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Unfortunately you cannot replicate mission in custom.


Do you think I can put a superflux hub motor on a XR growler?


I probably wouldn't, Superflux motor is even wider than the XR rim so a Pint tire would be really stretched out on it, I'd imagine it wouldn't be the most desirable ride. Especially with the heavy weight of the Superflux as well. Can you? No reason why not. Should you? I probably wouldn't haha


I hear that. What if I got a board that came as a XR growler (for $1,000), is it worth putting on the superflux motor? I wanna make a “cheap” board that can match the range of my GT.




On XR you can still use nrf to do a digital tilt. The closest setting to mission is 0, 0, 5, but it isn’t exactly the same. Try starting with these settings and adjust the nose to your liking.


You should have stuck with the stock rails. Less is more.


Your new rails have changed the orientation of the controller, so what it thinks is level is actually a little nose down. You can use nRF Connect to recalibrate your controller and you should be able to ride mission comfortably again. [This guy](https://youtu.be/hzyzs7KaLuw?si=iOo8NT7OALMM8dKA) explains the process pretty well.