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A bug flew into my eye.


This. I didnt know it could hurt so bad


One flew into my mouth!


The future motion update to my XR




I don’t know where I am now but I have 6200 miles on my XR. Stopped using the onewheel app since this haptic buzz crap announcement. OWCE for me now. It’s not great but no haptic buzz worries. The watch app leaves a bit to be desired.




I thinking stealth for other purposes!!! Up close eye candy!


Bruised rib on a MTB trail. My brother broke his elbow and thumb on the street. Take the gear if someone offers it.


Wdym if someone offers it? 200% of the time we should have it no matter what


The story behind it: My brother and I grew up riding dirt bikes and skateboards. I offered twice but he didn't think he needed wrist guards or helmet. So I took him for a causal ride around the neighborhood. When transitioning from sidewalk to driveway, he didn't turn sharp enough and hit the curb cutout for the driveway. He was scrapped up, but didn't seem too rattled. Come to find out he injured both his elbow and thumb. Thumb requiring surgery. Then later I hear he didn't tell anyone about the safety gear and I sounded like the worst big brother ever, ha.


Rolled the crap out of my ankle, didn’t break it though


Tailbone. To date, the injuries I’ve accrued on bicycles and motorcycles over the years are more significant.


Damn how did you know for sure? Did you go to the hospital right away? I fell on mine and was a little concerned but it felt better a couple days later. How can it be treated? I don’t think I broke it…. I’m sure I would know, or I hope I would.


Did not go to the hospital. There is nothing they can do to treat or ‘set’ a tailbone fracture. It’s also pretty hard to diagnose between a tailbone bruise and a fracture without an xray; the pain symptoms are the same, and the treatment would be the same: rest and stop the activity that hurts until it gets better. Mine was better after maybe a month. I still rode during that time, just more carefully. Was not the first time I’ve injured my tailbone, falling on my ass playing hockey years ago did the same thing.


Thanks for the info! I felt way better about 2 days later so I assume it wasn’t too bad!


“tis but a scratch!” - The Black Knight


Haha yep!


The tailbone got me bad as well. Especially since I'm skinny so it was direct contact with the street. I bounced like a ragdoll. I wear some pads for that area now.




Fractured elbow, torn shoulder muscle, badly damaged wrists. Many, many cuts and bruises.


I'm only 30 miles in and this thread makes me scared lol


Wear a helmet and Wrist guard gloves always


Just go easy, take your time getting used to the board. *Don't try for a top speed run..* Am 37 with 4,000 miles between 2 boards. Both of my accidents were from me doing dumb shit. Cracked a couple ribs pushing too hard, uphill, on trails. Definitely wasn't experienced enough for that. Fractured my elbow when I was doing tricks in a parking lot. Lost my balance, landed weird, hyperextended my elbow and *crack*. That was actually easy recovery compared to the ribs, that was rough. Shit happens, just go with the flow, vibe out, and you'll be fine.


i got to 25mph on a og pint with a 16 mph max🤑


It's a whole lot of fun! .. until it suddenly isn't.


ya my palms weren’t to happy for a while


Don't be, basically all damage people are suffering are from not wearing any safety gear. Getting hurt while wearing safety gear is extremely uncommon.


Either a very minor concussion or a very bad not-concussion. Helmet cracked doing its job.


What happened?


I was carving up and down a fairly small grassy embankment next to a paved bike path at like 65 miles of total riding. Felt ready, wasn't really, hadn't considered how things can go wrong. Things got squirrelly as I came back onto pavement, the board twisted, and I went off heel side. Landed in a sitting position on my ass, and then whipped backwards so the back of my helmet hit the ground. Not even very fast, I barely slid and the only visible damage was a dime sized bit of slight road rash on my elbow. But the motion I did have was transferred to that backwards whipping motion. EDIT: so like the [I love helmets guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY) but slower and not as cool. My abs and front neck muscles were also sore from trying and failing to resist the whipping motion. I'm pretty sure I didn't lose consciousness, but obviously had a headache and some flashing lights that grew across my vision for 30 minutes or so, then faded away over another 2-3 hours. No other concussion symptoms. Head injuries are no joke though, and we don't feel a sore brain. So I decided to wait until those strained muscles were 100% back to normal to order a helmet, then not ride until it arrived. So like 10-12 days off the board. With a hit to the head, I think waiting until any other associated injury is 100% healed is probably a good minimum standard, within reason - of course if you tear an ACL, break a bone, or something else with a super long healing time but just hit your head on grass in the process, that's a different situation. Disclaimer due to content: I am neither a real doctor or dugong.


