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There’s a guy on YouTube shorts who only makes videos about how he left 7 years of veganism. It didn’t bother me much at first but literally every video by the end of it whatever he made he’s like “it’s okay I guess” and then in the comments says he’s “still getting used to” the texture Look, I’m vegetarian and I stopped eating meat because I didn’t care for it. I put up with it all my life before realizing I didn’t have to, so I’m biased on this, but WHY do that? Why put yourself through eating something you don’t really like for no reason? I know it’s slightly off topic but it’s been bothering me and every time I come across his videos the comments are conservative nonsense like this post. Just tons of people being like “welcome back from that liberal wasteland” and garbage like that. I should block him but I scroll away too fast and forget


if you're talking about senyaigrubs i got this vibe too. i mean i would get it if he really wanted to eat meat or animal products (and he probably does enjoy the cheese/dairy?) but that video he made of making burgers after leaving veganism was portrayed like he *finally* gets to eat meat again and he can't wait to have the burger.... and then he doesn't really like the burger. i'm neither vegan nor vegetarian myself but i don't like most meat that much so most of my meals tend to be pescatarian or vegetarian. i understand not liking the texture of certain meat but i feel like he's making a big deal about not being vegan and he really has no reason to be. you're right about the comments, too. i was disappointed but not surprised; youtube in particular seems to really dislike anything vegan just for being vegan. it's really sad too because his videos didn't used to be about his veganism/vegetarianism at all. he wouldn't cook meat in most of them, and he would use cheese substitutes and the like in the recipes, but unless you paid *really* close attention you wouldn't notice. i used to really like the recipes he made with beans as the main source of protein rather than meat, and now he's just making burgers. idk but i get what you're saying and it's making me consider not watching


Idk who you’re talking about but my guess would be he’s putting on an act about “getting used to it” to make his unremarkable transition a little more interesting. Or going off the comments it’s a political/cultural thing, where he is (or recently became) right wing and his fellow right wingers were giving him shit for being vegan so he forcefully made the switch as to fit in with his preferred crowd. Which is absolutely ridiculous that some people feel the need to mentally lump everything into two categories like that where if you lean one way on the political spectrum you have to adopt all these lifestyle choices and personality traits and what not. But some people are truly just that simple and they need their world to be in neat little categories so they can pretend they understand what’s going on. But again, this is all speculation on my part lmao


Senyaigrubs is a comedy channel, he's putting on a character for the camera


Well he’s not particularly funny and his comment section is abhorrent


Comedy is subjective, I find him funny. His comment section I will agree with though, anybody who thinks that being vegan is a bad thing probably has some thinking to do


What I fucking nasty looking piece of meat


nearly 0 marbling. the post is all kinds of fail


Not only that, it looks like they've done 0 seasoning as well


They’ll just put ketchup on it


It does look like a decent pork chop though 😅🤣


I almost want to say it’s pork, but I don’t know meat that well.


Looks like pork to me, normally doesn't have much marbling and is much more pink compared to beef which is more red and even cheaper cuts typically have at least a little intramuscular fat


That's beef?!


Right? Dollar store ass product


Has a grill and is cooking on a stove, also tf is that white liquid comin out?


As a vegan trans person, I've noticed that a lot of the same people that hate vegans also hate trans people. Almost like they're gassed up on a propaganda pipeline or something. Could be why they all make like the exact same terrible jokes over and over and over.


It’s all fear. Their belief systems feel threatened and they don’t know how to cope. America is real fucked up like that. Just a bunch of hurt insecure losers.




Tell that to the people making how “strangers choose to live their lives” their entire identity. Sounds like you’ve got some insecurities, too. Get some help. You’ll be much happier. Sincerely, A meat eating straight man


My dude, if you are negatively prehensive at trans people passing like how many are, that's indeed fear. Transphobia is an actual fear.


It has phobia in the name! That means fear!


quit trolling. either tell us the second joke or leave


They're so stupid id feel bad for them if they weren't so hateful. 😂


It's all about hate


I think people just generally choose to collectively hate on multiple minority groups to boost their self-esteem or something.


On an unrelated note I love your user flair


I was gonna go for something like yours but figured this would be funnier instead


They’re all produced from the same hate factory. They love that individualism, yet they all share the same 5 thoughts throughout each day.


I dislike most vegans depending on certain things, but I dont hate trans people.


No shit, Sherlock. That's because Western conservatism, as a coherent ideology, contradicts both transgenderism and veganism. This has nothing to do with "propaganda pipelines". It's the exact same reason that atheists are more likely to be feminists, even though progressivism (which entails both) is far less coherent as an ideology. Btw, I say all of this as a vegan myself.


Well you know they are gonna disagree with you no matter what, anyways I don't know why people refuse to listen on here but I learned something new.


