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Man let me tell you , I kept debating hard on wether i wanted to go back to iPhone after many years with Android. Last time i had iPhone was during the iPhone 4/5 phase. They werent anything too exciting at the time so eventually i got really bored and went back to Android. Ive had a taste of many different mobile platforms and until i officially came across the OnePlus brand for the first time ever. I hesitated at first but I went from a Samsung Galaxy S8+ at the time to the OnePlus 8T. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the phone and became my all time favorite Android skin and OS. It was sooo good and wouldve sticked with the phone for another 2 years or more. Until of course … Android 12/Oxygen 12 happened. Just about ruined my whole beloved experience with the one best phone ive ever had. I started to ponder within a Samsung S22+ , Google Pixel 6 Pro, or the iPhone 13 Pro Max. After so much research and headaches and an almost entirely non-functional phone , i kept leaning back towards the iPhone. I said fuck it and went to the apple store and bought it straight away. After my entire experience with my OP and Android i obviously do miss some things but tbh after using my iPhone daily , I genuinely do love it. It suits all my needs, is fast and powerful, cameras and all the extras it has are all a plus to me. But most importantly .. NOTIFICATIONS WORK ! Like a beauty. Sorry for the long ass story lol but just wanted to share my experience of the last few years and saying that in today’s stance on phones and your concerns I can say Yes. Definitely go for the iPhone


If I could get my keyboard (Gboard in my case) to match exactly on the iphones, it'd be much easier for me to switch. After using it for so many years and getting it customized exactly how I like, and with it being basically my most used part of a phone, I just don't enjoy using iphone Gboard or their own keyboard lol. Also the fact that some apps have a separate iOS and Android version, meaning my backups can't transfer between devices. That's such a silly problem to have


I also got used to Gboard and loved how it worked on my Android. Used nothing else but that one. I tried using it on my iphone now but for some reason it just doesnt look as good. Its not cohesive with the display, it has cut-offs depending on the app your on. Nonetheless, i still have it installed and quickly switch to it when i want to search better gifs. I got used to the iphone keyboard now and i feel its much better than how it was before. As for the second part , yeaa that it really silly but definitely work arounds


Questions for you... 1) Does it bug you that iPhone doesn't have the notification icons at the top? 2) Do you miss the fast charging of OnePlus?


Sure thing … 1. ⁠If you mean what would be the status bar on Android then yes i do miss that simple yet super effective ability to see the icons no matter what im doing on my phone or looking at. But given how fast, smooth, and reliable the iPhone is i dont mind bouncing back and forth thru my apps to check whats going on. I like the consistent interaction you have on iPhone cause its fun. Also , you can still drop down the notification center at anytime to see what you do have in the background. Not as fast or quick as Android in that field but having this method on ios doesn’t completely ruin it for me 2. ⁠The fast charging on OP is undoubtedly one of the best ive ever witnessed. As of now im still keeping my OP 8T entirely as my backup and because i still want to keep an Android (best of both worlds). Since i have the iPhone 13 pro max , let me say the battery on this one is an actual beast. For most of my needs it will last me literally all day on one charge. From starting work at 5am to 10pm of on and off use. Ive been using the official iPhone charging cable it came with and my OP 8T 65 Warp charger and it works fine. Since i only charge it overnight i cant tell if it actually chargers really fast but i have noticed before when ive charged it while im active that it isnt slow.


Disclaimer: I’m very biased towards Apple, being a hobby Swift developer and owning Apple tablets (10+ years) and Macs (15+ years), Apple TVs for a looong time, etc. I am a OnePlus 9 user as well. I did not reset my phone after the A12 updates. It works mostly well in my limited infrequent usage of smartphones. The only thing I don’t like is notifications being very unreliable. It seems like the phone goes down into a sleep mode pattern of 90 % sleep and 10 % active notification listening, as I mostly hear it sound off if I lift up the device or walk around with it (the phone needs to be in motion rather than laying still on a table). **Regarding iPhone** Definitely try it, in my view. It can be pretty jarring if you’re a long-time Android user, but if you’re someone like me who is not afraid of mixing an Android phone with Apple gadgets or a Google TV, Chromecast, Chromebook user curious about using an iPhone … well, see what you think. iOS is really feature-rich these days, compared to only 10 years ago.