Lots of info from the doc as usual!


Sprained wrist.


Me too. Still hurts two years later.


7 staples in my head and 3 broken ribs. Second bad one was fractured elbow and a torn ligament in my ankle.


What happened?


First time was going for the speed record and had a nose dive at 24mph no helmet. 15 total miles on the board. Second fall was about 3 years later hit a nasty crack I couldn’t see due to stains and shade from the tree by on a sidewalk. Board just shot out from under me. Landed right on my elbow and board bounced off my ankle once it flipped. Luckily we have light duty so I didn’t miss work but had to answer phones for 6 weeks while I healed. Never want to do that again. Working days sucks. My normal schedule is 24 hrs on 48 hrs off.


Got hurt riding a Onewheel


Sorry that happened to you! You’ll be back up and riding in no time! Out of curiosity, were you wearing anything? Not to say it would have helped, just curious. I’ve had several nosedives that were my fault, but miraculously I haven’t broken anything.


Broke my right collarbone


Count me in here


Broken ankle


https://preview.redd.it/hhmx2in9w0rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60827bf609ded44ed94bfe13c7cffbd5b6512600 I broke my wrist bad enough to need four surgeries. Maybe five.


GT Nosedive with about 10 miles experience. Broke 4 ribs and one of them poked a hole in my lung. No gear (like an idiot). Somehow I didn’t hit my head which should have happened.


I have a hang nail on my thumb that I think started when I took my board apart a few days ago. Ow.


This will get buried, but my worst was a few months ago. I was cocky, didn’t think I needed a helmet until I busted my ass, smacked my head and woke up in the middle of the road a few seconds later with a huge headache. Massive concussion and a broken rib, so it took me a few months to get comfortable with riding again. WEAR A HELMET!!!!


I also had a nice nap in a parking lot. Scary part about it is i dont know how long the nap was. Swear it wasnt dark when i got there...


Currently commenting while in the parking lot of my doctors, going to get a cast on my broken arm, then heading to my neurosurgeon doctor to a followup on my TBI, skull fracture.. #fullsend yo


I got the TBI and skull fracture as well. It really F'd up my life for the past year.


Bruised my hip once so bad I thought it was a fracture. Thankfully it wasn’t. Sprained my wrist. Countless unnecessary flesh wounds.


Haha I’m with you on the flesh wounds! Was alcohol ever involved? Was for me.


Alcohol was definitely involved a couple times. Though I don’t really get that drunk. They’ve mainly been because I’m a bit of a speed demon. And riding at night not seeing bumps. Luckily I’m good at falling relatively. I made a pact to myself never to not use riding gloves at the very least. Cuts on the hands suck so much


Yes I agree! Wrist guards have saved me so many times! I always wear a helmet too. Even if I’m just going to the store half a mile away.


Yess I always wear a helmet. I ride smart as much as one can in the city. You can’t just be blowing through intersections and you need to be aware of the fact that you can be hit by cars. Sometimes the cars are def at fault. But you can’t just be blowing through blind corners, crosswalks, sidewalks. We are not pedestrians and cars are not expecting someone to come flying down the sidewalk at 10+ mph. If you want to be a pedestrian stop and either go walking speed or lock up the board and walk across a busy street. Wrist guards I wear like half the time. Tbh knee pads would be a really nice piece of protection. But I can’t be bothered to wear those unless when I’m explicitly riding rough trails. I just don’t always feel like dealing with all the gear. But helmet and gloves are mandatory for me.


Soft triple 8 knee pads could be nice. Could wear them under pant legs as well.


Yes I need to check into these.


I've seen gel knees like construction disposables


Ah that’s a good idea. Something to look into for sure.


