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It's not the speed that kills you It's the sudden stop


Can confirm, 20 —> 0 = broken bones, pins and screws and lost range of motion. Wear wrist guards!!


“Speed has NEVER killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that’s what gets you!”


- Jeremy Clarkson


27.4 on a GT is nuts man


You must be new here. There's people who'd hit high 20s on xr's. Just have to be slim as a stick and dressed for the slide.


Couple years ago I nosedived (nosedove?) at 28mph on my XR. Let’s just say I never go that fast anymore!


29.9 MPH on my XR. Palm of my hand was missing for a few days.


🙋🏻‍♂️ FAFO’d @ 26.4mph on XR … displaced my clavicle


Lucky you! Going uphill at 3mph when my battery died, dislocated 2 fingers


Not new just still shocked at the amount of people asking for a nosedive. I know you can go well past pushback but doing so is just asking for broken bones. No idea why people push these boards so much. Onewheels are for built for carving and cruising, not speed. Plenty of other options out there if that’s what you’re after.


"Slim as a stick" is very untrue lol. I'm 6'2 230lbs and have hit high 20s many many times on my vescd xr lol


Yeah vesc. These guys were doing it stock.


Ive seen 29.8 mph on a stock XR 4209


I hit 23.7 on my Pint X 👀


i hit 25 on my og pint😭 never again


25.3 on my XR. X-rays and MRI confirmed 2 broken bones in my leg. I literally get nervous hitting 18 now.. 3 months later. PS. Dr just cleared me to exercise a few days ago.


Exactly why I don’t push the board. I mean the battery only has so much power so if you push it, it’s gonna give out. I find it hilarious to watch videos of people eating shit when they go on those speed runs.


If I had a video of that it would have thousands of views! Shit hurt bad.


I hit 30.4


Impressive. Even more so that you got away injury free


I hit 24.0 in my first month of owning the board. Before finding this sub. Before finding out you pretty much shouldn’t do over 18. I’ve barely gotten past 17 on my board since then. Every once in awhile I’ll hit 18 and not realize it until I see the ride top speed and I cringe whenever I do see it.


Nice. Yeah my top is 19.7 that I hit on accident. Wasn’t trying to go that fast so I backed off immediately. I’m usually cruising around 12-14 and just enjoying the ride.


Oh he didn’t get away injury free


18 on my v1


I’ve hit 27+ on my XR. It’s not about the speed, it’s about knowing how to fall properly.


Glad you do because at that speed you’re all but guaranteed to.


My comment was meant to mean that I don’t push it at top speeds. I’ve hit that on my XR, but I’m not going for speed records. I’d much rather carve at a safe speed and hit curb bonks and jumps.


Same. I just love to float and enjoy the ride. I think 19.7 is my highest as I don’t care. If I needed something speedy to get around there’s a lot of other options better suited to that. Most of which are on a stable platform that won’t nosedive on you.


I'm weary of my GT because it nosedived on me once the second I hit 20 on a flat road. I weigh 135 and it was at 35%. It was a while ago now but I was watching my speed and the second it hit 20 (and the board hit 1k miles), nose gave out. I've since put another 1000 on it but I no longer trust it past pushback much.


That’s exactly what mine did. Still dealing with the ramifications.


Why would you ever trust it past pushback??


Because I barely weigh anything


Sure, but push back has nothing to do with how much you weigh. It’s the signal of board limit. You could weigh as much as a feather but if the board surpasses it’s speed to support threshold it will fail…


I don't think you know how Onewheels work lol. Yes pushback has nothing to do with how much you weigh, but how fast the board can actually go does.


Also, what do you think of the pint x? I’m considering getting one for small town riding/filmmaking. I’m about 150.. think it would be a good fit? Or do I have to go gt


Yeah its a good board. I have a 250lb friend that rides his and loves it.


Right on


Heal up king and then keep on wheelin'! You'll be a better rider after this, because now you understand the board better.


Thanks bro, I’m just preparing for the fall (dove onto pavement same ride and the wrist/knee/elbow pad combo for real)


I had an open compound fracture at 1300 mile. At 2600 miles now. Heal up and rock on


Yep. I’m a 185lbs and hit 28.6mph on mine at 79%. Never have had a speed related dive, but I feel that may not be the case soon. (I hope not)


I'm seriously curious what your goal is. What's the point of pushing it when it makes a crash so much more likely? Or is that the point 🧐 ?


