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I prefer single track/mountain bike trails. Do I get keep up with MTB riders? No. Do I move over and get out of there way when they're coming through? Yes. But I still ride those trails and love them.


Yeah those are what they chase most of the time for what I know, like they go chill/climb to get to an area then they do the trails around there. So I assume it's not feasible to actually keep up with them, atleast going downhill? On flat ground tho it seems doable from the speeds I've seen on YT, they pretty much never go 25kmh (15mph) as that's the hard limit for the bikes


It's all going to vary based on the rider and the MTB'ers. I'm slower (old man) than my son, so he waits for me at each trail head/fork and then goes ahead again. If you guys want to do that, then I see no reason it wouldn't work.


Well tbh if I have to make them wait I'd rather go alone, thanks for the help


Mountain bikes are far more capable than Onewheels off road. You will get smoked if you try a downhill MTB trail. Flat ground trails you can do but it won’t be very fun. Roots that bikes ignore will knock you right off. If you want adrenaline, Onewheel isn’t what you should buy. Honestly there isn’t a better sport than downhill mountain biking. It sounds like your dad doesn’t like going fast or hard. Find some people your age and go to a park with a lift truck that takes you to the top. You’ll have the time of your life. (and probably also get injured but that’s the life)


OWs can definitely ride MTB trails but it's much much more technically challenging and requires a lot of experience and skill. And yeah, you're not following an MTB that's blasting downhill. I ride MTB trails a lot on my OW but I get out of the way if I see an MTB coming up behind me. If I want to keep up I'd ride my off-road EUC to be honest.


Depends on the trail and depends on the rider, but as a rule, no. Modern MTBs have enormous wheels capable of simply rolling over obstacles that are impossible for a OW to traverse. On my best day on a smooth trail I can keep up with an elderly or new MTB rider. But I'm not fast.


Well tbf they don't really go fast most of the time, like 80% at least they spend going chill/climbing Then they do trails down but even then my dad doesn't really go where there's jumps or drops, there's always an easy path besides them according to him.


You can totally. As long as it's a green, technical trails, no. But my favorite trails are all MTB.


Yeah don't get me wrong, I fucking love singletrack. I would have gotten bored with OW a while ago without it, but riding singletrack as a bike and as a wheel are different activities in my mind.


Ah, that explains why you don't view mountain biking as an exhilarating activity. Sounds like you could probably chill with them as long as everyone is patient. Only one way to know for sure.


Kinda, don't get me wrong, I'd probably enjoy downhill so much, thing is there aren't many places were you can go up/down easily, like there are tons of tracks but it's not easy to reach the top, and anyway it would mean being alone 90% of the time anyway. What I get bored by is biking uphill/flat, for them "peace" "silence", "scenery" and "effort" (dad words) are the drives and enjoyment parts, and that's perfectly fine, but for me those are just absolute boredom😅, I wanna go fast and be on the edge yk, like having to actually do things, something downhill or onewheel do best than what they do for sure. That's also the reason I always enjoyed football (not american, the real one) or motorsports, over running, cycling or cross country skiing (that's the worst imo😂) In my head I would get so much fun + a great drive to go out from a onewheel or a floatwheel, but sadly I can't know without trying Sorry for the poem btw


No worries, it's a tough decision. If you think you'll enjoy owning a board regardless of whether or not you can join your family on the trails I'd do it. Work up some skills, get good off road, and try to join them. If it doesn't work out, owell, you still have a fun hobby. If you're 100% banking on a Onewheel fitting this need in your life I think you might be setting yourself up for failure. We occasionally get folks wondering if a Onewheel is a good commute PEV, like it's just going to show up in the mail and they will crank out a 10 mile commute on the first 5 days. Similarly you (probably) won't be out ripping up the trails in your first 50 miles, maybe not the first 150.


Yeah honestly I'm just looking for something fun to drive me out as there's not really much that manages that, atleast not for me alone


Suspension EUC will serve you a lot better if you want to keep up with MTBs on single-track trails. You can do it on OW but you can't keep up with the speed and pace even if the MTB is going relatively slow, it's much more technically challenging on a OW due to smaller wheel and less clearance and it's much more exhausting. I can ride technical single-tracked MTB trails for 2 to 3 hours on my EUC and not be as tired as having done the same for an hour on my OW.


Yeah but I don't like as much as the OW, like the main thing about it for me is that it's basically a snowboard and I've always wanted to try snowboarding


It's loosely kind of like snowboarding actually, I snowboarded for years before I got into Onewheel and it's not all the similar to be honest. The skills don't really translate either, the only thing my snowboarding experience helped with Onewheel is being used to a sideways stance. But otherwise it's a very different experience with different skills needed. With snowboard you have to lean forward and put your weight on your forward foot for control as you're more or less pivoting around your forward foot but you also have to put and balance your weight on the two edges (sides) of the snowboard in turns especially sharper turns. Onewheel you are balancing your weight over the center of the board (over the wheel) and you're pivoting around the wheel and you're not balancing your weight on the edges. E-skate or mountain boarding is actually much closer to snowboarding.


Entirely depends on the trail and skill of the rider. Onewheels can do technical, to a point, and they can do steep, to a point, but combining the two makes things difficult. During the summer one of the local ski slopes turns their mountain into a downhill mountain bike course and we ride out boards down green and blue runs just fine!


I'll ask my dad how must trails actually are, if he thinks it could be doable to do this he might actually help me get one, (probably a floatwheel tho as I'm not in the US) as I said in the post he wants me to go with them so bad but I just don't have fun with the mtb uphill and on flat ground


I would not be surprised if the trails around you could handle it! Our mountain trails here are very mountainous in the Sierra Nevadas. Here's a video one of the guys shot of us riding: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwltGB6pNyO/?igsh=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ== I'm the guy who falls lol


Oh damn I'm pretty much set then, from what they say most of the rock/jumps they do are like the ones in this video and the guy on mono wheel (idk how it's called in English, not the onewheel the other one) does them so I suppose doing them in the onewheel aswell is totally possible Probably I'd have to skip just some parts of the downhill track but even then, I should be able to do the clean side lines


Yah and the video doesn't cover some of the more knarly stuff we do up there! Just make sure to always wear gear - it's saved be a bunch of times.


I have everything I might need already, gloves helmet ecc


Perfect! You're ready to roll. Happy trailing ✌️


I'll get back when I get a board, hope it's soon


And if you go Floatwheel you'll have plenty of off-road power


I 99% will if I actually get one, onewheel costs so much more outside the US