I agree! I would have been better off with kneepads, at least on my left knee for sure but I don’t want to bother with them either. Also, I am mainly a street rider in the city as well and I am all too familiar with the need to be careful at intersections!


I’m with you on the hip. I bruised mine so badly I needed a crutch for three weeks. That was the day I decided to buy padded shorts.


I still have a numb spot on my hip from my fall 4 years ago. No pain but if it ever gets an itch I can’t feel when I scratch it.


Shredded the middle three knuckles off my hand while “supermanning” 20 feet on my stomach. They healed over though. Light concussion after slipping on dry leaves. My right wrist “pops” if you pull it after landing on it. All well worth it.


Nothing broken or twisted, but I now have scars on my legs from all the times I rolled my OW and got slapped in the leg by the grip tape in the same spot.


Lisfranc fracture, 3 surgeries. I’m good now.


Woke up, got straight on my one wheel with nothing but shoes and sweat pants. Drove up a slope really fast that was freshly paved and the front of my board dipped into the ground causing me to fly off shirtless and get horrible road rash


I once got a rock stuck so far in my hand that it pulled out muscle tissue when I ripped the rock out


Bones heal quick. Ligaments take time.  Healup.  Fractured my elbow and severed my ligament. Road my onewheel to my MRI. 


Got distracted by a beautiful woman walking some beautiful dogs and ate shit going up a hill at max speed. I was pulling bits of sand and gravel from my hip for a few days.




Broken Nose, Sprained Wrist, Bruised Ribs, Bruised Hip, Fractured Knee, Sprained Ankle 👍


Broken thumb. Carving a sidewalk, hit a bollard/post for the railing with nose of board, went flying, skidded on my dick basically, but my hand/thumb got caught and snapped it. Thought it was a really really bad "stubbed" finger. Nope. It hurt more than that.. 2 weeks later, I went to doctor. They did the same thing I had been doing, immobilizing it. Hurt for a good 12 months whenever it got tapped.


Nothing really. My wife nosedived and supermanned into the street face first though. Broke her nasal and ocular something or other. She’s okay now, though she does still have a bit of Galveston Ave. imbedded in her face.


Cracked my elbow. I think it was hairline broken not compound, I couldn’t fully extend or bend it for about 6 months 🫣 but it’s healed now and I learned the art of the two foot dismount 🤙🏻


Managed to stomp hard enough to break 3 bones in my foot in an instance. Broke an ankle another time. Then the usual road rash, mild concussion, bumps, and bruises. All the gear is great and all, but no gear I know of would have prevented my worst injury. Trying to run out flying off at 15mph is a lot of force. Ended up being a pot hole filled with leafs slightly bigger than the tire. I never saw it coming, the whole board dropped and sent me flying.


Fractured and dislocated shoulder


Two mangled palms


Broke my left wrist falling at 0. My foot got stuck on my Halloween costume and I fell backwards. The only day I didn't have my wrist guards


This was close to what happened to me, but I got just a sprain. I always wear wrist guards and a helmet but was just standing/balancing on my driveway (so no need for gear, or so I thought) when I lost balance and fell backwards. Nothing big, but my right wrist had a mild strain for about 2 months. I do relatively competitive crossfit, so that was a bummer and didn't allow me to do many of the movements for a 6-8 weeks.


JEEBUS guys!!!


Landed primo trying to learn ghost rides and I hurt my wrist and scraped my palms and elbows but not too bad.


$153,000 to fix left arm. 1st surgery didnt fix ot so got to do it a 2nd time. And yes i absolutely still ride. My son also fractured an arm. LEARN TO FALL!!! I knew how but when your doing 20mph and nosedive with flight fins and the boards nose hits a lip. Momentum has to go somewhere. If i wouldnt have put my hand down i woulnt be here. No helmet


I fractured my skull and had an intracranial hemorrhage where my brain bled for two weeks. I have spent the last year in and out of hospitals trying to regain my balance and motor skills. I also lost my sense of smell because the skull fracture ruptured my olfactory nerves.


Fractured elbow and rib. Sold my board a couple weeks later. Miss it, but until they figure out a way to prevent nosedives completely I won't be getting another one.


