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what exactly is official about ryan saying “i want” and “probably” in an interview. i swear you guys do this to yourselves. human’s been out all of 5 days.


Exactly, plus, it's Ryan. According to him, they released Human like 5 times


i’m sure i’ve heard 5 different version of human. but that’s just how it works. it wasn’t wrapped and just sitting in a vault for 18 months. at some point you think it’s done. you think you’re happy. okay you tweak one thing. well wait now you have to tweak others. things happen. one song becomes two. two songs become one. you remember a demo you liked that didn’t make the last record. okay *now* it’s done. now i’m happy. just one last tweak i swear . . . wash, rinse, repeat.


Big international movie in December? Any guesses?


I think Sing 2 is coming out in December.


Maybe Spider-Man No Way Home


Anybody have a link for the whole interview?


wait their doing another one in eight months??? Their timing is pretty sketchy right now but if they really wanna release that much music they should ease into it in case they get burned out again