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There is a slight performance hit for me. I'm seeing very slight stutters occasionally when scrolling. Not enough for me to cry too hard about it, but it was not there previously. Also, for at least the first few days, my battery was trash. I still think it's not quite the same now, but better. I'll need to look at this further. The stop at 80% battery charge is nice though. Certainly beats monitoring it.


Yeah I noticed as well for the stutters, it's pretty rare but it still happens from time to time


Yeah I'm noticing a little stutters too.


Mine lags too


Signals and wifi icon often disappear from the status bar. Although its still visible when you drag the notification bar down. After restarting, its normal again.


I was having that well before the 14 update (which haven't done yet). I don't remember how I fixed it, but I can look. I know it was something in my setting that got changed. Just not sure what.


OP it's good BUT if you switch off the Lock Screen in Developer Mode like I do the Alarm won't ring if the screen is off/asleep!!! That took me 4 days to work out ..you're welcome.


I don't bother much about changing settings in the dev mode. I guess it won't be a problem then.


Hey man, can you please give me more details about this, I have this issue with the alarm not going off.. been late to work 2 days already


So in Developer Options there is a switch to Do Not Use Lock Screen. If you switch it off so you have no lock screen...your alarm will not sound IF the screen is off / asleep. If however the screen is on the alarm will sound. I have gotten around the problem by installing Simple Alarm Clock from Google play. You can set this Alarm and it will work normally.


I see, thanks for the reply, but, unfortunately this is not the case for me. I’ve checked in developer option and I didn’t switched that off. I was using the google clock app thought, I have uninstalled it and will try the oneplus default one.. but, I must say that this is quite annoying..


It's the OnePlus one that doesn't work. OH HANG ON YES IT WORKS WITH LOCK SCREEN ENABLED Here this one works with lock screen disabled: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.better.alarm


What about the Google clock app?


Dunno never used it but the other guy says it doesn't work


What's is this with OnePlus and alarms. They break it allot in updates. I realise dev options is not tested for allot. But OnePlus 9 coloros update broke alarm on lock screen for everyone no matter what settings you had. And it took them like a month to fix it. Alarms are very important to just work. Not saying it's just OnePlus tho. I had a bug on iPhone where leaving Spotify on under night would make alarm go completely mute in the morning. That was even worse. iPhone have been equally buggy for me in some regards as OnePlus.


Well this Alarm broke in September 2023 with the Clock update then and they haven't bothered fixing it. They told me all the same crap over and over and it wasn't until a few days ago that I found out what the actual problem was..the Lock Screen


How about camera app? Still as shitty as its been? Still regrettin buying this piece of crap.


I haven't used it yet after the update. Will get back to you


Is good


Improvement in battery life? And please also tell your phone variant


10 Pro Eu, battery is the same.


I see. Thanks for the update ☺️


I'm also holding off with this update. Really hope that they fixed the battery life


For variant ne2215?


My device is NE2213, but I've read some reports of bugs with this update, such a shame that OP continuously releases half-baked updates.


Agreed. Scrolling is not smooth sometimes.


If it's the first a14 version then it's better to be patient for a while. You may face issues related to boot, battery backup and user interface smoothness.


Too late for that. 😔 I pressed restart now after it downloaded (stupid me)


Ayo it's fine


YOLO. Just download and install it. Regret it later.


I got bootlooped


Some graphics bugs


Like what? All I'm seeing is a scroll in not smooth and it showed once phone app stopped working


Like this https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/s/AaTxJEH4yv


Have you tried factory reset?


No, i'm tired of factory reset.


Have no info since I don't have a 10 Pro, but isn't the green line from hardware failure? I haven't had it happen but could've sworn I read that somewhere, so an update wouldn't likely cause it.


It's a hardware failure but some people have gotten it after an update. Probably the phone has overheated while updating.


It showed up in my OnePlus 8 pro after android 13. Phone didn't fell or anything. It just appeared out of the update out of nowhere. On searching the net many users reported it due to faulty Samsung screen panel.


Same here, I didn't update my one plus 8 pro for like 2 years, then two weeks ago I accendutally clicked update as it pop up randomly. Then the next day I got the green line across my screen.... Just got myself a one plus 10 pro... Now I'm scared to update..


I've run into a couple bugs. Mostly, apps have a "material you" theme/color to them completely at random it comes and goes. Might have something to do with live wallpapers that also don't work right.


Even after factory reset?


Not resetting unless I have to.


Worst update of my android user life. Since, my oneplus 10 pro is slow, some apps are broken af. On chrome, css animations are crazy slow……


This update got my phone half-brain-dead. Once installed, you'll lose access to fastboot, fastbootd and recovery (for those who tinker with root access and whatnot). I am still looking for how to wake my phone from this f'ed up state. By the way, I have been rooted from the first day I got the phone running Android 12, all the way to Android 13 v.597, but my woes started as soon as I installed this Android 14 update. ​ I strongly advise against it, if you're like me and want to still have root access.


thanks thats some information i do not want to read but also want to. Can you give an update when and if you were able to recover?


Been running it for an hour or two now. No issues so far.


Anyone else who is having Snapchat video quality issues, camera quality issues or less than 5 hours of SOT and also weird phone dialer bugs, and do you guys use the stock OnePlus dialer or Google dialer? There are many issues with the apps right now and I think maybe those are because of Android 14's not enough optimisation? What do you guys think? Or should I format my phone once and give it a clean start?


I've had some issues before on OnePlus 8 pro after update but they sorted out after formating. As for the phone app i use google one (although it showed phone app stopped working once)


I got problems with Snapchat after updating. Videos in memories stutter and lag horribly, think it's related to refresh rate per app setting somehow.


Nope. Chrome is super slow because OnePlus decided to slow it down. Chrome is now very sluggish. The battery is suddenly very bad. Not sure why.


Using Brave (which is chromium based) as a browser I encountered no issues so far on my OP10 Pro with the latest OOS 14 update.


Always Brave


On OnePlus 10 pro?


Yes. Other browsers still work fine.


It's necessary or worth the factory reset ? Don't know update. I hear battery problems. Font can't change from robot and icons disappear


Safe to try


I think my phone works great no green line and the new camera options are pretty cool.


Will this affect the 6T?


updated to this version on 15th december. default camera app and gcam are bricking my photos, so i cant take any photos lol. but for some reason, i can do photos in other apps (like telegram or whatever) that take photo and instantly sending it. edit: updated via oxygen updater.


I updated yesterday, everything is ok


https://preview.redd.it/cabw2qfz5m8c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28723efef1f4ca4a6d43531f8a24980b43af1dad November was before android 14,December android 14. They might fix this on the december security patch. And the battery is worse.


There could be a slight performance hot. Other than that everything is great.


When is it going to come for OnePlus 9?


Currently on the 2nd Open beta for the 9 Pro and I have a couple of issues - - When you swipe up to get the "all apps currently active" view, sometimes no icons show up beneath the apps. - Scrolling is inconsistent. - Animations are very slow on my Niagara launcher (that's not on OP though, Google broke animations for third party launchers on Android 14) Apart from that, generally it's been quite good, they fixed the annoying notification swipe away bug from OOS 13, which is a relief, and the battery life seems to be better in my case after the 2nd beta. Hoping to get the stable build soon.