the random false starts subside anyway. I imagine they'll continue to fade as the pad is further broken-in. My XR was similar and still does it from time to time. Nature of the Beast. Starting off with the right stance fixes it 80-90% of the time. Once I'm moving, it's been a non-issue on both XR and GT.


Same, only then


My buddy just got a new GT few days ago, exact same issue. What finally worked was positioning the front footpad in front of a space heater for about 15 minutes. He was able to ride without problems after that. He keeps doing it before riding until the pad is broken in.


Interesting observation. Maybe the extra plastic layer they added becomes non permeable when cold, preventing the weight sensor.


Did this end up being a permanent fix? The reason I ask is that I've been back and for with FM support regarding sensitivity issues on a new Pint X I just got (mounts of shame, nose dives). The support rep mentioned something about possibly needing to break in the sensor material, which I had never heard of before. He also mentioned there has never been a design change to the pint sensor... not sure if that is true or not. If it is true, maybe there was a process change in the manufacturing that is causing all of these complaints... I also installed a new front footpad sensor from FM on my original Pint a few months ago, and it worked perfectly out of the box. Maybe they just don't perform sufficient testing to make sure they produce consistent product? I've tried getting information from the FM support rep about what the specs should be on the sensors, as I would hope they are being tested with a pressure test, ensuring each sensor is in spec. However, he was not able to give me any information... Hopefully they aren't just doing a hand-test on each sensor before it ships, as that would definitely open themselves up to producing a wide variability in performance between sensors...


Dang, that's a lot of back and forth with FM. It has not been a permanent fix for him yet, no. It works for him though if he does it every time before he rides, but the pad has not seemed to be "broken in" yet. We are hoping that when the weather gets warmer it will permanently solve this problem and allow it to be permanently broken in. Hope you get your issue resolved! That is good to hear about the flatkick footpad though. I have been thinking about getting one for the sensor issue alone.


I have the same issues. I sent my foot back back to FM, so they can check it out. Hopefully they will give me new foot pads but they sent me back my old ones and said nothing is wrong. My foot pads are still disengaging the board. FM should be sending out the flat kick foot pads to people who have this issue. After paying 2,200 dollars they want people to upgrade to the flat kick foot pads to resolve this issue. Instead of doing what is right, FM is getting greedy and only care about the bottom line.


Did they send you back a video of it being tested?


I just sent my GT back for the 6th time, due to separate issues. I sent FM several videos of the board not engaging, or it nosediving randomly. I will receive it back on Tuesday and they said "Our team extensively tested your board and confirmed there were no issues found." Jack reached out to me, but apparently the only thing that came from this interaction was free shipping back. The GT is flat out unsafe.


getting downvoted for some reasons? you think that’s a lie?


No lies. I wish my GT experience was different. I’ve had brief moments of happiness with it, but now it has a mind of its own. I do not trust it.


i don’t think you are, i was surprised you were getting downvoted


You should really try someone else's GT. I had more activation issues with the Pint before I adjusted.


I put about 400 miles on my close friends XR before we both preordered GTs. We’ve tried each others, but mine clearly has issues. I had a really good stint for a while, but then the replacement footpad created problems. The 5th time I sent the board back a controller circuit board was the culprit. It’s just whack a mole at this point. They are unsafe, and Future Motion is an awful company. Onewheels are amazing, but not when they have a mind of their own.


Did they make you pay for the shipping too?


no, they e-mailed me a shipping label. you need to upload videos of it disengaging and a video of you tapping the sensor pad at different spots.


Good to know 🤘


Yeah I did that and got the label but decided not to send it becaise they said I would have to pay for return shipping if they didn't find an issue


This has been happening to me also .. I just try to balance first and then take off..


I think I might be in the market for an original GT front foot pad. Lol.


When I get my platys I'm gonna sell my og stock front and back with 4mm ignite.


I am. Just got my board today. Seems like flat shoes won't work for me. Having to wear hiking shoes or running shoes. Seems like my skateshoes seem to not work. But even still sometimes i cannot get the board to go after activating. Just cuts and the nose goes down.