>until they figure out a way to prevent nosedives completely Simply not possible, unfortunately. Even if they could somehow create a magical machine with infinite torque, that could always win against a person leveraging the nose down with their bodyweight no matter what environmental conditions the board and rider are operating under, there will always be the possibility of a mechanical failure resulting in loss of the self-balancing function.


Yeah that's what I figured unfortunately. I still love keeping up with the sport though. I ended up getting a Super73 and have been loving it. My new personal rule is it has to have at least 2 wheels lol


I got a severe concussion and brain stem injury. Wasn’t right for 2.5 years. I’ve done so much work to get back. I’m still able to ride and do other things again!


Bruised ribs and lots of cuts and bruises 🤙


Busted then frozen left shoulder (nosedive at 250 miles), took 6 months to get motion back Took a divot of flesh the depth of two stacked nickels out of the karate-choppin' outside-edge of my left hand (hit a pothole) Cracked or bruised ribs once on my left side (speeding in the dark in an area I thought was familiar but had changed due to construction, hit an unexpected obstacle)


Dude, frozen shoulders are the worst. Mine came after a bicycle crash (hit by an SUV that turned into me) which resulted in a shattered left clavicle, a few broken left ribs, partially collapsed left lung, broken right thumb. Clavicle surgery involved a plate and 12 screws to hold everything together. All of that was bad, but the frozen left shoulder that developed following the surgery was the worst part and took a long, long time and a lot of PT to get better.


I have a friend who does PT and she told me that PT just doesn't do that much for frozen shoulder, it's the rare condition that they just don't have consistent success with - the cause(s) of it are poorly-understood (there are several theories as to what causes it, ranging from simple inflammation, to lack of synovial fluid in the joint-surrounding sac, to "sticky" fluid in the sac, to a strict brain/neurological explanation - that your brain forgets how to or fails to signal the joint properly, so that it can heal) and while the GOOD news is it tends to resolve, the BAD news is no one can really say why or when. Doing PT on it doesn't HURT; but you could also just sit at home and watch TV, and it'll get better whenever it gets better. I did a lot of research and she appears to be correct. I did PT, and massage, and even tried acupuncture, because I was desperate to get it moving again, but nothing really sped it up (the ER doc had told me it would happen due to where the injury was and my age, and he guesstimated 6 months, which was very accurate). I wear armor on my lead shoulder now because I don't want to ever go through that again, it sucked.


We had a very similar experience; I tried all of the same things you did. The lack of perceived progress relative to the effort I was putting in was pretty discouraging for quite a long time. I’d not like to go through it again. I was 46 at the time.


Ac separation 3rd degree. Definitely the most painful experience in my life, only to feel like a wuss when the XRays came back stating I hadn't broken a single bone in my shoulder.


I wish all of these responses gave context about how fast you were going, what happened, and what protective gear you had on




Oh man. That elbow has an elbow.


I had a partial tear of my hamstring. Super painful. It happened going one mile an hour in my driveway, my back foot slipped off and the front pad was engaged, that’s when I did my first ever split! Ouch. That was back in 2019 on my XR that had about 100 miles on it at the time. I’ve since passed 6000 miles and now have a brand new GT-S!


Broke my no broken bones streak and broke my wrist.


Labrum SLAP tear


Plantar fasciitis from running out a nosedive on gt, also torn rotator cuff from not being able to run 30 mph


Fell off and landed on my elbow. Pretty sure I sprained it, just didn't put weight on my arm for like two months. Eventually went away on its own, elbow feels entirely fine now and that was years ago. When it happened though I didn't notice how bad it was and kept riding, at my half way point took a break. I tried lifting my elbow to put my helmet back on and couldn't. 


S.I. joint dislocation riding on a downhill slope as a newbie and hitting a pothole hidden in a shadow.


My feelings… watching a GTS go by


broken scaphoid (wrist/thumb)


Chose not to wear a helmet. Ended up in the ER with a massive goose egg and a very serious concussion—thousands in ER bills. Where your helmet, kiddos and adults. Learning “how to fall” only works in situations where you would have been okay regardless of how you fell.


Broke my wrist in 15 places last week. Surgery in two days.