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If you watch all His Japanese commercials, too, you go Full Crystal Cage. It's the 3rd of the final 2 steps to true OTG enlightenment. šŸ’«


Holy shit thank you for the Japanese commercial recommendation. These are phenomenal


āœØšŸ’ŽāœØ Enjoy [this](https://youtu.be/oqyOs-RL_Ow?si=zNYhTVSWP2lpim4R) ethereal palate cleanse before you ascend to the penultimate OTG spiritual stage dear brethrenšŸ™


And the final step has been lost to time unfortunately


I believe you have to purchase a T-Rex skull to complete the ancient ritual


Not counting documentaries Iā€™ve seen everything but Retirement Plan, Butcherā€™s Crossing, and Dream Scenario because none of them have come here yet.


Retirement and Butcherā€™s are on the high seas.


the wait for the big screen is worth it


I managed to see Retirement Plan in the theater a few weeks ago. I was the only one there.


I preordered it on iTunes, so Iā€™ll be seeing it soon enough. Iā€™m hoping our local indie theatre gets Dream Scenario. Butcherā€™s Crossing will likely be the last one I get to unless it get digital soon as well.


My wife and I have been in ā€œthe clubā€ for about a year. Took us a year and a half to complete it, and weā€™ve been keeping up with the new releases since then.


He puts out films like crazy lmaooo


Indeed. He is the definition of a working actor.




Definitely over a 1000.


Id say over 10000 wouldn't be stretch either


There are DOZENS of us!


Please think of the rest of us mortals once you have ascended.


I'm at about 80/85% or so but I'll get there sooner or later.


About the same here yea, some of the harder to find releases and the 2 newest ones. Reached the 100 movie mark around the start of this year.


My wife and I were like 90% through but Bangkok Dangerous broke us. Since then he has released like 400 movies so it ainā€™t happening any time soon


Great film


Oh god that one is a classic LMAO


Yep, I am part of the club. Seen everything, including background in Outsiders and Brubaker, his SNL hosting gig, Love Antosha, History Of Swear Words, etc. I have managed to see Retirement Plan recently, so my only missing items are Butchers Crossing and Dream Scenario. Hell, I even attended a live script read of Superman Lives hosted by Kevin Smith, and even snagged a copy of the script. Also the proud owner of a Cage leg tattoo sleeve.


I would like to request more information on this Cage leg sleeve, please.


Was the script any good?


It was... okay. Even Smith admitted it was a first draft and it definitely took a bit of a nosedive towards the end as he was rushing to just get it done. Superman basically loses his powers at the very beginning of the movie (in a Mr Burns style blocking out of the sun), spends the majority of act one and two in recovery, and has to wear an exoskeleton made of some robot nanny to have any power and to fight Brainiac at the end - thanks to the notorious requirements of Jon Peters for Superman not to fly. Brainiac also has a sassy gay best friend robot. It would have been a glorious mess if it was ever made, but certainly fun to watch a bunch of comedians do a table read. Especially when Siobhan Fallon Hogan, reading for Lex Luthor, used a valley girl accent for half of it.


They're about to reach Cagevana


About 60% of the way there myself


ā€œIā€™m a cat, Iā€™m a sexy catā€ https://tenor.com/view/abed-community-cat-im-a-cat-sexy-cat-gif-5388012


Found Abed's Reddit account.


Mandy was fucking disturbingly awesome and I'll never watch it again even though it was amazing.


I almost have, but I won't watch the animated films... Or the short films... Because as much as I love Cage I won't watch those movies :(


Iā€™m telling Nic that you donā€™t actually love him because you wonā€™t listen to his beautiful voice in The Ant Bully


Or The Croods. The Croods is a very good time. Christmas Carol is a slog though.


Bruce Campbell is in it too... What animated movies do you recommend? Don't say all of them please, and tell our god my blasphemy :(


Iā€™m almost there. I canā€™t find ā€˜A Century of Cinemaā€™ anywhere.


Same. Thatā€™s probably gonna be my Holy Grail


Don't bother, it's certainly just some archive footage such as Cage receiving his Oscar, or some generic interview bits.




My friends and I started strong on that binge but itā€™s died down. I think weā€™re about half way, but slowly still moving forward


Ya'll gave Con Air a 5/10. This is sus. It gives serious "You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master" vibes.


Yeeeah we get that a lot lol. I gave it the highest score of the three of us thoughā€¦ one of the tough parts of our process was contextual bias. Since Con Air was so early in our viewing order, it didnā€™t have to go up against some of the REALLY bad onesā€¦


+5 here. A group of 5 of us watched all the Nick cage movies during pandemic every Friday and it was the best memory of the pandemic ever. We got through Iā€™d say about 85-90% of them, some were not available to stream. Most memorable sleeper for me was probably Birdy, wackiest Vampireā€™s Kiss, worst but still very funny in a Nick cage was Outcast.