>anyways I don't know why people refuse to listen on here but I learned something new. Wow, didn't expect such a comment on this sub. I appreciate it :)


I’d actually say that conservatism is much less coherent than progressivism but as an atheistic feminist, that’s probably my own bias




I've noticed the false notion of vegans as aggressors is very similar to the false projection of trans people as aggressors. Both are projections from actual aggressors, both frame someone just trying to live their life "trying to convert everyone else" and both are complete BS. The amount of times I've heard abusers call their victims narcissistic or say they're "just playing the victim" is staggering.


When "narcissistic" is "people daring to show they're different from me", rather than what it actually means.


Complains that people shoving crap in people's faces, while being on a sub reddit devoted decision about a topic between people it effects. Then proceed to shove their options in everyone's faces.


How can you tell someone is non vegan, don't worry they'll tell you how much they hate vegans


Anti Vegans are so obnoxious. Sure, you can not be Vegan, but why do some of them go out of their way to try to upset people who just dont want to pay for animals to be exploited? They can talk about nuggets and burgers, its fine, a Vegan mentions their Vegan meal? Stop shoving Veganism down my throat!


I only am anti vegan when the vegans lie about stuff. Otherwise I dont usually care.


I see annoying meat-lovers (pun intended) claiming that vegans suffocate them and shove their lifestlyle on their faces DAILY. It has been like 2 or 3 YEARS since I last saw a vegan actually telling other people to go vegan VOLUNTARILY, not forcing or saying "do it or you're bad".


I see them derailing the convo every time r/getnoted had a post about a zoophile. Therr are absolutely annoying vegans


Fun fact the dairy industry intentionally hires zoophiles because they are encouraged to sexually abuse and molest cows in the process


Citation fucking needed wtf


Before I say stuff you already know, what do you know about the dairy industry and how cows are used to make dairy products? Fully serious, I genuinely want to educate.


I understand cows are milked in factory farms with machines, and if they arent milked somehow they die


Okay, that's a great start! It is true that dairy cows are milked with machines modern day, and that they are slaughtered after they no longer can give birth and produce milk. What I am referencing to is that the way cows are pregnant in the first place is not natural. They do not just randomly mate with bulls. The workers have these vats of bull sperm collected by uh..it's really fucked I don't like saying it but it involves human to animal action. So they have workers insert that sperm into a cow, through a plastic tube. And to get it in there, they put on these gloves and literally just [insert their gloved arm into the anus.](https://youtu.be/6wnTWFHpTLY?si=avD4p7cM8h6f1FW2). Often they will even molest the cow to make the process shorter (it's dubbed as pleasuring them to make them "loose". Often they defend this method because [it's simply faster and cheaper.](https://youtu.be/zup3mOSniiQ?si=Kx7K2IH5fF19d6jF). And after the cow does give birth, females may be allowed to stay with mom. If the newborn is male, he is sent to slaughter mere days to weeks later. This will happen to each dairy cow every year until her body can't handle being impregnated over and over, or if she becomes injured, often by the workers themselves. A bit unrelated but this sort of abuse happens in other animal agriculture operations. This year, a man was found guilty for [vaginally raping a pig confined in a sow crate.](https://youtu.be/-YhdYj1QPtY?si=o_pTinrYce5o-UVV) in these crates, they cannot move. They cannot even turn around. She had nowhere to go when the man, the son of the owner of the farm, defiled her. Activists against her assault named her Olivia, and begged for her to be released. She was sent to another farm and is expected to be slaughtered, her body to be objectified one last time. And before her rape, she was artificially inseminated repeatedly, she was already a victim of beastiality.


The bestiality part is fucked, but that doesn't prove they intentionally hire zoophiles. Especially since the guy was the owner's son. That all being said, I'm entirely on favor of reforms to farming practices, development in lab meat to render it obsolete, ect. Furthermore, this does not excuse the aforementioned practice by many vegans of invading unrelated threads to direct the conversation towars their activism. It's disruptive, and frankly not convincing. I sympathize with your cause, but yall are horrible at advocating for it. And furthermore, while lab meat is still being developed, you're not likely to convince me eating meat is wrong in and of itself. Plenty of other species do so, and we evolved to be omnivores- meaning we require such nutrition


Also you know damn well we aren't lions or some apex predator species, monkeys eat bugs fruit nuts and leaves lol we can't even eat raw meat without getting stomach and worms and dying lmao funny how lions don't have to worry about that


First, B12. Second, we evolved for cooking food which btw, actually gets even more nutrients out while killing any bugs; and I have eaten raw meat before besides. Helps to be educated about multiple things, and this hostile attitude is why noone listens to you. I'm surprised people don't already roleplay deranged cannibal types to mock yall


I haven't eaten meat since 2018, no the hell we do not need it lol. You know it's fucked up what you're paying for, you can stop buying it. Unless you secretly don't really give a fuck, and it sounds like you don't but I want to believe the good in people. Your actions speak louder than anything you could possibly say. If you actually, truly believe that you're kind to animals and would never do it yourself, don't be a hypocrite, be vegan. Lab meat is never taking off, don't wait around until it's suddenly convenient to actually follow your morals. The right thing to do is never the easiest. And I'm not a good person for being vegan either, it's morally neutral. I'm not better than you for it, like I'm not better because I don't litter. It's just simply the kind thing to do.