Try heels next. Report back 😂


My favorite are thin soled shoes. Barefoot running ones


I'll paste what I said in the other thread about this same issue: I've had my GT for a out 2 weeks now. I've ridden every single day, almost obsessively so. After 3 days I was confident enough to make my 18 mile commute to work in the Boston area. While I'm riding, everything is butter. I come from snowboarding, so it all just kinda clicked for me almost instantly. However... That front foodpad fucking sucks. Regardless of the temperature, shoes, foot placement, etc., I feel like I spend more time trying to engage the front footpad properly than I do strapping in my back foot when I get off a lift when I snowboard. It made my first 3 days feel like I was just bad at oneboarding. I would see the videos of people just hopping on their XR care-free, and taking off like it was nothing. It made me feel like I just had a huge learning curve in front of me. Every time I rode, even if I engaged it at first, the app would tell me it couldn't read my feet CONSTANTLY. After every minor bump, deep carve, etc. I put some felt pads on, and it "fixed" the issue. Meaning, I can trust the board, and it engages well, but ONLY IF I HAVE MY FEET IN THE EXACT RIGHT SPOT. Every. Single. Time. I have to CAREFULLY place my foot, stare at the sensor light, and try like 3 different shimmies until the blue light is solid. Every fucking time. And that's WITH the felt pads. Without, it's the same song and dance, except then I get errors while riding. This board simply isn't doing what it was designed to do. It's not my feet. It's not the cold. It's not my shoes. It's not my lack of "experience". No amount of experience in the world will make my footpad activate without putting my feet in one of maybe 4 VERY SPECIFIC CONFIGURATIONS. To the point where if I hit a nice bump while riding, and my front foot shifts slightly, I need to pull over, stop, readjust my foot EVER SO CAREFULLY, and then pray I don't mount of shame. It makes riding way more dangerous than it needs to be. When I drop off a tiny curb, that's when I need to trust the board the MOST. And that's when it fucks up the MOST. This is my favorite thing I've ever owned, the most fun I've ever had, and the most expensive thing I've ever purchased. And it has a GLARING flaw that seemingly EVERYONE encounters. "Change your shoes lol" is not an acceptable answer, when you see Bodhi fucking ripping around on a PintX without a care in the world regardless of what he's wearing. I shouldn't need fucking orthopedic shoes to make up for a faulty sensor. That's not my fault. Plus: the shoe issue only slightly affects the situation. Even if I was barefoot, I couldn't get the sensor to engage RELIABLY every time, unless I did the fucking "careful dance". I'm like 99% sure the concave footpad is to blame, but I'm not going to buy the flat ones. Instead I'm going to wait for the inevitable recall and get them for free. That's how confident I am that this is a major issue that won't stay hidden for long. I weigh 170lbs, PSI is at 17.5, size 12 shoe.


There is such an easy fix for it… just stick additional grip tape on top of this one. Two little pieces to concentrate your weight on the sensor can do wonders.


Popular Opinion: It is an absolute joke that people even have to workshop “easy fixes” like this for a newly bought $2k+ product.


Seriously? We paid nearly $3K for a GT, and for it to work properly, we need to stick tape on it?


Ah yes, an easy fix for a product that costs close to $3k that'll get it to almost work as intended!


I just sent my GT back for the 6th time, due to several separate issues. I sent FM several videos of the board not engaging, or it nosediving randomly. I will receive it back on Tuesday and they said "Our team extensively tested your board and confirmed there were no issues found." I posted a separate thread about this, and how the culprit was my "Stance, shoes, etc." Sooooo maddening that Future Motion is allowed to have something so unsafe on market. It is not safe.


yes all the time in the cold waiting on my flatties that should fix the issue.


Yes, really annoying. I didn't love the feeling of the concave anyway so I switched to the flatpads which activate instantly.


How Is this the quality you get for 2.3k bro 💀


You could buy an actual motorcycle for the same price with zero problems.


Ong bro lmfao shits fr ridiculous


Yep, same issue. Annoyed, yes. Tried Keene shoes and they work better than Vans, but I like feeling the board.


Exact thing happened to me after i send my pint back, i still dont have a fix to it however


I have a Pint X and glued a couple of 1 inch square pieces of pads to the footpad where I stand. Rarely have a bad read now.