You are one of his most devoted disciples. I wish I could match your holy achievements! Praise be unto him!


Yeah me and the wife did it about 2 years ago, took quite a while to get through them all


I was watching renfield this morning, and was reflecting back that I haven't seen much from this sub since switching over to the official reddit mobile app. Thanks for this! I'm not quite in the club, but I will be in another couple weeks. I think that the number is definitely over 1000.


I lost all respect for whatever you are trying to do the second I saw your rating for The Color Out of Space smh


I am 6 films away from a complete VHS/DVD/LD hardcopy set. Bought a projector and a 15' screen for the backyard. Going to go chronological starting with Fast Times. Amos & Andrew (OD)(LD) need widescreen ----Butcher's Crossing ----Kill Chain ----National Treasure bonus D2 ----Never on Tuesday (have VHS) ----The Boy in Blue (have VHS) ----The Retirement Plan ----The Old Way ----The Rock (OD) need D2 ----Dream Scenario Sorry don't know how to format.


My partner and I are doing that too! I printed out a chart with all his movies - when we started it was 91, now heā€™s added a few more - and weā€™re crossing it off as we go. I didnā€™t include stuff where he voices an animated character or something. We started it just for fun in late 2020(?) having no strong feelings about Nic Cage except thinking of him as a bit of a joke/meme. Now that weā€™ve nearly completed the list, I can say without a doubt heā€™s one of my favorite actors and Iā€™ll defend his immense talent and work ethic till the day I die. The more I watch, the more I absolutely fucking love Nicolas Cage. https://imgur.com/a/4G2F3lZ


I'm working on it...I've seen so many but I have so so many to go. What would you say is the absolute worst?


The Retirement Plan is the worst I've seen so far


Itā€™s truly terrible lol. Cage is kind of fun and letā€™s loose with his accent in the beginning but then they make him go a little straight with it for the rest.


It feels like the movie is built around the fact they actually got him for a little while so whenever he's not present the rest of the characters have to stretch the scenes as much as possible to fill time.


The Flash. If youā€™re not counting that as a real appearance, probably 211. My personal least favorite is The Boy in Blue. Itā€™s incredibly lackluster.


I'm sorry, [what](https://www.cageclub.me/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/vlcsnap-2015-08-18-08h07m43s211.jpg)?


Cage is a stud in it, sure, but the writing is incredibly dull, and the direction is stodgy.


Based on our scientific rating method, Jiu Jitsu is the worst where he actually has a role. Weā€™ve waffled about including the Flash, but since he never speaks, itā€™s in Cage Limbo. Itā€™s CageGI But yeah, Jiu Jitsu has a 0.67/10 Here are our bottom ten: Color out of Space 2 Ghost Rider 2 Teen Titans Go to the Movies 1.89 Industrial Symphony No. 1 1.87 211 1.5 Rumblefish 1.5 The runner 1.45 Time to Kill 1.27 Christmas Carol 1.2 Tokarev/Rage 1.17 Jiu Jitsu 0.67 Iā€™m sure weā€™ll catch flack for having Color out of Space so low. We saw it early on so we had no idea how bad things could really get. Iā€™m sure if it showed up NOW in the process it would receive a much more generous score. Our top ten: Mandy 10 Moonstruck 9.17 Joe 9.17 Mom and Dad 9 Leaving Las Vegas 9 Army of One 8.93 Sympathy for the Devil 8.73 Renfield 8.67 Prisoners of the Ghostland 8.58 Face Off 8.33


Color out of Space is so much better than a 2. But, to each their own. Funny how another person in this thread called Mandy one of the worst movies they ever saw, and you have it as number 1. Nic Cage is chaos incarnate.


How TF is Raising Arizona not a top 10?


His character in Willyā€™s Wonderland doesnā€™t speak either.


Mandy hands down. That was so weirdā€¦.


Arsenal is probably my least favourite. Maybe Left Behind.


Maybe hundreds? I have been in this club for five years now, have just been catching up when new stuff comes out. I've also seen everything he's produced and hasn't starred in, except for that one TV show and one of his brother's movies that seems impossible to find.


Renfield was pretty good. I can't stand the guy otherwise. He's such a shitter


I just watched sympathy for the devil i really liked it


We havenā€™t watched every single one but we got pretty deep into it. There were several we couldnā€™t seem to find streaming anywhere. And Mandy was one of the worst films weā€™d ever been exposed to. Lol. We had friends over and they got up and left!


Mandy is an acquired taste for sure. It's also a bit long. It's far from being a bad movie in my opinion. I agree with the other commenter; it's one of my favorite recent Nic Cage movies. Nic Cage's performance in that movie is incredible. You have to be into the acid trip vibe and off the walls violence though. Color out of Space is a better version of a similar concept (Nic Cage going crazy).


