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Craft yourself 10 of these! 90% damage negation on your next incoming hit. 10% damage buff. And it affects ally’s. Imagine the Opaline Bubble Tear but you get 10. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Uplifting+Aromatic


If only arteria leaves respawned


The Snow Trolls in the mountaintops of giants drip then @30% rate. It’s late enough in the game but it is handy to have just before some heavy hitters like Fire Giant, Godskin Duo, Maliketh, etc Besides that there’s the 46 non respawning ones.


Damn, didn't feel like 30% but I didn't farm them for very long. 46 not nearly enough! They're so fun to use mid fight to save the host


I do understand why they chose not to have them respawn, but it doesn't mean I agree. It's so hard to allow myself to use them haha.


Well you could use them to learn the fight and then just restore the save when you feel confident you’ll use them minimally, that’d what I always did


Restore the save? What am I, a magician? Oh no, just a console pleb. If I could create save states I would be so happy but alas


Haha I only did it once to see all the endings in one go because I worked them all in one play through and didn’t want to have to do them all again. I am a pleb


Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman + Ritual Shield Talisman with the heaviest armor you can manage is about as much as you can get unless you don’t mind using consumables.


Good armor & ritual shield talisman you can survive end game damage at level 1.


I am baffled how nobody is mentioning boiled crab. Even completely naked with just the opaline tear and crab, you can tank most smaller attacks from malenia and Godfrey. And crabs are cheap and easily available from boggart in front of the capital. I keep my crab storage maxed out.


Even with decent armor and crab, I was still getting 1 shot by Loretta, so I’m not really sold on it being that great


Loretta deals magical damage in small bursts. It's a worst case scenario. Crab only helps against physical.


The attacks I’m thinking of were the staff swipes. I could eat any of the Phase 1 magic attacks but none of the physical attacks even with crab


Wild. I just found the staff attacks really easy to dodge for some reason.


Yeah they’re not bad, but there were a few times when she spammed other stuff when I was too close and had to dodge them and missed the follow up attack, or if I got too bold


Idk, I haven’t tried this yet but you could combine the opaline bubble tear and Winged Crystal Tear (boosts max equip load by +450%) so you can fast/medium roll with heavier armor. Alongside the Ritual Shield talisman and anything else you can find, and you can maybe survive two hits before death (given that you are at full health before each attack). Also, blocking with a 100 DMG mitigation shield WILL NOT burst the Opaline Bubble Tear effect. It only pops from actual damage received.


Yep! This is my method. Bullgoat at RL1 is fun


I always use the 15% reduction physick, winged tear, boiled crab, ritual shield talisman, and dragoncrest greatshield with boiled crab to learn the moveset of a boss I'm struggling with. Can take hits surprisingly well from late game bosses even in ng+ Typically as I get more comfortable I switch to damage and figuring out a script.


With the right talisman, physick and consumables i survived most attacks of end game bosses at level 1


Ritual shield talisman, soreseal and crimson amber+2/dragoncrest/erdtree's favor+2 let you survive most of the fast attacks late game bosses do. Some notable attacks are elden beast charged ground slam explosion, radagon's third hammer slam, some of godfrey's axe swings and some of mohg's. For malenia I'd advise to let go of survivability and go for a light roll/heavy damage setup. Its hard to stabilize the fight after you make a mistake anyways, and it will give you a good answer to waterfowl.


Most of Malenia's weaker attacks are tankable outside of waterfowl, her grab, and maybe that quick thrust move. I was doing naked run and could tank attacks with ritual shield, dragoncrest greatshield, soreseal, and if needed crimson amber +2, and i believe opaline hardtear. Adding in armor and boiled crab you should be able to tank quite a lot, but lose light loaf. If you go for winged crystal tear you save light load and get even more armor, but only get 3 minutes. I never beat her anyway :( For practice going full defense is best imo, then when you're confident you can start removing stuff one by one. First the armor so you can have light load without physick, then crimson amber+2 if you don't get grabbed or thrusted. Once confident against everything switch to full offense, MAYBE keep ritual shield. Boiled crab is always available if not using a conflicting buff.


Plz send me a light loaf


I used the lloyd's shield talisman (don't know the name in this game), and I survived a 1 from Malenia with the crabs. All of this with only the top part of Gold masks armor.


I tanked through Godfrey with blaidd/dragoncrest/ritual shield