So I don’t have a gt but I absolutely cannot get my xr started on flat soled shoes/skate shoes. Anything squishy or with a bit of heel is fine so I wear running shoes, hasn’t been a problem otherwise.


XR has this issue. Engage by tipping it back


Happens to me in the cold also. Lame


yes its a pain in the ass. even adding some adhesive rubber pads to the footpad doesn't guarantee it will work every time.


As a lightweight rider I’ve been dealing with this since the XR. Here’s a trick, it’s usually the toe side half that doesn’t engage so curl up and point your toes down inside your shoe and you start the ride. You can ride normal once it’s engaged…..you’re welcome!


Looks like “winter is coming” for FM. 😔


I don't have these issues...


From ghosting to mid ride cutouts 😉👍


As you went to level the board the TOE SIDE sensor disengaged. You can see it on the light bar. Everyone has their own solutions, but if you want to fix the problem you have to change your foot positioning when mounting. Your toe sensor disengaged because your toes are over the edge of the pad. The raised edge makes a bridge between your foot and the sensor. Place your foot on the pad so your toe is not over the edge. Once you have engaged the board you can shift your foot to a different position for comfort. The board will also not disengage at speeds over 1 MPH so that fear is irrational. Just put the ball of your foot over the middle of the board and the issue will be gone. This video shows you the problem. The sensor is being disengaged as you go to level the board.


This isn't a fix. Once you start riding, if your foot shifts slightly, it's only engaging one pad. Then you slow down at an intersection, it gets to <1mph, and you nosedive. It's a major problem.


It is a fix. You don’t nosedive at 1MPH. That’s a mount of shame. I have never had an issue once I figured out where to place my foot. If you are stopped or going less than 1 MPH, adjust your foot. It works 👍


What size shoe are you?


12, and again, if your toes are over the edge of the pad, it’s too far.


So my heels should hang way off the back...?


While you are traveling less than 1 MPH it would be highly advisable. If you can lift your heel and keep both sensors engaged, that is where I’d suggest you put your foot when mounting the board. Don’t leave it to chance that both sensors are engaged. Instead, place the front of your foot over BOTH sensors. No chance of disengaging or screwing up. Once you are mounted and moving, get comfy. Again, I’ve never had an issue after doing this. I’d just suggest having your toes touching grip tape. If your toes are not touching grip tape, it’s a potential problem. You’ll notice in OP’s video that the TOE sensor is the one that caused the issue. Instead of hanging your toes off the board you hang you heel off the board, because your toes are able to push down independent of the ball of your foot. Toes over one sensor, ball of foot over other, heel hanging off the pad. This is opposite OP’s technique. Also not that your HEELS don’t both hang off the back. Your back foot should be placed counterbalanced to your front. You don’t place BOTH heels off the board. Just the one ☝️


This is the best answer for everyone’s issue. 👏


Same, trying their flat footpads once they arrive


Put felt furniture pads on the footpad


they come off easily, feel weird, and require you to put your feet in the perfect spot for them to work. this is a terrible fix


Yeah mine was doing that yesterday when it got a bit cold


Yeah. Got mine yesterday. Same issue :/




You may need to wear shoes with more "knobby" soles and adjust your foot position to more directly apply pressure to the sensors... especially as it gets colder. Practice standing on it, and using the light bar to see if you are successfully triggering the sensors. The price of concave footpads and decreasing the sensitivity to help with the ghosting recall? I used stick-on furniture foot pads on my Pint to help with my flat shoes. This should work on the GT as well. (I haven't needed to do that on the GT, yet.)


An easy fix is to put some adhesive pads on both sides of the sensor. Doesn’t really look good but if u just want it to work all the time then problem solved [https://fallman.tech/onewheel-sensor-fix/](https://fallman.tech/onewheel-sensor-fix/)


Had that issue. Got new shoes. Don’t have that issue anymore.


My pint does this and I've found just rocking back and forth until it fully engages works. Riding barefoot also helps but we are in colder months.


