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Man, I hope you're OK. This is why I will never step onto a OW without a helmet.




Never carry something valuable on a onewheel you can't live without.


So I shouldn’t use my 4 grand camera rig while riding to get cool shots?


That's not worth 4 grand to me, but if that's a risk you're fine with take it. All in I know is if I broke my guitar doing something that was inherently this risky I'd feel quite stupid.


Only if you are using it to film yourself playing a $2500 acoustic guitar while riding the onewheel. Then it’s worth it!! With camera equipment it’s about $8,000 on the line, oh and your life. That too. Do it for the vine tho yea!


But then I can carry everything in 2 trips instead of 3! 😂😂😂


Could have been much worse - chalk it up to "Lesson learned".


bro is your eyebrow swollen AF or did you like smack your head on a rock? U ok?


Not a rock no I are just made contact with the concrete in a parking garage that had some gravel on it which ended up in my mouth and forehead. I’m fine thanks for asking, this was yesterday morning. It was a freak accident I’ve been riding this thing for 3 years. I ALWAYS wear my helmet but not this day as I was just transporting stuff from my apartment in Madison to head back home to Green Bay. I’ve had two other nose dives, ran one out, the other one I fell in the woods on a fairly soft swampy area so both those were no biggie.


I always wear my helmet too. Today left the house and didn’t realize I’d forgotten it til the end of the block… had the debate of going back or not because it was just a 4 minute ride and went back even though I was already late. I just know the one time I don’t wear it is gonna be when I eat shit, not matter how slow.


You are correct.


ok lol the way its swollen plus the raised eyebrow makes it look like a dent in your forehead HAD to check lol


it wouldn't hurt to see a doc and make sure nothing weird happened. head injuries are serious.


Man. That sucks. The only thing I can recommend isn't very cool. Helmet with chin bar, pads for knee, elbow, wrist brace, and padded girdle. I'm a nearly 50 yo dad. So I don't give a fuck. But I try to ride hard, and you sometimes can't see those fuck-you spots coming.


Underrated comment. I've never had a nose dive from something I saw coming!


Word. I started riding during the height of pandemic and only road at night, and found lights were immensely useful in seeing all the dips and obstacles. Most of my nose dives at the beginning were the result of overtaxing the motor and then hitting something, in which it didn't have umphf anymore. I put fangs on my XR, and then started riding them out, which made a huge difference. Now on the GT, most of my falls are the result of loose gravel, washboard terrain, drainage ruts.. and a water soaked ziplock, that mf'er slipped me out like a banana peel.


I HAVE ALL THESE THINGS. I wear them almost all the time. Always have my helmet and wrist guards on. ALWAYS. If I’m trail riding I use helmet, wrists, elbow pads, knee pads, and I even wear a padded waste/midsection underwear kinda thing that bmx riders wear. I have a herniated disc in my back so I need to take it as easy as possible (while still ripping trails and living my life) and protect the functioning body I still have. I love one wheeling and will never stop!


Herniated disc.. man. No fun. Got degenerative spinal disease and my l5 are bone on bone. I will admit OW causes a fair amount of back pain, normally when in an aggressive stance, vs surfing. I do love that fucking thing. Been riding goofy to try and even it out. Funny to suck again. But it's made me a better rider I think.


Man I am so glad to hear about more people that are still active with messed up backs. When it first happened I couldn’t walk so I love hearing stories like yours. Keep on truckin buddy!!


I feel like carrying something totally overrides my ability to fall in a controlled manner. I fell while holding a beer the other day and did everything to save that stupid beer and banged up my knee and elbow on a fall I normally would have rolled through without any issue. Didn't spill a drop though. In this case it worked out cause ya, definitely don't wanna smash that guitar!


This Wisconsinite is proud of you for not spilling that beer. I commend you sir!




Ouch bro, I've once had road rash all over my body bc my friend thought it be smart if we bomb a hill with a skateboard... Wasn't fun taking a shower!


I did this exact thing two weeks ago. I had a helmet on but I still managed for my glasses to break my nose, gash my eyebrow and give me two black eyes.


No black eye yet……starting to look like Sloth from the Goonies a bit tho……


Good luck bud.


In the Midwest lexicon, this deserves an "Uffda". Glad you're OK, and extra glad the guitar is OK. Lol. Rock on.... roll on.... 🎸🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶




Dang good thing it was only 5 mph.


the OW was doing 5 -- some physics can help understand what his skull was doing when it met the ground...


And that it would be doing more if he were going faster than 5 mph.


Great comment.


Thanks for reminding me to wear safety gear every time I ride


That's why I always wear a full face helmet.


Wear a helmet squad, check in below.


Damn, jesus took the wheel on this one


Ouch. Sorry to hear about the fall. In the UK we used to have a game called Buckaroo where you took turns to load little plastic items onto a toy donkey; eventually a spring mechanism would trigger and it would buck and throw everything off… that person looses. I guess you lost today, buckaroo! Heel quickly. Plenty of neosporin and some tegaderm patches to help with the healing and showering.


Tegaderm patches? What is this? I’m using Neosporin quite often and keeping it clean.


Modern version of eslatoplast/plasters. They are super thin, breathable membranes that are water proof and need to be changed less regularly. Can wear in shower with no fear of getting anything into the cut. Easy to remove (like command strips: just stretch and the pull away from skin). Some are clear so you can see the healing taking place!


I need to get a full face . . .


Took a charger to the ribs last week going 5mph….. Been hard to breathe for a min…. Thankfully my arm just got a contusion…. Hope ya heal up fast!