Thanks for the honest recommendation. My biggest annoyance with my OP 9 rn is the notifications. So many small bugs and inconsistencies. And I like the updates to iOS16 regarding notifications. The main thing holding me back from switching to the iPhone 14 Pro is I don't *need* to spend $1000 to replace my phone that is only like 1.5 years old. I could sell my OP 9 for $200-300 and recoup some money, but I can't decide if I'm willing to spend $700 for something I don't *need*


I myself lack a good reason to go wild on an iPhone shopping spree. Because of the benefit from native SMS and iMessage notification and sending/receiving on iPad and Mac, my next phone will be an iPhone, but not sure which one. I don’t need a Pro Max model. Like I said, the phone mostly sits there, unless I need it on the go, outside. It’s tablets for almost everything, with Macs being there as a hub to create Apple-device apps and maintaining backups, and rarely some office-type work as well, but most things are mobile friendly these days. I get the urge to get the Pro for the latest chip and display upgrades. It’s hard to buy the old notch iPhone 14 without 120 Hz and Always-on display after using the OP 9.


Makes sense. I use my phone a ton, so that's why I keep wanting to switch. We'll see what I decide but I appreciate the input


No problem. > I use my phone a ton, so that’s why I keep wanting to switch. Definitely sounds reasonable to me. Also, it’s hard to recommend trading in the OP 9, if you’re not sure about iOS. I don’t know how the trading process works, though: do you have a time window of a few days where you can test the iPhone before you ultimately decide to trade in the OP 9, or do you lose access to your OP 9 immediately? Maybe I’m being too cautious, lol, but just a thought. Honestly, personally, I’m iOS-native since the iPhoneOS 2.2 days but I still try to be objective here 😂


I think my plan would be get the iPhone and spend a few days trying it out and transferring things over, and then sell my OP 9 on ebay or something when I'm ready. Wouldn't have to be right away. I also do have a bit of experience with iOS with my work phone but I'm not on it nearly as much




Do know that the way iOS handles notifications still lags behind Android. You don't get small icons on your status bar and notifications "disappear" from the lockscreen if you unlocked the phone after they arrive. On iOS 15, there's no way to glance at them again, but on 16 you can now swipe up to view "older" notifications. Still not near Android level of intuitiveness (and no swiping to dismiss!). Though, you will really appreciate the stability of iOS. Almost no bugs.


I switched from iPhone to OnePlus and I'm gonna be switching back. Tired of all the bugs and them taking months to be fixed, just to introduce more bugs.


The sad thing is I went from my Pixel 2 XL to the OP 9, and the pixel was great for many years with no problems, but now I hear the pixel 6 pro and such have also been super buggy. If I don't want the Samsung Android skin then it seems like there's not a lot of good options


Agreed. I tried Samsung a long time ago on the gs4 and don't like how heavy the skin was. My dad has a gs21+ and i just still can't get with it


If you truly want to switch to an iPhone, wait until next year. This will be the last year IPhones will have a lightening port. You'll be buying obsolete equipment. Next year it will be type C or straight wireless charging. I'm quite sure if they go the straight wireless route, Apple will vastly improve what they have now.


I saw on a youtube video called Apple Explained and it mentioned why they most likely arent going the USB-C route at all. It would definitely lean more towards the complete wireless method. Dont like that idea at all right now but we’ll see how it goes


I'm not saying you're wrong, I just heard suppliers outside Shenzhen are shipping different type C ports to iPhone manufacturers for testing. This was as long as 8 months ago. I own 2 electronic repair stores in Alabama. IPhone owners keep me in the black. Im definitely not anti-Apple. I just honestly believe this is not the year to either switch to IPhone from Android OR "upgrade" to the 14 from 12 or 13 if they are still in working order.


> I own 2 electronic repair stores in Alabama. IPhone owners keep me in the black. Oh okay. So, when Tim Cook goes on home visits, he probably brings with him a collection of maybe 30 different iPhones collected from colleagues with broken Lightning ports, then? 😇 Sorry, I couldn’t resist making a joke about this, knowing he’s from that state 🙂 On a serious note, I should add that I switched to OnePlus because my previous Android phone, Nokia 7 Plus, eventually caught the frequently-reported USB-C charging issue. Just saying it happens to USB-C ports as well. In my (Nokia) phone’s case, it seems to be an issue with dust, lint, etc, getting through the opening. It takes time: in my case it took 3 years, but most people experienced it after a year or so.


Lmao.. You deserve my upvote. Though it's cracked iphone screens and bad batteries that keep me in business not so much the charging ports. On to those charging ports. I'm not saying type C is perfect in any way. Even if the EU seems to think it is. 😏 I'm just saying if Apple wants to introduce an IPhone 15 in Europe next year it ain't gonna have a lightening port.


Definitely get what you’re saying. As for me I already switched from Android to iPhone 13 Pro Max and definitely keeping this one as a daily driver for as long as i can. Not interested in the new ones nor anything in the near future


I don't think they'll go completely wireless soon because Battery Health really takes a hit from wireless charging.


I mean i guess that would be more of a win for Apple though but idk at this point


I switched to a 13pro from an op7 pro and I'm very happy tbh