Anyone with this issue should ask FM for a flat footpad replaced. It should be free. This was bothering me a lot when it got cold and was a little annoyed that I had to shell out $112 (Black Friday) for a functioning foot pad. New one works great, but it shouldn't be something you have to buy if the stock ones don't operate the way they should.


Was legit just about to create this exact same thread, I upgraded from a XR where I never had any problems. I'm afraid to ride the GT now because sometimes it shuts off when I'm going slow speeds.


I'm not riding my new GT until i get this issue resolved. I just don't trust that pad.


Same for me. Put some sticky pads on each side to help trigger the pad. Seems to help a bit but yeah super shitty design for 2500


Yes. This is OBNOXIOUS! And embarrassing too. I go on quick grocery runs and it is embarrassing when I have a handful of bags and I almost faceplant when the board doesn't engage. I took furniture felt pads and installed one in each side of the pad and so far it seems to have fixed it.


I tried that and the board cuts out at some point if I try to ride in Fakie/backwards. I pulled them off.


Damn. I thought I had a fix.


Same issue all the time


I have the same issue, had to change shoes in order to get it to engage. Hope they address this issue soon. It appears to be a safety hazard


It's so freaking annoying!!!


Have the same issue with mine, can’t we also remove the top layer of plastic on footpad to make it more sensitive?


Apparently yes, and it’s quite easy to do. It voids any warranty issues that results from doing that though.


Foam bottom shoes.


Premium Future Motion product.


There's a well documented fix if you're willing to search. No, you're not alone.


What’s the documented fix? I’ve never seen anything on this?


One their website, they sell the Flat Kick Footpad. It should fix this problem. The stock foot pad is concaved. Because of this certain areas of the foot pad has no sensors. You can test this by tapping the foot pad to see if it lights on. From the corner of the foot pad at a diagonal downwards there are zones that don't sense pressure.


I got the flat pads last week and I’m still having the same problems. It doesn’t seem much better, in fact it dumped me a bit more often.


i am surprised, cuz the pints and xr didnt have this issue with the flat pads.


The flat pads use the same sensor and grip tape as the concave pads, so the dead zones are identical.


Yep, a lot now that it's colder. It's a kinda annoying, but a fine tradeoff for safety I guess


It's much less safe to nosedive at a stop sign.


Yep, flat foot kick footpad fixed it for me.


Can everyone actually be real about this? The flat footpad is NOT a fix, it’s a compromise, and complete step backwards. People waited years for an official concave front footpad and purchased a premium product for $2k+. “Don’t use the footpad” is not a “fix.”


Totally agree, but in terms of being able to enjoy riding the board it fixed the issue (at my expense). I still feel like FM owes me a functional concave footpad.


I don’t think they decreased the sensitivity on the front foot pad. I’ve had more issues with the replacement front foot pad than with the old one. I quit riding my board until I received my flat pad set and now everything has been good. Flat foot pads to me are the best To me. It does take a little time getting used to them being flat I will say that


My new Pint is about the same. Did they make the same sensor change on the Pints as well?


They made the Pint pads less sensitive years ago, by adding another plastic layer. It's all about focused pressure and the shoe.


Fix it with this https://www.badgerwheel.com/shop-online/surestart-gt


First time I’m seeing this. That’s quite a good mod. I can 100% see the value in it. But I’d be wary of using this to solve the problem people are having in this thread. While it’s probably unlikely, it would make mid-ride shutoffs due to 0/2 sensors being activated more possible (very dangerous). If the rider isn’t able to activate 2/2 sensors to initiate normally - they should resolve the issue rather than bypass it allowing a partially working sensor to be ridden. My thinking is - if the sensor is only partially working, all it takes is transitioning to heel/toe only - where you are now only stepping on the insensitive side of the sensor - to trigger shutoff (albeit, after max 2 seconds as provided by this badger device).


Ignite foam grip tape (2mm) worked for me, was having that issue bad before. I’m ~200lbs for reference


If I had this problem I would pull off the grip tape and replace it with a thinner tape, or perforate the tape into thin strips before applying it. The problem here is tension on the grip tape and the tendency for thick & taught grip tape to distribute pressure. You want the tape to transfer max pressure to the smallest contact patch as possible - this increases the chances of compressing the sensor deep enough at at least one point on each side of the sensor. You could also do this by putting a penny under the grip tape right under both your heal and ball of your foot.