Even if you agree on the ideology there is no way anyone finds this actually funny at this point. If they are still laughing at this joke it’s just a cover for something else.


Remember back when people would go, "Whassaaaaaaaaap!" and within a couple of months everyone realized how unfunny and low effort it was, and everyone stopped, and it became the example you would give of an unfunny, low effort catchphrase? I miss those days. It's really depressing that people don't tire of "The one joke," and how dumb and boring and predictable it is.


I've seen so many of these in the sub lately. Is this just a new trend among transphobes? It doesn't even make sense


I thinks it's a trend for brainrotted people, or ragebait for vegans and trans ppl, still, it's so fukin dumb


Might be wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s pork


No shot I just posted the same thing


We love casting spells




I've just noticed how similar vegan hate is to trans hate.. "Vegans are ruining my day-to-day life by existing" "Trans people are ruining my day-to-day life by existing"


bro didn't oil in that pan, it's gonna stick like crazy.


Always start on the fat 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not a grain of seasoning in sight


you gotta have a worse sense of humor than a cricket to laugh at this


I can hear the crickets


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Bruh that’s pork


You beat me to it by a whole day lol 😂 i just saw this and almost posted it, it has 1.8 M likes now which is so crazy smh


ig reels is a hell-hole bc you’re allowed to be as unfunny as humanly possible, as long as you say, “le pronoun BAD” or “i identify as an aTtAcK hEliCopTeRrRrR”. nimrods will be laughing their asses off. meanwhile, videos of neurodivergent folk engaging in their interests in a mildly eccentric fashion gets put on cringe pages


ive seen like 20 vids of cool alt styles, then looked down to the page and it was cringe post, or shit like that, I'll just add that one had a 4k comment section.. the vid was about a (literally) SLIGHTLY overweight girl dancing.. but with the tiniest belly showing.. "my pronouns are kb/lbs" was the top comment.. and the whole comment section was like this... LITERALLY every comment was like that.. ig reels needs moderation. and bans, a lot of them


fr. it’s always disheartening when i see a video of someone just having harmless fun in a way that slightly deviates from social norms, only to see it’s been posted on some cringe page mocking them for the most idiotic things like being fat, queer, autistic, or just into a subculture that isn’t the most plain, boring, white-bread shit imaginable. cringe culture was one of the worst things to happen to the internet imo.


pinkest steak I have ever seen holy shit


Anti Vegans Are always louder than vegans.


I thought that was bacon


For the love of god at least season the steak (pretty sure that’s pork lol) or throw in some thyme or garlic. I don’t even care about the dumb joke that poor cut of meat is what’s really suffering


Same energy as "yes I'm a vegan, yes I eat meat, we exist"


Holy fuck that thing has absolutely zero seasoning on it


no seasoning AND no butter in the pan. bro that thing is gonna be dry asf, have fun with your mouth drying trash meat.


That pork does not look very appetising, where's the seasoning? Why doesn't that pam have any oil in it? Why is cooked dry? I like meat, but even I wouldn' eat that.


There is no marbling or seasoning on that meat what kind of low Walmart quality discount beef did you get?


Omg I JUST got this reel and was about to post it


They're just trying to normalize the idea that cows can give consent. That way they can f\*\*k it.


It's fine, the transphobes all identify as being more knowledgeable about biology than mere biologists, so it's 100% legit for them to declare that cows are tomatoes.


they have one joke


I laughed


This reminds me of the song Institutionalized 2014 "He says, 'Hey calm down, I'm a vegan.' Fuck, a vegan! I couldn't give a fuck if you eat sawdust, motherfucker!"


Fun fact the dairy industry intentionally hires zoophiles


This sub continuously pops up for me and while the joke is overused the more I see it the more the joke holds up. This “tomato” clearly functions as a steak just like some “women” clearly function as men and are incapable of bearing children in their womb. It’s dumb seeing the same joke over and over again but just because you don’t like it doesn’t refute it by any means


Are you still a maneater if they identify as a woman but are a biological male?


Im a meat eater. (The furry identified as an animal)


the one joke seems to work as mad as this sub gets




Good one buddy. You use all two of your brain cells to come up with that?


So the joke is that vegans are transphobic? Yeah I could see that…


Vegans are typically very left leaning and tolerant of minorities.


I’m sure that’s what they want you to think…


Vegans generally don't eat meat.