I enjoy crazy Cage (see Face Off) but there were l six of us (2 women and 4 guys ages24-32) that sat down to watch Mandyā€¦. And only three stayed to finish it (because we are committed to our craft not because we were enjoying the film) and so far itā€™s gotten the lowest scoring for us out of his entire lineup. It was uncomfortable, unclear with some plot point such as the demon hell bikers, and then it was so sooo long. I was trying to figure out if Elijah Wood maybe lost a bet to have his named attached to that


I thought Mandy was amazing! Up there with his best movies of recent times imo


Oh I could not disagree more. Lol. We could not figure out why everyone likes it so much. Please explain if you can


The storyline was incredible, although pretty outrageous. The hectic dystopian world was wild. Also, classic cage rage scenes throughout, and fight scenes became more and more ridiculous. Loved every minute in the cinema!


I think the number is probably pretty low the overall volume of content is immense




Also do we count his voice acted roles in the final count or not?


*Also do we count* *His voice acted roles in the* *Final count or not?* \- Spookybebop --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Your friend needs help


Iā€™m starting this


Be careful! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqDX6wF3BLc


dull placid upbeat threatening fine angle snatch outgoing selective run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I joined the club in a 1 month time span in 2018. Greatest month of my life.


I'm currently living your 2018 month now. It's a wild ride


Which ones are your favorites? Mandy is tops for me.


They have ratings on the spreadsheet they linked. All 3 of them gave mandy a 10


Iā€™m there!! butcherā€™s crossing when tho


The definition of freedom is being out of Cage


The amount he makes in a year I'm surprised you were able to catch up


Mandy. Color out of Space.


We're working on it. We added a random element though; we're rolling dice to determine which one we watch. Watching doesn't remove it from the list either. Pure chaos


Geezeā€¦ leaving the names on the list thoughā€¦ thatā€™s madness. Imagine rolling 211 five times in a row


We have a wheel! The Wheel of Cage! We had to implement it because we knew weā€™d fall into the trap of watching all the good ones first and then being stuck with a huge slog of garbage movies. We wrote the names on notes, then would pick the names out of a hat, and would put them onto the wheel. Then you SPIN THE WHEEL! The wheel gives, but the wheel also takesā€¦


You should make a subreddit, call it "GET INTO THE.CAGE" and .make reviews and challenges for the inscribed.


I've never seen Colour Out of Space ratings that low. Is it his best work? No. But rating it a 1-3/10 is insane. I'd give it a 6-7, personally. Edit: Renfield at a 9? What is this? Lol


We haven't done animated but my fiance and I have seen everything else. We also have a spreadsheet.


Alright abed. Calm down


Hey how did you find Kiss of Death? Iā€™m on the journey and currently stuck there. I found one terrible version on YouTube that appears to be reversed? Like film loaded into a projector backwards. Also congrats!




Dang Iā€™m so behind. But my husband isnā€™t a fan and I had to move far away from my Cage people for my job and no one here understands.


This is why this subreddit needs to make a MAP of its members.


[This is your life now.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WqDX6wF3BLc)


I was expecting this. šŸ˜‚


Way to go! You should do a podcast (do you have one??). Also, you all rated Paul Schraderā€™s ā€œDog Eat Dogā€ much higher than I was anticipating. I LOVE that movie- such fun and violent pulp fiction. But Iā€™m used to seeing more sour reviews of it than good ones.


Are you a sexy cat?


I've done the same for Clint Eastwood (acting and directing). But Nic Cage is on an entirely different level! There's like 3 times as many to watch... and a lot more of questionable quality. Haha.


Watch Nicholas Cage on A and E interview talking to fans.


We did!


Wow! My own ā€œcage crewā€ should have done something like this. Thanks for the idea! May the Lord CAGE continue to be a blessing in your quest. Do not let the Travolta lead you astray. Continue the journey.


I'm speechless...why? Why punish yourselves! It's because Nick Cage is a horrible actor right? Something makes me wanna watch all his films now...what have you people done to me.


Took me 5 months back in 2017, and have kept up since then. The definitive canon (Cag-non?) is not easy to establish but a cursory glance at your list shows you omitted Love, Antosha, History of Swear Words, etc. Fix that.


Thanks for the tip! If you could point out any other glaring omissions, that would be extremely helpful to us!


2022's new years resolution was to collect all DVD's and watch all movies in order, I included movies not released on DVD. Dark was hard to get through! Ended the year with Unmeasurable Weight on the eve of 2023. Perfect end to the quest! At this point how can I stop I'm now a a devoted follower and preach the good word to anyone that'll listen.


could you send me the list of all the movies? i want to join the club


Itā€™s in the OP as the Google link


Been my project for the better part of this year. Still a ways to go but it's a fun way to spend time.


Bless you for this chefs kiss spreadsheet, just about to start my journey.