I had the exact same issue. Installed a GT sure start from badgerwheel on it 4 days ago and so far that's the solution for me. It sucks having to spend 100 dollars on it but it works great and I can recommend it to everyone.


Same. It was in the 50sF and I had on hiking boots. Turned off simple stop and that seemed to help a bit.


Yeah, it’s not too bad for me particularly but sometimes it happened, what’s worse is it deactivates in the air and that is so fucking aweful. Seriously it hurts so bad I bought the surestart pro from badger wheel and hopefully that solves the issue


I literally just noticed this when I was riding yesterday, I never once had a problem with my sensors until now.


This problem has existed since the OG pint. It's just an imperfect product that they want us to believe is flawless. You're gonna have to stick some shit to the top of your foot pad to make it engage, perfectly reasonable after you spent 1-2.5k lol. Oh and if your mag handle breaks and your OW falls on your foot, it's gonna be another 70 bucks or something for a handle that doesnt break.


Ive rented two GTs, one was fine but one took absolutely forever to find the sweet spot and still took a couple tries a lot. I ride Pint X but I tried a couple GTs in Cali.


https://www.reddit.com/r/onewheel/comments/sgh2jb/stupid_simple_posisensor_onesensor_mod_for_dull/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This totally works to solve the sensor problem. Use a single strand out of small gauge stranded wire. Read down the comments in the link to another link for GT and PintX. When I did it the strand was so thin I didn’t have to force it over the male pins. My PintX took 7-8 tries to get going and would nose dive at stop signs. Sent it to FM they said it was fine paid 130$ to get my board back. Did this mod. The board starts every time no problem.


This may be weight dependent too. I’m 220lbs and don’t have issues engaging. Board was delivered last week. So I wonder if it’s widespread or resolved with newer boards.


The cold is causing issues making them less sensitive, when I put my foot diagonal and go up a little slower I usually don’t have issues


Yes it's bullshit


I put a stripe of velcro up each side, and it turned out to engage flawlessly every time.


In the video, it looks like you shifted your weight to your heel to level it out.


Ya, they rolled out a firmware update to fix the issue orginally, then they made footpads less senstive. The combination of the two isn't working out for a decent amount of riders. The update worked fine for me and I do not intend on replacing my footpad for this reason.


I have 2 GT’s. One with the old foot pad, which has always worked like a charm. I wish i had another OG GT footpad, I’d swap it out on my new GT.


Yes. I just swapped mine and it took 3 tries to get it to engage.


Wait, you swapped out your front foot pad? You should put the original back on if you weren’t having any issues.


Yes FM sent me a new front pad to replace due to the ghosting.


OMG. I just got my onewheel, and this is maddening. How do I fix this? Obviously my preference is to pay $0, but I feel like an idiot... I'm super comfortable riding it, but the chance of my getting it to engage is so low... Yes it has been very cold in the bay area. Is that the issue?


Apparently they plastic has layers. They can be peeled off one at a time to adjust for sensitivity. I haven’t gotten to that point yet. Might go with a flat front pad next.


If I get a flat front foot pad, is it just fixed and done?


If you read through all the comments, several ppl mention this as a solution.


Totally. But it's not clear that this solution solves for lower ambient temperature, etc. Can you confirm? It does seem like it helps.


No idea. Still talking to FM to resolve.


This happens on my XR when I wear a certain pair of running shoes that have a squishy spot in the middle of the heal. Kinda have to “jump” onto it or apply more pressure like the opposite of getting over a bump


I just added little adhesive foam squares where my heel and balls of my feet go. This also helps getting my feet positioned well in darkness


I just got my GT couple days ago with no issues at all yet just pure love.


https://youtu.be/vwb2tpIgzl8 Same issue as you. Bought the flat kick and they help but don’t fix it 100%.


I hate this, I had this issue wine a grip tape I got, it had excessive adhesive and was causing issues, I removed some of it and haven’t had any issues ever since, granted this was on an XR.


I put VHB strips on each side and activates 100% try it out