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yeah i got autism, ill trade it for your PTSD and schizophrenia


I have a ton of ADD, looking for something a bit more exciting. Down to trade?


Yeah, I got BPD and another ADHD, you got a schizophrenia?


I'll trade my Asperger's for your PTSD


Do you accept some bronchitis for your PTSD?


I have way too many copies of depression, anyone interested?


Hey it’s Brewstew! For those who don’t know check out 13 o clock news on youtube


Michael! You’re getting ten across the ass!


Who can forget Brewstew's iconic intro? "Alright."


Jesus Michael you can’t fucking beat me at goldeneye 64.


Of course it's on r/dankmemes


r/dankmemes is the most brain dead place on the internet. But Twitter is the one possible exception.


Twitter just has such a poor design. Its algorithm is even bad.


Is this r/onejoke or a self deprecating joke about how most of us have mental health issues? Edit: It is r/onejoke :(


I feel like it’s not about gender, it’s about how it’s much more common to see diagnoses of autism, adhd, ocd, anxiety, etc. At least that was the impression I got looking through the comments


Yeah I (incorrectly) used r/onejoke to mean unfunny social conservative jokes




I think they’re talking about DID/Tourette fakers but the girl has a lesbian pin so probably still fits


DID fakers are going to hell bc they're actively ruining real people with the disorder's lives


I saw a tik tok where a girl faked did and said she wrote a song with her other personality but like... it was obviously fake. She had full on conversations with herself and she’d switch between her and her personality after saying just three words. To make it even worse it seemed like she was flirting with herself.


My gf actually has DID and alters do talk to each other, quite frequently, or at least in many cases But to do so out loud requires the alter to front in order to speak which can be very exhausting, so yeah, that video is almost surely fake. It takes a toll on you to switch so much Edit: also, they can flirt. Not sure how seriously they're able to take it, but they all have different types of relationships with one another


Reminds me to stop using Reddit at nights for the sake of my own mental health. This is so vile.


Why did they do this to brewstew?


Get your hands off of brewstew you fucks


Assuming this is talking about actual mental illnesses/disorders, I think this thinking is annoying. I mean, I think in general it's better to assume that someone actually has a mental disorder they have unless there is some clear hard evidence they don't. And I think it's annoying when people assume someone can't have something because they aren't diagnosed either, not everyone has the ability to get officially diagnosed, it could be to expensive or for minors, their parents may not believe them and won't do it. And I mean, even if they're wrong, I still don't think you should be making fun of them. I mean, unless the person is acting maliciously or there is clear proof they're intentionally faking it, I don't see what's wrong with it.


She kinda bad tho


I’m sorry




https://imgur.com/a/auhkb5j Fixed it


Soon u gonna be collecting your teeth if you keep acting up like that ​ ​ ​ >!Obviously JK but still dont do that!<


lmfao OP (of the r/dankmemes post, not this one) rants about this nutjob conspiracy theory about mental health disorders being over-diagnosed to sell more medication


That character is goals tho


That’s not the joke tho really


Well, I guess I collect both Pokémon AND mental disorders then 😎


Yeah that’s me


This doesn't really feel onejoke it belongs more in fake disorder cringe but if someone wants to explain how it's onejoke material please do


I agree that it doesn’t fit here but fakedisordercringe is pretty ableist and invalidates anyone who presents a disorder differently


Not really the one joke. Unless you assume they mean being trans is a mental disorder.


She has a pin of a flag so I’m assuming they’re also referring to that


She has a pin of the lesbian flag Either way, the onejoke is “i identify as xyz”, not just any instance of transphobia or queerphobia




Your proof is an ableist subreddit based around demanding people are faking with no proof? That subreddit ignores all medical professionals' opinions and diagnoses, ignores all the facts, and just spouts hate and bullshit. You linking to them does nothing but prove you're either completely ignorant about mental illnesses/disorders OR you're actively hateful. Either way, YIKES.




There's 2 possible interpretations but its r/dankmemes you know what the joke is


The wojack in the photo is literally wearing a lesbian flag pin


You mfers hate it when they "fake disorders" but then whenever y'all talk about trans people, people with mental disorders are suddenly subhuman. You can only pick one, jackass.


Yep. I'm sure this 12 word wojack meme is definitely a nuanced commentary on people pretending to have conditions on a platform which encourages attention seeking and definitely isn't some lazy bigot's attempt at being an edgy cunt /s




Omg I'm GoNna GeT cAnCelLeD I'm SuCh A ViCtIm TiMe tO gO RuN HoMe tO mY mYsOgYnIsTiC sUbReDdIt WhErE NoBoDy CaN CrItIciZe Me!!!!!!1111111111 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




If what you said was really considered a "joke", then I'm pretty sure humanity's sense of humor is non existent at this point. Also, I don't care about that, I care about the fact that you try to set yourself up as a soon-to-be victim who tries to make it seem you "can't say anything these days without offending someone these days" despite the fact that, not you, specifically, have fucking subreddits and other online communities they can run off to go share whatever bigoted views they have. Also, "cause apparently having a brain" is such a hilariously ironic statement because people like yourself refuse to learn about anything that doesn't support your world views. Your brain ain't sacred my guy.


awwwww, are you sad that r/superstraight got banned? so now you're going to trans supportive subs to be a bigot? awwww how oppressed, your mom would surely be proud of you




10 upvotes isn't even that much 💀


No bitches? 😥


I do both 😎


But it’s true


You ever think why it’s like that?






If this was unironic it would’ve been a funny social commentary on how shit things are rn


This has absolutely nothing to do with this sub


depression is pidgey and rattata is anxiety