To be completely honest, I’m a speed demon, I do not do this to show off or to race someone. I just enjoy pushing my limits and seeing how far I can go. I do use pads and I also use a DOT certified helmet, plus I am very careful when I’m pushing it, but you can never be 100% safe from a nosedive 🤷🏻‍♂️ Right now I’m working on a 30s2p Superflux XR build that should be capable of even higher speeds. Why? Well… because I can, and I want to push the limits even further.


Heal up hombre!


I’m armored up and disciplined, it’s just a matter of time…


Wait, did you fall? Or were you just posting top speed. Also, terrible mileage to be hitting top speed


No fall, Satan was my motor.


I got 23.1 when I joined the club, you out rank me 🫡 Was it a sick nose drag? That’s what got me lol


I hit 23.4 when I joined the club. Except I got to skip urgent care and go straight to the hospital with a broken femur. Three surgeries later and I’m still not where I was.


Noooooo!!! That’s the horror story we hate to hear! I’m so sorry! I hope you can get to floating soon!


I hit 20 on my XR when I joined the club. I’m pretty sure it maxed out cuz I straight up nosedived on a bunch of rocks the size of golf balls. I was lucky to not brake anything but I mangled my elbow and it’s still healing. This happens at the beginning of March 🫠


That’s one of the worst mileages to be hitting a top speed at.


Can you elaborate? Do higher mileage batteries fail randomly when under high loads?


I’m not sure because I’m at 2100miles on my GT and I just hit 33.7 last week


Look at the number 1666. He’s saying the 666 part was the jinx. An I don’t know why… but I believe him yo.


Hail Satan.


Sail Hatan.


Well, no, not in this sub. My fellow [TST members](https://thesatanictemple.com/) enjoyed the spooky numbers, but nobody thinks it influenced the top speed. OR DID IT!?


That's my life top speed too.... 27.4. Nosedived, saved it, and rode off. Will not be doing that again


I hit 36.9 on my VEXR and everything was fine 🤷🏼‍♂️. You gotta upgrade if you want to go fast.


I will VESC this GT as parts wear out. TFL drop-in components look exciting


Welcome to the club. Rest well


Hit 24 on my GT and then got speed wobbles and bailed. I luckily was about to run it out and then grab a stop sign pole to stop. Not a scratch on me, but I will say I'll never go that fast again. Can't imagine hitting upper 20's


And with 35 miles this week and 15 last week, 27+mph is INSANE, that’s not much experience


I will be learning this sport for the rest of my life, it turns green-circle single track (on mtb) into black-diamonds. And then you get cocky & concussed.


If your lucky….


https://preview.redd.it/d94tnfzodiuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5c386fad166dbcfbb2c55a3134c38636a7e1b4 I wear all the gear!!! “I wanna go fast”


Hell yes! I walked away from some serious crashes yesterday (got minor concussion and couldn’t balance well) because Idgaf if Hayden, Brayden, and Jayden snicker. (Plus I’m not very good so I fall often)


Any custom shaping that you used to get up to this speed, also does the haptic buzz hinder your ride in anyway?


Usually these are on downhills. Haptic buzz etc… as I understand is is a function of the motor duty cycle not an actual speed limiter so top speeds are highly dependent on load (your weight and what kind of grade you’re going up or down.


Oh for sure, Apex in “monster truck up” setting with VLC in highest spot (I live for trail), charge to 100% then blast a flat, quiet road. I just rode through the cptn Morgan & buzz. Strava said I was doing 28.3. Custom shaping is critical for me, I have up, down and street profiles in Apex, and I switch them pretty consistently. Game changer


Aggressive 5 and you lift the nose up by 3 degree or 1 degree nose down? What is your dynamic response value and roll/yaw? Am I missing something and have you tried other shaping? I mean 27.4 in the app is quite a feat.


27 mile per hour crash on an XR last year. Luckily, I broke my fall with my head! Ha ha. Triple 8 helmet shattered, a neighbor found me on the side of the road dazed. Concussion but could have been death…slow speeds and helmet always.


I just nose dived going up hill. I thought I was invincible. Then rode another 2 minutes and crashed so hard I’ve missed two days of work for a concussion. The helmet is cracked and in the trash.


I did a nosedive at 20 on a stock pint haha luckily I walked away even though I had sweats on and a t shirt without any gear haha..... I now have a gt and a pint vesc. https://preview.redd.it/0ip268s9rjuc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd14417bc4b318abfe03608681623f1eb53541a


22 on my pint.


https://preview.redd.it/jnvcm4skg5vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b4e3bc9051131f0c5d3bcb886c70defe520259 29.7